Just when Jiang Lin was thinking about this, Zhang Xiaochuan, who was beside him, lost control of his emotions and cried very fiercely.

While crying, Zhang Xiaochuan blamed her father for keeping these things hidden.

She has always regarded her father as a lunatic since she was a child, and even sent him to a sanatorium to live alone. Unexpectedly, in the end, it was her own fault.

Young Master Zhang didn't say a word. No father would choose to tell his children about this kind of thing, otherwise it would be too cruel.

"Young man, get out now."

Zhang Dashao saw that the evil spirit on his daughter's body broke out because of crying, so he let Jiang Lin leave, otherwise he would be in great trouble if he was attacked by these evil spirits.

As for himself, it doesn't matter.

"My name is Jiang Lin, it's just some evil spirits, it doesn't matter."

Jiang Lin looked at the evil spirit that spread to him. This time, he did not defend like last time. He was at the police station at the time. Because of the sudden incident, he defended it completely out of instinct.

Now that he is prepared, Jiang Lin plans to absorb some of this evil spirit and try it out.

His corpse needs Yin Sha Qi to supplement, even the Yin Sha Qi of the previous three evil position, can not have any effect on him, Zhang Xiaochuan's evil Qi is strange, but it should not be a big problem.


After the fierce energy entered his body, Jiang Lin found that the corpse poison in his bones was violently restless, and wanted to break through the seal and devour those evil spirits.

Jiang Lin immediately let the corpse poison into his flesh and blood, and these corpse poisons quickly surrounded the suffocating energy, and quickly devoured it completely.

I go!

The nourishing effect of this thing on the corpse poison is actually much better than that of the full moon's mysterious yin.

Jiang Lin looked surprised. Just now, he absorbed the evil spirit emanating from Zhang Xiaochuan, which was equivalent to basking in the moonlight for an hour when the moon was full.

Some more, some more.

Jiang Lin hurriedly walked to Zhang Xiaochuan's side and sucked all the suffocating energy she exuded into his body.

"I...I don't cry anymore."

Zhang Xiaochuan covered her mouth and forcibly held back her tears, knowing that someone would suffer if she cried, even if it was unbearable, she would have to endure it.

"It's alright, just cry if you want, don't hold it back, your crying won't have any effect on me. It's hard to hold back and not cry, cry, it really has no effect on me, and it's okay if I'm with your dad."

Jiang Lin was absorbing the suffocating air, and it would be a pity if it was gone.


After Jiang Lin said this, Zhang Xiaochuan no longer held back, and cried until the pear blossoms rained again.

And crying and crying, she snuggled her body into Jiang Lin's arms.


Young Master Zhang stared blankly at Jiang Lin and Zhang Xiaochuan, not because his daughter was in Jiang Lin's arms, but because of the evil spirit Zhang Xiaochuan exuded when he cried, all of which were absorbed into Jiang Lin's body.

"Young man...Jiang Lin, right, you...are not afraid of...these evil spirits?"

Zhang Dashao was surprised and stuttered for a while. Although Zhang Xiaochuan's fate was suppressed by a spiritual talisman, the evil spirit he exuded was no trivial matter. After Jiang Lin was attacked by the evil spirit, there was no difference.

Could it be that he is the noble person that the female bodhisattva said? ?

At this time, Young Master Zhang sensed the strength of Jiang Lin's cultivation, but his cultivation was only at the Daoist level. How could he find out what realm Jiang Lin's cultivation was in.

Is he really a priest?

Young Master Zhang couldn't help but wonder, Jiang Lin looked like an ordinary person now.

"I have a hard life, and the Lone Star will not affect me."

Jiang Lin arbitrarily found a reason to prevaricate it.

"Okay, Xiaochuan, don't cry, what are you doing? I'll ask Jiang Lin some questions."

Young Master Zhang couldn't wait to ask Jiang Lin's mentor, maybe his daughter's problem could still be solved.

"Yes... I'm sorry, I... I lost my way."

When Zhang Xiaochuan heard her father's words, he realized that he was actually snuggling up in Jiang Lin's arms, his face flushed with shame, and he quickly took a few steps back.

"Jiang Lin, are you really a Taoist priest? I don't think you look alike."

"I'm a Taoist priest, or from Maoshan. You don't look like me because your level is too low."

Jiang Lin told the truth, he really couldn't think of a more euphemistic answer to Zhang Dashao's question.

Zhang Dashao's expression froze, and he felt a little uncomfortable when he was told by a young man of the same age that his level was too low.

"Jiang Lin, how can you talk like that?"

Now her father's image has completely changed in Zhang Xiaochuan's heart. Hearing Jiang Lin say this about her father, she also frowned, narcissism is okay, but not so arrogant.

"I said that, it's not a problem. I'm a Celestial Master, saying he's low-level, can't it work?"

"What? Are you a Celestial Master??"

Zhang Dashao screamed and was taken aback by Jiang Lin.

"Not like it?"

Jiang Lin burst out the momentum in his body, his clothes fluttered, and his breath suddenly soared a lot.

