"Oh my god!"

Bishop let out a pig-like cry, his legs softened, and he knelt down directly.

It was also because of this kneeling that he avoided the fangs of the zombie.

Since his legs were already frightened, Bishop hurriedly rolled from the mortuary bed to the other side, but was also blocked between the mortuary bed and the wall by the zombies.

He shouted at Jiang Lin, "Zombie! It's not a vampire, it's really a zombie! Exorcist, no, Taoist priest, help!"

"Haven't you ever seen a zombie? Just get along with it more."

Jiang Lin is not in a hurry at all. With him around, Bishop will never have an accident, but if he were to take action now, he would still be a little unhappy.

This newly turned zombie was an Englishman before his death. Zombies usually bite those who are related to him first. Although Bishop has nothing to do with it, he is also an Englishman.

So he is targeted at a higher priority than others. When a fellow sees a fellow, he will panic when he catches up with you.

Seeing the zombie and Bishop playing eagle and catching chickens, Jiang Lin said in a slow and orderly manner: "If it was burned, nothing would happen, but now I have to deal with one more zombie, so I will round up my pay. Ten thousand Hong Kong dollars, would you like it?"

Now that the workload has increased, Jiang Lin wants more than [-] oceans. If he doesn't give it, he will let this Bishop spend more time with the zombie to deepen his relationship.

"Didn't you say eight thousand five hundred and five? How can you start the price on the ground?"

Bishop was about to vomit blood. He heard Inspector Fatty mention that Jiang Lin's killing of zombies was just a matter of moving his fingers. For such a simple matter, it would cost an extra HK$[-]? ?

Originally, more than [-] Hong Kong dollars was not a small sum. When Inspector Fatty was on the phone with Huang Zhao, he happened to be at the police station, because he knew that he might be dealing with vampires, and the situation was serious, so he agreed.

For the more than [-] Hong Kong dollars, it would take a lot of effort for him to apply, but now Jiang Lin has to increase the price.

"Pay attention to your words, sitting on the ground is extortion. Did I knock you out or cheat you? I've said more than once before that corpses will become zombies. Believe it or not, it's your right to say what I say, but you The goods are not logically unbelievable, they are just like a stubborn donkey, they don't listen to what others say, and because of this, they add extra workload to me, I will not increase the price, do you think I am a nanny?"

Jiang Lin assumed the emperor's unhurried attitude, and continued: "It's okay if you don't add it. I'll follow the previous agreement to deal with the zombies outside. This one, you can handle it yourself."

"Yes, I am willing! Daoist, help!"

He was almost caught by zombies several times, and Bishop's courage was almost broken. He would agree to any conditions as long as it could save his life.

After finally escaping from under the bed, Bishop even scrambling to flee towards Jiang Lin and the others, and then "getting along" with the zombies, he will definitely go to see God.

"Don't you believe in the resurrection of corpses anyway?"

Jiang Lin looked at Bishop, who was panting like a dog, and couldn't help laughing. Ten minutes ago, he was as stubborn as a donkey, and ten minutes later, he became a dog with its tail tucked.

"It's all my fault, I believe it! In the future, your words will be the truth!"

Almost killed by a zombie, Bishop no longer dared to doubt Jiang Lin's words.

Chapter [-] Your dad is also a Taoist priest?

A group of detectives saw the zombie sniffing, ran towards them, and quickly drew their guns to shoot, but the situation was the same as last night, even if the bullet penetrated the zombie's body, it would be useless.

"Daoist, it's here, it's here! You're going to shoot."

The detectives stepped back and let Jiang Lin deal with this terrifying zombie.

As soon as he stretched out his fingers, Jiang Lin let out a slap in the face, and the ghost zombie went straight.

"I buy it!"

Although Bishop had heard that Jiang Lin could kill zombies with the touch of a finger, he had never seen it with his own eyes. After seeing it with his own eyes, he was still shocked.

"The rest of the corpses are about to become corpses. If you let me take another shot, I will continue to increase the price. Also, it is best to count your number in case there are fish that slip through the net."

Jiang Lin pulled a corpse drawer aside, and there was a police officer lying in it. Because of the deep poisoning, he was now half-human and half-corpse. He used the corpse drawer as a coffin and hid in it.

There was still blood on the policeman's mouth. It was obvious that he had bitten someone, and there was no help. Jiang Lin ended his life with one finger.

"Burn, burn! Let everyone gather here!"

Bishop and Inspector Fatty were startled when they saw their colleague with fangs in the corpse drawer.

They also met this police officer this morning, but he was acting a little weird at the time. They all thought elsewhere, but they didn't expect that this colleague has turned into a zombie now.

It didn't take long for all the staff in the police station to gather in the morgue. After Bishop counted, he found that there were still three people missing.

"Master, this..."

"I will search all of you here. Although I ask for a high price, I still have principles to do things."

"Then I'm very grateful to the Taoist priest. I will apply for the remuneration as soon as possible."

Bishop thanked Jiang Lin, and then began to instruct his subordinates to remove the five corpses from the morgue and burn them with lychee firewood according to the method given by Jiang Lin.The rest was sent out by him, leaving only a few people to stay at the police station.

Now not only are there people who have been bitten to death by zombies in the police station, but there have been many new deceased people in the jurisdiction last night. These corpses must also be burned in time, otherwise it will only cause snowballing consequences.

In addition, they will be obstructed by the family members of the deceased to burn the body of the deceased. In addition, they will also ask if anyone has been bitten or scratched by a zombie.

