
Jiang Lin suddenly felt a suffocating aura suddenly appear behind him, so he turned his head quickly, but there was only one Zhang Xiaochuan behind him, and there was nothing unusual.

"You... what are you looking at!"

Zhang Xiaochuan saw Jiang Lin's eyes on her, and recalled what happened last night. He immediately crossed his arms, and his face was ashamed as rose petals.


Jiang Lin really wanted to say that it's useless for you to cover, I can see through it, and I can see it if I want.

But he didn't keep his eyes on Zhang Xiaochuan, he turned his head just because he felt a special evil spirit.

The two arrived at the intersection, took two rickshaws to the police station, and entered the gate. There was a mess inside, all kinds of documents were spilled on the ground, and many were stained with blood.

"Chief Jiang!"

Inspector Fatty hurriedly greeted Jiang Lin. Now he was looking forward to the stars and the moon, and Jiang Lin's arrival.

If such an evil thing happens in the jurisdiction, if it is not handled well, he is likely to be laid off.

"Xiao Chuan? Why are you here? This time you are going to take pictures, and you must not publish it in the newspaper."

Usually Detective Fatty would open the door for Zhang Xiaochuan, but this time it was an accident at the police station.

Jiang Lin glanced at the inspector of the fat man. The police station has become like this. This fat dead boy is still in the mood to smile at Zhang Xiaochuan. Even with this virtue, he can be an inspector, and he is satisfied.

Pulling up a chair and sitting down, Jiang Lin said, "Let's talk about the specific situation."

"Is such that……"

Inspector Fatty told Jiang Lin about what happened last night. In the middle of the night last night, the guy's body suddenly came back to life and ran out of the morgue, biting anyone he saw.

Because the Chinese New Year is approaching, many police officers have chosen to work overtime in order to win the holiday, and as a result, there are [-] or [-] injuries in total.

In the end, they tried their best to put the zombies in the iron prison.

"Master, is that a zombie? Even a pistol can't kill it, what do you do?"

"How to deal with it? I can just move my fingers."

Jiang Lin flicked his nails, and now he can deal with Mao Zong. For this kind of little zombie, it is an instant kill.


Inspector Fatty was about to sit on the chair, but Jiang Lin's words made him crooked and sat on the ground.

"Move your fingers? Daoist priest, are you kidding me? We can't kill it with a pistol."

"Am I joking with you? It's not as good as my fingers when you use pistols."

Jiang Lin stood up and said to Inspector Fatty, "Where is that zombie? Take me there."

Chapter [-] This is just the basic operation

"Inspector, is he bragging?"

"It's definitely bragging. Wasn't there a Taoist priest in Xugang?"

"There is no Taoist priest who can subdue demons and remove demons with the touch of a finger, Inspector, we have been tricked."

The police officers on one side suddenly shouted. They were so frightened by the zombies last night that they had to wait for professionals to come and deal with them.

But the professional did come, but it was a Taoist priest who was blown away by cows.

"Jiang Lin, although I no longer suspect that you are the kind of Taoist who cheats, but you said that you can kill zombies with your fingers, isn't that still cheating others?"

Zhang Xiaochuan saw Meiling last night, and he already believed that there was something she could not understand in the world. Naturally, he no longer had any prejudice against Jiang Lin.

But now what Jiang Lin said made her confused again. Although she had not seen what a zombie looked like, the fat inspector said that even a pistol could not kill him, but Jiang Lin said that he could just move his finger. Can deal with.

This is simply more cheating than cheating, and it is completely challenging the IQ of others.

No, the police officers next to him started to shout because their IQ was being challenged.

"Xiao Chuan, do you know each other?"

Inspector Fatty looked at Zhang Xiaochuan, and then put his eyes on Jiang Lin.

Yesterday, he thought that Zhang Xiaochuan and Jiang Lin were just strangers, but now, looking at them, they clearly knew each other, and they didn't seem to have an ordinary relationship.

"I didn't know each other at first, but I learned later that he is my cousin-in-law."

"Then you are her sister-in-law?"

Inspector Fatty suddenly felt bad, he once wanted to eat his sister-in-law.

"Jiang Daochang, I'm going to tell you the ugly thing in front of you. You asked for a huge price, and we agreed. If you can't handle the matter well, or pretend to fool people, then don't blame me for arresting you for a year or two."

