"Can't find it? Is there any other information?"

Jiang Lin was still reluctant to give up, and continued to ask, if he could find this Miaoshan, he might be able to find out the whereabouts of Xianzi Jue, and he would no longer have to go all over the world to find a jade Jue.

"She did say some verses, but I'm a Taoist priest, and I haven't studied Buddhism or anything, and I don't know what she meant."

Zhang Dashao shook his head, that Miaoshan gave her the feeling that she was a Buddhist monk, and his words were mysterious, but there seemed to be no substantive information.

"Oh, by the way, she has always emphasized that whoever has the fate, let me not be too obsessive, otherwise it will be self-defeating. In the end, she also said that if Xiaochuan can get rid of his murderous fate, she must let her take the magic talisman. The wish is fulfilled in the Guanyin Temple."

Zhang Dashao tried hard to recall what happened more than ten years ago and said such a sentence.

Jiang Lin nodded, and then carefully examined the magic talisman in his hand.

After studying for a while, Jiang Lin said, "I will find a way about Xiaochuan."

With this magic talisman, Jiang Lin has more confidence in handling Zhang Xiaochuan's affairs.

He has now decided to try his best to help Zhang Xiaochuan get rid of the influence of Scorpio Lone Star. In addition to the reason for obtaining the evil spirit in his body, he also wants to find clues about Miaoshan.

He had an intuition, as if that Miaoshan was waiting for him.

This feeling is very strange.

Wonderful, wonderful...

Jiang Lin closed his eyes and thought carefully. He also knew a lot of Buddhist monks. In his impression, there was no such person at all, and he was a woman.

"Okay, no matter what the final result is, as long as you are willing to help, when you and Aning get married, I will definitely pack a big red envelope. Although we are about to become relatives, there will be no shortage of me."

As a Taoist priest, Zhang Dashao knows the rules among Taoist priests. This kind of thing is no longer a matter of owed favors.

As long as Jiang Lin opened his mouth, he was willing to hand over anything he could do or take out, even if it was the inheritance of the Inspiration faction.

Chapter [*]: Seven Stars Fate Breaking Technique

"Since Xiaochuan is Aning's sister, you don't need to see outsiders. And helping Xiaochuan solve the problem of fate will also benefit my practice."

Jiang Lin didn't take Zhang Dashao's words seriously. If he really wanted any remuneration, Zhang Dashao would not be able to afford it.

Besides, he helped Zhang Xiaochuan, the main reason was that he took a fancy to the strange evil spirit associated with Zhang Xiaochuan's crying and dying, which was more important than money.

Ever since he advanced to Mao Zong, Jiang Lin felt that the growth rate of his corpse had slowed down. This time there was an opportunity for improvement, and he didn't want to miss it.

"It's really admirable that you can maintain a determined and enterprising heart when you have reached this level."

Zhang Dashao thought that Jiang Lin was talking about saving Zhang Xiaochuan, so he could gain knowledge and experience, and he couldn't help but feel a lot of admiration for Jiang Lin.

"The road is endless, if you don't make progress, you will be trapped in a dry well."

Jiang Lin laughed, and then said to Zhang Xiaochuan, "I'll go get paid first, you father and daughter, please have a good talk."

After all, Jiang Lin went straight to the police station.

Along the way, he was pondering the effect of the magic talisman in his mind. It seemed to be a small nightmare town enchantment.

"Maybe I can really try it, but there are still a lot of places to improve."

Jiang Lin muttered to himself, for Zhang Xiaochuan's situation, the most ideal way is to change his life with the flying dragon seven-star formation that has the ability to change his life.

But now there are no conditions at all. If the materials of the flying dragon seven-star array are so easy to find, then I don't know how many people want to change their fate.

However, the method Jiang Lin thought of at first was also related to the flying dragon seven-star formation, which was a seven-star life-breaking technique.

It is not enough to change your life and change your life, then simply destroy this murderous life.

But this kind of life-breaking technique has great side effects, and the person who accidentally hits it will become a living dead.

