On the other end of the phone, Shu Ning's voice came.

Chapter [*]: The Cousin Who Opposes Marriage

"Sister Ning? When did you come back?"

Zhang Xiaochuan was surprised that her cousin actually came to Xugang.

"I just arrived today. I have good news for you. Cousin, I'm getting married! Can you ask for leave today? Cousin misses you."

"My God, you're getting married? Who is so lucky? I'll go right now. I'm so pissed off today that I'm not in the mood to work. I'll go to you to complain."

When Zhang Xiaochuan thought about that abominable Taoist priest, his whole mood was not good.

"Who bullied Xiaochuan from my family, don't let me meet him! Then come over quickly, by the way, bring my uncle back too."

"Don't mention my dad, I'll let him know."

Zhang Xiaochuan hung up the phone, cleaned up a little, and went straight to Shu Ning's house.

"Old... Brother Lin."

When Shu Ning saw Jiang Lin entered the door, he hurried up to meet him.

Jiang Lin squeezed Shu Ning's face and said, "I'm not used to hearing this change."

"If you don't change your mouth, you will be ashamed to be heard. Brother Lin, why have you been gone for so long?"

"Something was delayed, and this time I'm getting married, so I can't come empty-handed."

Jiang Lin pointed to the door, where a few guys were carrying dowry gifts.

After that, Jiang Lin also told Shu Ning about Zhaogulou, but he didn't talk about Zhang Xiaochuan. He came here to prepare for a marriage, and he didn't mention the troublesome things.

Jiang Lin and Shu Ning met their father-in-law and mother-in-law together. They had met Jiang Lin before, and they knew Jiang Lin's abilities. Now their precious daughter is going to marry a capable person, and they are also very happy.

What's more, Jiang Lin brought so many dowry gifts and a small box of gold and silver jewelry, they were even more satisfied with this son-in-law.

In the future, my daughter will be able to enjoy happiness when she gets married.

Originally, because their daughter married a Taoist priest, Shu Ning's parents didn't plan to make a big deal. They thought about inviting a few relatives, but when they knew that a Taoist priest in Jianglin had more money than their family, they changed it directly. idea.

Several elders immediately began to re-arrange the dowry and re-order the banquet.

"Sister Ning! Let me see what the future cousin-in-law looks like?"

Jiang Lin and Shu Ning were writing wedding invitations in the courtyard when a woman's voice came from outside the courtyard.

"Brother Lin, my cousin is here. Last time she went to Gantian Town, because you weren't there, and I was already living with you at that time, I felt embarrassed and didn't tell her about you. She was a reporter like me. It is estimated that if I knew that I was going to marry a Taoist priest, my jaw would drop in surprise."

Shu Ning told Jiang Lin about her cousin. She didn't know that Jiang Lin and her cousin had already met.

Also a reporter? ?

Jiang Lin suddenly had a bad premonition. Although the cousin who spoke up had not yet entered the yard, he felt the voice was very familiar.

Sure enough, after a while, a short-haired beauty in trendy clothes walked into the door with a smile.

I went.

She really is the female reporter who said that I would bring disaster to the country and the people.

Jiang Lin felt that it was a coincidence that her mother opened the door for Qiao - Qiao arrived home.

Zhang Xiaochuan was originally smiling, but after seeing Jiang Lin, the smile on her face gradually disappeared.

"It's you!"

"It's quite a coincidence."

Jiang Lin put down his pen and greeted Zhang Xiaochuan.

"you you……"

Zhang Xiaochuan first thought of his camera being shot down by Jiang Lin, and then thought of his embarrassment in the car, and he was embarrassed and angry for a while.

"What, Xiaochuan, do you know Jiang Lin?"

When Shu Ning saw Zhang Xiaochuan's appearance at this time, she suddenly felt a little bad. Her cousin saw Jiang Lin, like a girl who had been bullied, this is not right!

"Sister Ning, don't say he's your boyfriend, you're going to marry this Liu...he...he bullies people!"

Zhang Xiaochuan looked at Shu Ning, originally she wanted to say that Jiang Lin was a hooligan, but when she wanted to be asked what happened, she couldn't say anything about being squeezed all the way in the car, so she just said Jiang Lin bullied her .

"Brother Lin, what's going on?"

Shu Ning stared at Jiang Lin with wide eyes. The word "bully" has many meanings, one of which means that someone has already been dealt with.

Jiang Lin rolled her eyes at Shu Ning and said, "What are you thinking, I saw your cousin in Zhaogulou, why don't you ask her why I bullied her."

Shu Ning heard the words and looked at Zhang Xiaochuan again, Zhang Xiaochuan hesitated, but did not speak.

The reason for the conflict between her and Jiang Lin was really her problem. If she said it, her cousin would not necessarily be on her side.

Looking at Zhang Xiaochuan's performance, Shu Ning knew that this must be her willful cousin who provokes Jiang Lin for some reason, and Jiang Lin is the kind of character who is not used to people, so there is nothing between the two. .

"Cousin, do you know what he does? He's a Taoist priest!"

"I know he's a Taoist priest."

"Sister! You studied in Citiland and received advanced ideas and culture. How can you be with a feudal cancer like a Taoist priest who should have disappeared in the torrent of history with the Qing Dynasty? How can you marry Him? Have you been deceived by his tricks and rhetoric?"

Zhang Xiaochuan couldn't believe that Shu Ning would find a Taoist priest as her boyfriend, and was about to get married.

Jiang Lin frowned. When he was at the police station, he didn't have the same knowledge as Zhang Xiaochuan, but now this female reporter already knew that there was a relationship between the two of them, and she still said something like this. Can you gain knowledge?

And what made him amused was that this cousin actually opposed their marriage.

