This also means that Zhang Xiaochuan may not live long after his death, but if she married a Taoist priest like Jiang Lin, the situation would be different.

"Dad, what did you say..."

Zhang Xiaochuan looked coy, and his ears turned red.

Seeing Zhang Xiaochuan's attitude as a young daughter, Young Master Zhang could only shake his head and sigh.

Jiang Lin wanted to marry his niece, not his daughter.

At this moment, Jiang Lin brought a black cat into the yard and asked Mr. Zhang, "Uncle Zhang, do you know where there are mass graves in Xugang?"

"Mass Burial Mound? I really don't know about this. There doesn't seem to be much in Xugang. What are you doing with the Mound Burial Mound?"

"I need to find a lot of black cats and get their souls. Forget it if I don't know, I'll look for them tomorrow."

Jiang Lin tied Sanqing fingerprints in his hand, pressed the black cat's forehead in his hand, and pulled out the six earth souls from his body.

The extra earth souls of cats are not as rooted in the depths of the flesh as the heavenly souls and life souls, and even when they pass by the corpse, their earth souls will automatically leave the body, making the corpse change.

So, it doesn't take much effort to get it out.

After putting two of them into the paper cranes, Jiang Lin refined the remaining four with yang flames, and penetrated them into the Heavenly Spirit of the Flying Mouse King.

"Jiang Lin, do you want to go out to find the mass graves? Xiaochuan is a reporter, and he usually runs around a lot. Let her go with you, and you can avoid a lot of circles."

Young Master Zhang didn't know that Jiang Lin had already called the house to ask the King Panlan Tiger to come over. If Jiang Lin went out, if he was found by the fierce cat, their father and daughter would be in danger.

That's why Zhang Dashao said that, wanting Zhang Xiaochuan to follow Jiang Lin, so as to ensure safety.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with what he said. Zhang Xiaochuan is more familiar with his surroundings than the average person.

Zhang Xiaochuan's heart suddenly beat fast, and she could be alone with Jiang Lin again.

"I'm looking for the mass grave, and it's still midnight. She can't bear it, right?"

Jiang Lin really wanted to find a local person to guide him, but Zhang Xiaochuan was not very courageous, and he probably wouldn't be able to stay up late, so he didn't think about it.

"Who said I couldn't take it? Isn't it the mass grave?"

Zhang Xiaochuan pouted, if Jiang Lin just didn't agree to take her out, that's fine, but underestimating her made her a little angry.

"Okay then, show me the way tomorrow."

Since Zhang Xiaochuan wasn't afraid of the dark, Jiang Lin didn't have to find anyone else.

The first thousand and twenty-ninth chapter meow a few times to listen

"Then I'll go to rest first."

After Jiang Lin agreed, the anger in Zhang Xiaochuan's heart was completely extinguished, and when he noticed that his father was looking at him with a strange look, he immediately ran away.

Jiang Lin put the black cat in his hand, and explained some details of Zhang Dashao's maintenance of the formation, and went back to his room to prepare the magic weapon.

With two black cat souls, he made a compass that could search for the souls without much effort.

The next morning, the colorful tiger king came to Shu's house.

"Master, what's the matter with this thief rat?"

Seeing the giant rat in the yard, King Panlan was also very surprised.

Its opponent is not ordinary cleverness. When he was in the Kunlun Mountains, the mouse boy was very slippery and rarely suffered losses. How could he have made such a big somersault this time.

Jiang Lin told Panlan Tiger King the whole story of Rat Zai's quilt, including the injury to his soul.

"I have to find the soul of the earth to replenish its soul. When I'm not here, you are here to protect the Shu family. It's under the shade. If you fall over, don't blame me for hitting you."

"Master, don't worry, if that fierce cat dares to come, I will let it know why the flowers are so red!"

The Tiger King patted his chest and assured that it was not far from the peak of the Demon King now. As long as the Fierce Cat didn't enter the level of the Demon Emperor, it would not be afraid at all.

The Beast Demon King is not a vegetarian.

Although the colorful tiger king and the mouse boy often quarrel and hurt each other, they still have a good relationship with each other. The mouse boy was almost killed by the fierce cat, which made him very angry.

As long as the fierce cat dares to approach Shu's house, it can save the cat a few lives.

Zhang Xiaochuan and Zhang Dashao also came to the yard at this time. Zhang Xiaochuan blinked his eyes, looked at the colorful tiger king, and asked, "Jiang Lin, why is this cat so strange? It stands on its legs and can talk?"

"It... it should also be a demon king."

Zhang Dashao is simply in his heart, talking monsters usually start with big monsters, and [*]% of this cat is also the monster king.

Did Jiang Lin specially raise the Demon King?

"Yes, it is indeed the Demon King. It was originally a colorful giant tiger. When I go out, it will protect Aning and the Shu family."

