For those who wanted to murder him for no reason, Jiang Lin was not going to save his life.

Besides, now he and Shi Teng have formed a relationship, and the matter is over, saving him any trouble in the future.

"A round talisman with a copper chain? There's a 'general' on it? That's the general's chain of the Soul General. The one you're talking about is called Sten, he should be a Soul General, how could he be? Are you married?"

"General chain? Soul general?"

Jiang Lin frowned and asked, "There are six meritorious officers in the underworld, the four major judges, the top ten Yin commanders, and the seventy-six divisions. Why haven't I heard of any soul-suppressing generals?"

"You haven't heard of it because you don't come down often. Another reason is that Soul Requiem will involve a secret that is not convenient to publish, so there is basically no mention of documents in the world."

After answering Jiang Lin's question, Judge Lu said, "Since you asked, I'll explain to you. How can you say that you are also my subordinate, and if you communicate with other judges in the future, you won't know anything about it? , I have no face."

God, your capable subordinates will really put money on their faces.

Jiang Lin pouted, but he didn't interrupt Judge Lu and continued to listen.

"That's a bit far. In fact, at the beginning of the underworld, there were four places for reincarnation..."

Judge Lu talked endlessly about the changes in the underworld, and also mentioned the role of the underworld and some information about the book of life and death.

In fact, Jiang Lin has already heard what he said now from Judge Wang, but Judge Lu said it in a little more detail.

Chapter [*]: Heaven is ruthless, fate is absurd

"There is such a thing."

"Too unreasonable!"

Jiang Lin heard Judge Wang say that the underworld changed his life with the book of life and death, but this was the first time Xiaoli and the others had heard of it.

This is far from their perception.

Good and evil are rewarded in the end, and it is actually the result of the underworld taking advantage of "opportunities" to forcibly change the lives of mortals.

But even if the underworld is forced to reform, it can't change much, and the rest can only accept fate.

Even if you practice good deeds, you might end up on the street.

"God, it won't reason with people, and it won't care about your good and evil."

Jiang Lin smiled. In his previous life, he had the experience of killing scum and being harmed all his life. He didn't have any goodwill towards this day.

"Judge Lu, I heard Judge Wang mention these things, but what does what you said have anything to do with Zhenhun?"

"I'm not going to talk about it now. Brother Jiang, since you know this, then I'll ask you a question. How many people do you think die every day in the earth, just in the middle earth?"

dead man?

When Judge Lu asked this question, Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment. He really hadn't thought about this issue.

"It's estimated to be over ten thousand, right?"

Jiang Lin gave a relatively conservative figure.

Judge Lu stretched out three fingers and said, "Thirty thousand, for now, it is thirty thousand per day. If we use the Western method of timekeeping, that is, one person will die every three seconds on average. This does not include the six animals and three animals. You bastard, how many soul-enchanting messengers do you think the underworld has to complete such a large amount of work? And you also know that the reincarnation of the soul is not arranged for him when he dies, but according to the records in the book of life and death, you think the underworld must be vacant How big of a place to manage these souls that can't be reincarnated right away?"

Before Jiang Lin could answer, Judge Lu took a wine bowl from his medicine gourd and put it on the table, saying, "So, it is impossible for all the newly added souls to be brought to the underworld, only those who can be reincarnated in the near future. Only those who have accumulated virtues and committed great evils, or have been overdone, will be directly led to the underworld through the gate of hell, and arranged to be reincarnated or put into hell to suffer. The rest will be notified to enter other places in the underworld. If it is said that the plane on which the mouth of the bowl is located represents the yang realm, and the bottom of the bowl represents the underworld and the underworld, those who are caught are equivalent to falling directly, and those who cannot be caught, if it is not resentment If you haven't disappeared or you are nostalgic for the world, you will come here, which is a transition area."

Judge Lu pointed to the inner wall of the wine bowl. He felt that the comparison of the bowl was quite appropriate.

Jiang Lin nodded, this information is really not in his knowledge reserve.

Usually he slays demons and slays demons, and is good at looking at mountains, but he really doesn't know enough about everything in the underworld.

"Regarding this transition area, the secrets that I just mentioned that cannot be made public are also here. From ancient times to the present, as long as soldiers and generals participating in wars or campaigns, if they die in battle, they cannot be reincarnated immediately. If they want to be reincarnated. , and even have to wait for hundreds of years, or even more than a thousand years, this is still the time of the world, and what's more, there is no chance of reincarnation at all. No matter whether these soldiers are defending their homeland or aggressing others, even if they are loyal ministers and good generals, it is the same. in this way."

Judge Lu said something that made Jiang Lin and Xiaoli feel incredible.

"How is this possible?"

"A good general who is loyal to the country, doesn't even have a chance to be reborn after his death?"

Xiao Li and the others felt that it was really difficult to accept such a thing. They were protecting the country and the people.

"Don't ask me, go ask the sky, ask fate."

Judge Lu spread his hands, this is not something he can decide, even if it is the book of life and death, it is difficult to change such rules.

