Jiang Lin was stunned, even if he was a Taoist priest, if it wasn't a last resort, he wouldn't have to leave when his wife was pregnant.

If you really go to subdue demons and eliminate demons, then it makes sense, but you can look for a thousand-year-old bamboo, and when will you not be able to go?

With a sigh, Zhang Xiaochuan continued: "It's still not worth it. After my dad comes back, he still doesn't care about anything. He burns the talisman all day long, wraps the talisman in talisman paper and rubs it into arrows. Now he has a wife and children, but They are treated like air by him. For the so-called cultivation, my dad scattered all the savings in the family, saying that the Zhang family's spells are extremely wealthy. My mother was so angry with him. Shortly before my mother died, she gave no hope to my father at all, so she asked my aunt to take care of me. She didn't have the face to tell my aunt what her man was doing, which was ashamed. "

Recalling his childhood, Zhang Xiaochuan's eyes were a little red.

"Ahem, this is the first time I've heard of such a Taoist priest."

Jiang Lin wanted to laugh, but he felt that the atmosphere was not suitable, so he held back.

"My aunt came to Hong Kong and left me a sum of money. You know what? My dad donated the money, including my tuition fees. I could only write to my aunt and lied that it was stolen. Later, it was my aunt who paid all my tuition fees at one time, deposited the money in the bank, and asked me to withdraw it once a month to avoid this situation from happening again. When I went to study abroad, I also depended on my aunt. When I worked, When I got my first salary, my dad took it and burned it all because it was on the cabinet. I have never seen him hunt ghosts and kill zombies, nor have I seen him cast spells. He lived most of his life just for the sake of That fierce cat, who didn't even know if it existed, fell into a daze."

Jiang Lin: "..."

What an amazing dad this guy is.

Jiang Lin really felt that his cognition had been refreshed again. Is there such a father?

Even some gamblers or alcoholics are not righteous at all, but they will not have a grudge against money.Zhang Xiaochuan's father is also extremely wonderful.

No wonder Zhang Xiaochuan was quite disgusted when he first knew that he was a Taoist priest.

Only now did Jiang Lin know how the Taoist priest provoked Zhang Xiaochuan. There was a Taoist father who erected such an image, and anyone would feel a strong sense of resistance.

"Just because my dad is a Taoist priest, our family, my mother, my brother, have all been destroyed. And I have never seen a Taoist priest like you, and the few I have seen are all pretending to be ghosts. If it was you In such a situation, what is the position of a Taoist priest in your heart?"

The more Zhang Xiaochuan talked, the more she felt wronged. She had prejudice against Taoist priests, and it was not without reason.

In the end, he met a normal Taoist like Jiang Lin. Because of her prejudice, he always had no good attitude towards her. Even when she apologized, Jiang Lin didn't take it seriously.

Zhang Xiaochuan looked at Jiang Lin, tears came out, and he squatted on the side sobbing.


Jiang Lin was a little embarrassed, and Zhang Xiaochuan cried more and more fiercely.

Just when he wanted to comfort Zhang Xiaochuan, a strong evil spirit suddenly appeared on the latter's body and rushed towards him.


Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, and then naturally released Yang Yan to resist, but this strange evil spirit actually penetrated into his Yang Yan.

When the spiritual power in his body moved, Jiang Lin's body emitted a bright light, evaporating the evil spirit.

Did the evil spirit on the way to the police station come from Zhang Xiaochuan?

"Don't cry, get up. Although they are all Taoist priests, your father is not a good role model. Don't cry. When others see you, they think I'm bullying you."

Jiang Lin temporarily suppressed the doubts in his heart, handed a handkerchief to Zhang Xiaochuan from the ancient mirror, and opened his mouth to comfort him.

Zhang Xiaochuan cried with rain, looked at Jiang Lin, and said, "You...you bullied me. I apologized, but you still don't want to tell me anything unnecessary."

"That's my personality. I'm a big man. I need to talk to other women. You're not my wife."

Jiang Lin was very speechless, co-author Zhang Xiaochuan cried like this because he was too cold.


After being refuted by Jiang Lin, Zhang Xiaochuan thought about it and felt that there was nothing wrong with what Jiang Lin said. She took the handkerchief and wiped her tears, and then she began to calm down her emotions.

Chapter [-]: Scorpio Lone Star crying and dying

  After Zhang Xiaochuan felt better, Jiang Lin took a closer look at her face.

  When Zhang Xiaochuan was crying before, he had never seen the suffocating energy naturally exuding from his body.

  And that kind of strange evil spirit seems to be associated with Zhang Xiaochuan's body.

  Now Zhang Xiaochuan stopped crying, and the evil spirit disappeared without a trace.

  Even if he used zombie eyes, or even looked through Zhang Xiaochuan's body, he could no longer see any trace of evil spirits.

  "You...what are you looking at, haven't...haven't seen a girl cry?"

  Zhang Xiaochuan was stared at by Jiang Lin, and her heart suddenly pounded inexplicably. She always felt that Jiang Lin's eyes seemed to move from her face to her body again.

  Jiang Lin coughed and responded, "I cry like a tabby cat, why don't others see it?"


  Zhang Xiaochuan blushed and his expression was quite embarrassed.

  Jiang Lin didn't continue to joke about her, and asked, "Do you remember your own birthday?"

  "Is it the date of birth? I am twenty-two years old this year, and I was born at [-]:[-] pm on the [-]th day of the fourth lunar month."

  Although Zhang Xiaochuan didn't know why Jiang Lin asked her date of birth, Jiang Lin's attitude was better, not as "cold" as before, so she informed Jiang Lin of her date of birth.

  Jiang Lin pinched his fingers for a moment, frowned, and then moved his five fingers to confirm again.

  Is she Scorpio Lone Star?

  And it is still the cry of death in Scorpio Lone Star.


  Jiang Lin's brows were furrowed. Tiansha Guxing was a kind of fate, a sign of great ferocity. However, this fate didn't have much impact on him, but it would hinder the people around him. People around Lone Shaxing, especially family members, will suffer misfortune until death, which is commonly known as being restrained to death.

  Zhang Xiaochuan is this type of fate, and it is the most terrifying cry of death in this type of fate. She not only kills the people around her, but also herself.

  As long as she cries, the people around her will be mourned.

  But the strange thing is that Zhang Xiaochuan not only lived for more than [-] years, her father is still alive, and Shu Ning and Shu Lan, who often come into contact with her, are also fine.

  Unless Zhang Xiaochuan's father did something for her.

  Jiang Lin only thought of this possibility, but he rejected this guess as soon as it appeared in Jiang Lin's mind.

  Crying to death is no better than the ordinary Tiansha Lone Star, even in terms of his ability, it is very difficult to avoid the influence of this kind of fate. He does not believe that Zhang Xiaochuan's father has such ability.

  "Are you sure your date of birth is correct?"

  Jiang Lin couldn't help but ask one more time, this time he was a little unsure, Zhang Xiaochuan's situation was a little different from what he knew.

  Access is quite large.

  It seems that I need to strengthen my numerology.

  Since becoming a Celestial Master, Jiang Lin has been quite confident in the Taoism and various metaphysical knowledge he has mastered, but this time he actually encountered something that was difficult for him to explain.

  After doing the calculation for the last time, Jiang Lin didn't continue to pinching his fingers, he was indeed right about his fate.

  "That's right, what's wrong? You are fortune-telling, what did you count?"

  Zhang Xiaochuan frowned slightly, looking at Jiang Lin like this, it seemed that something bad would happen to her.

  "It's nothing."

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