"Am I joking with you?"

Jiang Lin chuckled and continued, "I've already put it down here. Believe it or not, it doesn't matter to me, but if you want me to perform such basic operations, I'll pay more."

Chapter [-] Are British guys so funny?

"Letter, we believe! Quickly, call all colleagues who have been injured before to the service hall, and quickly find those who go out!"

After Inspector Fatty ordered a few police officers, he said to Jiang Lin: "If the bodies of those colleagues are to be burned, I have to ask for permission from the Chief Bishop, and I will definitely convey your intentions, Chief Daoist. Before we did not I know how disrespectful you are, the Taoist priest, so please don't take offense."

After apologizing to Jiang Lin, Inspector Fatty went to find his superior, Bishop.

He no longer thinks about his cousin-in-law and sister-in-law anymore, and even the matter of Zhang Xiaochuan holding Jiang Lin before has been selectively ignored by him.

Don't look at him as a detective, he also has a gun in his hand, but Jiang Lin can kill a zombie that can't be hit by a pistol with the touch of a finger. Even if he has a grudge in his heart, so what can he do.

Jiang Lin has ten fingers, which is equivalent to ten guns.

Several police officers were assigned to work by Inspector Fatty and immediately began to act.

After seeing Jiang Lin's ability, they no longer had any doubts or disrespect, and they believed Jiang Lin's words firmly.

"Oops, I forgot to shoot!"

After Zhang Xiaochuan completely recovered from the shock, he immediately took a few pictures of the burning corpse in the iron prison with his camera.

"You... how did you do it just now? Bullets and flames at the touch of a finger."

Then Zhang Xiaochuan took out the notebook from the leather bag and interviewed Jiang Lin. When there was big news, she went to work.

"How did you do it? Just pretend to be a god and make a fool of yourself."

Jiang Lin spread his hands and walked towards the office hall.


Zhang Xiaochuan was originally enthusiastic about his work, but he was poured down by a basin of cold water from Jiang Lin.


I really don't know what my cousin loves about you.

Zhang Xiaochuan snorted and wrote quickly in his notebook to record the incident.

When he wrote that he was frightened by the zombies, Zhang Xiaochuan stopped writing, and his face was as delicate as red paper.

The scene of her hugging Jiang Lin today and the scene of Jiang Lin hugging her last night were replayed back and forth in her mind.

"Why is my heart beating so fast? Could it be... No, it must be a normal stress response!"

Her heart was beating violently, Zhang Xiaochuan couldn't meditate at all, and with the sound of beeping, beeping, beeping and beeping from burning the corpse, she immediately closed the notepad and caught up with Jiang Lin.

In the hall, a lot of people have gathered. The police officers who just came back from the cell have already told about Jiang Lin's killing of zombies, and they have also spread the news that injured people will turn into zombies.

The people who were not bitten by the zombies chatted about the spells Jiang Lin used. Those who were poisoned by the zombies were all pale and screaming hysterically, and they were quite frightened.

"Master, I don't want to become a zombie."

"Help, Daoist Master!"

Seeing Jiang Lin appear, a group of frightened police officers immediately surrounded him, begging him to help him.

"For those who are bitten and scratched, show all the wounds. For those who are not injured, go buy old glutinous rice and lotus seeds..."

Jiang Lin checked the wounds of the wounded. The corpse poison spread quickly, and he used the poison suppressor to control them.As long as the rest is not contaminated with meat and fishy, ​​and treat the wound with glutinous rice and lotus core, the corpse poison in the body can be removed in a day or two.

An hour later, screams were heard from the entire police station. The wound infected with corpse poison was covered with glutinous rice, and the taste was not at all uncomfortable.

All the injured saw the glutinous rice on their wounds turning black, and none of them were not afraid.

If not dealt with in time, they will become zombies!

The injured police officers who were performing official duties outside were also called back one after another. After they learned that they had been poisoned with corpse poison, seeing Nuomi was the same as seeing their biological parents.

Not long after, Inspector Fatty opened the door, and behind him came a Western accent: "Absurd, simply absurd! What kind of zombie, it is clear that it is based on our European vampires and made up. If a vampire is bitten to death, it will not be resurrected, and it is absolutely impossible to burn the remains of a police officer."

Immediately afterwards, Bishop, the fat man's chief inspector, entered the hall, the foreign police officer who used to be in the old building.

really interesting.

Jiang Lin glanced at the ghost and laughed.

God special zombies are made up based on vampires.

Your vampire is a little brother compared to a zombie!

"It turns out that you are an exorcist, and you said that people who were killed by vampires will be resurrected? Do you think I have never heard of vampires? It's just nonsense. You can fool others, but you can't fool me, use your Chinese Come on, I'm well-informed."

Bishop, with a well-informed look, made mentally retarded remarks in a serious manner.

"First of all, to correct your two questions, I am not an exorcist, but a Taoist priest in the Middle Earth. Secondly, what appeared in your police station is not a vampire, but a zombie. If you European vampires encounter zombies in our Middle Earth, they can Being pressed to the ground and rubbing."

