In addition, he and the Shu family were rescued by Jiang Lin, so he was still very confident in Jiang Lin's ability.

The strongest celestial master in hundreds of years?

Jiang Lin's image in Zhang Xiaochuan's heart has been refreshed once again. Jiang Lin is not only the best in the contemporary era, even if it is pushed forward for hundreds of years, few people can compare.

"Okay, I'll tell him. Xiaochuan, uncle, stay here for a while."

"I also have this plan. If Jiang Lin needs anything, he will give it to me. Ordinary people may not be able to find it."

Zhang Dashao also knew that it was useless to be anxious now, so he and Zhang Xiaochuan temporarily stayed at Shu's house.

For the next three days, Jiang Lin basically combined the Seven Star Life Breaking Technique with the Nightmare Town method on the talisman.

If there is any material that needs to be used, he is not polite and directly asks Young Master Zhang to find it.

It was really rare to find it, so Jiang Lin asked the Flying Mouse King to go back and bring it over.

On the night of the fourth day, Jiang Lin opened an altar in an open space in Shu's house, and Zhang Xiaochuan sat on a huge circular wooden horoscope not far in front of him.

In order to make this horoscope, he has spent a lot of effort.

Around the natal chart, there are also many utensils such as star lamp meteorites and immortal officials dolls.

Shu Ning, her parents and Young Master Zhang were all at the side, looking at Jiang Lin nervously.

Looking up at Xingguang, Jiang Lin waved his peach wood sword and said: "The world is full of clouds and waters, Dare to invite the star officer team to fight against Yingyao, splendid feathers and cover, quickly leave the sky, don't let the stagnation, the heart is stunned. "

The peach wood sword pointed to the life plate, and the whole life plate emitted light, forming a huge disc. The eight characters of the heavenly stems and earthly branches, as well as the life, life, injury, and other characters began to float and began to converge. to Zhang Xiaochuan.

Not long after, a light group appeared on the top of Zhang Xiaochuan's head, the size of a basketball, and the evil star appeared.

There are also some stardust on one side, which looks like a broom.

Jiang Lin also pointed to the star lights and meteorites around the life plate, as well as the immortal official dolls.

"Dead talisman hangs off, mourning family Tian'e, white tiger's bloodstain, hooks and hangs disaster evil!"

Jiang Lin stepped in a row and entered the fierce position. He opened his palm with a peach wood sword, and then formed a seal with his hands, hitting the blood to the seven meteorites.

After the meteorite was stained with blood, light clusters floated out of it, surrounding the Lone Star above Zhang Xiaochuan's head.

Chapter [-] is overdone

It didn't take long for the seven light clusters to dim, becoming the same shape as meteorites, like their projections.

It's... just unbelievable.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaochuan, who was sitting in the center of the disc, looked at the light and shadow around him, completely stunned.

Although she had seen Jiang Lin use the aisle technique, she did not expect it to be so miraculous.

The surrounding light symbols and phantoms made her feel that she was not in the real world now, but more like she was in a dream.

"Is that Scorpio Lone Star?"

The broom star with its tail was hovering in the air, Zhang Xiaochuan stared at the light group, it was this evil star that caused her to lose her brother and mother, and made her think her father as a lunatic since she was a child.

"Concentrate and don't think about anything!"

Jiang Lin snorted. The situation was extraordinary now. Not only did he have to work hard, but Zhang Xiaochuan was also facing unbearable pain.

For a normal person, sex and life are intertwined. Now that Jiang Lin wants to destroy Zhang Xiaochuan's life, even if he has made a lot of preparations, there is still a certain risk.

The best situation is, of course, that Zhang Xiaochuan's problem is solved perfectly. The next point is that Zhang Xiaochuan's people are fine, but his personality will change, just like a sudden change of person.Again, you don't have to think about it, you either become mad or become a living dead.

Jiang Lin had already told Zhang Xiaochuan and Zhang Dashao about these consequences before, and they had no choice but to fight for it.

After Zhang Xiaochuan heard Jiang Lin's shout, he immediately stabilized his mind, with a firm look in his eyes.

Next, she may have to endure the pain of being torn apart.

The seal in Jiang Lin's hand changed, and the seven phantoms began to charge towards the evil star in the center one after another.

Every time he hits, Zhang Xiaochuan's body trembles, and the disc under him vibrates violently.

"Sure enough, it's different from the ordinary Scorpio Lone Star."

Jiang Lin stared at the evil star light cluster above the fate plate, his brows furrowed.

Things were more difficult than he imagined.

The evil star light cluster collided with the seven phantoms several times, and seemed to be provoked, and the light soared.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin immediately sat down on the futon in front of the main star lamp, and pointed at the wick. Every time he clicked, the flames jumped higher.

"It's amazing."

Zhang Dashao, who was watching from a distance, couldn't help but sighed. Although he was not very high in Taoism, after all, he had practiced Taoism for many years, and he could see a little of the way of the magic that Jiang Lin casted.

If you let him do these things, it is absolutely impossible.

As for Shu Lan and the others, they couldn't understand it at all, and they were anxious on the side.

"Dad, mom, uncle, Xiaochuan will be all right. Jiang Lin has done a lot of earth-shattering things, and Xiaochuan's problems must be hard for him."