Can be busy.

"Daoist, Bishop has already applied for funding. I'll deal with the corpses that were bitten to death outside with my colleagues. I'll trouble you to deal with the missing colleague and the culprit."

Inspector Fatty greeted Jiang Lin and left the morgue with a group of colleagues.

Jiang Lin took a precision compass from the ancient mirror in his arms and walked around the police station, looking for the missing police officers.

It would be much more convenient if they were still in the police station, otherwise it would really take some effort to find them.

In fact, Jiang Lin can do the induction himself, but since he has the tools, he doesn't bother.

Jiang Lin found two police officers who were bitten to death in the shadows of the police station.

Glancing at Zhang Xiaochuan behind him, Jiang Lin asked, "You are a reporter, you should be familiar with the streets of Xugang, right?"

He came here unfamiliar, even if there is a compass to find the body, if he does not recognize the way, it will take a lot of time.

With Zhang Xiaochuan following along, it would be much more convenient.

"It's really familiar. You want me to lead the way? No problem. But can you find where the zombies are with this disc?"

"It's enough."

Jiang Lin put away the compass and went to the office with Zhang Xiaochuan.

Turning around a corridor, Zhang Xiaochuan saw a bathroom not far from the side corridor, so he said to Jiang Lin, "Jiang Lin, I...I'll go and make it easier, that...can you come with me."

She was anxious and uncomfortable now, but she was afraid that a zombie would suddenly appear in the bathroom.

Bishop and the others had counted the number of people before, and there were three fewer people, but Jiang Lin only found two. Who knows if the last one has become a zombie and is hiding in a corner.

"It's convenient for you to let me go with you??"

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, you are so old, do you still want him to hold it?

Zhang Xiaochuan discovered the ambiguity in his words, his face flushed immediately, and he explained, "I mean you are at the door, I... I'm afraid."

Now in Zhang Xiaochuan's subconscious, staying by Jiang Lin's side is the safest.

Jiang Lin nodded when he saw Zhang Xiaochuan's forehead was sweaty and pleading again.

Then he heard a small bridge running water, clattering.

After Zhang Xiaochuan came out, he didn't dare to look at Shang Jianglin.She is a young girl, and at a convenient time, she has a man beside her.

"That... I apologize for my previous words and deeds, and sincerely apologize to you."

Zhang Xiaochuan hurriedly spoke out to ease her embarrassment, but what she said was sincere. When she and Jiang Lin first met yesterday, she said unpleasant things. Later, she used him as a shield to know the relationship between the two. After the relationship, she still regarded Jiang Lin as a third-rate warlock pretending to be a ghost.

But Jiang Lin didn't seem to care about these things with her. When she was in danger today, he even saved her life.


Jiang Lin nodded slightly, but did not respond much.

Seeing that Jiang Lin was still reluctant to talk to her, Zhang Xiaochuan couldn't help pouting.

"Actually, I have such a big prejudice against Taoist priests because my dad is a Taoist priest. Even my uncle, aunt, and cousin don't know that I have such a big prejudice against you because the Taoist priest has too much influence on me. profound."


Hearing this, Jiang Lin almost lost his footing.

Your father is a Taoist priest, and then you say that priests are all cancers that bring disaster to the country and the people? ? ?

This time Jiang Lin was attacked by Zhang Xiaochuan again.

"Your father is also a Taoist priest? Is he a third-rate warlock who pretends to be a ghost?"

"I don't know, I really don't know. Before I met you, I did think so, but now I really don't know."

"Which faction is your father from?"

Jiang Lin became interested in Zhang Xiaochuan's father, and he could be regarded by his daughter as a cancer that would bring disaster to the country and the people. This is really a beer!

Chapter [-]: The Unusual Dad

"He said he was inspired by Maoshan."


Jiang Lin did not expect such a coincidence that Zhang Xiaochuan's father was also a Taoist priest from Maoshan.

Inspiration pie...

Jiang Lin recalled the books he had read. Maoshan really had a lineage of inspiration, but it was recorded in the book that as early as the Ming Dynasty, this lineage was cut off, and now there are still inheritors.

"The Maoshan Inspiration School also has its own sect inheritance. I'm curious how your father made you think that Taoist priests are a disaster for the country and the people."

Jiang Lin glanced at Zhang Xiaochuan. Since her father was inherited from the Maoshan Inspiration School, he should not be a third-rate warlock pretending to be a ghost. If so, then the problem probably lies with Zhang Xiaochuan.

"What do you mean by that look?"

Zhang Xiaochuan immediately felt very wronged. Jiang Lin didn't know what she had experienced, so he felt that it was her problem.

"It's nothing interesting, just pure curiosity."

After giving Jiang Lin a blank look, Zhang Xiaochuan explained: "Our Zhang family met a nine-life cat [-] years ago, and had a war with it. Of course, these are what my dad said, I don't I know if the Nine-Life Fierce Cat he said exists. Since then, the meaning of our Zhang family's existence is to kill and seal the Nine-Life Fierce Cat every [-] years. My dad is for that Fierce Cat , I can't think of it all my life. After he got married, he didn't care about his family at all, he went to Huashan in the mainland, looking for some thousand-year-old bamboo, to make a magic bow to deal with fierce cats, so that when my mother gave birth, he was not there. Originally I had A twin brother died when he was just born, and my mother became seriously ill because of it."

Speaking of which, Zhang Xiaochuan's expression became very lonely. When she was born, her father was not in the delivery room.

I go!

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