Jiang Lin listened to Miaoshan's words as a stand-up comic, and said that I played a major role, even if he said that I was a savior. Do I look like a savior?

Jiang Lin didn't take Miaoshan's persuasion into consideration at all. Although he was confident in his own abilities, he was never conceited. It was really the end of the world or the end of the world. What role could he play?

A little Celestial Master, a savior?Is this because of his exquisite bones?

What kind of ability, what kind of things to do.

If he had to say that he was a savior or something, Jiang Lin had no doubt that someone wanted to use him as cannon fodder.

And most importantly, Miao Shan didn't mention what he could get at all, and Miao Shan didn't say a word about the immortal character Jue that he cared about most.

If there is nothing, let him be a savior, and then he may lose his head in minutes?

Who is going?Are you fed up?

"The sky is falling, and there are tall people standing on it. If you don't look for gods and Buddhas all over the sky, you insist on looking for a small person like me. You are really looking for the wrong person. If you look closely at my face, you think I look like a Savior?"

Jiang Lin spread his hands and continued: "Let's just say this, I have no affinity with you, so I don't have to be attached to it. Since you threw out that magic talisman many years ago, you must know what I need. Come to the trade, I still like this approach. If you need anything, give me what I need."

Jiang Lin chose to speak clearly and clearly, and if he had any purpose, he would just take what they needed from each other.

He will only go when it is worth the risk.

What kind of great kindness, great compassion, and righteousness, dealing with Mao Xiaofang's character, it's okay, use it on him, I'm sorry, it's useless.

He and Mao Xiaofang are completely different types of people.

When he thinks of Mao Xiaofang, Jiang Lin really thinks it is very interesting. Mao Xiaofang did not know how much he paid for Gantian Town. In the end, because of Lei Gang's incident, he was regarded as a rat crossing the street by the townspeople of Gantian Town, and he became an elder of the Beggar Gang. , and almost got killed.Later, because of the calamity, the Fuxi Hall was almost demolished by the townspeople, and finally was directly martyred.

If it wasn't for him treating Mao Xiaofang as a friend and helping him out, Mao Xiaofang probably wouldn't know how tall the grass is now.

It's like this to save people in a town, so why don't you go to save the world.

Therefore, Jiang Lin directly implements his own principles. You get what you need, and I get what I want.

Of course, if Miaoshan used the immortal character Jue to "start on the ground", Jiang Lin would also consider obtaining it in other ways, such as robbing her.

A little disappointment flashed in Miao Shan's eyes. In fact, she knew that Jiang Lin wanted the Immortal Character Jue, but she didn't have it.

Originally, she planned to let Jiang Lin get some benefits through Zhang Xiaochuan. To put it bluntly, she wanted Jiang Lin to accept her love, and then use this as a basis to persuade Jiang Lin and let Jiang Lin help her.

But now Jiang Lin is like a hard rock.

"I don't have what you want in my hand."

Miao Shan shook his head and told Jiang Lin the truth directly.


Jiang Lin stared at Miao Shan's face and asked, "You don't have it, or are you unwilling to take it out?"

"I also said earlier that I became attached to you, fellow Daoist. How could I have a bad relationship with you just because you didn't agree?"

Miao Shansu raised her hand, and a disc appeared out of thin air in her hand, saying: "This is a fake, it can play some role. As for the real one, I really don't know where it is. But I should still be able to detect the clues, since you It's time to make a deal, and we'll meet again."

Miao Shan held the palm of her hand, and the disc flew out of her hand and fell towards Jiang Lin.

After Jiang Lin took the disc, he found that the pattern on it was exactly the same as that of the Immortal Character Jue. The only difference was that the disc did not have the power to exorcise evil spirits and suppress demons that the Immortal Character Jue had.

It is indeed a fake.

"You don't even have a clue?"

Jiang Lin clenched his fists and felt extremely disappointed. He thought that the Xianzi Jue was in Miaoshan's hands, and at worst there should be clues about the Xianzi Jue, but now there is nothing.

"This immortal character jade is not a thing in this world. Although I have the ability to predict, I can't find its location unless I use Tianshitong. But now the time is not enough, I can't use this ability."

"You just gave me this fake?"

"if not?"

Miao Shan smiled slightly and continued, "If fellow Daoist feels uneasy, you can agree to a request from me."

"any request?"

"Protect a person. When she appeared, it was also the time for me to say goodbye to fellow Daoists."

After saying this, Miaoshan's body began to emit light, and finally slowly dissipated until it disappeared.

"What a brilliant clone illusion."

Jiang Lin frowned, and after communicating with Miaoshan for so long, he didn't even realize that the other party was not his body at all.

Chapter [*] I will buy it, no one can speak

After Miaoshan disappeared, several people in the Guanyin Hall who had collapsed on the ground or were lying on the table were pulled up by a force, maintaining the appearance before they lost consciousness.

Afterwards, they all regained consciousness one by one, but they had no impression of the vision when Miaoshan appeared before, as if nothing had happened.

Jiang Lin took the round jade plate into his arms and glanced around, and knew what means Miao Shan had used.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaochuan also began to gradually regain consciousness. After waking up, she realized that she was leaning on Jiang Lin's shoulder, and he was hugging her waist.

"What happened? I...you...how did you put your arms around me?"

