Chapter [*]: Demon Spirit

If it was before, Jiang Lin really didn't take the Nine Lives Fierce Cat to heart, and he didn't plan to care about the grudge between Zhang Dashao and the Fierce Cat.

But now it's different.

According to what the Flying Mouse King just said, and the situation of the inner core in his body, Jiang Lin thought of a possibility.

That nine-fate cat has cultivated his "nine lives" into a spiritual body.

In fact, the so-called "life" does not refer to the life, but refers to the soul.

Cats have nine souls, one day soul, one life soul, and the rest are earth souls, which are completely different from ordinary creatures.

Because there are many souls, cats are much more likely to be psychic than ordinary animals, which is why some countries, such as Egypt, regard cats as messengers of death.

But even if it has a lot of souls, even if the cat becomes a demon, it is difficult to transform itself into a spiritual body as the Flying Rat King said.

Unless the cat demon uses its own earth soul as a medium for cultivation, making it grow and become a spiritual body.

That is, ghosts.

And the spiritual body that can make the Flying Rat King plant such a big somersault should have reached the level of the ghost king.

This was the main reason why Jiang Lin wanted to kill the nine-life cat demon. He now likes spiritual bodies very much, especially those with a relatively high level.

If it is obtained by him and refined, he can train several of his ghost wives, and in addition, he can share the charm of his wife to enhance his strength.

Even if there is no such reason, Jiang Lin is also not going to let go of the nine-life fierce cat. That guy almost killed his pet, and he really doesn't know whether to live or die.

As for how the fierce cat broke free from the seal, he had no interest at all, and he did not intend to find out, so he just killed it.

"Dad! I'm not going! I'm not going anywhere!"

Zhang Xiaochuan shook his head. Although she didn't know anything about demon kings or vicious cats, she wasn't stupid. It wasn't that she couldn't see her father's way of explaining his funeral.

That fierce cat is definitely not easy to deal with. If her father goes, there is a high chance that he will not come back.

"I won't let you go."

Zhang Xiaochuan held Zhang Dashao, so anxious that tears came out.

She managed to clear up the misunderstanding with her father, and she still hadn't fulfilled the filial piety that a daughter should show. Now she let her watch her father go to die, and she would not agree no matter what.

"Xiao Chuan, our Zhang family and Jiu Ming Fei Cat are already feuding. After it is broken, even if I don't look for it, it will not let our Zhang family go, and it may even implicate your uncle and aunt. Now it may not be fully recovered and I still have a glimmer of hope."

Zhang Dashao knows very well how deep the grievance between their Zhang family and the fierce cat is. Even if he doesn't go to the fierce cat, he will be found by the beast sooner or later.

"By the way! Jiang Lin, please help protect Xiaochuan. Uncle, I am willing to be a bull and a horse for you in the next life."

Zhang Dashao looked at Jiang Lin. He knew Zhang Xiaochuan's character very well. If he didn't want to leave, he would not be able to chase him away. Jiang Lin's protection should not be a big problem.

However, Zhang Dashao also knew that if Jiang Lin agreed to protect Zhang Xiaochuan, it would be equivalent to asking Jiang Lin to make enmity with the fierce cat. It should be impossible for Jiang Lin to agree, so he was ready to kneel to Jiang Lin.

"Okay! I said, Uncle Zhang, have you lived in your fifties for nothing? The fierce cat you have to deal with, even my demon king's pet is planted in its hands, and almost died. Does it work?"

Jiang Lin couldn't stand it any longer, and attacked Young Master Zhang mercilessly.

He speaks rarely euphemistically, and this time as well.

The determination is very firm, and the momentum is also very tragic, but, is there any use for it?

It was a person who gave away the head, and in the end, he looked so tragic and tragic that he was going to steal the head.

Are you here to be funny?

Zhang Dashao: "..."

I'm your future uncle anyway, and I'm so shy and easy to Shuihan, can't you be a little more euphemistic?

Young Master Zhang was very speechless and extremely embarrassed. He couldn't answer Jiang Lin's words.

Does it work?cannot.

"I will deal with that fierce cat. Not to mention that it has nine lives, even if it has eighteen lives, I will let it have none left."

Although he has not come into contact with the Nine Lives Cat, Jiang Lin is still very confident that even if the Nine Souls of that fierce cat has reached the level of a ghost king, he can still destroy it.

"You... are you going to deal with it?"

Young Master Zhang was stunned for a moment, and looked at Jiang Lin in disbelief.

It's not that he didn't think to ask Jiang Lin for help before, but Jiang Lin saved his daughter yesterday, and he had nothing to repay, and he really couldn't do it if he asked him to speak, but now Jiang Lin actually took the initiative to ask to deal with the fierce cat.

"If you want to go, feel free."

Jiang Lin didn't look at Zhang Dashao again, he raised his palm and pressed it on the top of the Flying Mouse King's head, causing him to fall asleep.

"Jiang Lin..."

Zhang Xiaochuan was overwhelmed with anxiety and didn't know how to persuade her father, but Jiang Lin was willing to deal with the fierce cat.

In this case, her father would not have to make unnecessary sacrifices.

If it wasn't for someone around, Zhang Xiaochuan felt that he might not be able to bear it any longer and would throw himself into Jiang Lin's arms and cry.

