The nut slammed into the forehead and body of the refined zombie, making several sounds of gold and stone clashing.

It's really copper skin and iron bones!


The adult zombie was caught in the eyes by the light of the camera. It was on fire, but now the nut was thrown, and it was thrown on its head.

Throwing mine nut, can't bear it!

With a roar, the zombies flew towards Jiang Lin and Zhang Xiaochuan.

So what if the skin falls off, it will bite.


Zhang Xiaochuan's heart almost stopped beating when he saw the zombies rushing towards him.

"Why are you pulling so hard? I'm still here, you dare to come here."

Jiang Lin pointed out, the Yang Finger Sword suddenly jumped out, and instantly broke the defense of the zombie's body and passed through it.

A zombie that became a fine was pierced by a lightsaber from Jiang Lin and hung in the air.

When Zhang Xiaochuan saw this scene, his small mouth was almost ready to stuff an egg.


After recovering a little, Zhang Xiaochuan immediately raised the camera and filmed the scene.

Jiang Lin released Yang Yan, and the raging flames spread along the lightsaber, rushing to the body of the zombie, burning it to the point of screaming.

A minute later, the refined zombie was burned into a pile of ashes, and there was no residue left.

"Four fingers, [*] Hong Kong dollars, it's okay."

"You... this is faster than stealing money."

Hearing Jiang Lin's words, Zhang Xiaochuan was very speechless. People had to use their hands to grab money, so Jiang Lin only moved four fingers.

That was [*] Hong Kong dollars, which was higher than her two-year salary.

"Is Taoism really that powerful?"

He hurriedly recorded what had just happened in the notepad, Zhang Xiaochuan couldn't help asking about Jiang Lin, she had confirmed just now that the zombie's head and body were like iron, but Jiang Lin appeared with two fingers. The special beam directly penetrated the copper and iron-like body of the zombie.

"Well... it should be said that only my Taoism is so powerful. If other Taoists encounter this zombie, they will probably only be driven like a dog."

"You are so narcissistic."

Zhang Xiaochuan rolled his eyes, did he brag about himself like that?

After dealing with the zombies, Jiang Lin didn't stay any longer, he just went back to the police station to get the money.

"Jiang Lin, my father is in the sanatorium nearby. You and Ning Jie are about to get married. I'll let him know. You are also a Taoist priest, can you help me persuade him?"

"Your family lives near here? It's quite far from the city. Since I'm all the way with you, let's go there together."

"No, I can't live with my dad. He always steals my money and burns it. What can I do? I can only think that he has mental problems and send him to a nursing home. Thank you very much. , I no longer hate his status as a Taoist priest, as long as he is no longer so bewildered."

When he mentioned his father, Zhang Xiaochuan didn't know how much headache he had.

"Let's go and meet your mentally troubled dad."

This time Jiang Lin couldn't hold back any longer and laughed out loud.

It's really a talent in the Taoist world, a wonderful work for the fathers.

Chapter [*] The female bodhisattva who can know the past and the future?

Half an hour later, Jiang Lin and Zhang Xiaochuan went to the New Territories Nursing Home together.


Zhang Xiaochuan walked to the last room of the row of houses, walked in, and there was an old man in his [*]s or [*]s reading a newspaper.

"Xiaochuan, isn't it the end of the month, why are you here?"

Zhang Dashao put down the newspaper and looked at Zhang Xiaochuan.

But when he found Jiang Lin behind Zhang Xiaochuan, his eyes suddenly lit up and his expression became quite excited.

"You brought your boyfriend to see the parents, that's great, that's great!"

Zhang Dashao directly put his daughter aside, went up to hold Jiang Lin's hand, and said, "He's also a talented person, hey, his roots are not bad, I guess he can learn Taoism with me, Xiaochuan, I'm really satisfied with your boyfriend. already."

Zhang Xiaochuan: ? ? ?

Jiang Lin: ? ? ? ?

Being pulled by Young Master Zhang, Jiang Lin had a big question mark on his face.

When did I become your daughter's boyfriend, is this multiple girlfriends for no reason?

Moreover, I am a Taoist priest at the peak of Tianshi, and I need to learn Taoism from you? ?

A celestial master learns Taoism from a Taoist? ? ?

Jiang Lin was speechless to the extreme. He heard Zhang Xiaochuan describe this dad and thought it was strange enough. He didn't expect that it would be better to meet him if he was famous.

"Dad, it's not..."

Zhang Xiaochuan hurriedly explained that this was nothing, but before she could finish speaking, her father interrupted her: "It seems that your Hongluan star has really moved this year, so I can rest assured. But I've been worried for more than [*] years."

Saying that, Young Master Zhang's eyes turned red.

"Dad! He's not my boyfriend, he's Ning Jie's boyfriend. They're getting married soon. Because he's also a Taoist priest, that's why he came to see you with me."

Zhang Xiaochuan blushed and his voice became much louder, so he drowned out Zhang Dashao's voice.

"What? Isn't he your boyfriend?"

Zhang Dashao was stunned for a moment, and then let go of Jiang Lin, as if the strength of his body was taken away in an instant.

"It's over, it's over."

Sitting on the chair, Young Master Zhang seemed to have aged a lot in an instant.

