As for Jing Yuanying, the aura on her body has stabilized a lot, but her cultivation has also increased a lot.

Since then, all four of Jiang Lin's ghost wives have become ghost kings.

Chapter [*] No time to spare!

"Husband, I broke through!"

Xiaoli's face is full of joy. If she breaks through again in the future, she will become a ghost. At that time, she will be able to meet the elders with Jiang Lin in an upright manner. In addition, she is already pregnant, Jiu Shu and Zhang Han do not know. I will love her as a daughter-in-law.

Xiaoqian and Xiaohong are also full of joy. When they reach the level of ghost kings, they will have the capital to protect themselves. If Jiang Lin goes out in the future, they will be able to follow him.

Jiang Lin reminded: "Don't get excited first, stabilize your breath."

Xiaoli and the others have relied on the treasures of heaven and earth, and their strength has grown by leaps and bounds. It will take time to polish and consolidate the foundation in the future. Now the three of them have just broken through, and they must settle down.

They are not like Jing Yuanying. Jing Yuanying is the spirit of the ancient mirror. The time to become a spirit is more than a thousand years, so there are not many hidden dangers after the breakthrough.

An hour later, Jiang Lin saw that Xiaoli and the others had stabilized, and said, "Okay, there is still a long way to go, don't keep holding back in the training room."

Jiang Lin let the charms belonging to Xiaoli and the others return to their places, and then went to find their hosts for the remaining charms after the decree.

"You have a new sister, go and meet her."

Jiang Lin asked the four ghost wives to go out first, and he still needed to deal with Li Yingqi's affairs.

"One more!"

Xiao Li and the others gave Jiang Lin a blank look. There were only about thirty rooms in the house, and they were almost not enough now.

After the four ghost wives went out, Jiang Lin waved his hand, closed the door, called out the system, threw the jade plate Miaoshan gave him, and checked it with the help of the system's scanning and identification function.

What reassured him was that the reply from the system was that the jade plate did replace the immortal character Jue to a certain extent, and there was no harm.

"This Miaoshan is a little unpredictable. I don't know what he needs me to do in the future, and who I am protecting."

Jiang Lin stretched out his fingers and pressed his eyebrows, he didn't understand what purpose Miaoshan had in his favor with him.

With Miaoshan's cultivation, who should be protected should be better than him.

How unreasonable to think.

In fact, no matter how Ren Jianglin guessed, he could not have imagined that the person Miaoshan wanted him to protect was still a little girl less than ten years old, and this little girl did not meet him until [*].

After thinking for a while, Jiang Lin didn't have any clues, so Jiang Lin stopped spending time guessing, and planned to take some time to ask Jiu Shu and Master Hong Jinbao to see if they had heard of Miao Shan.

I don't know if Mao Xiaofang is back, but if he does, you can ask him first.

Jiang Lin wanted to find Miaoshan's real body, and then asked her in detail how she got this fake jade plate. Last time Miaoshan disappeared too quickly, and he didn't have time to ask many questions.

Shaking his head, Jiang Lin left the training room, went straight to the bedroom, and placed the jade plate on the immortal burial coffin where it originally belonged to the immortal character Jue.

As soon as the jade plate was placed, the Immortal Burial Coffin glowed brightly. Originally, the entire coffin body exuded a powerful ability to suppress evil, but it was isolated by Jianglin. Now that the Immortal Coffin is relatively complete, this evil-suppressing trend has become introverted. go down.

After opening the coffin lid, Jiang Lin took two exotic fruits, chewed them in his mouth, and fed them to Li Yingqi in the coffin.

"Husband, sisters are laughing at me."

Jiang Lin walked out of the bedroom, and as soon as he arrived in the back garden, Zhang Xiaochuan ran towards him with a blushing face.

It turned out that Shu Ning told Chen Yu and the others about her false edict and patpating, which made them laugh.

"They're just joking with you and won't bully you."

Jiang Lin stroked Zhang Xiaochuan's hair, and then asked Chen Yudao, "Chili, Master Mao, hasn't he returned yet?"

Chen Yu shook his head and replied, "No, I met Axiu yesterday and asked her."

Shortly after Jiang Lin went to Shu, Mao Xiaofang left Gantian Town and wandered around, subduing demons and subduing demons.

In the few years of this trip, Mao Xiaofang's reputation gradually spread, and for this reason, some people called him "South Mao North Horse" together with the Ma family who later exorcised the dragon clan.

"Since he's not in Fuxitang, let Axiu come to us for the New Year."

Jiang Lin instructed the mouse boy to go to Fuxi Hall to call Axiu. As for whether Ahai and Achu have New Year's Eve dinner tomorrow, he doesn't care.

The next day, Jiang Lin and his family happily passed the New Year. Jiang Lin had been busy for more than half a year and wanted to take this opportunity to relax for a while.

But the taste of the new year has not passed, and his leisurely days have come to an end.

On the seventh day of the first lunar month, Jiang Lin received a notice from Judge Lu.

The time he had agreed with Judge Lu had come, and he had to go to the forbidden area of ​​Luohu in the underworld to deal with the Goblin King.

It's really a moment of leisure!

Jiang Lin greeted Judge Lu's whole family in his heart. He didn't notify him early or late, so he had to let him go in the new year.

What a shit!

"Husband, what's going on in the underworld? It's not even the fifteenth day of the first lunar month."

In the training room, Xiaoli took Jiang Lin's arm and kept asking Judge Lu what he wanted him to do.

The underworld is also celebrating the Chinese New Year. If it wasn't an important matter, he would definitely not be in such a hurry to let Jiang Lin go.

But if it is important, it means that there may be danger.

