Shu Ning put her face on Jiang Lin's chest. Because of Zhang Xiaochuan's affairs, Jiang Lin has been busy these days and has no time to go out with her, and she is not in that mood.

"In the afternoon, I have to go to the Guanyin Temple with Xiaochuan."

Jiang Lin already knew that Zhang Xiaochuan had been here. Now that Zhang Xiaochuan was awake, he planned to go to the Guanyin Temple first, and then concentrate on preparing for the wedding.

"What are you doing with her to the Guanyin Temple? I'll go too!"

Shu Ning looked at Jiang Lin suspiciously. Her man and her cousin went to the Guanyin Temple together, which made her feel very strange.

What to do at Guanyin Temple?Seeking marriage or sending children?

"Don't go, I'll check to see if I can get any clues about Xian Zijue."

Jiang Lin told Shu Ning about Miaoshan. The "female bodhisattva" gave him a bit of an unfathomable feeling, and the level of cultivation might not be below him.

Without knowing the other party's purpose, he would definitely not bring Shu Ning there.

"It turns out that Xiaochuan hasn't had an accident for so many years, it's all because of that Miaoshan. You said that she took all the things you rescued Xiaochuan into account, is it so terrifying? And that talisman is also related to the immortal character Jue, why do I always think she's a problem? It's counting on you."

Shu Ning heard Jiang Lin's words and felt that something was wrong.

According to what Jiang Lin said, Miaoshan should also be able to rescue Zhang Xiaochuan, but she didn't do that, but left things behind.And now Jiang Lin has gained a lot of benefits by rescuing Zhang Xiaochuan. In some respects, it is considered to be Miaoshan's affection, and Miaoshan may hold the immortal character Jue, all kinds of "coincidences" come together, It's like trying to trick someone.

Shu Ning tugged at Jiang Lin's sleeve, not wanting Jiang Lin to pass.

"Don't worry, with my current ability, no matter what the other party's purpose is, I won't suffer."

Jiang Lin kissed Shu Ning's red lips, touched her head again, and left the room.

Chapter [*]: Miao Shan (Part [*])

A few minutes later, Jiang Lin found Zhang Xiaochuan and told her to go to the Guanyin Temple with her. The girl's joy was beyond words.

"Jiang Lin, thank you very much. My aunt said that I need to pay attention to many things in the future. Let me ask you."

"Let's talk on the way."

Along the way, Jiang Lin talked about many places that Zhang Xiaochuan had to stay away from and things that he needed to pay attention to. Zhang Xiaochuan carefully wrote them down in his notepad.

In fact, Young Master Zhang knew about these things, but since Zhang Xiaochuan asked, Jiang Lin told her everything.

An hour later, the two came to the Guanyin Temple in Hung Hom. Because it was still early, there were not many people in the temple.

Jiang Lin sent out his spiritual sense and sensed it, but he did not notice many spiritual power fluctuations.

Did you guess wrong?

Jiang Lin frowned. Could it be that everything was just a coincidence?

The two entered the temple gate, Zhang Xiaochuan bought a bunch of incense, placed it in the huge incense burner in the temple courtyard, and then entered the Guanyin Hall with Jiang Lin.

"Xiao Chuan, take out the magic charm."


According to Jiang Lin's words, Zhang Xiaochuan took out the amulet and put it in his palm, and knelt on the futon in front of the Avalokitesvara.

Jiang Lin's eyes looked around, and after waiting for a while, no one in particular appeared.

Finally, after thinking for a moment, he asked for the magic talisman in Zhang Xiaochuan's hand, and cast a spell to set it on fire.

After the talisman burned, a little light shot out from it and rushed towards the statue of Guanyin in the temple.

The entire statue instantly glowed, and a human-shaped light and shadow floated out of it.

Zhang Xiaochuan stared at the Avalokitesvara and covered his mouth.

Is this the Avalokitesvara?

Before she could ask Jiang Lin what was going on, a wave of tiredness swept across her spiritual platform.

As soon as his body tilted, Zhang Xiaochuan leaned on Jiang Lin's shoulder and passed out.

The same thing happened to the good men and faithful women in the temple, along with the monks who unwrapped the lottery, and they all fainted.

Jiang Lin hugged Zhang Xiaochuan's slender waist, preventing her from falling, and then squinted at the light and shadow in the air.

The light and shadow of the human figure gradually dimmed, and a young woman emerged.

She has short hair and a pretty face, and she wears an antique moon-white gown that sets it off quite dusty.

Jiang Lin's heart shook as he watched the young woman slowly falling from the sky.

Judging from her appearance, this woman looks like twenty-three or four-year-old, but her cultivation level is much higher than him, almost a whole realm higher.

In the age of the end of the law, this is almost impossible.

Unless her age is more than what it seems on the surface, just like his wife Li Yingqi, then it means that this young woman is also a monk, at least five or six hundred years ago.

In addition, the young woman actually appeared from the Avalokitesvara statue, which made Jiang Lin feel even more inscrutable.

Even the great virtues of cultivating Buddhas would not dare to blaspheme Buddhas and Bodhisattvas like this.

Jiang Lin's eyes moved back and forth between the young woman and the statue of Guanyin, and he found that her face was quite similar to the statue of Guanyin, so he asked, "Where are you? Miaoshan is you?"