But now that there is this Nightmare Town enchantment for reference, Jiang Lin has indeed gained some inspiration, but he still needs to study it carefully.

"Dad, for so many years, it's all because of your daughter's badness, which has caused you to suffer. By the way, what is a Celestial Master? From your tone before, it seems that you respect Jiang Lin very much. Is he really that powerful? Can he solve me? problem?"

After Jiang Lin left, Zhang Xiaochuan solemnly apologized to her father, and then asked her doubts in her heart. Although she had seen Jiang Lin kill zombies, she had almost no concept of Taoist priests, not even whom to compare. .

At the same time, she also wanted to know if Jiang Lin could help her.

Now Zhang Xiaochuan's heart is also very helpless, like a person who was suddenly told that he has a terminal illness. At this time, everyone is eager to know their chances of survival.

"Silly boy, no one wants to see such a thing happen, and I don't blame you either."

Zhang Dashao looked at his daughter with choked sobs. In order to let his daughter live in a haze of short life and self-guilt, he kept the truth behind, and at the same time acted as an unreasonable and almost absurd father.

Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, he is also very happy, his only worry is whether his daughter can get rid of the murder.

"Tianshi is a level that we Taoists yearn for. Now that the world has changed, there may not even be a Tianshi. By analogy, as you can understand, Tianshi is a Taoist priest at the master and master level. If he can't do anything about it. , that's really impossible."

"No wonder, he turns out to be so powerful. I've seen him kill zombies before, move a finger, and the zombies are wiped out by him. He must have a way."

Zhang Xiaochuan now blindly believes in Jiang Lin. If she doesn't believe it, it means she is helpless.

"What? Move your fingers and kill the zombies?"

Zhang Dashao was stunned. Although he had never seen a celestial master before, he also obtained some information from books, but he had never had a celestial master who could kill zombies with his fingers.

"Yeah, I took pictures, Dad, wait a minute, I'll wash them out for you to see."

Zhang Xiaochuan took the camera and entered the room where she was working. Now she has a mentality similar to self-hypnosis, as if the higher Jiang Lin's Taoism is, the more hope he has to save her.

After half an hour, several photos were placed on the table.

"This... this is a zombie, he... he actually killed the zombie without any magic weapon!"

Zhang Dashao was shocked by the content of the photo. It was a zombie, and it was not far from the level of the zombie king. Jiang Lin raised his hand and killed it.

After a while, Zhang Dashao sighed, "I really didn't expect An Ning to be so lucky to marry such a capable person."

Jiang Lin is not only a celestial teacher, but also an ordinary celestial teacher. If such a person was in ancient times, he might have been a national teacher.

Even today, the last time is to be able to seek good luck and avoid evil, and live a life without food and clothing.Even if it is to subdue demons and subdue demons, there are not many people who can threaten his safety with Jiang Lin's conduct.

Sister Ning is lucky...

Zhang Xiaochuan felt a sense of loss in his heart. She and Shu Ning used to be cousins, and they had a good relationship. They were both girls, so she naturally had some comparisons.

But now her cousin married a capable man, but she was told that she was "terminally ill", and she didn't know if she could survive.

How could the fate of the two sisters be so different!

Yesterday, she felt worthless for Shu Ning and became someone else's concubine, but now it seems that even so, it is better than her life.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiaochuan also told Dashao Zhang about her encounter with Jiang Lin and the events of the past two days, but she hid things that she couldn't open up, such as last night's events.

"You, this temperament has to be changed. Jiang Lin is quite generous. Not only is he not angry with you, but he is willing to help you."

Young Master Zhang did not expect that his daughter had provoked Jiang Lin for no reason before, so Jiang Lin was still willing to help.

This young man not only has a deep morality, but also has a very good character.

"We went to your aunt's place. It's been too much trouble for her for so many years. Now it's time to explain it to them. Besides, as an elder, Aning is getting married.

The father and daughter chatted for a long time, and Young Master Zhang decided to go to Shu Ning's house with his daughter to explain to them. Anyway, now that Jiang Lin already knew about Zhang Xiaochuan's situation, there was no need to hide it.And if Jiang Lin went back first and let him tell the story, Shu Ning's parents would definitely feel that they were treated as outsiders.