"Then I'll go with you, maybe I can help you a little bit."

"You can't help if you go. I will arrange a formation, you will maintain the operation, and I will deal with the fierce cat."

Although Jiang Lin wanted to find the vicious cat and kill it, he couldn't do anything right now.

The situation of the Flying Rat King needs to be dealt with immediately, otherwise the situation will only get worse, and it will take some effort to solve the problem of his inner core and earth soul.

Zhang Dashao: "..."

It hurts self-esteem.

The expression on Zhang Dashao's face was quite embarrassing, and Jiang Lin's words made him feel that his heart had been stabbed.

It's too heartbreaking.

"Uncle, don't worry, Jiang Lin will definitely take care of the vicious cat."

Shu Ning was not surprised by Jiang Lin's decision. She knew Jiang Lin's character. If he moved his pet, then wait for his anger.

Jiang Lin arranged a magic circle around the Flying Mouse King, and then he went to the living room. Now that the Flying Mouse King can't move, he has to find the items needed to rescue the mouse. Shu Ning has no protection around him, so he can't let it go. Come down.

Zhang Dashao and Zhang Xiaochuan are at Shu's house, and they are likely to be approached by the fierce cat, and Shu Ning may also be implicated at that time.

Chapter [*]: Soul Replenishing Technique

"Brother Lin, how's the little mouse doing?"

"The situation is not very optimistic. Its soul body is missing, and it is not simply damaged. But don't worry, there is still a way."

Jiang Lin told Shu Ning about the Flying Mouse King, then picked up the phone in the living room and dialed Li Yangju.


"Tingting? You asked Tom to come over. Something happened here."

Jiang Lin briefly explained the situation here and asked the other demon king in the family to rush over.

Most of the mouse's earth soul was swallowed by the fierce cat, and some treasures aimed at the soul body, such as blood orchid, could not complete it, only the soul of the living creature was refined and repaired.

It is also Jiang Lin who has a lot of experience. When he was in Emei, he read a kind of soul repairing technique, which was mainly aimed at the damage of the cultivator's primordial spirit, and it was also applicable to the situation of the Flying Mouse King.

If you want to use Soul Replenishment, a cat with more Earth Soul is the best choice.

Especially the soul of the black cat, the effect is even better.

Therefore, he has to search for a large number of black cats these days, and even sneak around the surrounding mass graves.

"Okay, I'll go tell it, husband, you have to come back soon, we are all waiting for you to celebrate the New Year."

"I will go back two days ago, don't worry."

After Jiang Lin hung up the phone, he walked over to Shu Ning, took out the jewelry he bought from his arms, and said, "A-Ning, I originally planned to go to choose a wedding dress with you this afternoon, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen again. Here's a wedding ring, necklace and bracelet for you, if you like it or not."

The situation of the Flying Mouse King cannot be delayed. Jiang Lin needs to make a compass to find the soul of the earth, and he can't go out with Shu Ning for the time being.


Shu Ning's eyes flashed when he opened the jewelry box.

Whether it is a ring, a necklace or a bracelet, the diamonds on it are not ordinary, especially necklaces and bracelets, which are inlaid with more than one.

Leaning in Jiang Lin's arms, Shu Ning murmured, "Go ahead and pick a wedding dress before the wedding. I also hope that the mouse will recover soon."

"Okay, you ask the servant to find me a black cat."

Jiang Lin kissed Shu Ning's forehead and went back to his room.

"Dad, do you know what a corpse pill is? What is the approximate price of a dead pill? Jiang Lin asked me to ask you."

In the yard, Zhang Xiaochuan asked her father about the inner pill. He suddenly remembered the corpse pill that Jiang Lin had told her before, and asked her together.

"Corpse pills? Corpse pills only appear on zombies that are beyond the level of zombie kings. For Taoists, they are extremely rare treasures. If they are used well, they will have a very magical effect, so basically no one will sell them. Really If you want to sell it, the price should be more than [*] Hong Kong dollars."

"More than [*]??"

Zhang Xiaochuan's eyes widened, but Jiang Lin spent less than ten thousand to buy a corpse pill, worth more than one hundred thousand.

When he thought that he still persuaded Jiang Lin not to buy it, Zhang Xiaochuan felt that he was really stupid.

"By the way, Dad, do you think Jiang Lin can deal with that fierce cat? You said just now that the fierce cat should have an inner elixir, is it more powerful than the zombie king?"

"You've asked this seven or eight times. Jiang Lin is not an ordinary Celestial Master, and there will be no danger."

Zhang Dashao looked at Zhang Xiaochuan suspiciously. His daughter seemed to care too much about Jiang Lin.

Zhang Xiaochuan was seen very cramped, and quickly explained: "He... he will help you deal with the fierce cat, which is equivalent to preventing disasters for you. What's wrong with me asking a few more questions?"

Zhang Xiaochuan felt guilty the more she talked, she didn't notice that she had asked this question several times.

"Hey, Xiaochuan, Dad really hopes it's you who get married this time."

As Zhang Xiaochuan's father, Young Master Zhang could naturally see that something was wrong with his daughter, and he thought a lot for a while.

Zhang Xiaochuan's life in the future will not be more stable, because his fate is broken, Zhang Dashao needs to protect her all the time, but he is old and can live for another ten or twenty years at most.

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