Only this time, the muscles all over his body bulged, and his clothes were about to crack.

"I didn't expect to get the fierce aura associated with crying and dying, and it actually saved me nearly ten years of effort!"

Feeling the state of the corpse poison in his body, Jiang Lin was also stunned.

It didn't take long for his corpse to advance to the advanced stage. According to his own expectations, if there were no adventures, it would take at least one or two hundred years to advance to the stage again.

But this time, helping Zhang Xiaochuan solve his fate, he suddenly shortened the time by nearly one tenth.

And what surprised him even more was that the dead body meridian in his body was actually opened up by the fierce energy. Although it was not fully opened, there was not much left. As long as he rushed with all his strength, he could basically open it up.

Although this time for Zhang Xiaochuan's affairs, he has put in a lot of effort, but the rewards he has obtained are simply not summed up in a single word.


After being pleasantly surprised for a long time, Jiang Lin calmed down and guided the corpse poison in his body to carefully digest the fierce aura that entered his body.

Half an hour later, Jiang Lin temporarily recovered the corpse poison from the flesh and blood into the bones, and went to Zhang Xiaochuan's room to check on her condition.

"Jiang Lin, are you alright? Xiaochuan, she..."

Zhang Dashao was pacing at the door of Zhang Xiaochuan's room, and when he saw Jiang Lin coming, he immediately went up to ask.

Before, in addition to asking if Jiang Lin was in any serious condition, he also wanted to ask about Zhang Xiaochuan's specific situation.

Is it completely resolved or what.

However, Jiang Lin's state was not right at the time, so he refrained from asking.

Shu Ning and her mother were taking care of the sleeping Zhang Xiaochuan by the bed, and they and Shu Lan also cast inquiring glances at Jiang Lin.

"I'm fine. I've broken her fate, and she will no longer be affected by crying and dying, and she will no longer be a broom star."

After Jiang Lin responded to Young Master Zhang, he entered the door and pointed at Zhang Xiaochuan's forehead, sensing the situation in her body.

"That's great! Jiang Lin, thank you so much."

Zhang Dashao trembled with excitement and wept with joy. Her daughter will be able to truly live like a normal person in the future.

Shu Ning and her mother were also happy for Zhang Xiaochuan, and the doom was finally over.

"However, in the future, her good and bad luck will no longer be known through divination, and once she comes into contact with something evil, it is easy to be in danger. It is best for her to stop being a reporter. At the scene of the second murder, maybe she will be hit by evil."

The good news was said, and Jiang Lin threw another bad news.

For example, Zhang Xiaochuan is like a terminally ill patient. Although Jiang Lin treated her terminally ill and saved her life, he also completely destroyed her own immune system and caused a little cold. A cold is a disaster for her.

In other words, Zhang Xiaochuan must be very careful in the future. If ordinary people pass through some evil positions, they may only be unlucky for a while, but Zhang Xiaochuan will not have such good luck.

But since Zhang Dashao is a Taoist priest, it shouldn't be a big problem to help his daughter avoid this kind of thing.

In fact, for Zhang Xiaochuan, this bad news is not bad.

After all, the biggest death calamity has already passed.

"It's good to survive. When she wakes up, I will discuss it with her."

After listening to Jiang Lin's words, Zhang Dashao didn't have much trouble in his heart. Compared with the death calamity, these are nothing.

Now that Zhang Xiaochuan's matter has been resolved, Jiang Lin did not stay any longer, and Shu Lan and the others went back separately, leaving only Shu Ning's mother to take care of Zhang Xiaochuan.

After Jiang Lin returned to the room, he instructed the mouse boy to stand guard outside the door, sitting cross-legged under the window lattice, bathed in the moonlight.

He took a small medicine bottle out of the ancient mirror and opened it.

What was inside was a drop of blood essence that Han Xian gave him. Now that the corpse poison in his body has been greatly replenished, he has become very active. Jiang Lin wanted to add fuel to the fire and strike while the iron was hot.

On the one hand, Jiang Lin wanted to take this opportunity to raise a part of his body, on the other hand, he wanted to see if he could connect Xintuo's dead body meridians.

Of course, it is impossible for him to consume the essence and blood of the dry scorpion now.

As soon as he said it, Jiang Lin released the corpse poison from his body, then dumped the medicine bottle, dipped a little blood on his finger, and put it into his mouth.


Even a little bit of blood essence from the dry scorpion, after entering the body, instantly made Jiang Lin's corpse poison completely messed up.

For the second uncle, fortunately, I didn't have the idea of ​​killing the blood of the generals before.

Feeling the situation in his body, Jiang Lin was very fortunate that he put away the blood of his generals after refining it.

This little bit of blood essence can make his corpse poison at the level of hairy worms mess up like this in his body, and since the generals are the same level as the scorpion, his blood will definitely not be any worse than the scorpion.

Jiang Lin restrained his mind and tried his best to guide and control the corpse poison in his body.

Three hours later, the corpse poison in Jiang Lin's body gradually stabilized, and the dead body meridians that had previously been opened up by the vicious energy also completely penetrated.

At this moment, Jiang Lin opened his mouth like a blessing in his heart, and a gray-black corpse gas, corpse poison and corpse evil mixed gas drifted out from his mouth and nose.

At the same time, his eyes, ears, and pores all over his body also drifted out of this mixed gas.

Poison spit.

"I'm going! This is spreading corpse poison??"