Knowing the relationship between Jiang Lin and Zhang Xiaochuan, Inspector Fatty's attitude towards Jiang Lin changed a lot in an instant.

Jiang Lin took Inspector Fatty and a group of police officers as air. He turned his head and said to Zhang Xiaochuan, "Don't you have a camera? Am I cheating? Can you just follow along and watch?"

"Then I really want to see it."

Zhang Xiaochuan prepared to not blink for a while, just to see how Jiang Lin's fingers moved.

Jiang Lin and Zhang Xiaochuan followed Inspector Fatty to a cell deep in the police station, followed by a few more daring police officers.


The low roar of zombies came from the cell, which made people creepy.

Except for Jiang Lin, the group of people behind were all hairy.

Because Zhang Xiaochuan was a reporter, he bravely approached the prison door.

The zombie inside was catting in the corner, his face was purple, his fangs were buckling out, and Ziqing's nails were two or three centimeters long.

"Pfft puff..."

Zhang Xiaochuan felt like her heart was about to jump just by looking at it from a distance. It was still broad day. If she saw such a terrifying monster at night, she would probably be scared to death.


Zhang Xiaochuan just held up his camera and was about to take a picture, when the zombies inside smelled the smell of strangers and rushed towards the prison door.


After screaming, Zhang Xiaochuan turned around and ran, but because she didn't see the way, she bumped into Jiang Lin's body. She was hit and took a few steps back, her back slammed against the cell door.

At this moment, the zombie's two arms had already stretched out from the gap of the iron railing, and they were about to grab her neck.


At this moment, Zhang Xiaochuan seemed to feel that his heart had stopped beating.

At this moment, Jiang Lin took a step forward, grabbed Zhang Xiaochuan's wrist, and yanked him over.


The door of the prison was hit by a zombie, making a loud noise, and even the steel rod as thick as a thumb was deformed by the hit.

The slamming of iron gates and the howls of zombies echoed throughout the police station.

Inspector Fatty and a few police officers were so frightened that their legs went weak, and they quickly drew their guns and retreated far away.

When Zhang Xiaochuan came back to his senses, she was already in Jiang Lin's arms, hugging Jiang Lin tightly.

"How long are you going to hug?"

Jiang Lin's voice reached Zhang Xiaochuan's ears, Zhang Xiaochuan didn't care about being embarrassed, and quickly turned his face to look behind.

With another scream, Zhang Xiaochuan let go of his arms and hid behind Jiang Lin.

"You're a Taoist priest, you deal with... deal with it, it's about to smash the door."

Now Zhang Xiaochuan's mind is full of Taoist priests who are catching ghosts and killing zombies, and can subdue demons and subdue demons. He completely regards Jiang Lin as a life-saving straw.

"Didn't you say I was kidnapped?"

Jiang Lin felt amused, and couldn't believe that he was still hiding behind him.

Extending his index finger, Jiang Lin's fingertip shot out a yang finger energy, which instantly pierced the zombie's heart.

The Yang flame contained in the beam erupted in his body and spread out.

The zombie in the iron prison trembled, and after a few screams, it fell down.

Just moving a finger, the zombie that scared everyone and trembled all over was wiped out by Jiang Lin.

"Really... move your fingers..."

Zhang Xiaochuan opened his mouth slightly, and only murmured after a while.

As for Inspector Fatty and the others, they were completely stunned.

Can a finger be a pistol?

What is this operation?

Jiang Lin looked at the group of Inspector Fatty and said, "Are you stunned enough? Just move your fingers, this is just a basic operation."




If this is a basic operation, what does an advanced operation look like? ?

"Everyone who was injured last night, let them gather, otherwise, there will be a large group of zombies like this. Those who are scratched and bitten by zombies will be poisoned with corpse poison. If they don't deal with it, they will become zombies. If a zombie bites or stabs it to death, burn the corpse directly, otherwise it will turn into a corpse.

"A bunch of... a bunch of zombies??"

Inspector Fatty suddenly shuddered, one zombie was enough for them, and if there were another group, it wouldn't be like the sky was falling.

"Daoist, you have great powers, we can't stand it, don't make fun of us."

The corners of Inspector Fatty's mouth twitched. Last night, their colleagues had [-] or [-] dead and injured. If they all turned into zombies, it would be a disaster.

In addition to colleagues in the police station, there are still many people who reported the case today, all of whom were killed by zombies.

Thinking of this, Inspector Fatty only felt his scalp go numb.

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