After the handprints changed, Jiang Lin squatted down and made a pit on the ground brick powder. Then he put the incense head between his fingers and the incense tail against the brick powder.

It didn't take long for the sandalwood tail to drive his hand and draw a line on the brick powder.

Yo, digging a hole is really right.

Then you are near death.

Jiang Lin sneered, now that the fierce cat can no longer escape his Wuzhishan, just wash his neck and wait for him to pass.

"Jiang Lin, are you going to deal with the fierce cat now? I'll go there too."

Although Zhang Dashao is not very good, his eyesight is still somewhat, and it can be seen that Jiang Lin seems to be using a tracking technique.

In Zhang Dashao's opinion, the fierce cat came to Shu's house this time because of their Zhang family, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he was attracted by him.

At this juncture, he also wanted to do his part to kill the vicious cat.

In fact, the arrival of the fierce cat this time is really because of Zhang Dashao, but Zhang Dashao is just a scapegoat.

Jiang Lin set up several attacking circles at the bottom of the cave, which caused the fierce cat to lose several layers of skin, and its cats and grandchildren were all slaughtered cleanly, so after the fierce cat was healed, the only thought in his heart was is revenge.

And those who know the location of its seal are basically the Zhang family, and those magic formations were laid by Taoist priests, so it put the pot on Zhang Dashao's head this time, and came to him to settle accounts.

Too bad this stupid cat didn't find the right person from the start.

"I'm going to settle the mouse boy first. You don't have to go, but you need me to be distracted."

With the method of tracing, Jiang Lin was not in a hurry to pursue it. He first solved the matter in the rear completely, and then he went to abuse the cat.

Jiang Lin naturally refused Zhang Dashao's good intentions. He needed to obtain the nine souls of the fierce cat, and at that time, he also needed to use the power of the corpse, and it was inconvenient to have outsiders beside him.


Young Master Zhang really felt very faceless, and was ignored by Jiang Lin over and over again.

What made him even more depressed was that with Jiang Lin's cultivation ability, there was really nothing wrong with ignoring him.

"Jiang Lin, why don't you let my dad go with you and take care of each other."

Zhang Xiaochuan also persuaded Jiang Lin. Although she knew that Jiang Lin's road was very high, after all, the fierce cat claimed to have nine lives. It might not be a common trouble to deal with. Multiple people always have more strength.

She was really worried that Jiang Lin would deal with the fierce cat alone, what danger would there be.

In addition, she also knew what Zhang Dashao was thinking. Two days ago, she told Zhang Dashao that the place where the fierce cat was sealed was outrageously wrong, which led to the complete recovery of the fierce cat, and the efforts of her ancestors for hundreds of years were all in vain. .

Therefore, Zhang Dashao wanted to do his best to deal with the fierce cat, to make up for the faults of himself and his deceased father, and to give an explanation to his ancestors.

"I can handle it."

Jiang Lin didn't say more and went to the backyard.

"Brother Lin, why did you come back so late? A monster came before."

In the backyard, Shu Ning was directing his servants to groom the Flying Rat King. When she saw Jiang Lin's return, she took three steps to hug Jiang Lin.

"I've looked for more places. That monster that doesn't know how to live or die, I'll kill it today, and I'll be with you tomorrow."

After taking a sip on Shu Ning's forehead, Jiang Lin told her to step aside and set up a magic circle around the Flying Mouse King.

Afterwards, he released all the three or four hundred earth souls he had collected, refined them with the true fire of samadhi, and finally shot the balls of soul balls into the sky spirit of the Flying Rat King.

An hour later, the Flying Tiger King woke up from the coma.

"Master, thank you for saving your life."

The Flying Mouse King bowed to Jiang Lin with his huge mouse head, and then turned into a little mouse and jumped onto Jiang Lin's shoulders.

Jiang Lin flicked the mouse boy's forehead lightly, and said, "Want to take revenge? Take you to abuse the cat."

Although the Flying Mouse King had just woken up, because he had swallowed the Golden Fox Inner Pill and the Emperor Jiao's blood before, as long as the spirit and the earth spirit were complete, he would be almost completely recovered, and he didn't need to rest much.

"Kill it to death!"

The mouse boy is now in the role of the mouse, and the things that have been overshadowed will not be brought back to the scene, and he will not have a happy New Year.

"Jiang Lin, if you want to go, take these instruments with you. This is a magic bow made of a thousand-year-old bamboo from Mount Hua, and these talismans and arrows are all made for the spirit of the fierce cat. Miracle."

Zhang Dashao came to the backyard with a huge wooden box. After opening the wooden box, it was the magic weapon of their Zhang family to deal with fierce cats.

Jiang Lin waved his hand and said, "I don't need these."

"Then how are you going to deal with the fierce cat? It can't be killed once or twice. If you don't prepare some means, it will easily happen."

"Prepare? Prepare for what? Just kill it."

Jiang Lin laughed loudly. If he still needs to prepare to deal with a demon king who was shriveled under the hands of the Banlan Tiger King, then he can retire.

Just two steps away, Jiang Lin turned his head to Shu Ning and said, "A Ning, give me a warm pot of wine and wait for me to come back for dinner."