"This...what's the matter?"

Zhang Xiaochuan was completely confused and had no idea what was going on.

Jiang Lin frowned, recalling the reaction of Young Master Zhang just now, and asked, "Master, you should know about her situation. Xiaochuan cried, and then I asked her about her birth date and figured it out."

" found those weird things about her?"

Zhang Dashao looked up at Jiang Lin, and looked at him again. He was a little surprised. Jiang Lin looked young. Even a Taoist priest, he should not have much attainments, but this young man could actually find him. There is something wrong with the daughter.

"What are you all talking about?"

Zhang Xiaochuan listened to the conversation between Jiang Lin and her father, and heard it in a fog, what kind of weird thing?

Zhang Dashao sighed heavily and said, "I'm talking about your destiny. You don't understand what I said, and you don't believe in such a thing."

"You said, what destiny? I didn't believe it before, but now my perception has changed."

Zhang Xiaochuan felt that something was wrong. She suddenly thought that Jiang Lin had a strange expression when he told her fortunes before, and asked, "Jiang Lin, what are you two Taoists playing? What is my destiny?"

"Your destiny is Scorpio Lone Star, which is the solitary and widowed life broom star in folklore, and it will harm the people around you. In fact, your life is more powerful than broom star, and it killed your twin brother just after birth. Later, you killed your mother. As long as you cry, someone around you will die, and you won't be able to survive for long. "

Young Master Zhang wiped his tears and answered his daughter's question.

Zhang Xiaochuan was shocked by these words and was speechless. Her brother and mother were killed by her?

"Jiang Lin, is what my dad said true? It can't be true, can it?"

"It's true, I... figured it out before, but I didn't tell you about some problems, so let's listen to your dad explain to you."

Jiang Lin nodded, now it seems that not many people around Zhang Xiaochuan lost their lives, it should be related to Zhang Dashao.

It's just that he doesn't understand a little. Zhang Dashao's Taoism is at the Taoist level, and even a little worse than his uncle Qianhe Taoist. With such a cultivation base alone, how can he avoid the influence of Zhang Xiaochuan's fate?

"Xiao Chuan, although I've been busy with the mission of the Zhang family all my life and don't care about my family, it's not as unreasonable as you think. It's as unreasonable as a lunatic. After I came back, I knew that your brother was dead, and I felt something was wrong. Our Zhang family The legend of Mao Shanshu is a school of inspiration. It is based on the induction of the ether. It is practiced to subdue demons and demons, save the world and save people. Because of doing good deeds and accumulating virtue, there will be men from generation to generation to inherit the family tradition. There has never been a case of premature death. At that time, I asked your mother to ask for your birth date, and then I knew the reason. Crying to death, as soon as you cry, someone dies."

Zhang Dashao's tears fell down, he controlled his emotions a little, and continued: "I don't know how many methods, even when you were a child, when you were about to cry, I fed you water, but it still didn't work. , In the end, your mother also left. Of course, she was also angry with me. Later, when I was completely at a loss, I met a female bodhisattva who could know the past and the future. She gave me a magic charm, saying that she could temporarily Solve your problems, but the symptoms are not the root cause, this year is your last year, if you can meet a noble person or become a husband and wife, get rid of the lonely life, you will be able to self-destruct, otherwise there is no way to do it.”

Sure enough, it wasn't because of Zhang Xiaochuan's father.

Jiang Lin nodded slightly, but Zhang Dashao's words solved his previous doubts. With Zhang Dashao's ability, he really couldn't deal with Zhang Xiaochuan's problems.

But the female bodhisattva who can know the past and the future?

That's a bit silly.

Jiang Lin had doubts again. Dao Zhang, who was a Taoist priest, called someone else a female bodhisattva. This was really weird.

And you can suppress crying with only one magic talisman?

Although Jiang Lin had doubts in his heart, he did not ask any questions. He listened to Master Zhang first.

"Our Zhang family's Maoshan technique has never been said to be wealthy. It was suggested to me by the female bodhisattva, in order to break the wealth and eliminate disasters. Money to burn. She said that our Zhang family made too much murder, so this situation happened. After that, I didn't do more murder except to deal with cat demons. Originally I thought he was your man. Friends, I thought things had turned around..."

Zhang Dashao wiped away his old tears. He has been here for so many years, but his daughter still can't escape fate.

Chapter [*] Nobles

Jiang Lin almost laughed when he heard Zhang Dashao say that the killing of demons and demons was too heavy.

Which serious Taoist priest is not the one who catches and casts out demons and punishes evil spirits?

It's really interesting to kill too much.

Although he still didn't know who the female Bodhisattva Zhang Dashao said was sacred, just listening to Zhang Dashao's words gave him an image of the so-called female Bodhisattva.

What kind of merciful, Buddha, and Purdue.

For Jiang Lin, he disliked some Buddhist practitioners very much, and felt that they were really no different from the Virgin Mary.

All wicked people, evil spirits, and demons want to transform, it takes a lot of time.

At that time, wouldn't it be more merciful to destroy a few more demons and ghosts so that innocent people would not suffer harm?Wouldn't it be beautiful and good to get rid of a few more wicked and thugs, so that they would not waste food and water?

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