"It turned out to be you! All my descendants were killed by you!"

The fierce cat was stimulated by Jiang Lin's words, his eyes glowed red, and the nails on both hands popped out instantly, like steel claws.

"Even if you are a Celestial Master, how many times can you kill me? I only need to kill you once."

With a bow, the fierce cat rushed towards Jiang Lin, and only the afterimage could be seen.

"How many times can I kill you, count how many times you can be resurrected, let me see how many resurrection coins you have."

Jiang Lin raised his arm and shot out the bone sword, instantly piercing the fierce cat's body and nailing it to the wall of the cave.

After drawing a spell on the palm of his hand, before the fierce cat could make any movement, Jiang Lin's body teleported to the fierce cat and hit its forehead with his palm. One of the souls of life was drawn out by him.

At this moment, the fierce cat suddenly opened its eyes, and its body suddenly blurred, turning into eight cat-headed demon spirits, which turned into eight streamers rushing vertically up the hole, and converged again at a height of more than ten meters. shape.

"Stinky Taoist priest, I will let you die without a burial place!"

Jiang Lin was suddenly charged with a life and soul, and the fierce cat knew that he was not an opponent, so he could only escape first.

But as soon as it rushed to the entrance of the hole, it was stopped by the French Open, and smoke came from all over.

"Your grandma, want to run?"

The Flying Rat King above can wait. It has already used all the strength of its whole body, and a giant claw slapped it down, smashing the fierce cat with a mouthful of blood, and issued a sharp cat meow.

"Come on, let me see how many times you can resurrect."

A large amount of poisonous evil spewed out of the pores of Jiang Lin's body, which quickly spread at the bottom of the cave.

Instead of using abilities such as mana and teleportation, it is better to directly poison it.

Even if the fierce cat is resurrected, it will be poisoned to death as soon as it is resurrected.

The fierce cat was slapped directly from above by the Flying Rat King, and fell into a mess. As soon as it got up, it was choked by the poisonous evil spread by Jiang Lin, and it kept coughing.

"This fog... poisonous..."

The fierce cat covered his neck and pointed at Jiang Lin, his face full of resentment.

What a Taoist priest doesn't use magic, you use poison!

You are poisonous!

Pointing and pointing, the fierce cat crooked.

Direct poisoning.

Jiang Lin's corpse had reached the level of stiff hair, and the poisonous evil spread out was even more ruthless than the zombie king's grasping, plus the fierce cat was seriously injured by the Flying Rat King.

Jiang Lin threw a few talismans around the fierce cat and set up a simple isolation barrier, and then he sprayed poison inside the barrier while waiting for the fierce cat to revive in situ.

"Playing resurrection in front of me, all the resurrection coins will be exhausted for you."

Jiang Lin folded his arms and waited.

Chapter [*] Zhang Xiaochuan of self-suggestion

It didn't take long for the fierce cat to resurrect again. As soon as it was resurrected, it turned into several demon spirits and tried to escape.

But a few streamers just rushed out of the enchantment and flew up a few meters, the speed dropped sharply, gathered together again, and fell again.


It seems that this poison should be equally effective on ghosts or spirits.

Jiang Lin was a little surprised by this. The demon spirit of the fierce cat is basically the same as the spirit body, and it will also be eroded by his poisonous evil.

With a chuckle, Jiang Lin took away the life and soul of the vicious cat in the barrier.

With a "bang", the fierce cat fell back into the isolation barrier. It clicked a few times and kicked its legs, and it stopped moving.

death x1.

After a while, the plot continued.

death x2.

death x3.


It didn't take long for the Fierce Cat's resurrection coins to be handed over, and it was a complete hiccups.

Because of the different methods of cultivation, the fierce cat has no inner core in its body, but Jiang Lin has harvested several demon spirits, plus [*] points of cruelty, it is also worth it.

After dealing with the poisonous evil at the bottom of the cave, Jiang Lin lifted a nine-tailed white cat the size of a calf into the air.

Although this fierce cat was a demon king, it had nothing to do with it. However, Jiang Lin promised Inspector Fatty that if he wanted to deal with the fierce cat, he had to let them recognize the corpse.

"Master, Jerry asks to whip the corpse!"

After Jiang Lin came up, the Flying Rat King saw that the fierce cat was dead, but he didn't relieve his hatred.

"Don't make it hard to see the original shape, you just wait here, I will call the next person to let the police come to claim it when I go back."

After explaining the Flying Mouse King, Jiang Lin went back directly.

"Jiang Lin, how is it? Is the fierce cat dead?"

Jiang Lin returned to Shu's house, and as soon as he entered the gate, Young Master Zhang, who was helping to clean up the yard, couldn't wait to ask.

It has always been the mission of their Zhang family to eliminate the fierce cat. In his generation, there is no heir. If the fierce cat is completely eliminated, he will have the face to explain to his ancestors when he arrives.

"Dad! Shouldn't you first ask Jiang Lin if he is injured?"

