Jiang Lin was very speechless. Zhang Xiaochuan could fall, but he grabbed the hem of his clothes with one hand and pulled him down when he just stepped in the air.

While Jiang Lin was falling, his probing hand grabbed the collar of Zhang Xiaochuan's chest.


Zhang Xiaochuan didn't realize that he had stopped falling, and his limbs swayed subconsciously.

"Don't move!"


As soon as Jiang Lin finished speaking, he heard the sound of needle and thread breaking.

Although Zhang Xiaochuan weighs only [*] jins, her collar can't bear the weight, and the buttons on her clothes collapse one by one.

When Jiang Lin saw this, he pulled Zhang Xiaochuan over, wrapped his arms around her waist, and led her up slowly.


Because the collar was wide open, Zhang Xiaochuan's underwear was revealed, and Jiang Lin could see it clearly.

"This...what's going on? You...you can fly?"

Zhang Xiaochuan wrapped his arms around Jiang Lin's neck tightly, his phoenix eyes widened, scanning the surrounding cave walls.

Only now did she realize that her state was not falling, but rising.

"I said you've seen Charming Spirit, how can you be so scared?"

"I'm afraid of the dark just because I've seen ghosts! You didn't tell me in advance! You almost scared me to death. If you hadn't been able to fly, I would have fallen into mud."

Being pulled back from the brink of death, Zhang Xiaochuan's fear spread, and her pair of small pink fists slammed into Jiang Lin's chest.

Beating and beating, she realized that she and Jiang Lin were in an extremely ambiguous state) (embarrassment and embarrassment were written on her face.

"I didn't think about it, okay. Get your clothes sorted."


Zhang Xiaochuan then lowered his head and looked down, and then Jiang Lin blocked his ears with his spiritual power. Zhang Xiaochuan's voice was very sharp.

After sending Zhang Xiaochuan up, Jiang Lin jumped down into the hole, Zhang Xiaochuan squatted on the ground, grabbed his collar, and his pretty face turned red again and again.

An hour later, Jiang Lin arranged several attack formations under the cave.

Fortunately, although there is no cat's shadow above, there are quite a few at the bottom of the cave, all of which are hidden in the fork below.

These wild cats already know how to absorb the evil spirit of the earth, and Jiang Lin did not save their lives.

"Let's go and find the mass grave."

Jiang Lin asked Zhang Xiaochuan to lead the way, because black cats are basically nocturnal, so even if it falls into the night, Jiang Lin is not ready to go back.

Not long after they left, the possessed fierce cat returned to the burrow, and it didn't take long for a sharp and angry cat to meow for three or four miles.

By dawn, Jiang Lin and Zhang Xiaochuan had already traveled thirty or forty miles in one direction to the border of Xugang.

Jiang Lin's harvest was quite good. When he arrived in the remote countryside, there were many evil places, and there were four or five mass graves.


On a mountain, Jiang Lin looked into the distance, and his eyes lit up.

"This pattern... Could it be Huilong Xizhao?"

Jiang Lin squinted his eyes and looked far into the distance, but although his eyesight was excellent, there were mountains in the distance, and he couldn't see the whole picture of the surrounding mountains for a while.

But he can be sure that the feng shui pattern here is absolutely extraordinary.

In general, a relatively good Feng Shui treasure land may have purple qi in the sky, but above this Huixing Mountain, there is actually a rarer mysterious yellow qi.

Of course, this kind of mysterious yellow energy cannot be discovered by ordinary people at all, even if it is a cultivator, if there is no deep cultivation base, it is difficult to discover it.

Luckily, this place will be a mysterious yellow treasure.

As for whether it is, further investigation is needed.

"Jiang Lin, I'm so sleepy."

At this moment, Zhang Xiaochuan rubbed her eyes, she didn't sleep all night, and after walking so far, she was quite tired.

"Then go back first."

Jiang Lin wasn't in a hurry to determine the feng shui pattern here, anyway, he really didn't have time right now.

Along the way, Jiang Lin was thinking about the mountain situation he had just seen. After he decided to solve the problem of the Flying Mouse King, he must go here to confirm it carefully.

If it is really mysterious and yellow treasure land, he must win these mountains.

An hour and a half later, Jiang Lin and Zhang Xiaochuan returned to Shu's house.

"You should go back to your room as soon as no one gets up now."

Jiang Lin looked at Zhang Xiaochuan behind her. Several buttons on her collar had fallen off, which was almost the same as her clothes were disheveled.

Zhang Xiaochuan blushed pretty, then hummed softly, and trotted back to his room.

Chapter [*] The money can be less, but the back door must be opened

"Is Jiang Dao still here?"

Jiang Lin was about to see the Flying Rat King when a shout came from outside.

"Chief Jiang, you get up so early? It's great!"

After Detective Fatty entered the gate, seeing Jiang Lin was as cordial as seeing an elder.