"It's also here to protect Ning Jie?"

Zhang Xiaochuan was very envious of Shu Ning. Shu Ning had a charm to protect her, and Jiang Lin brought a rat demon to protect her. After the rat demon happened, he called another tiger demon.

It is really afraid of breaking in the hand, and afraid of melting in the mouth.

Jiang Lin raised his face at Zhang Xiaochuan and said, "Let's go."

Without worries, he can go to the black cat with confidence.

After leaving Shu's house, Zhang Xiaochuan told Jiang Lin about the general situation around the city, and listed a few rural villages that were relatively backward, and asked Jiang Lin to choose a destination.

"Jiang Lin, thank you very much. Apart from leading the way, if there is anything I can help you, just tell me directly."

"Thank you for what?"

"You are willing to deal with the fierce cat because you helped our Zhang family. And you gave me a pendant. I was so happy at the time, and I didn't say thank you to you later because of something else."

Zhang Xiaochuan glanced at Jiang Lin and asked casually, "I asked my dad yesterday, the tattered bead you bought is worth more than [*] yuan, is it because of this that you bought the necklace as a gift? I?"

Jiang Lin smiled and responded, "I dealt with the fierce cat because it provokes me. As for giving you a pendant, it is indeed because of your relationship that I made a lot of money. There is nothing to thank."

I'll just say, he's definitely not the kind of guy who gives random gifts to girls.

Zhang Xiaochuan breathed a sigh of relief, Jiang Lin had no other idea of ​​giving her a gift, but instead made her a little overjoyed.

She knew that there was more than one woman in Jiang Lin. If Jiang Lin gave other girls precious gifts at will because he was rich, it would detract from her evaluation of Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin didn't know what Zhang Xiaochuan was doing, so he took out a compass, looked at the pointer on it, pointed in a direction, and asked Zhang Xiaochuan to lead the way.

The two came to a relatively backward village seven or eight miles away. After narrowing the scope, Jiang Lin took out the special compass he made yesterday.

Maybe because it is close to the city, there are no mass graves here, there is only one place with a lot of evil spirits.

"Is there a black cat here?"

Following Jiang Lin to the edge of a bush, Zhang Xiaochuan looked around. There were either thick bushes or lush wormwood, and there was no cat shadow at all.

"Yes, there should be a few more."

Jiang Lin looked at the compass, and the pointer on it was moving, indicating that there should be more than one black cat nearby.

"Well, you said you wanted to thank me earlier?"

Glancing around, Jiang Lin pinched his chin, and then he suddenly looked at Zhang Xiaochuan with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

When Zhang Xiaochuan saw Jiang Lin's appearance, he felt a sudden suddenness in his heart for no reason. In this barren mountains and mountains, there are no people in the wild, and there are only men and widows. What is this for?

Only now did Zhang Xiaochuan realize that the place where she and Jiang Lin were staying was simply the best environment for crimes and the best place for men to commit crimes.

It's the kind of place that no one will know if you break your throat.

"You don't... I... I will definitely tell Ning Jie!"

Zhang Xiaochuan folded his arms in front of his chest, watching Jiang Lin vigilantly, but also kept retreating.


Jiang Lin had black lines on his forehead, and Zhang Xiaochuan actually regarded him as some kind of criminal.

"What kind of eyes do you have? What do you take me for?"

" don't want to?"

Zhang Xiaochuan didn't say a word, the blush on her face went directly to her neck, she actually thought that Jiang Lin was going to commit a crime against her.

Where is the ground seam, I want to drill!

Zhang Xiaochuan was about to cry, she had misunderstood Jiang Lin, and now Jiang Lin knew what she was thinking.

"You and I……"

Covering her face and stomping her feet, Zhang Xiaochuan was embarrassed for a while before she dared to look up at Jiang Lin: "What do you want me to do!"

"You don't need to do anything, just meow a few times to listen."

Jiang Lin was planning to let Zhang Xiaochuan learn to meow. The wild cats here are hidden in the wormwood and bushes. It would be more effective to let him go to the grass and step on the bushes to find them.

" many meows?"

"Yes, learn to meow and lead them out."

Zhang Xiaochuan: "..."

"I want to call you!"

Zhang Xiaochuan refused directly and let her meow in front of a man, which was so shameful.

"Oh~ it turns out that you speak beautifully. If there is anything that can help, I will tell you directly, that is, I will tell you."


Zhang Xiaochuan was speechless by Jiang Lin's words. After a while, she made an animal voice: "Meow~~~"


Hearing this voice, Jiang Lin couldn't help but look at Zhang Xiaochuan a few more times.

He finally knew why some men liked that kind of catwoman cosplay.

This feeling is really extraordinary.

Chapter [*]: The cat demon is ferocious and devours its soul

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