After being shocked, Zhang Xiaochuan whispered beside Jiang Lin, her subconscious reaction was that the gold bricks in Jiang Lin's hands were fake.

Although Zhang Xiaochuan knew that Jianglin had an ancient mirror that could hold a compass, she did not associate the gold bricks with the bronze mirror at all.

A brick weighs four or five kilograms, and this gold brick might weigh dozens of kilograms, so how could it be put into the mirror.

"Yeah, it's a trick, would you like to take a bite to identify it?"

Jiang Lin chuckled lightly and held the golden brick to Zhang Xiaochuan's mouth.

Zhang Xiaochuan didn't bite down, but pinched it with his hand. It's true, not a trick!

"Dear sir, please be patient, we'll call the boss. Quick, quick!"

The two clerks immediately went upstairs, and they had to call the boss down under the current situation.

The gold bricks in Jiang Lin's hands need to be identified as true or false, and they do not have the ability.

The remaining four clerks gathered behind the counter where Jiang Lin was, with their eyes shining, staring at the gold bricks in Jiang Lin's hands.

Although they have seen a lot of precious jewelry and gold utensils, they have never seen such a large gold brick.

The larger the volume of gold, the higher the value. Although there is a ratio between gold and currency, not many people are willing to exchange large pieces of gold that can store value in exchange for currency.

Bringing gold bricks to buy jewelry, how rich is this?

For a time, the shop assistants felt that Jiang Lin, who was wearing a beige long gown and had nothing to do with luxury, was full of extravagance. Even the matter that Jiang Lin spent [*] to buy a defective Chengbi bead just now was automatically thrown away by them. to the back of the head.

That's rich and willful!

At this moment, they all looked at Zhang Xiaochuan with an extremely envious look, and the previous mockery was gone.

Zhang Xiaochuan blushed and approached Jiang Lin involuntarily.

"Such a chunk of gold?"

"Really gold?"

"Go out with gold bricks?"

The customers who had scattered before were once again attracted by Jiang Lin and Zhang Xiaochuan. To be precise, they were attracted by the gold bricks in Jiang Lin's hands.

Although these people are rich and noble, have rich families, and have seen a lot of money, few of them have seen such a large gold brick.

However, after a short period of surprise, some people questioned. They were all shocked by the size of the gold brick before, and did not think of its weight at all.

Gold is many times heavier than ordinary metals. Even if it is only the size of a brick, if it is gold, it is at least fifty or sixty pounds.

But the weight of several tens of pounds can be held by one hand like this, is it possible?

So they think that the gold bricks in Jiang Lin's hands are either fake or empty.

With the conclusion that "the BRICs are fake", many people who were surprised before booed, and they still pretended to have no family background. Is it interesting?

When the four shop assistants heard these words, they all looked at the gold bricks in Jiang Lin's hands, and the enthusiasm on their faces dropped a lot. The gold bricks might be a layer of shells, or they were fake at all.

Zhang Xiaochuan tugged at Jiang Lin's sleeve, and asked in a low voice, "Jiang Lin, you can't be fake, right? If it's not empty?"

"Fake or not, won't someone identify it in a while?"

Jiang Lin didn't explain anything. When he decided to come to the jewelry store to buy things, he really didn't think so much.Taking out a gold brick at once is indeed easy to make people suspicious.

Although Zhang Xiaochuan felt that what others said was very reasonable, since Jiang Lin said so, she subconsciously no longer doubted it.

It didn't take long for the owner of the jewelry store, Zhou, to go downstairs in a panic. The person who notified him did not explain the situation in detail, so he thought that there were really gold bricks delivered to the door.

Several wealthy businessmen who were familiar with Boss Zhou greeted him and hinted at him in their words.

Boss Zhou was also very speechless after hearing the hint. Are the co-authored BRICs fake or empty?

However, since Jiang Lin wanted them to identify, he did not refuse.

Jiang Lin handed over the gold bricks and said, "Boss Zhou, then you're done, take it with both hands."


Boss Zhou picked up the gold bricks in Jiang Lin's hands with both hands, and then there was a loud noise on the ground of the jewelry store.

The floor was smashed.

If it wasn't for the fast shrinking of Boss Zhou's feet, his feet would have been smashed and broken.

Except for Jiang Lin and Zhang Xiaochuan, everyone in the jewelry store was stunned.

so heavy? ? ?

Is it really real gold?

Boss Zhou was not surprised, and hurriedly bent over to move the gold brick on the ground.

"Quick, quick, call buddy, bring the scale over here!"

Feeling the weight of the gold bricks, Boss Zhou's face was full of surprises. It is conservatively estimated that the gold bricks must be fifty pounds!

Half an hour later, after a series of tests and identifications, Boss Zhou announced that Jiang Lin's gold brick was real gold of very good quality.

"Sir, this gold brick is estimated to be worth [*] Hong Kong dollars. Well, take the liberty to ask, this gold... How did you bring the gold brick here?"

