Shu Ning wrinkled her nose at Jiang Lin and came to her house for the wedding, but she dragged her cousin away as well.

Jiang Lin laughed and slapped Zhang Xiaochuan and Shu Ning on the faces, and then went out to receive the guests.

Although there were not many people at the wedding, it was quite lively. After a whole day of work, Jiang Lin took Shu Ning into the wedding room.

The next morning, Jiang Lin covered Shu Ning with a quilt and went to the backyard. Last night, King Panlan Tiger and King Flying Mouse had already returned.

And he has brought all the things he explained.

On the stone table in the backyard, there are hundreds of books, some of which are textbooks he asked Chen Yu to buy from several universities in Guangzhou, and the rest are bought by the servants here at the large bookstore in Yuegang according to his instructions. come.

Some of these hundreds of books are about planting and breeding, others are about capital management and business and economics, some are in Chinese, some in English, and even in Latin.

"The mountain of books has road and diligence as the path, and the sea of ​​learning has no end to work hard."

Jiang Lin shook his head like an ancient scholar, and then he took a broken oil lamp beside the stone table in his hand.

After erasing the seal on the lamp tube, he shook the oil lamp.

It didn't take long for a puff of white smoke to spew out of the lamp tube, and a lamp god dressed as a Qing Dynasty scholar fell from the air.

At the Cixi Tomb, Jiang Lin restrained the lamp god and put it away. Originally, he was going to refine it to supplement himself, but later the lamp god actually healed Lei Gang's eyes, so he changed his mind and changed his mind. It stayed.

If Chen Yu or Ninth Uncle contract an incurable disease, maybe the lamp god can still play a role.

Now, Jiang Lin called him out, not to cure any disease, but for other purposes.

"Brother, we have something to discuss."

After Deng Shen saw Jiang Lin, his expression changed instantly. He originally thought that Jiang Lin had completely forgotten him, and prayed that when Jiang Lin packed up, he would throw away the broken oil lamp he was carrying.

But it turned out that his prayers were worthless.

"Don't get close to me."

Jiang Lin glanced at Dengshen and said, "I remember you once said that you were the first champion in the Shunzhi period, or the kind who learned to be rich in five cars?"

"I don't dare to be rich in five cars. I was indeed the first champion of the year."

"That is to say, you are still a good candidate for study. I will give you a task to read these books thoroughly within two years. If you perform well, you will be saved."

Jiang Lin pointed to the book on the stone table. He let the lamp god come out, just wanting to use it as a tool man.

In the future, he bought Huixing Mountain and designed it as an ecological farm. For such a big mountain, someone always needed to take care of it. He didn’t have the spare time, and he wouldn’t ask about business matters.

He was going to hand over these things to this tool man, Dengshen.

The first thousand and forty-five chapters of a family of four ghost kings

"Two years to read through?"

Deng Shen's eyes widened. There are almost three or four hundred of these books, and I can read one in two days?

"What? Is there a problem?"

Jiang Lin raised his brows. If he was a human, it would be difficult to grasp all the contents of these books in two years, but this champion lamp god is not a human being, he is already a ghost king-level spirit of lights. You can't overcome this little difficulty, why keep taking up space?

"No... no problem."

Deng Shen was shocked. He had always been worried, for fear that Jiang Lin would train him. Now that there is such a life-saving opportunity, even if there is a problem, there should be no problem.

With a gesture of his hand, Deng Shen took a book into his hand and opened it, making him bewildered.

Completely incomprehensible.

"Master, I don't understand this. I was the champion of the Shunzhi period in the Qing Dynasty. I only speak Manchu and Chinese."

"Learn if you don't understand, or you think I'll spare your life for reading? Don't you feel ashamed if you say that you don't even know the words?"

Jiang Lin threw away a few dictionaries on the table. He wanted to make Deng Shen an expert-level tool man.

This tool person must manage the tea garden, medicine garden, ranch, forest farm, etc. that he will arrange in Huixing Mountain in the future, and the business must also be run smoothly.

I was speechless.

The corner of Dengshen's mouth twitched slightly. Before his death, his head was suspended from the beam and the cones were pierced. He chiseled the wall to steal light, just to stand out. Later, as he wished, he was the first in high school, and by chance, he became the spirit of the lamp, self-proclaimed Dengshen, but now , especially still have to read!

And it's even harder than the cantilever thorns.

"Although your oil lamp is with me, it's better to have an extra layer of protection. If you perform well, it's not necessarily bad."

Jiang Lin was going to leave the Dengshen in Huixing Mountain first to protect the mountain, but now he still can't trust this guy.

Without waiting for the Dengshen to agree, Jiang Lin shot out a trace of true sun fire and shot it between the Dengshen's brows.

Deng Shen hugged his head and screamed, as if he had drunk bitter brine in his heart.

Don't talk about resistance in the future, it's useless to try to escape, his life is completely controlled by others.

"I'll do my best."

Dengshentai's pain eased a little, and he started to read through the dictionary.

Jiang Lin nodded, satisfied with the lamp god's attitude.

Before long, a servant came to the backyard and informed him that a police officer was coming.

Could it be Bishop?It's done so soon?

Jiang Lin immediately went to the living room, and as expected, Bishop was the one who came.

"Jiang Daochang, you are so boring, you don't even tell me when you get married."

Seeing Jiang Lin come out, Bishop quickly stood up. He came to Shu's house today to find out that Jiang Lin got married yesterday.