Zhang Dashao was frightened by the momentum emanating from Jiang Lin, he retreated again and again and fell to the ground. Zhang Xiaochuan was also shocked and could not stand firm.

"Noble! Noble!!"

After being shocked, Zhang Dashao looked ecstatic. Since Jiang Lin is a Celestial Master, his ability is much stronger than his, and his daughter's affairs may really turn for the better.

"Jiang Lin, can I ask you to help with Xiaochuan? I'm willing to pay any price."

Zhang Xiaochuan trembled with excitement, and regarded Jiang Lin as the last straw.

Chapter [*] Is there such a coincidence?

When Zhang Xiaochuan saw her father's reaction, he realized that Jiang Lin was definitely not an ordinary Taoist priest. Otherwise, her father, an old man in his fifties or sixties, would definitely not have such a violent reaction.

At this time, she also set her eyes on Jiang Lin.

Previously, Zhang Xiaochuan's mind became so chaotic because he was hit by all kinds of information for a while, so much so that he cuddled in Jiang Lin's arms while crying.

Now that she wakes up a little, she also wants to solve her own problems.

Jiang Lin is very likely to be his savior.

"Don't look at me, although I can be unaffected and my Taoism is not shallow, there is no good way to solve the problem of crying and dying."

Although Jiang Lin was not clueless, the method he came up with was indeed not very good, and he could not effectively solve Zhang Xiaochuan's matter unless he used the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array, but he had no material in his hand, and even if there was, he would not It is easy to use on Zhang Xiaochuan.

Even if it is used, Zhang Xiaochuan can't afford that price.

However, he didn't intend to stand by and watch. The evil spirit in Zhang Xiaochuan's body just now made him taste the sweetness, but he thought about separating those evil spirits from Zhang Xiaochuan's body.

But at present, his method is difficult to take effect, and maybe Zhang Xiaochuan's life will be taken.

After hearing Jiang Lin's words, Young Master Zhang and his daughter, the hope that rose in their hearts was instantly extinguished.

Especially Zhang Dashao, he knows what the celestial master level means to their cultivators. He can be regarded as someone who stands at the top of the cultivating world today, but just like this, there is no way to solve the problem of his daughter's fate. In this world Who else has such patience?

Jiang Lin looked at the father and daughter as if they had lost their souls, and said: "Although I don't dare to make any promises now, I also have an idea about solving Xiaochuan's problems, but the risk is too great. Uncle Zhang, The female bodhisattva you mentioned, is the amulet she gave you in your hand? I want to see it."

Jiang Lin thought that if he learned from the magic talisman that suppressed Zhang Xiaochuan's fate, he might be able to get some inspiration from it and increase his chances.

"You really have a way? Fine fine."

After listening to Jiang Lin's words, Zhang Dashao did not completely despair. He calmed down and said, "I put that talisman into Xiaochuan's pillow."

"Then let's go get the talisman first."

"Okay, Xiaochuan, let's go, hurry to your place."

Zhang Dashao immediately asked Zhang Xiaochuan to lead the way, and the three walked for half an hour before arriving at Zhang Xiaochuan's residence.

"Is it this one? I didn't even know there was a talisman in my pillow."

After a while, Zhang Xiaochuan came out of his bedroom with a talisman in his hand.

"that's it."

Zhang Dashao quickly handed it to Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin was stunned when he took a look at the magic talisman.

Immortal character Jue! !

At this time, Jiang Lin's mood fluctuated violently, and the talisman pattern in his hand was actually the immortal character Jue.

To be precise, it is a Buddhist charm that is based on the immortal character Jue.

"Master Zhang, who is the female bodhisattva you speak of, and where is she? Can you find her?"

Jiang Lin calmed down a little and asked Zhang Dashao, since this talisman is based on the pattern of the immortal character Jue, the person who made the talisman must have something to do with the immortal character Jue.

It is even possible that the fairy character Jue is in the hands of that female bodhisattva.

"I don't actually know her. She said that her name is Miaoshan, and she walks around the world every thirty-three years. She shouldn't be in this world, but she came to me in order to form a good relationship. I don't know. Where to find her. What's the matter? Is there anything wrong with this amulet?"

Young Master Zhang didn't expect that Jiang Lin would have such a reaction after seeing the talisman, but he didn't think much about it and told him the truth.

"Miaoshan? Have a good relationship?"

Jiang Lin frowned slightly, is there such a coincidence?

Could she really predict the past and the future?

Jiang Lin now has an illusion, as if his encounter with Zhang Xiaochuan was predicted in advance by that Miaoshan.

It would be too much of a coincidence otherwise.

What he was thinking about in his heart was the immortal character Jue on the immortal burial coffin, and the magic talisman that Miaoshan gave to Zhang Dashao was a spell derived from the pattern of the immortal character Jue.

Combined with what Zhang Dashao said, Miaoshan found him for the sake of forming a good relationship, which is even more intriguing.

Who does Miaoshan want to have a good relationship with?

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