"Hello, fellow Daoist, I am Miaoshan, and I am not sacred. It is just a drop of human tears left behind when Guanyin looked back at the suffering of the human world before he ascended to the Tao."

Miao Shan looked at Jiang Lin and smiled at him.

Guanyin's tears of red dust?

Jiang Lin raised his brows, Miao Shan's identity was indeed beyond his expectations.

But he didn't doubt what Miaoshan said, whether Miaoshan is Guanyin's tears or not has nothing to do with him.

Miaoshan moved her gaze to Zhang Xiaochuan, who had passed out in a coma, and said, "The fate has been broken, and the dead trees are in the spring. After all, it is her fate."

Jiang Lin looked at Zhang Xiaochuan's face on his shoulders, and finally determined that Miaoshan had indeed foreseen this outcome for Zhang Xiaochuan.

"You seem to have figured out that I will come? Tell me, what's the purpose?"

Jiang Lin didn't intend to communicate more with Miao Shan, and went straight to the point.

He doesn't like others pretending to be lofty in front of him, even if Miaoshan has some relationship with Guanyin.

If it wasn't for the fact that Xianzi Jue might be in Miaoshan's hands, he wouldn't have a good face.

"Fellow Daoist, you don't have to be so guarded against me, I just want to have a good relationship with you."

"The way of the poor fellow is different from that of fellow Daoist, and the way of doing things is just like that. What is the meaning of the word 'predestined'?"

Jiang Lin doesn't believe that Miaoshan is waiting for him here, just to make a fate, unless Miaoshan is full.

Miao Shan smiled slightly, but did not feel displeased with Jiang Lin's attitude, and said, "Fellow Daoist must be able to feel that now the chaos is rising, all kinds of monsters and monsters have appeared, even the giant monsters and monsters that were rarely seen before, They have all left the world. Although it has come to the end of the Dharma era, it will not be messed up like this. Have you ever wondered why?"

When asked by Miaoshan, Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment. He knew that there would be a worldwide war in the near future, and that kind of environment was also favored by monsters and monsters.

But even so, there should not be so many powerful evil spirits, such as Mao Zong, Fei Zong, Demon Emperor and Gorefiend.

Now there are only three corpses of the flying zombie level that have appeared in the world.

Even if the time is pushed forward by seven or eight hundred years, such a situation will not occur at all.

If Miao Shan hadn't mentioned this matter, Jiang Lin really hadn't thought about it carefully.

Miaoshan sighed and continued: "Daoist friend, have you ever thought that this is a sign of the impending catastrophe of the apocalypse?"


Jiang Lin nodded thoughtfully, but he still didn't understand what Miaoshan said to him.

Even the end of the world is beyond his control.

And if it wasn't for the catastrophe of the destruction of the earth, he felt that he would still be able to protect himself and his family. Even if the atmosphere was destroyed, Jiang Lin would still have the last choice to build a zombie family.

"Fellow Daoist, when disaster strikes, you are a very important person to respond to the disaster, which is why I became attached to you."

Don't don't, don't be like this, don't make cakes, I can't eat it.

As soon as Jiang Lin heard Miao Shan's words, he didn't need to continue listening, he knew what Miao Shan was going to say.

It is nothing more than what the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, and so on, and it is not about saving the world, or even dedicating one's precious life for the world.

Sorry, not interested.

Jiang Lin waved his hand and responded, "You look down on the poor way too much. There are thousands of people who have the ability. Even if they respond to the calamity, it will not be my turn. The poor way of doing things is not worth a whimper."

After hearing Jiang Lin's words, Miao Shan frowned slightly, and said, "Daoist friend, you don't have to be too modest, a practitioner who is very likely to step into the corpse level, if this is considered a rudimentary practice, then how can it be? Aren't all cultivators in the world feeling ashamed?"

"Your ability to foresee seems to be very strong? Since that's the case, you shouldn't be unaware of my choice, right?"

Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes, since Miaoshan had uncovered his bottom line, he was not going to talk to Miaoshan any more.

Chapter [*] Do I look like a savior?

This feeling of being seen through and exposing the old bottom made Jiang Lin very unhappy.

What made him even more uncomfortable was that his meaning was already very clear. If you have anything to do with someone else, don't look for him, but Miaoshan just pretended not to understand.

"Once the catastrophe comes, the three realms and six paths will be affected..."

"Okay, okay, you just want to say how serious the consequences are, how much role I can play, let me help, and then talk about the infinite merits, the seventh-level Buddha and so on. I told you earlier, We say different things, you can save these words."

Jiang Lin waved his hand directly, not willing to listen.

"Why don't you even listen to it?"

Miao Shan frowned. She was transformed by a drop of Guanyin's tears of red dust. She was the incarnation of Guanyin in the world. I don't know how many people wanted to listen to her instructions, but Jiang Lin didn't listen to the bastard's chanting.

"Okay, tell me, I'll listen."

Jiang Lin held his arms and looked at Miao Shan quietly, and then he listened to some useless words.

What catastrophe is approaching, the three realms and six realms are unavoidable, what apocalypse is coming, the human world will suffer.

In the end, Miao Shan gave him chicken soup just as he thought, and let him do earth-shattering events.

Let him be the savior.

"Are you finished? I'm sorry, you found the wrong person."

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