Moreover, in her opinion, Jiang Lin is not a person who is very willing to accept new things. Don't choose a wedding dress and choose a white wedding dress with a red wedding dress for her.

With Zhang Xiaochuan on the side, it would be good for someone to give their opinions for their reference.

Zhang Xiaochuan's preferences are still very similar to hers.

Jiang Lin: "..."

Shu Ning and Zhang Xiaochuan covered their mouths and chuckled when they saw Jiang Lin's expressionless expression.

"Then let's go together."

After the three went out together, they went straight to the city center and found the most famous bridal shop in Xugang.

"Sister Ning, I think this one is very good."

"Alright, try it first."

"This one this one."

"Try them all."

After arriving at the bridal shop, the two sisters Shu Ning and Zhang Xiaochuan only discussed what wedding dresses look good, and completely left Jiang Lin aside for two hours.

In fact, Jiang Lin really has no experience in choosing wedding dresses, even though he has many wives, but in the past, brides wore red wedding dresses.

Including his foreign wife Eve, too.

"Brother Lin, as long as we women buy clothes together, it will take a long time. Otherwise, you should go to the photo studio and buy some film for the wedding."

Seeing that Jiang Lin had been wandering around in the store, Shu Ning kissed him on the face and let him do other things first, she had to pick for a while.

"Okay, then, take your time."

Jiang Lin nodded and went out.

"Sister Ning, you really have... My dad said you are really lucky."

"That's not it, your sister and mine's vision, how can ordinary people compare."

After Jiang Lin left, the two sisters chatted while choosing.

"Sister Ning, was he chasing you or you chasing him? You have already had sex, did he want you, or did you give him?"

Seeing that there was almost no one in the store, Zhang Xiaochuan looked gossipy and asked in a low voice about the past between Shu Ning and Jiang Lin.

On the surface, she seems to be gossiping, but in fact, she is learning from Shu Ning, a past person.

"You little gossip."

Shu Ning rolled her eyes at Zhang Xiaochuan and said, "Actually, neither of us chased each other, we just got along and developed feelings for him. I fell in love with him, and later he saved your uncle, my love for him It's even more intense."

Having said that, Shu Ning pouted and continued: "He's dead, he knew I liked him, but he didn't say anything. At that time, I made up my mind that as long as he asked for it, I wouldn't refuse it. Later, I took him home for dinner and said I wanted to thank him, and then that night, I gave myself to him. If not, after he came home, I would never have the chance to be alone with him. Thinking about it now, I took the opportunity to catch your sister. I have never told anyone about these things, so you can't say that your sister is not ashamed. "

"Then you're not worried that he won't accept the account after eating and wiping it off?"

Zhang Xiaochuan opened her mouth slightly when she heard it. Her cousin, who was so arrogant, would actually find an excuse to "deceive" a man to his place.

Shu Ning smiled and responded, "No, you are stupid, you are your sister, I went to his house for an interview while he was out before, and asked a few of his wives in a side-by-side manner. Oh, he is possessive, as long as he touches a woman's body, he will keep her by his side and bring her into the house, so I don't worry about him wiping his mouth and not recognizing her."

So this is ah.

Really gained knowledge.

Zhang Xiaochuan clenched his teeth lightly, and a strange brilliance flashed in his beautiful eyes.

Learn from my cousin!

"Sister Ning, do you really mind that he will have other women? I... I mean he has the ability and is very rich. I guess there will be many women as his concubine."

"I don't mind, how do you say it, you don't understand. Besides, he has high eyesight, and the gate of Jiang's family can't be entered if you want."

Shu Ning didn't explain anything to Zhang Xiaochuan. She couldn't say that Jiang Lin's physique was special, as if he wouldn't be tired. There were so many wives at home that sometimes they couldn't serve him.

Just don't mind.

After confirming it again, Zhang Xiaochuan could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Brother Lin, are you satisfied?"

Half an hour later, Jiang Lin returned to the bridal shop, Shu Ning went inside to change the wedding dress, and let Jiang Lin see if he was satisfied.

"Okay, as long as you like it, I'm satisfied too."

Jiang Lin raised his brows, Shu Ning looked really beautiful in her wedding dress.

After buying the wedding dress, Shu Ning and Zhang Xiaochuan took Jiang Lin to the suit shop on the street and bought him a groom's suit.

very handsome.

People rely on clothes, Jiang Lin changed into a straight suit, Zhang Xiaochuan felt that he was completely trapped.

"Brother Lin, what do you have to do tomorrow? Otherwise, you can deal with it first. It will take a long time for Xiaochuan and I to buy wedding supplies."

"I saw a strange mountain before when I went to the vicinity of Xugang. I wanted to go there to see Feng Shui. I'll go there tomorrow. I'm running out of time. I'll accompany you today."

Jiang Lin held Shu Ning's hand and smiled at him.

Going out tomorrow?

Zhang Xiaochuan's heart suddenly thumped.

Ning Jie said that she grasped the opportunity accurately, and I have to learn it too!

Because Zhang Xiaochuan had Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, he basically stopped talking, so it didn't take long to buy all the wedding supplies.

After a busy day, Jiang Lin went to bed early after eating.

In the early morning of the next day, he woke up early, and when he arrived at the front yard, he found Zhang Xiaochuan standing at the door with a camera.

"So early? What news did you receive?"

