Half an hour later, Inspector Fatty returned to the police station and informed Bishop that Jiang Lin wanted to buy a mountain. Bishop was so frightened that he fell directly from his chair and fell to the ground.

"Sir, you heard right, it's this area. And he said..."

Inspector Fatty relayed Jiang Lin's words to Bishop one by one, and even said Jiang Lin said that if it came to pass, it would be beneficial.

After a while, Bishop sat back in his chair, his fingers constantly pointing on the desk.

Even if he is not a small official, it is difficult for him to handle such a thing.

The area of ​​Xugang is only large, and Jiang Lin actually said that he would buy thousands of hectares of mountains, which was like a joke.

Chapter [*] I didn't go to you, you messed with me

After thinking about it for a long time, Bishop decided to ventilate it first to see how much resistance there is.

Anyway, according to Inspector Fatty, Jiang Lin might not buy it.

"You go and tell him, I will try my best to handle this matter, and let him go and deal with the monster quickly."

Bishop instructed Inspector Fatty to contact Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin didn't ask for a huge price this time, and it was already a concession, and they had to invite Jiang Lin to do it, so even if they might encounter resistance, Bishop had to work hard.

Yesterday the monster was in the construction company, which was equivalent to a massacre, and there was no delay at all.

"Understood, sir."

Inspector Fatty immediately went to the office and contacted the Shu family.

"What did Bishop say?"

A few minutes later, Jiang Lin received a call from Inspector Fatty.

"He said he would try his best to do it, and asked me to contact you to deal with the monster as soon as possible."

"I'll deal with it in three days."

Now that Bishop has agreed to open the back door, Jiang Lin will also deal with the fierce cat as he promised to the Fatty Inspector earlier.

But right now he still has things to do with the Flying Rat King.

Based on yesterday's harvest, Jiang Lin roughly estimated that it would take two or three days to collect enough earth souls.

He doesn't have time to find the fierce cat until he solves the problem of the flying rat king.

"Three days?? Daoist priest, more than [*] people died just yesterday."

Detective Fatty immediately became anxious when he heard this. If he waited for three days, he did not know how many casualties it would cause.

"Let me spread the knowledge about monsters to you. The one you encountered should be a monster king. You may not have any intuitive understanding. Let me put it this way, even if an army passes by, it may not be destroyed. You let me go there empty-handed? If you don't believe me, you can check the past files. About fifty years ago, there should be a record of this monster. I heard some rumors from my colleagues here. "

Jiang Lin talked nonsense, and he didn't care whether the fat inspector believed it or not.


Inspector Fatty was completely frightened, and even the army could not do anything about it?

Recalling the scene of facing the fierce cat yesterday, Inspector Fatty really had no doubts about Jiang Lin's words.

When he was in the construction company, he and his colleagues also shot and turned the body of the person possessed by the monster into a hornet's nest, but it was useless.

Not only that, that monster also knows how to sorcery, climbs walls and beams, beckons people, and is very evil.

Maybe even pulling a gun-toting army over there won't be of much use.

"The priest, prepare as soon as possible, we are waiting for your good news."

Inspector Fatty also knew that even if he was in a hurry, it was useless, so he hung up the phone after urging gracefully.

After Jiang Lin finished refining the earth soul and penetrated into the body of the Flying Rat King, he went back to his room to rest.

At dusk, he set off again with Zhang Xiaochuan and went in the opposite direction from yesterday.

"Jiang Lin, in the morning, I seemed to hear the voice of that dead fat man. He came to you? Did something supernatural happen again?"

Zhang Xiaochuan walked with Jiang Lin. She always wanted to talk to Jiang Lin, so she brought up the morning.

Jiang Lin responded, "Yes, that fierce cat sealed by your Zhang family ancestors went to a construction company's building to do evil and killed a lot of people."

"Didn't you agree?"

"I promise, I'll go in three days."

"Then the fierce cats are going to kill people everywhere these days?"

Hearing Zhang Xiaochuan say this, Jiang Lin smiled and said, "I said you're really interesting, your dad didn't care about his family because of the fierce cat, and you were so angry that you thought he was mentally ill, and now my pet has an accident, and I don't have time. To accompany Aning, do you mean to let me disregard the family like your father?"



Zhang Xiaochuan was quite embarrassed, for a while he didn't know how to answer Jiang Lin's words.

Jiang Lin continued: "Although I am a Taoist priest, if something happens at home and outside, I will definitely take care of my family first. Only when the rear is stable will I go to subdue demons and subdue demons."

There are indeed people who practise Taoism who put the common people as the priority and Jiang Lin admires such people, but he himself is not that kind of moral saint.