"Inspector Hu, what's the matter with coming to see me so early?"

"Monster, there are monsters!"

Inspector Fatty didn't bother to catch his breath, so he told Jiang Lin what happened to the construction company yesterday, and explained his intentions.

It turned out to be a cat demon.

After listening to Inspector Fatty's remarks, Jiang Lin guessed what the monster he was talking about was.

"Daoist, I also know that you have excellent Taoism, and it's not cheap, but this time we can only apply for [*] Hong Kong dollars, you see..."

Inspector Fatty rubbed his hands, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, for fear that Jiang Lin would not agree.

In fact, since the last time the zombies appeared, he had also searched for other Taoist priests, but unfortunately, they were all pretending to be ghosts.

Having seen Jiang Lin's methods, and after comparing them, they can still distinguish between the true and false of the Taoist priests.

In other words, Jiang Lin is the only one who can help their police station now.

But because they applied for [*] Hong Kong dollars to their superiors last time, and handed it over to Jiang Lin as a reward, this time Bishop used his network resources, and he could only get [*] Hong Kong dollars at most.

This is also impossible.

Whether it was [*] before or [*] this time, it was not a small amount. Even if Bishop believed that there were ghosts and monsters this time, it would still be difficult to apply for funds.

"Seven thousand..."

Jiang Lin pinched his chin and fell into thought.

If it were normal, he would definitely not agree. This time, the fierce cat is a powerful demon king, and it is very likely that he will not be killed at one time. It will take more effort than dealing with the zombie king.

Even if Inspector Fatty didn't invite him, he would still exterminate the vicious cat, but since others came to discuss business with him, it would be a matter of one yard to another.

But now Jiang Lin is not weighing the amount of remuneration, he has other ideas.

"Director Jiang, that... In fact, seven thousand oceans are quite a lot. This is the second time we have cooperated..."

Detective Fatty saw that Jiang Lin didn't seem to agree, and his heart was half cold.

Jiang Lin did not respond whether he agreed to take action, but asked: "I want to ask, is it easy to buy mountains in Xugang? The area is about [*] square kilometers."

From the beginning, Jiang Lin had already made an abacus in his heart, the reward could be less, but he needed the officials to open the back door for him.

Now Hong Kong is under British rule. If you want to buy land or forests here, you must not have money.

Jiang Lin didn't need to think about it to know.

Ninety percent of the Huixing Mountain he saw at the border of Xugang was an excellent feng shui treasure. Since he plans to come to Xugang for development in the future, he might as well consider buying it now, so as not to miss it, it would be a pity.

"Buy... buy mountains?? Fifty square kilometers?"

Inspector Fatty was taken aback by what Jiang Lin said. It was not that the mountains could not be sold, but it was almost impossible to buy such a large area.

"Daoist, do you want to buy mountains in Xugang? Are you sure it's [*] square kilometers?"

"With this idea, I guess you can't decide this kind of thing, so let me make it no problem, I can pay as long as one thousand Hong Kong dollars, but I may buy two in the countryside far away from the urban area. Shanlin, as to whether to buy or not, I will inform you in two days. If you want to buy it, I need you to help me get through the first checkpoint. Go back and tell Bishop, the cost of buying mountains will not be less. I will take action. The remuneration is not low once, and you can guess how much your net worth is, and you can guarantee that you can afford the money."

Jiang Lin told Inspector Fatty very clearly, this time, the money can be less, but the back door must be opened, this is his condition.

No matter how much the purchase cost, he will not give less, but if there are problems other than funds, Bishop needs to find a way to solve it.

"Daoist Jiang, I really can't control this, I have to ask Bishop for instructions."

Inspector Fatty was sweating lightly on his forehead. He was really frightened by Jiang Lin's wealth.

Fifty square kilometers, the area is nearly [*] mu, and the mountain is still bought. Roughly calculated, the cost is about seven or eight million Hong Kong dollars.

Nima, scaring is not so scary.

Although the salary of Inspector Fatty is not low, seven or eight million is also an astronomical figure for him.

"Okay, you can go. If Bishop agrees, let him call here. If this matter is finalized in the future, Bishop will not lose his benefits."

Jiang Lin took a gold brick out of his arms and shook it in front of Inspector Fatty, almost blinding him.

"Okay, okay, I will definitely bring your words to Dao Master. By the way, Dao Master Jiang, you said it is possible to buy it, if you don't buy it?"

"If you don't buy it, I only need three thousand and five for this time."

After Jiang Lin finished speaking, he went straight back to his room. He had to train the Earth Soul he had received, so he didn't have time to talk to Inspector Fatty.

Give your boss a headache.

Inspector Fatty didn't stay any longer, and rushed back to the police station immediately.

"What? Buying mountains? Or fifty square kilometers, five thousand hectares? Are you sure you heard correctly?"

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