Zhang Xiaochuan scolded her father, no matter what, Jiang Lin was equivalent to helping the Zhang family to deal with the fierce cat, and he was also taking risks. As soon as people entered the door, they didn't care, how could they come up and ask about things.

The servants who were doing things around also looked at Zhang Dashao. Our future uncle is busy. This time, you don't ask if the person is okay, but if the cat is dead, this is outrageous.

"I'm... I'm so confused."

The expression on Zhang Dashao's face was quite embarrassing. After a dry laugh, he asked: "Ferocious cats are difficult to deal with, are you alright?"

"It's been completely removed, I'm fine."

Jiang Lin didn't take such trivial matters to heart. Fierce cats were the obsession of Young Master Zhang, and it was normal to be overly concerned.


After getting the exact answer, even if Young Master Zhang had guesses in his heart, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Jiang Lin spent more than an hour before and after, and there should be not much time left to find it, so he completely killed the fierce cat.

It's so unbelievable.

"Jiang Lin, thank you so much. I'll go home with my ancestors and put some incense sticks. You can eat them later."

Young Master Zhang found a reason to leave because he said something wrong just now, and he couldn't hang his face.

Jiang Lin nodded, and then asked Zhang Xiaochuan, "Xiaochuan, how would you describe the location of the cave where the fierce cat was sealed before? I'll have someone go to the police station to identify the dead cat's body there. Have you eaten yet? Hungry."

"That...that...that is Guangsongshan Col, but...you can eat when you come back."

The cave mentioned by Jiang Lin reminded Zhang Xiaochuan of what happened to her and Jiang Lin in it two nights ago, and even stuttered when he spoke.

Jiang Lin snorted, called two servants, and instructed the Fatty Inspector to inform him. Then he smiled and said to Zhang Xiaochuan, "What are you thinking, let's go, little stammer."

Thinking what?I want you to hug me and take advantage of me a lot!

stop laughing!

Zhang Xiaochuan looked at Jiang Lin's back, her heart was in a mess, she really didn't know how to deal with the emotions that were sprouting in her heart.

Ning Jie said that she didn't mind, and Dad wanted me to find someone who could protect me. I...

Zhang Xiaochuan pinched the corner of her clothes, her thoughts were very confused, after a long time, she murmured: "What a big deal, it was him at the beginning, he said that I would find Mr. Ruyi soon, and he saved my life, What he said must be correct. And the female bodhisattva also said that if my destiny is to be broken, I will meet a noble person, or marry someone. Like a noble, he is not my noble, that is mine..."

"Actually, what the older generation said is right. It all depends on fate. Marriage is determined by heaven. Since Hongluan is moving, don't resist."

"And he has taken up all the cheapness. If I don't let him be responsible, wouldn't I have lost a lot of money."

"Also, he helped our Zhang family so much, even my life was saved by him, and the book said that it should be a promise."

This mysterious self-suggestion made Zhang Xiaochuan gradually let go of the burden in her heart. She put her hand into her pocket and clenched the pendant that Jiang Lin gave her.

Early the next morning, Jiang Lin knocked on Shu Ning's door. The day after tomorrow would be a big wedding. Today, he and Shu Ning will go to order the wedding dress.

Tomorrow, he needs to go to the Huixing Mountain that he had seen before, give Bishop an accurate answer, and finalize the purchase as soon as possible.

"Jiang Lin, Sister Ning, are you going to choose a wedding dress?"

Zhang Xiaochuan was watering the flowers and plants in the yard, and when he saw Jiang Lin and Shu Ning, he went up to them.

"Yes, Brother Lin has something to do tomorrow. I need to settle the wedding dress today."

Shu Ning's face was full of radiance. Ever since she moved into Li Yang Residence, she has been looking forward to how she will look in her wedding dress.

"I'll go as well."

"Are you going too?"

"Yes, Sister Ning, when it comes to choosing a wedding dress, if you accommodate Jiang Lin, you might not be able to choose the best looking one. Besides, I have to buy you a wedding pillow and the like, and I also need you to choose. what."

Zhang Xiaochuan shook Shu Ning's arm, almost believing what he said.

Chapter [*] Learn from my cousin!

"Huh, do you mean that I have low taste when you say that?"

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, what does it mean that he might not be able to choose the best looking one?

Zhang Xiaochuan hurriedly explained: "No... I don't mean that, what I mean is that men's aesthetics are still somewhat different from women's, just like the long gown you wear. Compared with suits, if you don't look at them, who is Middle Earth? Whoever is from the West, that is, suits are more in line with modern aesthetics, I think you look better in a suit, but you are basically wearing a long shirt."

"I just think I'm very elegant in a long gown."

At this time, Jiang Lin exposed his straight male attributes, what's the use of being handsome, he felt that he was standing in the wind wearing a long shirt, and the wind was blowing.

"Ahem, Brother Lin, can you wear a suit to the wedding? Why don't you just let Xiaochuan come with us."

Shu Ning tugged at the corner of Jiang Lin's clothes, she was really afraid that Jiang Lin would bring a long gown to match the wedding dress at the wedding.

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