Now the situation of the Flying Mouse King cannot be delayed, even if the fierce cat is doing evil outside, he will not care.

In fact, the fierce cat really couldn't do evil these days, and this was also thanks to Jiang Lin.

At this moment, the fierce cat is covered in blood and wounds all over his body, and he is healing with the help of the earth evil at the bottom of the cave.

"Eat this and let's go."

Jiang Lin took out a paper bag with a few black pills in it.

"what is this?"

"Traditional Chinese medicine for clearing your throat, lest you become hoarse."

Jiang Lin handed over the paper bag, which was bought by his servants in the morning.

After Zhang Xiaochuan took it, she squeezed one and stuffed it into her mouth, but then she realized that something was wrong, her throat was fine and she didn't need to eat these.

"You...you still let me learn to meow today?"

"Cough, if the cat didn't hide, you shouldn't have to bark."

Jiang Lin chuckled lightly and walked ahead.

Zhang Xiaochuan stomped his feet in the back, but he didn't have much anger in his heart, only embarrassment.

The two were just like yesterday, with Zhang Xiaochuan leading the way and Jiang Lin looking for the black cat and other wild cats.

It wasn't until the morning two days later that Jiang Lin collected enough souls.

"Go back, you don't need to look anymore."

Jiang Lin put Zhihe, who was holding the wild cat's soul, into his arms. After returning, he would be able to completely heal the injury of the Flying Mouse King.

"Didn't you find it?"

Zhang Xiaochuan felt a deep sense of loss in her heart. She really wanted to accompany Jiang Lin to wander in the mountains again.

Although the time spent with Jiang Lin was not long, Zhang Xiaochuan knew very well now that she had already caused unrequited love.

Two hours later, when Jiang Lin arrived at the gate of Shu's house, he smelled a demonic aura.

"I didn't look for you, you messed with me."

A chill flashed across Jiang Lin's eyes, this demonic aura belonged to a fierce cat.

"Jiang Lin, what's wrong?"

"The vicious cat that doesn't know how to live or die has come."

Jiang Lin entered the gate first, and the Shu family compound was in a mess, and there were still many holes.

"Jiang Lin, you're back! The Fierce Cat has been here before. Fortunately, the Tiger King is here, or else something big will happen."

When Zhang Dashao saw Jiang Lin's return, he hurriedly stepped forward to tell him what happened not long ago.

Fortunately, Jiang Lin called the Panlan Tiger King over, otherwise no one in the Shu family would have been able to avoid the catastrophe.

Chapter [*] What to prepare?Just kill it

Zhang Dashao is even more fortunate that he let his daughter follow Jiang Lin out. After the fierce cat found him, he attacked like a madman. If it wasn't for the strength of the Panlan Tiger King and his good luck, he might have really fallen for it. .

If Zhang Xiaochuan was also there, Fierce Cat felt that the two of them were related by blood. I am afraid that even if the Tiger King was here, it would be impossible to guarantee that there would not be a situation where the clones would not be able to do anything.

"Master, the saucy cat who let the thief and mouse fall down wanted to be detrimental to the mistress and the others. I repaired it and escaped. The mistress and the Shu family were not injured. All the people who are related are eaten alive, and I am worried that the guy is cunning, so I don't dare to chase."

At this time, King Panlan also came up to report the situation to Jiang Lin. He first said that Shu Ning was fine and everyone else was fine.

Jiang Lin had instructed in advance that if it neglected its duty, it would definitely be punished.

"Oh? Did you say harsh words after you suffered a loss?"

Jiang Lin smiled, and no one would end up saying harsh words in front of him. This fierce cat took advantage of his absence, thinking that it would be okay if he snorted?

"Yes, it's just so ignorant."

When King Pan Lan saw Jiang Lin's smile, he couldn't help feeling chills all over his body. As long as Jiang Lin showed this expression, it meant that some unlucky people were about to lose blood.

Still the kind to be smashed to ashes.

By the way, try to find it.

Jiang Lin suddenly remembered that he had dug a hole at the bottom of the hole before, but he didn't know if the fierce cat jumped into it.

He took a piece of sandalwood from the ancient mirror, and Jiang Lin ignited it with a flick of his finger. With a rubbing of the soles of his feet, the two bricks on the ground were ground into a pile of brick powder.

I rely on!

Zhang Dashao's eyes opened like a calf, and when he rubbed it with one foot, the brick surface turned into powder? ?

How powerful is this Nima?

Zhang Xiaochuan, who was on the side, was not surprised because he had seen Jiang Lin holding gold bricks before, and thought that this was the magic of a Taoist priest.

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