Do not look!

Zhang Xiaochuan blushed, glared at Jiang Lin and told her to meow like a cat while still laughing.

bad guy!

This meow sound can really be faked.

Jiang Lin didn't expect Zhang Xiaochuan to learn to meow like a cat, it's really very similar.

That's called professionalism!

Go on.

The corner of Jiang Lin's mouth slightly raised, Zhang Xiaochuan's current appearance is really very interesting.

Originally, he really didn't have any bad tastes, he just wanted to draw the wild cat out, but now Zhang Xiaochuan's voice made him think a little.

But after listening for a few times, he sealed his ears with spiritual power. If he heard too many such sounds, the evil fire in his body would be uncomfortable.

Now Shu Ning is afraid that others will gossip, so he has been temporarily separated from him, so that he can't sleep even if he wants to sleep with his wife.

It didn't take long for the wild cats in the wormwood and bushes to hear the meowing of "the same kind" and ran out one after another.

Seven wild cats, including four black cats.


Jiang Lin rowed his palms again and again, and stopped all the wild cats that ran out. He shot two yin fire whips from his palms and caught them all.

Zhang Xiaochuan was no longer surprised by Jiang Lin's strange ability. Seeing that there were no wild cats coming out, she asked, "Is there no more?"

"It should be gone, or why don't you meow twice? It sounds good."


Zhang Xiaochuan frowned and thumped Jiang Lin's shoulder twice, and then she didn't know what was wrong with her, but she actually meowed a few times according to Jiang Lin's words.

Jiang Lin collected the excess souls of a few cats and let them go, and then Zhang Xiaochuan led the way to other places.

As Zhang Dashao said, there are not many mass burial mounds in Xugang. Jiang Lin's activity range is ten miles away from the urban area, and he has not encountered a single mass burial mound.

It was only in the evening that he received the souls of less than twenty wild cats, which was far worse than expected.

If you want to make up the soul of the Flying Rat King, you need at least a thousand earth souls, that is, you need to find at least [*] or [*] wild cats.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Jiang Lin decided to go to the place where the Nine Lives Fierce Cat was sealed. Since the Fierce Cat is a cat demon, there might be a gathering of wild cats there.

If it happened that the fierce cat was still there, he wouldn't mind destroying it with thunder.

Half an hour later, Jiang Lin and Zhang Xiaochuan came to a mountain col, where Zhang Dashao's father sealed the cat demon back then.

"I said your dad and your grandfather are really talented."

Jiang Lin glanced at the surrounding mountains. He really admired Master Zhang and his ancestors.

"what happened?"

"They sealed the vicious cat in the wrong place, causing the efforts of so many generations of your ancestors to be in vain."

Jiang Lin didn't explain in detail, even if he said Zhang Xiaochuan, he couldn't understand.

The surrounding mountains are immortal officials and halberds in the feng shui pattern. This pattern has the effect of increasing the positive yang, and it is indeed suitable for sealing some evil spirits.

But coincidentally, there is more than one halberd finger game here.

The immortal official halberd refers to another kind of feng shui pattern, which will become another feng shui pattern - the immortal official hated (ya) magic bureau, which is a special pattern with the immortal officials on top and the nightmares on the bottom.

If you don't know enough about Feng Shui, it's easy to mistake it.

Jiang Lin estimated that the Zhang family's inspiration party did not have much research knowledge on Feng Shui, so he made such a mistake.

By sealing the Nine Lives Fierce Cat underground in this pattern, the Fierce Cat can use the terrain below to heal itself, and once the surface is damaged, it can break out of the seal.

The four hundred years of efforts of the ancestors have been completely in vain in the two generations of Zhang Dashao and his ancestors.

"Wrong place sealed?"

Zhang Xiaochuan was stunned for a moment, is there still a saying that the wrong place is sealed?

"Yes, the fierce cat seems to have been sealed, but in fact it was sent to the hotbed. Fortunately, it happened ahead of time. Otherwise, if your dad waited a few years and tried to re-strengthen the seal, he might die. It's all left."

Jiang Lin walked to the open space below, took out the compass and searched, but unfortunately, the compass did not respond.

There are not many obstacles around, and there is no cat's shadow at all.

Jiang Lin snorted, followed the demonic energy, and stopped beside a square hole. This hole should be the specific location where the fierce cat was sealed. The big stone that was originally covered on it had been shattered at the entrance of the hole, and there was still demon energy in the hole. .

"This demonic energy is quite fresh."

Jiang Lin smelled a pungent smell, which was quite strong.

"Jiang Lin, what's wrong?"