Jiang Lin sat at the table, smiled at Bishop, and said, "Aren't you busy with the things I explained? I'll give you an invitation next time you get married."

Next time you get married? ?

Holy crap, I'm so envious.

Bishop gave Jiang Lin a thumbs up, and then said: "Everything has been done for you, as long as you pay the money, you can get the land deed today."

Jiang Lin really didn't expect that it would be done in a day and a half.

"Okay, I'll prepare the money now."

Jiang Lin dialed the dial on the phone and called the boss of Zhouji Jewelry Store, asking him to bring the money and call a few more colleagues.

The gold and silver brought by King Panlan and the others were all in Shu's house, and Jiang Lin didn't bother to exchange it at the bank. Anyway, it was handed over to Boss Zhou and the others, and the price was similar to that of the bank, and it would allow them to accept their favor.

After half an hour, the car of Boss Zhou and his colleagues arrived at the gate of Shu's house.

Bishop looked at Boss Zhou and the others carrying boxes of gold bricks and silver ingots, his eyes were almost blinded.

He also knew a lot of rich people, but most of them were currency in circulation, but none of them were like Jiang Lin, who had treasures of gold and silver at home.

A large amount of gold and silver was traded from Jianglin, and Boss Zhou was so happy that he offered to drive him and Bishop to the Lands Department.

Jiang Lin was not polite, and hitchhiked with Boss Zhou.

Two hours later, Jiang Lin took the title deed of Huixing Mountain.

Jiang Lin was relieved after he completely held the Huixing Mountain in his hands. After he went back, he asked Panlan Tiger King to bring an oil lamp and carry hundreds of books to the Huixing Mountain to guard it, and it was strictly forbidden for anyone to enter it.

In the afternoon, Jiang Lin and Shu Ning set off for Gantian Town, and Zhang Xiaochuan followed.

In fact, according to the customs of Shu Ning's hometown, if the daughter of a wealthy family leaves the cabinet, she needs to have a wet nurse or a nanny to follow her and come back when she returns. It means that the woman marrying her daughter does not mean that it is spilled water. Any grievances, they will directly take it back.

However, at Shu Ning's request, her parents let Zhang Xiaochuan take over the role.

In the evening, Jiang Lin and the others arrived at Gantian Town.

When the three entered the gate of Li Yangju, they saw Ren Zhuzhu and Jingjing playing badminton in the front yard.


Ren Zhuzhu lost her racket, ran over, and threw herself into Jiang Lin's arms.

"We all thought you weren't coming back for the New Year. Sisters, our husband is back!"

Ren Zhuzhu shouted loudly, and then more than [*] beauties came out of the inner courtyard one after another.

"Sister Ning, you... don't tell me, they are all Jiang Lin's wives."

Zhang Xiaochuan was stunned, she seemed to have arrived in the daughter country all of a sudden.

Shu Ning coughed and responded, "Cough, since you're home, you have to change your tune. Actually, I never told you, I'm my husband's [*]th room, and you should be the [*]th room. , and four female ghost sisters did not come out."

Zhang Xiaochuan: "..."

"You guys get to know each other, I'll go find Xiaoqian and the others first."

Jiang Lin patted Ren Zhuzhu on the back, cast a spell to summon all the charms in Chen Yu and the others' shadows, and then went to Xiaoqian's training room.

The ferocious cat life soul he collected needs to be used up by Xiaoli Xiaoqian and the others in time, otherwise it will gradually dissipate.

"Xiao Li, Xiao Qian, Xiao Hong, Yuan Ying, my husband brought you some good things."

Jiang Lin opened the door, and his four female ghost wives were absorbing yin energy in the room to cultivate.

Because Jing Yuanying got the magic sound box and took the lead in breaking through to the level of the ghost king, Xiaoqian and the three seemed to be stimulated. If there was no special thing, they would not leave the door without going out, and practiced hard indoors.

And Jing Yuanying also basically stayed in the training room because she wanted to reach the level of heaven and ghost as soon as possible.

"Husband (Jiang Lang), what good thing?"

"Of course it is a treasure that is useful to your cultivation."

Jiang Lin smiled, took out nine paper cranes from the ancient mirror, and released the ferocious cat's heavenly soul and eight life souls.

Nine cat-headed spirit bodies floated in the room, making a shrill cry.

Seeing Xiaoli and the others licking their lips, Jiang Lin looked as if they were about to fight, and said quickly, "Don't fight, don't fight, you all have a share. This is a monster formed by the heavenly soul and the lifesoul of a vicious cat with nine lives. Ling, three ghost king-level demon spirits, Xiaoli Xiaoqian and Xiaohong, each of you, Yuan Ying, you have already broken through. Now that your realm has just stabilized, it is not suitable for Dabu. A bodyguard for your charms."

As soon as Jiang Lin finished speaking, his four ghost wives floated into the air, grabbed the spiritual bodies, and swallowed them.

The remaining four were eaten up by more than [*] Charming Spirits.

"This is a fruit with mysterious yellow energy. You all eat it, and I will protect you."

After Xiaoli and the others fell, Jiang Lin took out four more fruit and handed them over.

After swallowing the demon spirits and supplementing them with exotic fruits, the ghost energy in Xiaoli, Xiaoqian and Xiaohong suddenly surged, and then they stepped over the threshold of the ghost king one by one.

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