Now that the money is in place, Jiang Lin believes that Bishop should be able to do it, and then he needs to prepare the money.

Nearly [-] mu of mountainous area, if you want to buy it, the required funds will definitely not be a small amount.

"About forty-eight Hong Kong dollars per mu. By the way, Chief Jiang, what are you buying mountains for in such a hurry?"

After Bishop quoted the price, he couldn't help but ask one more question.

Even if he wants to buy a mountain, there is no need to rush to buy it within two days, which makes him a little confused.

"Grow fruit trees."

Jiang Lin smiled, and then left the police station with Zhang Xiaochuan.

"Brother Lin, I know there must be a reason for you to do this, but those are three real gold bricks. You just took them out like that, and you just let people get through the relationship."

Although Zhang Xiaochuan heard Jianglin talk about the Fengshui pattern of Huixing Mountain, he did not know what it represented.She knew that Jiang Lin would definitely not aim at nothing, but she still felt very distressed. She was going to marry Jiang Lin soon, so she already regarded Jiang Lin's property as their common property.

"Compared to the income brought by that mountain, three gold bricks are equivalent to three strands of hair."

Jiang Lin explained to Zhang Xiaochuan that when he took down Huixing Mountain and used the feng shui pattern there to grow fruit, as long as one extra fruit was produced, its value would be far greater than three gold bricks.

"It turns out that that kind of ugly fruit is so precious!"

Zhang Xiaochuan was very surprised. Today, the apple that Jiang Lin had bitten for her was more precious than the thousand-year-old ginseng and ganoderma lucidum.

With just one bite, she can guarantee that she will not get sick for five or six years.

"I never imagined that you, a Taoist priest, would grow fruit trees in the mountains in the future and become a fruit farmer."

Zhang Xiaochuan giggled. In her opinion, Taoist priests are all about subduing demons and subduing demons or watching the wind and water, but Jianglin actually wants to guard a mountain and plant trees on it.

"Not only to be a fruit farmer, but also to be a pond owner."

Jiang Lin chuckled, and after getting Bishop, he had a plan to make full use of the entire Huixing Mountain.

Not only fruit trees, but he also planted a lot of grains, medicinal herbs, fed six animals, and raised fish and shrimp.

Huixing Mountain is full of mysterious yellow air. As long as you make some arrangements, it is not too simple to make ecological farming.

In the future, their whole family can live in the mountains without worrying about eating and drinking. As for clothes, Jiang Lin will also design mulberry forests to raise silkworms and weave cloth.

In this way, their family does not even need to go to the city, they are completely self-sufficient and live a life without any hustle and bustle.

The wheat, rice, vegetables and fruits grown in the mountains, chickens, ducks, fish and shrimps, etc., can be used for business except for daily expenses.

He gave Bishop such a big benefit, and he had this consideration in mind. In the future, if he had a sheriff to take care of him, it would be much smoother.

Of course, Jiang Lin definitely wouldn't do business on his own, nor would he let his wives do the work. He had other plans.

Jiang Lin does have a lot of assets, but in the next few years, he will replace these belongings with things that are valuable to himself and his family, and natural treasures will account for a large part.

In addition, he didn't know how much money it would take to find the immortal character Jue all over the world, so he had to ensure that his wealth was sufficient.

Since you can make money by doing business on Huixingshan, why not do it.

Just put some thought into designing the layout, sitting at home and collecting money.

"I'll still carry you."

Jiang Lin heard Zhang Xiaochuan beside him making a pained hissing sound, so he picked it up and carried it all the way to the door of Shu's house.

Shu Ning, who happened to have dinner, saw that Jiang Lin had not returned, and came out to wait for him.

"Jiang Lin, let me down, didn't you say you want to let the two demon kings go back? You go first."

When Zhang Xiaochuan saw Shu Ning, he panicked and asked Jiang Lin to put her down.

Shu Ning was really confused right now. He blinked at Jiang Lin and Zhang Xiaochuan. Her man was carrying her cousin. What was the situation?

"Okay. Aning, what are you stunned for? Take care of Xiaochuan, I have something to do."

Jiang Lin put Zhang Xiaochuan down and went straight into the backyard. He needed to send the two demon kings back to Gantian Town to transport the gold and silver ingots from Li Yangju.

As for Shu Ning's daze, he didn't think much about it, until now he still thought that Zhang Xiaochuan was going out with him today and that Shu Ning was helping out with ideas.

"Sister Ning, I wanted to do an exclusive interview with Jiang Lin. I went into the mountain with him. Then I hurt my foot, so he came back with me."

Zhang Xiaochuan's face was a little unnatural, and he didn't dare to tell Shu Ning the truth.

Although she asked Shu Ningjie if she would mind, she did not confess her affairs after all.

She originally planned to find another opportunity to tell Shu Ning about her and Jiang Lin after tomorrow, but she didn't expect to be caught by Shu Ning because of the warmth on Jiang Lin's back.

Injured foot?

Shu Ning looked at Zhang Xiaochuan with suspicious eyes. Even if his foot was injured, he didn't need to let Jiang Lin carry it home, right?

But she didn't ask what was going on, but said, "If you're tired, go back and rest early. If you're hungry, you can ask someone to cook some meals."

Call ~

Zhang Xiaochuan breathed a sigh of relief and entered the courtyard.

Shu Ning followed behind Zhang Xiaochuan, and then she found that Zhang Xiaochuan's walking posture was different from usual.