Jiang Lin looked at the gray-black gas around him, and was a little stunned. He actually possessed the ability of that flying zombie in Shu to breathe corpse poison.

"Jerry, come in."

Jiang Lin wanted to see how useful his newly acquired ability was, so he let the mouse boy come in from outside.

"Master. Wow, what kind of smell is this, so choking..."

After the mouse boy pushed in the door, he took a sip of this poison, then kicked his legs, rolled his eyes, and passed out.

Then its entire body gradually turned dark gray, and in the end it couldn't maintain its transformation and became its body.

Jiang Lin: "..."

What the hell!

Is it that strong?

Chapter [-]: Miao Shan ([-])

Jiang Lin was very surprised. Although the Flying Rat King is not as powerful as the Pandan Tiger King, he is also a real demon king, and since becoming his pet, the benefits he has gained are unknown, and he is stronger than before. Not a lot.

But now it only took one or two sips of Poisonous Sha, and just kicked its legs and fell into a coma.

Although there is a reason why the Flying Rat King was not prepared, it also proves that his poisonous evil is extremely strong.

Jiang Lin got up and walked to the side of the Flying Mouse King, his palms covered his nose, and he sucked out all the poison in his body.

Then he opened his mouth and inhaled again, taking back all the poisons that filled the room into his body, otherwise, if someone came to clean up the room the next day, it was estimated that one would have to be poured out.

"Master, Jerry has always been loyal, don't kill me."

After the Flying Rat King regained consciousness, the frightened rat head kowtowed to Jiang Lin again and again. He thought he had provoked Jiang Lin and was about to be destroyed.

"Okay, I didn't want to kill you, my corpse has grown a lot, I can breathe poisonous evil, I just want to try the effect."

Jiang Lin coughed, took a small ginseng from his arms and threw it.

"Oh, master, you scared me to death."

The King of the Flying Rat was granted amnesty and swallowed the ginseng in one bite.

After eating the ginseng, it recalled what happened just now, and it was so frightened that it was sweating all over. It was a demon king, but it was almost killed by the poisonous evil emitted by Jiang Lin.

"The effect of this poison is really extraordinary. I don't know if it has such a strong effect on zombies and ghosts."

Jiang Lin planned to go back and try it on the unicorn corpse. As for the ghost king, he was reluctant to try it on Jing Yuanying. When he got to the underworld and went to the forbidden land of Luohu, he would not worry about finding the ghost king.

"Master, you should be able to take away this poisonous evil with ease, right?"

After being done this by Jiang Lin, the Flying Rat King left a shadow in his heart. If Jiang Lin was sleeping, the poisonous evil would disperse, and after dawn, his body might be cold.

"You're scared, go out and find a place with plenty of spiritual power to digest the medicinal power."

Jiang Lin waved his hand and let the Flying Mouse King go out. He had been busy for most of the night and was quite tired, so he went straight to rest after washing up.

If Zhang Xiaochuan woke up tomorrow, he would go to the Guanyin Temple with her to see what medicines were sold in the Miaoshan gourd.

Jiang Lin felt that Zhang Xiaochuan would be saved, which should have been foreseen by Miaoshan. Miaoshan instructed Zhang Dashao to let Zhang Xiaochuan take the amulet to the Guanyin Temple, which should have no purpose.

The next day, Zhang Xiaochuan woke up in a coma. As soon as she regained consciousness, she thought of what she had seen before she fell into a coma.

Jiang Lin's forehead was full of blue veins, and the situation was very wrong. It seemed that he was suffering severe pain.

"Jiang Lin! Where is Jiang Lin?"

This cry woke up Shu Ning's mother, who was lying beside the bed. She rubbed her eyes and said, "Xiao Chuan, are you awake?"

"Auntie, what happened to Jiang Lin? I can't let him have an accident just because I saved me, otherwise, how can I be worthy of Ning Jie."

Zhang Xiaochuan shook Shu Ning's mother's arm, feeling quite excited.

"He's fine, he's just a little weaker. He's very capable, you don't have to worry about him. You finally woke up, my aunt is so happy. Thanks to Jiang Lin, otherwise I really don't have the face to worship your mother."

"I... Aunt, do you mean that my fate problem has been solved?"

It was only at this time that Zhang Xiaochuan thought of her own problem. After listening to her aunt's words, she couldn't believe it for a while.

Really saved?

Shu Ning's mother repeated Jiang Lin's words last night. She didn't know much about some matters that needed attention. It would be okay to let Zhang Xiaochuan ask Zhang Dashao or Jiang Lin when he had time.

"Aunt, you're not coaxing me, are you? No, I have to ask myself."

The expression on Zhang Xiaochuan's face turned into joy for a while, and fear for a while, she lifted the quilt, put on slippers and ran out.

"This child..."

Shu Ning's mother thought that Zhang Xiaochuan was overwhelmed by the good news of Tianda.

In fact, apart from wanting to ask Jiang Lin personally, Zhang Xiaochuan subconsciously wanted to see him very much.

Full of joy, Zhang Xiaochuan trotted all the way to the door of Jiang Lin's room, only to find that Jiang Lin and Shu Ning were hugging and kissing in the room.

In an instant, the joy in Zhang Xiaochuan's heart dropped by half for no reason, as if he had knocked over a five-flavor bottle, and the sour taste was particularly heavy.

After pursing his lips, Zhang Xiaochuan did not disturb the two of them and returned the same way.

"Husband, let's choose a wedding dress today."

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