After being repeatedly questioned by Xiaoli and the others, Jiang Lin told him about going down to deal with the Ghost Emperor.

"Is that red beard kicked by a donkey in his head? Let you deal with the ghost emperor?"

Xiao Li was so angry that she cursed and kept greeting Judge Lu's ancestor.

"I'm not going alone, don't worry, with my current ability, self-protection is no problem."

"No, you are not allowed to go. If you insist on going, I will go too."

Xiaoli didn't let Jiang Lin take the risk. If Jiang Lin had to go, she would follow.

She knew how terrifying the Ghost Emperor was, and it was not something that the Ghost King could compare to. Jiang Lin was going to deal with the Ghost Emperor, even if he had a lot of helpers, the risk would be great.

Xiaoqian, Xiaohong and Jing Yuanying also said in unison at this time: "Let's go too."

The first thousand and forty-seven chapters of the soul-suppressing general?

"Nonsense! What if you make a mistake?"

Jiang Lin refused directly. He had the immortality of a zombie, and his vitality was extremely strong, so he dared to take this risk, but his four ghost wives were not good.

"I don't care, I'm already a ghost king now, and I have the ability to help you share things. Whenever you go out, we don't worry about it, and this time we have to deal with the ghost emperor. I will accompany you unless you don't go."

The last time Jiang Lin went to Zuo Ci's tomb, he was seriously injured. Xiao Li can remember that she was worried that Jiang Lin would be seriously injured this time.

Xiaoqian and the others also expressed their standing with Xiaoli.

"I made an agreement with Red Beard, and when I go to a forbidden area, I can also scavenge some treasures and give you peppers and others to use. Besides, I also need to take this opportunity to fetch the Red Lotus Karmic Fire. , you must go. Dear, wait for me to come back, if you go down with me, there is something wrong, won't you gouge out my heart? "

Jiang Lin took Xiaoli into his arms, stroked her hair, and coaxed softly.

"We are your wives, you take us seriously and risk your life for us, but have you ever thought about it, you are our man, our God, if something happens to you, for us , the sky is falling. Our four sisters are not as weak as before. Now that we are united, we can already be your arm."

Saying that, Xiao Li broke away from Jiang Lin's arms, clutched her stomach, and looked like she was about to cry, and said, "Baby, it's very dangerous for your father to deal with the Ghost Emperor."

Then she looked at Jiang Lin pitifully and said, "Our children let me go, he is worried about his father."

Originally Jiang Lin would not agree, but seeing Xiao Li like this, his heart softened.

If she insisted on her own opinion, it would really hurt Xiao Li's heart.

Seeing that Jiang Lin's attitude softened, Xiaoqian and the others also took the opportunity to snuggle up and rub against Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin was worried about their safety, so why didn't they worry about their men?

They have been cultivating hard. In addition to wanting to enter the level of heaven and ghost as soon as possible, they also want to help Jiang Lin. Now that they have enough ability, they must advance and retreat together with Jiang Lin.

"Okay, take the four of you down, but you must listen to me."

In the end, Jiang Lin made a concession and asked Xiaoli and the others to follow him, but the matter of going to the forbidden area had to be done exactly as he wanted.

The four female ghosts responded in unison: "Agree!"

Jiang Lin sighed softly, took out Commander Yin and opened the gate of hell.

Not long after, Jiang Lin and the four ghost wives arrived at Judge Lu's judge's hall.

"Brother Jiang, you are here!"

Red Beard put down the pocket watch in his hand and greeted Jiang Lin with a look of joy.

Looking away, Judge Lu looked at Xiaoli and the others, and said in surprise, "The four younger siblings have already broken through to the Ghost King, congratulations."

But Xiao Li and the four of them didn't appreciate it at all, and turned their faces away one after another.

This abominable red beard actually gave them such a dangerous task as a man, damn it!

Judge Lu smiled embarrassedly, and took the initiative to say New Year's greetings to Jiang Lin: "Happy New Year, Brother Jiang."

Jiang Lin gave Judge Lu his middle finger, and said, "What a ball! You asked me to come down on the seventh day of the first lunar month. You are not new year and I will pass it."

"Cough cough, that... It's like this, there are also New Year customs in the underworld. We celebrate the New Year here, and the forbidden land is also festive, so the King of Blood Ghosts may take this opportunity to break through, or I won't be at this pass, let you Come down and get busy. Besides, we have made an appointment before, and it is not too soon or too late to meet the appointment now."

"Okay, you don't need to explain, Jiang is not a person who does not believe in his words."

Jiang Lin waved his hand, since he has already come down, there is no need to listen to Judge Lu explaining this and that.

"It seems that Judge Lu has also caught up with the trend now, and actually used a foreigner's pocket watch, which was burned down?"

Jiang Lin glanced at him and found the pocket watch on the table, and looked at Judge Lu with a strange look.

Judge Lu shook his head and explained: "How can I use this thing, I am going to use it for you. This time dealing with the ghost emperor is no trivial matter. In order to ensure that you cooperate closely and avoid accidents, all the underworld officials participating in the mission will be equipped with it. A piece for accurate timing."

"Oh yes, I still have a question to ask Judge Lu about you."

When Jiang Lin saw the chain of the pocket watch, he remembered the round talisman with a copper chain that he saw at the base of the Japanese ninja regiment.

At that time, he used his Yin Commander to recruit Wu Ling, but Shi Teng used a round talisman to break it.

Later, Shi Teng used this talisman to open the gate of hell and escaped to the underworld.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin told Judge Lu about the encounter with Shi Teng and the talisman he possessed, ready to inquire about Shi Teng's information.

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