The clerk who had greeted Jiang Lin before asked about Jiang Lin. She only now remembered that when she first met Jiang Lin, she did not find that he was carrying a leather bag or a basket. How did he change?

"The estimate is [*], okay. The valuable property, of course, must be tied close to the body. It happened that I was stronger and tied it to my arm."

Jiang Lin talked nonsense at will, and then he smoothed out a gold brick from his sleeve. After that, he put his hand into his arms, moved the position of Nogu's mirror, and smoothed out two more bricks from the other sleeve.

"I want that diamond necklace, that pair of bracelets, that diamond ring, and that pair of earrings..."

Jiang Lin was quite satisfied with the exchange price given by Boss Zhou. In this case, his wife who likes diamonds at home, he also brought a few pieces back.

Boss Zhou was originally rich, but Jiang Lin, the gold owner who carried four gold bricks with him to buy jewelry, scared him.

Not only Boss Zhou, but everyone present was shocked and speechless.

They have seen a lot of rich people, but who has seen gold bricks with them!

"Jiang... Jiang Lin, does your family... have a gold mine?"

Zhang Xiaochuan felt light and dizzy all over, she really doubted that she was daydreaming.

Jiang Lin looked at Zhang Xiaochuan, whose heels were a little unsteady, and responded, "I don't have a mine at home, but there is a home in the mine."

In fact, there is nothing wrong with what Jiang Lin said. There is a Tianlong Barrier around his Li Yangju, and there are many formations inside. It is a special ore with aura.

There is a home in the mine.

Chapter [*]: The Catastrophe of the Flying Rat King

There is a home in the mine...

Jiang Lin's words just now echoed in Zhang Xiaochuan's mind.

If there is a gold mine at home, he is already a millionaire, but Jiang Lin said that his home is in the gold mine.

Wake up quickly, this must be a dream.

Zhang Xiaochuan pinched her face, she still thought it was not real.

Jiang Lin is actually such a rich man.

"Quick, quick, move in for identification."

Boss Zhou immediately asked the man to take the three gold bricks over, and then he whispered to the clerk that the jewelry that Jiang Lin wanted to buy would be [*]% off at the checkout.

As for why Jiang Lin had the strength to bear a weight of one or two hundred pounds, he didn't even think about it.

As long as the BRICs are real and solid, where would Boss Zhou take care of other things?

"Sir, still don't know your surname? This ring..."

Boss Zhou asked the clerk to pack the goods, and received Jiang Lin himself as a salesperson.

The attitude of other customers towards Jiang Lin also changed a lot, and many took the initiative to come over to say hello to Jiang Lin.

How many people have BRICs with them?

These people knew with their toes that Jiang Lin's family fortune must be no less than theirs, and it is even very possible that he is much richer than them.

Now that they have the opportunity, they definitely want to get along, and maybe there will be business cooperation in the future.

As for the previous verbal mockery to Jiang Lin, each of them was of course cheeky and pretended that it never happened.

Some of this group of people said that Jiang Lin was relatively new, whether he was new to Xugang; some directly introduced themselves and asked what kind of business Jiang Lin was in.

Although Jiang Lin didn't take these people seriously, he didn't act too cold and responded.

He will come to Xugang to develop in the future, but Xugang is not very big. It is estimated that the income is not much due to Taoism alone. Maybe he really can do some business, and maybe he may have some intersection with these people.

In addition, Jiang Lin also wants to establish his own network. He wants to find the immortal character Jue, which is similar to finding a needle in a haystack. He can only run around the world by himself, and he does not know when there will be news. .

"Miss, the package is ready, you can count the quantity. If there is no problem, we will pack it."

Seeing that Jiang Lin was talking to the boss, several shop assistants put the packaged jewelry on the glass case in front of Zhang Xiaochuan.

They looked at Zhang Xiaochuan, not to mention how envious and jealous they were.

Zhang Xiaochuan had long since recovered from her daze. Looking at the beautifully packaged box in front of her, she was just as envious as the shop assistants.

No matter how delicate and expensive necklaces, bracelets and earrings are, none of them belong to her.

She only now fully understands what her father said at the beginning, Shu Ning is really lucky!

"That should be all, let's put it together."

Zhang Xiaochuan nodded, and then moved his gaze to the counter again.

She took a fancy to a pendant, which was already very cheap compared to the ones Jiang Lin picked, at [*] Hong Kong dollars.

But she has no money to buy it at all. Even if she has worked for a few years and has some savings, it is still far from enough. Moreover, she will not be able to become a reporter in the future, her income will be greatly reduced, and it is impossible to afford it.

Zhang Xiaochuan took out a notepad and a pen, and did a little calculation. With her current income, it would take nearly four years before she could afford it.

never mind!

"What are you doing?"

After chatting a few words with Boss Zhou, Jiang Lin was about to leave with the leather bag, when he happened to see Zhang Xiaochuan counting on the notepad.

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