Chapter [*]: The bloody seal of the white tiger, hooking the disaster

"Why did it take so long?"

After Jiang Lin got the reward and went back, Shu Ning pouted as soon as he entered the yard, and he didn't come back until evening.

"Destroyed a few zombies, which was a waste of time, and there was some trouble with Xiaochuan."

"What's the trouble? She won't be acting like a child again, will she?"

Shu Ning frowned, thinking that Zhang Xiaochuan made Jiang Lin unhappy again.

Right at this moment, Young Master Zhang and his daughter also arrived at Shu's house.

"You ask her."

Jiang Lin pointed at Zhang Xiaochuan, and then went back to his room.

He needs to perfect the seven-star life-breaking technique. It is not long before the Chinese New Year. If there is no suitable method, if Zhang Xiaochuan dies suddenly, the strange evil spirit in his body will also dissipate.

"Xiao Chuan, what's the trouble with you?"

"Sister Ning, it's like this..."

Zhang Xiaochuan told her everything about him, and Shu Ning was shocked when he found out about it.

Her cousin was Tiansha Guxing, and her uncle Zhang Dashao was a Taoist priest just like Jiang Lin.

Shu Ning became the hostess of Li Yangju, and she also knew a lot about Taoism. At the very least, she knew that Tiansha Guxing was the so-called broom star, which would kill many people.

"Xiao Chuan, don't worry, Jiang Lin will definitely find a way. In my heart, he is an omnipotent man, and there is nothing that can make him difficult."

After being shocked, Shu Ning pulled Zhang Xiaochuan to sit down and comforted him.

"I don't believe that my life is so short. I'm still so young, and I haven't married yet, so I definitely won't die early."

Zhang Xiaochuan also hypnotized herself. She looked at Jiang Lin's back in the distance. Now all her hopes are on Jiang Lin.

"I've seen him catch zombies. He's really out of the scope of what normal people can understand. My dad said he's already a master craftsman among the Taoists. It's ridiculous that I said yesterday that he was acting like a ghost and making trouble with him. If there is a conflict, I have to rely on him to save it today, I feel ashamed to think about it..."

When Zhang Xiaochuan thinks about what happened yesterday, he is full of shame, and feels that he is very naive and ignorant.

She heard Zhang Dashao say that to solve the problem of her fate, even a Celestial Master would have to spend a lot of time. Under such circumstances, Jiang Lin was still willing to help her continue her life, making her feel ashamed. even stronger.

"What's so embarrassing, if I hadn't met him first, and knew his identity as a Taoist priest, I would have been similar to you. Jiang Lin is not that stingy, and probably didn't take your words to heart."

Shu Ning patted Zhang Xiaochuan on the shoulder, persuaded her not to think too much, and then said: "Xiaochuan, uncle, I will take you to my parents, they should know about Xiaochuan. I said uncle, you really didn't We are relatives, and we have been hiding it from us for so long."

Zhang Dashao sighed, since he met the Miaoshan female Bodhisattva, his daughter's problems have been controlled. In addition, Miaoshan warned him not to be unreasonable, and he did not dare to intervene.

This kind of thing, he didn't hide it, what else could he do.

Then Shu Ning took Zhang Xiaochuan and his daughter to find his parents. After Shu Lan and the others found out, their reaction was the same as Shu Ning.

Especially Shu Ning's mother, wiping her tears aside, she treated Zhang Xiaochuan as if she had come out, and now she suddenly told her that Zhang Xiaochuan had less than ten days to live.

"Trust our son-in-law, he is quite famous and has been hailed as the strongest celestial master for hundreds of years by people in the cultivating circle. There must be a way. Aning, tell Jiang Lin that if you need anything, just say it. It will help if you can.”

After knowing that Jiang Lin was her daughter's sweetheart, Shu Lan also inquired about Jiang Lin and knew some information about Jiang Lin.

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