Zhang Xiaochuan blushed like an apple, she was not like other people, her memory was preserved.

Feeling the temperature of Jiang Lin's arms, Zhang Xiaochuan wanted to get out, but his body didn't move.

The feeling of her heart pounding like a deer made her a little nostalgic.

"You fell asleep just now. If I hadn't hugged you, you would have to lie down."

Jiang Lin glanced at Zhang Xiaochuan and let go of his arm.

Then he explained to Zhang Xiaochuan a little about what happened just now, and he didn't mention some things that Zhang Xiaochuan could not understand.

"Let's go."

"That... Do you mean that Guanyin appeared, or you wait for me outside, and I will worship again."

"what ever."

Jiang Lin stepped out of the Guanyin Hall and walked out of the temple gate. He took out the jade plate again and measured it.

"Can it really play a part as Miaoshan said?"

Jiang Lin frowned, and for a while he couldn't be sure whether the jade plate had the effect of immortal character Jue.

He was going to use the system to scan it after he went back. It was about Li Yingqi's safety, so he had to be careful.

Miaoshan didn't know him, so it's better to keep some precautions.

After Jiang Lin left, Zhang Xiaochuan knelt on the futon in front of the Avalokitesvara again, but this time, instead of revoking her wish, she picked up the sign jar on the side.

Before she saw someone asking for a sign here and then went to the sign release office to ask about luck and marriage, and she also wanted to ask about her own marriage.

Zhang Xiaochuan shook it a few times, and a long sign fell out of the can.

"Hello, I'm asking for marriage."

Holding the long sign, Zhang Xiaochuan felt a little apprehensive. He went to the sign-understanding office and handed it to the monk who understood the sign.

"The dead trees are all new in spring, and the flowers and leaves are full of butterflies. Taoyuan competes with thousands of reds and purples, and a fishing boat strays into Tianjin."

"Excuse me, what does this mean?"

Listening to the monk reading the signature, Zhang Xiaochuan, although he is a literate person, could not understand it.

"This sign has good luck and no evil. It means that the dead trees are in the spring, and whether they are very peaceful, it means that your marriage is coming, Miss. Ruyi Langjun is not far away, and you will be happy and worry-free in the future."

"Withered trees come in spring, will they be very peaceful..."

Zhang Xiaochuan felt that these two words were referring to her current situation. Naturally, she had no doubts about what the monk said later. In addition, Jiang Lin had said before that she was a star, and her heart was pounding for a while. Jump.

When he was in Jiang Lin's arms just now, Zhang Xiaochuan already knew that he was heartbroken, and now he said that her wishful husband was not far away, so she really didn't know what to do.

Zhang Xiaochuan's heart was filled with joy, panic, and helplessness, and what moved her heart was a man who already had a wife.

"Is there any famous jewelry store in Xugang? I want the most famous one."

After Zhang Xiaochuan came out, Jiang Lin checked the time and prepared to go to the jewelry store.

Although there are many treasures in his family, most of them are Chinese. Shu Ning has been influenced by Western culture since he was a child, and prefers diamonds.

Jiang Lin has been busy these past few days, and plans to buy some gifts for Shu Ning to make up for it, and by the way, prepare a wedding ring and the like.

"Zhou Ji Jewelry is very famous, but it is very expensive. It is the place where the upper class celebrities and British aristocrats go to Hong Kong."

Zhang Xiaochuan looked at Jiang Lin. Although she knew that Jiang Lin earned [*] Hong Kong dollars last time, it is still not enough to go to Zhouji Jewelry Store to buy things.

"Did you bring any money in addition to the last payment?"

"Except for the [*], it seems that I have no money. It's fine. Let's go and have a look."

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment. He really didn't bring much cash. The ocean he brought last time had already been exchanged to buy dowry gifts.

But he didn't care about it. He didn't bring cash, he brought real gold, and there were quite a few. Generally, large-scale jewelry stores can directly exchange for the equivalent.

"Then you go there and take it easy. But it's okay, I'll be with you."

Zhang Xiaochuan envied Shu Ning in her heart, she knew that Jiang Lin definitely wanted to buy jewelry for Shu Ning, but even if he had no money, Jiang Lin would go to the best jewelry store.

Definitely true love.

"You don't need to take it easy."

Jiang Lin smiled and didn't explain much to Zhang Xiaochuan, he didn't like showing off his wealth.

An hour later, Jiang Lin and Zhang Xiaochuan arrived at the most prosperous area of ​​Xugang, where Zhouji Jewelry Store is located.

After Zhang Xiaochuan entered the gate, he pointed to the corner next to him, and said softly to Jiang Lin, "The area we're going to is in the million-dollar area."

She has accompanied Shu Ning's mother here before, and she still knows the price arrangement here.

Jiang Lin only had [*] yuan in his body, and other areas were basically more than [*] yuan.

The two clerks in the store wanted to go up to them, but as soon as they saw Jiang Lin's outfit and heard Zhang Xiaochuan's words, their enthusiasm went down.

Jiang Lin was not ready to go, but a wave of fluctuations came from the place Zhang Xiaochuan pointed, which stirred the corpse poison in his body.

Jiang Lin snorted lightly and walked over.

In a glass cabinet in the corner, Jiang Lin saw a bead full of cracks inside.

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