Afterwards, Jiang Lin said to Inspector Fatty: "Since your boss doesn't believe it, then it has nothing to do with me. I will help you deal with the zombie in the ancient building, and then settle the bill."

"Jiang Daochang, don't do this, he doesn't believe us, I'll try to persuade him."

Inspector Fatty quickly stabilized Jiang Lin and explained that the main reason why Bishop did not agree to burn the bodies was that three of the five people who died were British, and Bishop needed to transport those three bodies away and give them royal medals.

"Give medals to those corpses? Haha..."

Jiang Lin laughed. He really wanted to transport the body away. It is estimated that it will not be the usual lively by then.

"I've never had any contact with the British. Are all the British here so funny?"

Jiang Lin couldn't help but ask Zhang Xiaochuan on the side, Bishop first classified the zombie as a copycat vampire, and then sent the zombie to accept the commendation, which is really not an ordinary joke.

Zhang Xiaochuan: "..."

Inspector Fatty laughed dryly, and then went to persuade Bishop that if the body was really transported away and turned into a zombie when the award was awarded, Bishop would have to be laid off, and even taking him would be punished.

The rest of the police officers also surrounded them, and slapped their boss with a cannonball.

The big deal is to quit. If those remains are not disposed of, their lives are in danger.

"Unless I can see the body resurrected, I will never allow it to be burned."

In the end, Bishop had to make concessions. If all his subordinates said they would not burn, they would resign.

No job is better than no life.

Chapter [-] No price increase, will you be my nanny?

"Is he mentally ill?"

Zhang Xiaochuan couldn't stand it anymore. In order to convince Bishop to believe Jiang Lin's words, Inspector Fatty had torn his lips. The zombie killed by Jiang Lin just now turned into a dead body after being bitten. Prove that the remains will be transformed into a corpse.

But Bishop was stunned in disbelief, saying that the corpse brought back yesterday was actually not dead, it was a suspended animation.

If it is really dead, it will never move.

"That's why I asked you if the Brits here are so funny."

Jiang Lin spread his hands, and someone like Bishop had to teach him a lesson, so that he wouldn't be like a stubborn donkey.

After Bishop gave in, Inspector Fatty came to Jianglin's side and said, "Master, please wait until evening..."

"Don't wait, go directly to the morgue, I hope you will not regret it later."

Jiang Lin waved his hand. He didn't have the time to wait here. After dealing with these matters, he still needed to go to choose a wedding dress with Shu Ning.

Five minutes later, Jiang Lin and a group of police detectives arrived at the morgue. Zhang Xiaochuan followed Jiang Lin because he came with him.

"Move that body here."

Jiang Lin put Zhang Lingfu on the corner of the mortuary, and asked Inspector Fatty to move the morgue where a corpse was placed.

The corpse poison has spread to the whole body, and it will not take long for the corpse to turn into a corpse.

Even if it is daytime, the morgue is almost airtight, the sunlight is difficult to enter, and the yin is very strong. As long as the conditions are right, the corpse can be reborn without going into the night.

Jiang Lin calculated the time and said, "Wait for ten minutes."

Zhang Xiaochuan involuntarily retreated behind him, holding the camera ready to shoot.

"It's nonsense, I'll just see how the body is, ten minutes, right?"

Bishop walked to the body, looked at his watch, and waited quietly.

"It's cold! It's better not to let me down, or I'll have to arrest you for obstructing official duties."

Because of the strong yin here, Jiang Lin gathered together again. Bishop was frozen by the yin and shivered. He glanced at Detective Fatty again and said, "And you guys, if there are no so-called zombies, give them to me. just wait."

Just ten minutes later, Bishop sneered and said to Inspector Fatty, "You submit a [-]-word review to me tomorrow morning!"

As soon as Bishop finished speaking, the corpse on the morgue behind him sat up.

When a group of detectives saw this scene, their eyes widened, and the corpse really turned into a zombie again!

However, because they had been in the yin-rich environment for a long time, their jaws had been shaking, and no one cried out.

Zhang Xiaochuan, who screamed the most, didn't make a sound. Staying in this cold and cold place made her anxious for a long time, and now she was holding back the urge to urinate.

Seeing this expression of the subordinates of the first class, Bishop thought they were frightened by their own punishment.


"Shut up! shut up!" =

With a raised face, Bishop looked at a group of subordinates with his two big nostrils, ready to establish his prestige. His subordinates dared to threaten him with collective resignation. This is a lesson.

Seeing Inspector Fatty and a group of police officers trembling, Bishop was very satisfied and enjoyed their performance.

Just as he was about to continue to pretend, Bishop felt a sudden rush of cold air from his collar, and then a purple palm rested on his shoulder.


When Bishop turned his face, he saw the dead man's palm on his shoulder.

Oh my God!

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a dead Englishman's face, and Bishop's hair instantly exploded.

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