Shu Ning nodded with a smile, and didn't ask Jiang Lin anything. In her heart, her man was omnipotent, and she didn't need to ask.

"Wen... warm wine? Warm wine kills a vicious cat??"

When Young Master Zhang regained his senses, Jiang Lin had already left.

He really didn't know where Jiang Lin got his confidence. If Fierce Cat was just a demon king, he certainly believed in Jiang Lin's strength, but he was a demon king with nine lives, and he might have to kill nine times before he could completely kill him. exterminate.

Jiang Lin didn't make any preparations and went straight to kill? ?

"Sister Ning, Jiang Lin just passed by like this, he... will he be in danger?"

Zhang Xiaochuan shook Shu Ning's arm and looked at Jiang Lin's back involuntarily.

"No no no no."

Shu Ning shook his head, then whispered to Zhang Xiaochuan, "My man is capable."

Chapter [*] I see how many resurrection coins do you have?

When Zhang Xiaochuan heard Shu Ning's words, she felt a little sour in her heart. She knew that Shu Ning had no other intentions, she was just quietly whispering as the two sisters, but now that she was listening to her, she always felt that Shu Ning was talking to her. Show off the same.

Shu Ning didn't realize that there was something else in her cousin's expression, she was still happy for Jiang Lin to accompany her tomorrow.

"Xiao Chuan, I'm going to the kitchen. You should go back to your room and rest for a while. Uncle, I'll ask your servants to take care of the front yard."

After leaving this sentence, Shu Ning went to the kitchen humming a song, and Young Master Zhang also went to the front yard.

Zhang Xiaochuan was alone in the backyard, and his eyebrows gradually became a little sad.

Two days later, it was Jiang Lin and Shu Ning's wedding, after which Jiang Lin was leaving.

He took out the pendant that Jiang Lin gave him from his collar, Zhang Xiaochuan held it in his palm and put it on his lips.

Come back sooner.

At this time, Jiang Lin, whom she remembered in her heart, was following the fierce cat with a Kongming lantern the size of a lantern.

"In this direction, did you run back to the cave again?"

Jiang Lin found that the direction of the Kongming lanterns was the direction of the seal hole. He was worried that if the fierce cat was inconvenient in the downtown area, it would be better now.

More than half an hour later, Jiang Lin arrived on a low mountain, and the cave where the cat demon was sealed before was in the lower mountain.

"Master, it's here. I planted it here. Is the turtle grandson in the cave? Let me fight it for [*] rounds!"

The mouse boy was very excited, if it wasn't for Jiang Lin's order, it would have rushed over.

"What's the rush, I have my own arrangements."

Jiang Lin told Mouse Boy to keep silent. Although Fierce Cat was also a demon king, his level of cunning was far from comparable.

It can be seen from the fact that it almost killed the mouse.

Moreover, it can also use its own demon spirit, and its abilities are similar to that of the ghost king in some respects.

"After waiting, you..."

Jiang Lin instructed Mouse Boy about some matters, and a flame popped out, setting the Kongming lantern on fire.

Then he took a few breath-holding talismans and stuck them on his body, covering up the demonic aura on the mouse boy.

After doing this, Jiang Lin jumped up and glided towards the mountain below.

When he arrived at the cave, Jiang Lin landed lightly on the ground, and then quickly took out various array materials from his arms and arranged them around the entrance of the cave.

He wants to let the fierce cat below have no way to go to the sky and no way to enter the earth.

After finishing the arrangement, Jiang Lin jumped down. After he entered the hole, a French net made of copper coin thread was thrown up by him, covering the hole tightly.

The mouse boy gritted his teeth and instantly turned into a giant mouse, guarding it.

The order Jiang Lin gave it was that once the demon spirit of the fierce cat escaped, it would be rammed back.

In the corner at the bottom of the cave, the transformed fierce cat was on all fours, devouring a dead carp on the ground.

Although the fierce cat has transformed and its body is not much different from that of a human being, its head and face still retain some cat-like characteristics.

"who is it?"

The vicious cat's alertness was very high, and Jiang Lin heard the sound as soon as Jiang Lin's feet touched the ground.

It turned around and looked at Jiang Lin vigilantly. The vertical height of this hole was about [*] meters. How could a person suddenly appear.

"The one who came to kill you."

Jiang Lin responded lightly, his eyes flashed a ray of light, and he looked at the fierce cat.

Yo, it's not easy, all the earth souls have been converted into life souls, forming demon spirits, and three of them have reached the level of ghost kings.

Jiang Lin was very pleasantly surprised. To him, this vicious cat was just a fat cat, or one that was fat to the point of oil.

As for whether it takes eight or nine kills to exterminate this vicious cat, he doesn't care.

For him, it really didn't make any difference.

"Are you a Taoist priest? Or a celestial master?"

At such a close distance, the breath-holding talisman on Jiang Lin's body was of little use, and the Fierce Cat saw through his identity.

The Fierce Cat immediately looked like an enemy, hunched over and guarded, it didn't expect that there was still a Celestial Master in the world, and it just happened to find it.

"That's right. Are you satisfied with the several circles left here before to entertain you?"

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