"Brother Lin, I'm sorry, Xiaochuan may be the same as me before. I don't know enough about Taoist priests, so I have some prejudices. I'll talk to her, don't be angry."

Shu Ning quickly took Jiang Lin's hand and shook it twice. She really didn't want to see her man and her closest cousin froze, so she quickly pulled Zhang Xiaochuan aside.

Jiang Lin looked at Shu Ning's face, but still didn't know Zhang Xiaochuan as well. He sat back on the stone bench and continued to write the wedding invitation.

While the two sisters were talking, Zhang Xiaochuan still stubbornly classified Taoist priests as feudal dross, saying that they fooled the people, pretended to be ghosts and so on, and even tried to argue with Shu Ning based on Western ideas and culture.

What kind of metaphysical idealism has come out.

Chapter [*] has nothing to say

Jiang Lin couldn't listen anymore, so he put down his pen and said, "A-Ning, come back, I'll have a discussion with our cousin."

"Okay, I'll just listen to what you have to say. I don't want to be easily fascinated by my cousin."

Zhang Xiaochuan snorted and sat opposite Jiang Lin, staring into Jiang Lin's eyes.

"Since you keep talking about dross, let's take this as the starting point. Middle-earth is the birthplace of the four major civilizations of mankind. It has a history of [*] years since the Yanhuang Dynasty. In the process, there will naturally be dross, just like the exploitation and oppression, ignorance and ignorance that we know now, which of course also includes various religions such as Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism for their own interests or to coddle with the ruling class at that time. This is absurd. As a Taoist priest, I do not deny that Taoism has become a tool for strengthening imperial power, and it has not been a period of time. During this period, of course, many Taoist priests have done a lot of absurd things. In addition, there are many more It's a fact that authentic Taoist priests are bluffing and cheating, and there is no need to whitewash them."

"How dare you admit it so generously."

Zhang Xiaochuan had thought that Jiang Lin would be so eloquent and exaggerate about Taoist priests, ghosts, and ghosts, but she didn't expect Jiang Lin to say anything.

Jiang Lin smiled and continued: "However, no civilization is all dross, all dross and essence coexist, and of course our Middle Earth. Five thousand years of inheritance and development, I assume our Middle Earth civilization. [*]% of them are dross, that is to say, if China is five thousand years old, four thousand years are all dross. Even so, there are still a thousand years left, and the inheritance is all the essence. Ninety percent of Middle-earth civilization is dross, and there are still five hundred years of essence left. And the Citiland you mentioned again and again, that is, the United States of America, its history is only two or three hundred years. ."

Jiang Lin stretched out three fingers and looked at Zhang Xiaochuan.

After hearing Jiang Lin's words, Zhang Xiaochuan was stunned. She had never thought about it from this perspective.

"The things left by our ancestors must have dross, but there are also a lot of essences. You may have never understood or screened them, and you think they are all dross. The same is true for Taoist culture and Taoist priests. , how much do you know? Just because you have seen a Taoist priest who is deceived and deceived, you deny it completely. You have never seen a real Taoist priest, and you think that there is no Taoist priest who subdues demons and subdues demons. You are also true It's metaphysical enough. What's more interesting is that you use the ideology and culture you learned from Citiland to deny what our ancestors left behind, and this Citiland, its history is less than one-tenth of our Middle Earth , Is it because the moon abroad is relatively round? You deny it, that's fine, what are you denying me for? Have you ever seen me pretending to be a ghost?"


Zhang Xiaochuan's face flushed red after being asked by Jiang Lin, and he couldn't even think of a rebuttal.

Really speechless.

She is a reporter by profession, and she is usually articulate, but now she is speechless.

Moreover, Jiang Lin's remarks had a deeper meaning to say that she had forgotten her ancestors, which made her even more ashamed.

"Your eloquence is so good!"

In the end, Zhang Xiaochuan could only hold back such a sentence. She felt aggrieved in her heart. At first, she thought that Jiang Lin would make some ridiculous remarks, and she planned to scold him, but now, she can't say anything.

"Nizi, read more books when you have time."

Jiang Lin picked up the teacup and took a sip of the tea, his tone was like an old pedant.

"you you……"

You are only a few years older than me, yet you call me "Nizi"!

Zhang Xiaochuan was ashamed and angry, his chest heaving in anger.

Shu Ning glanced at her cousin with a little sympathy. She didn't believe in Taoism at the beginning. If Jiang Lin said this to her at that time, it would really make her feel ashamed and unable to eat.

"Okay, Xiaochuan, Jiang Lin is different from the Taoist priest you know. Let's go shopping."

Shu Ning took Zhang Xiaochuan and left the yard.

"A-Ning, do you know what happened between Jiang Lin and Xiao Chuan? Why do I feel that Xiao Chuan looks at Jiang Lin like a... a resentful woman. They don't know each other, right?"

In the evening, after the meal, Shu Ning's mother found Shu Ning and said that Zhang Xiaochuan's behavior was abnormal during the meal.

Shu Ning: "..."

"Mom! Where did you go. Xiaochuan is prejudiced against Jiang Lin's career."

"Then explain it to her. Jiang Lin is different from the third-rate warlocks outside. If it wasn't for him, our Shu family would have been scattered."

"I will."

Shu Ning nodded and went to a guest room where he was temporarily staying.

Because Jiang Lin came to the woman's side to hold the wedding, according to the customs of the Shu family, after the man came, Shu Ning could not live in his own room. Just like Jiang Lin, living in a guest room was equivalent to leaving the pavilion, so as not to be mistaken by others. It's the man's marriage.

"Cousin, are you asleep? I'm here to sleep with you."

Zhang Xiaochuan knocked on Shu Ning's door while holding the quilt.

"Xiao Chuan, just in time, I want to talk to you too."

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