Being followed all the way to the room by Shu Ning, Zhang Xiaochuan felt more guilty and asked, "Sister Ning, I'm not hungry, I want to rest, what's the matter with you?"

"It's nothing, ah! There are cockroaches under your feet!"

Shu Ning shook his head, then suddenly pointed at Zhang Xiaochuan's feet and called out.

"Oh my God!"

Zhang Xiaochuan was so frightened that she ran and jumped. After she stopped, she realized that there were no cockroaches at all.


At this time, Zhang Xiaochuan bent over, clutching his lower abdomen, and let out a long hiss.

"You... have you and Jiang Lin already... already..."

Shu Ning saw Zhang Xiaochuan's appearance. As a visitor, she didn't know what happened.

"Sister Ning, I... I fell in love with him too. When I was outside, I... gave myself to him."

Now that Shu Ning had guessed it, Zhang Xiaochuan didn't hide it anymore. She lowered her face and whispered, "Sister Ning, you said you don't mind him having other women."


Shu Ning was at a loss for words, she did say that she didn't mind, but when she thought that tomorrow was her wedding, she felt uncomfortable.

"I'll go find him."

Shu Ning stomped angrily, turned around and left, looking for Jiang Lin.

But after she entered Jiang Lin's room, she never came out again.

The first thousand and forty-four chapters tool man lamp god

Early in the morning, Jiang Lin was awakened by the sound of people walking outside.

"A Ning, get up, you are going to be a bride today."

Jiang Lin shook Shu Ning in his arms, if he didn't get up again, he would be laughed at.


The dream was broken, Shu Ning felt a little bit of getting up, and arched into Jiang Lin's arms. After a while, her eyelashes blinked slightly and she woke up.

"You bully me."

Thinking of what happened last night, Shu Ning pursed her lips slightly, like an angry little daughter-in-law.

As soon as she came here last night, she asked Jiang Lin and Zhang Xiaochuan what was going on. She wanted to lose her temper at Jiang Lin, but before she got angry, she was hugged and kissed by Jiang Lin, and then she was thrown into the bed.

Since coming to the house, Shu Ning and Jiang Lin have been separated, and they haven't shared the bed with Jiang Lin for a long time, making her like a pile of dry wood, just a little bit.

Then she was intoxicated physically and mentally, as if she was on the top of the cloud, where did she have any temper.

After a night of fun, Shu Ning could not wait to melt himself into Jiang Lin's body. There was no such thing as a temper.

"Okay, it's Xiaochuan who didn't tell me the truth. She said she asked you, and you don't mind. I thought you two sisters had already discussed it, and it was you who came up with the idea for her."

Jiang Lin helped Shu Ning to straighten the loose strands of hair a little, and then gently scraped on her nose.

"This little girl! She actually falsely passed on the imperial edict, I have to clean up her when I look back!"

"Get up, you are the protagonist today."

Jiang Lin took the clothes by the bed, put them on Shu Ning, and put on the groom's clothes. Just as he was about to get out of bed, Zhang Xiaochuan's voice came from outside.

"Sister Ning, Brother Lin, I'm in."

Zhang Xiaochuan pushed open the door, holding the wedding dress that Shu Ning bought in his hand.

After pursing his lips, Zhang Xiaochuan looked at Shu Ning apologetically, and said, "Sister Ning, I'm here to dress you up today, I'll make you beautiful."

Turning her eyes, Zhang Xiaochuan looked at Jiang Lin again, and found that Jiang Lin was looking over with his arms crossed, so she quickly looked away in fright.

Jiang Lin made a move, and the door was closed, and then he clicked his fingers together and set up a soundproof magic circle in the room.

"come over."

Jiang Lin hooked his fingers at Zhang Xiaochuan, and Zhang Xiaochuan was pulled, staggered two steps, and landed on his thigh.

With a wave of his palm, Jiang Lin took a few shots on Zhang Xiaochuan's patpat, and said, "Well, you little girl, you didn't make it clear yesterday, didn't you?"

"Brother Lin, I was wrong."

Zhang Xiaochuan blushed, but did not dare to get up. She did play a trick on Jiang Lin yesterday.

Shu Ning squeezed Zhang Xiaochuan's face lightly, and said, "You are really my good sister, I asked me if I would mind if he had other women, and I slept with him on the back. The day before the wedding."

"Sister Ning, I'm sorry, I also know that today is Sister Ning's wedding, please listen to my explanation. You are the baby of my uncle and aunt. They thought that Jiang Lin was the only woman. I fell in love with Jiang Lin, and I couldn't. Show it, otherwise how would they agree? Before yesterday, I thought you would leave and never come back after you got married. Seeing that your wedding date is approaching, I can only give myself to him and cook the meal first. In this way, even if my uncle and aunt have opinions, they can't say anything."

The apology on Zhang Xiaochuan's face was very sincere. If she hadn't thought that Jiang Lin would not come back after leaving, she would not have been in such a hurry to hand herself over to Jiang Lin.

Shu Ning pursed his lips, nodded on Zhang Xiaochuan's forehead, and said, "Okay, I'm not angry anymore. Brother Lin, go out to receive the guests, and let Xiaochuan, the bridesmaid, dress me up and change my clothes."

In fact, Shu Ning was just a little uncomfortable. Now that Zhang Xiaochuan has apologized, she doesn't care anymore.

"Is Xiaochuan a bridesmaid?"

"Yes! The bride and bridesmaids are all yours."

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