In order to relieve Shu Lan and the others, Shu Ning picked up some of Jiang Lin's deeds, such as crossing the Indian Ocean and destroying the Gorefiend.

When several elders heard about these deeds, they were completely stunned, and even felt that it was not logical for Jiang Lin to rescue Zhang Xiaochuan this time.

Jiang Lin naturally didn't know what Shu Ning and the others were talking about. At this time, he was concentrating and sending a lot of spiritual power into the wick.


A dull sound came from the top of Zhang Xiaochuan's head, and even the light of the evil star light group was dimmed by the seven phantoms.


Zhang Xiaochuan hugged her head and screamed, the pain in her mind was unbearable.

"Hold on."

Jiang Lin took out a blood orchid leaf from his arms, rubbed it, and flicked his fingers into Zhang Xiaochuan's mouth.

At this moment, the radiance of the evil star light group in mid-air soared again, and a beam of light shot out from it, rushing towards the starry sky.

"Want to attract the brilliance of the fierce star? My town!"

Jiang Lin got up, picked up the futon at his feet, and threw it out.

The futon blocked the beam of light, and then scattered into a huge talisman.

Above is the dense array of patterns, this is Jiang Lin's repulsive array based on the effect of Miao Shan's Nightmare Town talisman.

The talisman floated above the light group, and the lines fell down, suppressing the beam of light emitted by the evil star light group.

Jiang Lin moved his hands together, one hand continued to face the wick, and the other hand shot out the spiritual power and shot at the immortal official puppet next to the star lamp.

The seven immortal dolls held the sky with their hands, and echoed with several meteorites, forming a star array, which repeatedly pressed down and collided with the fate plate.

The current situation is only to separate and suppress the evil spirit in Zhang Xiaochuan's body, but to solve her problem, she must destroy the fate plate under her body with star power.

In this way, the shadow of the meteorite in the sky is entangled with the evil star light group, the immortal official doll and the body of the meteorite below destroy the circular natal chart, and the starlight attracts the starlight and absorbs the spiritual power of Jianglin to ensure the operation of the three. .

The spiritual power in Jiang Lin's body was rapidly depleting, and he finally had to refine his own corpse poison to replenish it.

After Zhang Xiaochuan swallowed the blood orchid leaves, the pain in her mind eased a lot. She saw that Jiang Lin was sweating profusely, and she insisted on gritting her silver teeth.

Minute by minute, sweat dripped from Jiang Lin's forehead.

For someone else, even if they were also Celestial Masters and knew the Seven Star Life Breaking Technique, it would be difficult to withstand such a consumption.

In mid-air, the evil star light cluster has become illusory. Seeing this, Jiang Lin rushed to send out all the spiritual power in his body.

A few minutes later, with a "bang", the evil star light cluster above Zhang Xiaochuan's head was dissipated by seven meteorite shadows, and the disc under him also made a clicking sound.

The seven phantoms pressed together on Zhang Xiaochuan's Tianling cover, and the evil spirit in his body was under pressure and leaked out from the cracks in the disc.

"A Ning, stay away!"

A strong evil spirit poured out from the cracks in the disc, like an air gun, spraying all around, Jiang Lin immediately reminded Shu Ning to stay away.

After releasing the corpse poison in his body, Jiang Lin opened his mouth and inhaled, taking all the evil spirits into his body and giving it to the corpse poison to devour.

Suddenly, the circular fate plate shattered from the middle, and the evil energy seemed to have found a vent, gushing out from it, just hitting Jiang Lin's body.

Holy crap, overdone it!

The majestic suffocating energy rushed into Jiang Lin's body instantly, and the corpse poison in his body immediately became extremely active, as if he had drunk Shiquan Dabu soup, and rapidly transformed into more corpse poison.


The amount of corpse poison doubled in an instant, Jiang Lin's body swelled up and down, and he couldn't help roaring.

"Brother Lin, what's wrong with you?"

When Shu Ning heard Jiang Lin's cry, he was so frightened that he hurried over.

"I'm fine, you all leave here, Xiaochuan is fine, let them go quickly, or they will be scared to death."

Jiang Lin pushed Shu Ning away and hurriedly sat down to suppress the corpse poison in his body.

"Uncle, Xiaochuan is all right. Come and help her away."

Shu Ning knew that Jiang Lin could turn into a zombie and understood what he meant, so he quickly let Young Master Zhang and the others leave.

Zhang Xiaochuan, who was not far from Jiang Lin, was pale at this time. When she saw Jiang Lin's forehead bursting with blue veins, she was reluctant to leave, but before she could speak, she fainted.

Chapter [-]: Poison and spit

"Jiang Lin he..."

Zhang Dashao wanted to know the situation of Xia Jianglin out of good intentions, and Jiang Lin seemed to be enduring severe pain now.

"He's fine, but he wasted too much and needs to recover. Let's take Xiaochuan back to rest."

Shu Ning politely stopped Young Master Zhang and helped Zhang Xiaochuan to leave the place together with him.

After Shu Ning and the others left, Jiang Lin controlled a few talismans with his thoughts and hung them around him to cover himself.

As soon as these things were done, Jiang Lin's appearance had undergone a huge change, and he had completely turned into a stiff hair.

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