"No... nothing."

Zhang Xiaochuan hurriedly put away the notepad, and looked away from the favored item with some reluctance, just like a child who can't move when he sees Tang.

Jiang Lin laughed when Zhang Xiaochuan looked like this, and then said to the clerk, "I want that pendant too."


Zhang Xiaochuan felt that she was heartbroken. She really liked that necklace, but Jiang Lin wanted to leave, and it might appear on her cousin.

But on second thought, Zhang Xiaochuan felt that he thought too much. Even if Jiang Lin didn't buy it, someone else would buy it sooner or later. How could he wait for her to save enough money.

Although he thought so in his heart, Zhang Xiaochuan still felt very distressed.

"What am I, I bought it for you."

Jiang Lin handed the packing box to Zhang Xiaochuan. If Zhang Xiaochuan had not brought him to this week's jewelry store, he would have missed the corpse pill.

Moreover, he had also gained a lot of benefits from Zhang Xiaochuan before. Although he also saved Zhang Xiaochuan's life, it was indeed incidental.

It's no big deal to give this girl a gift.

"For...for me??"

Zhang Xiaochuan's mouth opened slightly, and he couldn't even believe his ears.

"If you don't want it, go back."

"Yes! Don't go back!"

Zhang Xiaochuan hurriedly snatched the box from Jiang Lin's hand, holding it in both hands.

Jiang Lin laughed and left the jewelry store with a leather bag.

Zhang Xiaochuan looked at Jiang Lin's back and had many questions in his heart, but he didn't dare to ask.

She wanted to know why Jiang Lin gave her a pendant, and whether Jiang Lin often gave gifts to girls.

"Jiang Lin, I still don't understand. Although you are rich, why did you buy that bead when you first started? Everything you buy is worth the money. Is there anything special about that bead?"

In the end, Zhang Xiaochuan didn't ask any other questions, so he chose an innocuous one and chatted with Jiang Lin.

"What's so special? Go back and ask your father what a corpse pill is worth, and you'll know why I bought it."

Jiang Lin responded to Zhang Xiaochuan. Just when he was about to call a rickshaw, he suddenly frowned.

Spreading out his palm, Jiang Lin found that the life and soul of the Flying Rat King was flickering in his palm.

Did something happen to the mouse?

Jiang Lin's face was stunned, and his life and soul flickered. This was a sign that the Flying Mouse King had suffered a catastrophe and his life was imminent.

"Go back quickly, something happened."

Jiang Lin hurriedly called the driver. He didn't bother to find another one, so he let Zhang Xiaochuan ride with him.

On the way, Zhang Xiaochuan was next to Jiang Lin again, which made her cheeks feel a little hot. Seeing Jiang Lin's brows not showing, she asked, "What happened?"

Jiang Lin explained to Zhang Xiaochuan: "You know there's a little mouse beside me, in fact, it's a monster. When I'm not around Aning, it protects her around Aning, but now it's in danger. "

For a long time, Jiang Lin didn't tell Shu Lan and the others about the Flying Mouse King, so as not to scare them, so including Zhang Xiaochuan, the Shu family regarded the Flying Mouse King as a pet.

"That little mouse is actually a monster? What happened to it?"

"I do not know either."

Jiang Lin was also quite puzzled. The Flying Rat King is a demon king with good strength. Even if he encounters a powerful demon king of the same level, even if he is defeated, he will be able to protect himself, but now there will be danger.

The first thousand and twenty-six chapters nine lives of the fierce cat

"Brother Lin, you are finally back!"

Before Jiang Lin and Zhang Xiaochuan arrived at the door, Shu Ning, who had been waiting at the door, ran over eagerly.

"What happened to the mouse boy?"

"You already know? Go and see it, it can no longer maintain its shape."

Shu Ning looked anxious. For work reasons, she often needed to go out, and the Flying Rat King would basically follow her to protect her, so she was very satisfied with this dutiful bodyguard.Now the situation of the Flying Rat King is very bad, which makes her very worried.

"Don't worry, I'm here."

Jiang Lin patted Shu Ning on the shoulder, as long as the Flying Rat King still had a breath, he could smash its life back with the material treasure.

A few minutes later, Jiang Lin arrived in the backyard. The Flying Rat King had manifested his body, lying on the ground, his breath was very sluggish.

Around it, there are several array flags, forming a small spirit gathering array, Zhang Dashao sits cross-legged in front of the Flying Rat King, maintaining the operation of the array.

Shu Lan and the others were standing not far away, not too daring to approach.

"I didn't even know it was a demon king, and it was your pet."

Now that Jiang Lin is here, Zhang Dashao will no longer play the axe. He looks at the Flying Rat King with admiration in his heart.

Demon King-level pets, they have never owned the Inspiration faction since its inheritance.

"Just by chance."

Jiang Lin didn't talk to Zhang Dasuo much. His eyes swept over the giant mouse, but he didn't find any wounds.

"It... is it the little mouse from before?"

Zhang Xiaochuan looked at the huge mouse lying on the ground and rubbed his eyes.