"I haven't received any news. It's possible that I won't be able to be a reporter next year. I just want to make a follow-up report and send it to the newspaper. I want to witness how you, a Feng Shui master, look at the mountains and landscapes. Would you take me there?"

Zhang Xiaochuan has practiced this sentence many times in front of the mirror, so his expression is still natural, but his heart is still very throbbing.

I was afraid that Jiang Lin would not agree.

Shu Ning said he wanted to thank Jiang Lin at the beginning, but it was because the drunkard did not want to drink. Zhang Xiaochuan followed suit this time.

Chapter [*]: The dragon fights in the wild, its blood is black and yellow

"Send it to the newspaper? That's fine."

Jiang Lin nodded. Although Zhang Xiaochuan may not publish it after sending it, it also has a certain effect of dissemination and recording.

Even if he returns to Gantian Town, as long as he leaves his contact information here, if someone asks him to do business, he can come over to do some business and lay a foundation for future development.

"Come on, I'm short on time today."

Because today I was going to Huixingshan to determine the Feng Shui pattern, and I couldn't bring the colorful tiger king or the flying rat king there, and there was a lot of work to do, so Jiang Lin didn't delay much, and walked ahead.


Zhang Xiaochuan clenched his fists behind him, then trotted after Jiang Lin.

After driving for half an hour, Jiang Lin and Zhang Xiaochuan walked for another hour, and finally reached the Huixing Mountain where they had been last time.

"The wind has no shape, the cloud has no shape, is it really returning to the Longxizhao Bureau?"

Jiang Lin looked down at the surging mountains below from the top of the hill, his expression was quite excited.

He also looked at Huixing Mountain last time, but there was no wind at that time, and he didn't see any clues.

This time, the situation in the mountains was moving together, and the scene was exactly the same as what was depicted in the book.

"You are waiting for me here."

Jiang Lin left this sentence and stood up in the air, his body rising vertically.

Zhang Xiaochuan looked up at Jiang Lin with little stars in his eyes.

The last time she was in the cave, she had seen Jiang Lin lift off into the sky, but at that time, her collar was wide open and she just screamed and didn't think about anything else at all.

Jiang Lin reached [*] meters above the sky and took in the overall outline of the Huixing Mountain below.

Rather than calling it Huixing Mountain, it is more appropriate to call it Mosquito Incense Mountain.

If you look down from the top of this mountain, the top view is like a mosquito coil broken from the middle. The center of the "mosquito coil" is a rather wide basin, about ten miles in diameter.

Jiang Lin concentrated his spiritual power in his eyes, and carefully looked down at the various details of the mountain below, trying not to miss any place.

Although there are clouds and mists in the mountains, it is impossible to see the whole picture at once, but now the situation in the mountains is surging, and the movement of Yun Lan can still expose the mountains.

"One, two, three..."

Jiang Lin counted the areas in the Huixing Mountain that were suspected to be extremely yin, and his expectations became more and more in his heart.

He has already determined that there is a mysterious yellow energy in Huixing Mountain, which is rarer than purple energy. As long as the number of extremely yin places in the mountain is correct, and then find unique beasts in them, he can finally confirm the pattern of this place.

In fact, the correct understanding of Huilong Xizhao Bureau should be Xizhao Huilong. The "Xizhao" here does not refer to the setting sun at dusk. "Xi" means the eve of New Year's Eve, which is the Nian Beast. "Zhao" means to take care of.As for Huilong, the meaning is the same as "the dragon fights in the wild, its blood is black and yellow".

"Dragon fights in the wild, its blood is mysterious and yellow" is originally the sixth line of the Kun hexagram in the sixty-four hexagrams. Many people, including Taoist priests who study feng shui or divination, understand that it is dragons fighting in the wilderness and splattering their blood.

Even many books have errors when interpreting this line.

In fact, there is no dragon, and there is no wilderness. Just as horses refer to the cause of Kun, and dragons refer to the yang of dryness.

And the yin and yang are at war with each other, and the formation of something that is neither yin nor yang, like blood droplets, is the black and yellow qi.

In the sixty-four hexagrams, the Kun hexagram is the negative pole, and when it changes further, the yin disappears and the yang breathes, that is, the yin disappears and the yang grows, the negative pole returns and the yang returns, and the extreme yin fights with the returning yang. Yaoci will be "the dragon fights in the wild, its blood is mysterious yellow".

Huilong Xizhao Bureau refers to the extremely rare place where the yin turns to the yang, and this pattern must be seen at a special time.

The six lines of the Kun Trigram belong to Yin, and the sky is in the midwinter month, that is, the winter solstice. After the winter solstice, the sky changes from extremely yin to yang. Therefore, in ancient times, in the Shang, Zhou and Qin dynasties, the beginning of the year was the winter solstice, and the New Year was also the winter solstice. day.Therefore, there will be evening, that is, the beast of the year.

In fact, there is nothing magical about the so-called Nian beast.

Therefore, as long as there are six extremely yin places in this Huixing Mountain, as well as mandrills that help the yang overcome the yin, this place can constitute the Huilong Sunset Bureau.

If it really exists, whenever the extreme yin turns to yang, that is, the period from the winter solstice to the twelfth lunar month, the entire mountain will have an extremely precious mysterious yellow energy.

"There must be, there must be!"

Jiang Lin felt excited when he thought about it, and could not wait to turn over Huixing Mountain immediately.

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