Zhang Xiaochuan could not help frowning slightly when he saw Jiang Lin was thinking all the time. Could it be that he was thinking something wrong again?

"It's nothing, I think the fierce cat may rest here and use this hole as a nest."

Jiang Lin guessed that the Fierce Cat would most likely return here, because there were still remnants of the Earth Demon in the entrance of the cave. If he was a Fierce Cat, he would not give up such a comfortable place.

"You wait for me up there, I'll go down and dig a hole."

Regardless of whether the fierce cat will come back, Jiang Lin felt that it would not take much time for him to set up at the bottom of the cave.

If he guesses right, he can even make a big hole for the vicious cat and mark it on his body by the way. When he goes to kill the vicious cat in a few days, he can save some effort.

Just when Jiang Lin was about to dig a pit for the fierce cat, the fierce cat had no idea that he would be pitted to the core.

At this time, it was in a company building, and the engineering team working on the land where the fierce cat was sealed belonged to this construction company.

The whole building echoed with wailing and screams. On the floor of the corridor, corpses were laid out, broken limbs scattered, and there were large pools of blood.

"What should I do? The ghost hit the wall!"

"I don't want to die."

"Call the police, call the police!!"

A group of staff were running around crying and screaming, hating their parents for having lost a pair of legs.

However, what made them desperate was that the location of the gate was clearly in front, but they couldn't find it anyway, and the whole building seemed to have completely turned into a labyrinth now.

Can't get out at all.

Behind the staff, a man in a suit was grabbing the neck of a female staff member and inhaling her soul into his nose and mouth.

This man is the boss of a construction company. Now he has been possessed by a vicious cat. He will kill anyone he sees in his own company, swallowing his soul.

This is far more terrifying than direct killing.

If you are killed once, you will still have a soul. You can report below, and there is a chance to be reincarnated. But if the soul is swallowed, there will be nothing.

The eyes of the man possessed by the fierce cat glowed red, and the bloodstains on his face made him extremely cruel.

Throwing the corpse in his hand, he hunched over and landed on all fours, like a beast, and went to chase the others again.

Chapter [*]: Xuanhuang Treasure

When the staff of the building had nowhere to escape, they could only turn to the outside world for help.

Although they were trapped in the building and could not get out, the phone inside was still working.

It didn't take long for the police station to receive a distress message from these people, and the fat inspector rushed to the construction company with a group of his men.

However, the fierce cat has reached the level of a demon king. Even if the physical strength is not as strong as that of a zombie, it is not something that a musket can deal with.

A group of seven or eight police officers, including Inspector Fatty, directly killed and injured half of them. This was because they had stronger physical fitness and ran faster than others.

Moreover, the fierce cats also absorbed a large amount of souls, which needed to be digested before they escaped the catastrophe.

"Inspector, what about this case?"

"That's not a murderer at all, it's a monster!"

"We're catching thieves, not monsters!"

Several police officers who survived the disaster unanimously expressed their intention to strike, which is terrifying.

The last time they encountered zombies, although it was equally difficult to deal with, the bloody level of the situation was far less scary than this time.

"Stop arguing! How do I know what to do!"

Inspector Fatty's hand was shaking while holding the cigarette, and he was so angry that he threw the cigarette butt on the ground.

He felt that this year was really unfavorable to him. As the new year was approaching, zombies appeared first, then monsters appeared, and people were not allowed to live!

Especially this time, his crotch was soaked by the monster.

"Fuck, you have to find a professional! Go to Chief Jiang!"

Inspector Fatty doesn't want to face that terrifying monster anymore, he doesn't want to die so early.

Professional issues must be addressed to professionals.

As for Jiang Lin's high asking price, he gave his superior a headache.

Jiang Lin didn't know that he was being missed again. At this time, he had already arranged a small formation around the cave.

There are earth evils overflowing from the entrance of the cave. If Zhang Xiaochuan absorbs these evil spirits, he will suffer a lot of damage.

Therefore, before Jiang Lin went down, he had to do some protection for Zhang Xiaochuan.

"The earth evil here is harmful to you, don't run around."

Jiang Lin told Zhang Xiaochuan, and then called out the charm in the shadow.

In addition to guarding against the earth evil, he also needs to guard against the fierce cat, and no one can say whether it will suddenly come back here.


A terrifying charm suddenly appeared beside her, Zhang Xiaochuan screamed, and subconsciously went to hide behind Jiang Lin, but she didn't realize that there was a hole behind Jiang Lin.

With another scream, Zhang Xiaochuan's body fell.

I go!

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