A big mouse that is seven or eight meters long without a tail?

"This is a monster, and it's a monster at the level of a monster king. It's even more powerful than a copper-skinned and iron-boned zombie. You should stop calling it a little mouse and a little mouse. If it gets angry, it can swallow you alive."

Zhang Dashao hurriedly reminded his daughter that a monster of this level can blow people away even if he just blows his tongue.


The Flying Rat King struggled to raise his head, and as soon as he opened his mouth, the severe pain in his mind made it growl.

"If you can't move, don't move."

Jiang Lin stroked the top of the Flying Mouse King's head in the past and sent some spiritual power in. Then he stared at him and looked through the Flying Mouse King's body to investigate its condition.

"The inner core is dim, the soul is missing, and the earth soul is damaged?"

After finding out the problem of the Flying Mouse King, Jiang Lin's face sank, and the situation of the Flying Mouse King was not so bad.

If it is not handled properly, the strength will gradually dissipate, and if it is serious, the inner alchemy will gradually dissipate, and the Flying Rat King may not even be able to save his life.

Jiang Lin took a golden fox inner pill, two bottles of Jiaodi blood essence and three blood orchids from his arms, and said to the Flying Mouse King, "Eat it first."


The Flying Rat King's tears came out, Jiang Lin didn't ask how it was planted at all, and just gave it so many good things.

It was originally a little worried that Jiang Lin would despise it as useless and would reprimand it.

So impressed!

The Flying Rat King wanted to give Jiang Lin a compliment, but he couldn't even utter a word. With a roll of his tongue, he swallowed the treasure in Jiang Lin's hand.

"I'm so pissed off, I'm so pissed off!"

Half an hour later, the Flying Rat King digested the treasure in his body, and the situation eased a little, and it roared.

"What are you calling for? Save me some energy and tell me the situation quickly."

Jiang Lin slapped the Flying Rat King on the head. Although it swallowed a lot of treasures, it was only a temporary relief from the deterioration of the situation.

If you don't know how this guy's inner alchemy was hit so hard, there is no effective way to cure it.

"Master, last night I went to find a place to digest the medicinal power, but I found a construction site where the spiritual power was very abundant, and I absorbed the spiritual power there, but who would have thought that there was actually a cat demon hidden underneath. That dog)( Mother-in-law, while I was concentrating, suddenly came out from below, turned into a spirit body and devoured my soul. If I hadn't exploded with the spiritual power of inner alchemy, I wouldn't be able to come back."

The Flying Rat King was very excited, and the more violent his mental fluctuations, the more the pain in his mind deepened.

Jiang Lin finally knew why the Flying Rat King was so angry. He was stabbed so badly by the natural enemy that he was almost killed. He was a natural enemy in the first place. Now, with the deep hatred and hatred, it was easy for his lungs to explode.

"Cat demon? Spirit body??"

Zhang Dashao, who was behind him, suddenly let out a scream, which startled Jiang Lin.

"You... where were you last night?"

Zhang Dashao's face was like a piece of yellow paper, extremely ugly. He stared at the Flying Rat King, breathing almost like a cow.

"What do you call?"

The Flying Rat King just roared, when a stinging pain suddenly came from his mind.

"Could it be the Nine-Life Fierce Cat sealed by your Zhang family?"

Jiang Lin glanced at Zhang Dashao, and then said to the Flying Mouse King, "Where were you last night?"

"It's in the mountains fifteen miles to the northeast."

Since Jiang Lin asked, the Flying Mouse King answered honestly.

"Impossible, impossible, how can it be broken? It's still a long time before the fifty-year period."

When Zhang Dashao heard the Flying Rat King announce the location, the whole person became hysterical, and he kept muttering in his mouth.

The enmity between their Zhang family and Jiu Ming Fierce Cat has been going on for [*] years, but after [*] years of inheritance, it is inevitable that one generation is inferior to one generation.

So in the past, when they dealt with and sealed the fierce cat, they were fully prepared. When the seal was just lifted and the fierce cat was at its weakest, they killed it once and sealed it again.

But now the fierce cat has broken the seal, but he doesn't know it at all.

As long as the Nine Lives Fierce Cats regain some power, then their Zhang family will have only one ending: cut off their children and their grandchildren, and die cleanly.

Now Zhang Dashao is in a panic and doesn't know the east, west, north and south, but he is not afraid, just worried about his daughter.

Zhang Xiaochuan finally got rid of the fate of Scorpio Lone Star, and he was happy for a day, and the fierce cat appeared.

If their father and daughter were approached by a fierce cat, they would not even have a chance to survive.

"Xiaochuan, hurry up and leave Xugang and go abroad. The farther you go, the better, and never come back. Dad is on the mission of his ancestors and must deal with the fierce cat."

Zhang Dashao seems to be explaining the funeral, with a tragic and solemn aura that a strong man will never return.

Jiang Lin just watched silently and said nothing. This Uncle Zhang, who has no ability, still wants to rob him of his head?

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