Heaven is ruthless, fate is absurd.

Otherwise, why would there be so many powerful beings flying out of the sky to pursue the source of destiny, intending to arrest destiny.

"Can't even the underworld consume merit and yin to change this situation?"

Although Jiang Lin had never held a favorable view of the fate of the Heavenly Dao, he did not expect it to be so absurd.

"Yes, but changing him alone may make thousands or even tens of thousands of people miss the 'opportunity'. What kind of trade-off do you think the underworld and the underworld will make?"

Judge Lu naturally knew what Jiang Lin was referring to, but it was a pity that even the great heroes of ancient justice wars would hardly receive such treatment.

"Those army souls can't be reincarnated, so they can only be led to the annular transition area between the underworld and the underworld. Can you imagine that kind of situation? For the country and the people, for the family, and as a result, they can't even reincarnate. Those generals and sergeants The grievances can really rise to the sky, and what is even more terrifying is the huge number of soldiers who died in wars from ancient times to the present? Therefore, the underworld and the underworld have set up a barrier in this annular transition area, dividing it into blocks, and setting up the soul Street, run by the Requiem."

"Soul Soul General, Soul Soul Street, it turned out to be around the underworld and the underworld."

Jiang Lin nodded slightly, gaining a new understanding of the entire underworld.

"In addition to the soul-suppressing general, the head of the bull, the face of the horse, the tail of the leopard, the beak, the gill, the wasp, and the Anubis and Thanatos of the underworld are also there, but they are closer. The underworld and the underworld. Whether it is the soul-suppressing general, the Yin marshal or the god of death, they are all managed by the eight imperial envoys composed of the underworld and the underworld."

Judge Lu poured some wine from the medicine gourd, drank it all in one gulp, and moistened his throat.

"In that case, Judge Lu and you are the equivalent of an administrative staff, and the Soul Rescue Commander is like an army guarding the place of reincarnation?"

Jiang Lin learned this information, and finally understood why when he was chasing and killing Shi Teng, he couldn't enter the ghost door opened by Shi Teng.

His Yin Commander is equivalent to a fast passage, directly to the center of the underworld, and the ghost door opened by Sten's general chain should lead to the town of Soul Street, and they can't force each other.

"That's right. And under normal circumstances, you can only get military merit there, but you can get it without going to Soul Town Street. Do you know how good I am to you?"

Judge Lu took the opportunity to put gold on his face again, and Jiang Lin also gave him a middle finger.

"Then those military souls who died in the battle will be directly suppressed?"

"Of course not. They can't be reincarnated, can't resist the sky, can't resist life, can't resist us? The underworld and the underworld also have comfort measures for those sergeants."

"Soothing measures?"

Jiang Lin wanted to hear how to comfort him. Let's not talk about the sergeant who played the role of the invader for the time being. Those generals and soldiers who defended their families and the country shed their blood before they died, and they have to be lonely souls for hundreds or even thousands of years after death. Wild ghost, who is willing to put it on who?

Chapter [*] Harm me for no reason, I will kill

"For those soldiers who burn, kill, and loot, just put them in the town of Soul Town for stocking. Whether or not they can be the king of the land depends on their ability. And those soldiers who protect their families and defend the country must be treated differently. Soldiers, try to incorporate them into the underworld and the underworld as much as possible. As for the generals, after they die in battle, the imperial envoys will send messengers to explain the situation to them and lobby them, promising to restore them to their youthful state, they can choose For his descendants or those who want to protect, the messenger helps those people open up the spiritual sea in their bodies, so that they can accommodate the soul of the army and become a spiritual person, so that the heroic soul of the general can be placed in it as a guardian spirit."

"I see, is it to let them see hope from despair?"

Jiang Lin immediately understood the point, and this way of comforting could be regarded as an indirect compensation.

Judge Lu nodded and replied, "That's right. People live their whole lives, and there are always people and things in their hearts. They themselves have no hope, but the people who live are different. Once they are protected by guardian spirits, those who send spirits are the worst. It is also possible to live a life without disasters. Moreover, the physique of the spiritual person can be passed on through the continuation of blood, which means that the descendants of the generals or the descendants of the people they care about can get shelter. , the spirit person can also improve himself through cultivation. When the spiritual power in his body reaches a certain level, the imperial envoy will also send messengers to persuade them to manage the town of the soul. The reward given is that the spirit person can enter directly after death. Underworld or Hades, reincarnated into a wealthy family. Under normal circumstances, people who send spirits will not refuse, and if you become a soul-suppressing general, you can be regarded as the master of a domain, and even fewer people will refuse."

What a great trick.

Hearing this, Jiang Lin couldn't help but admire the capable people who came up with this solution.

In this way, those loyal and good generals who could not be reincarnated still returned to the transition area, and they were generals. They lived in peace in Soul Town Street, and those soldiers who followed them during their lifetimes can also be safe.

spirit person...

Jiang Lin admits that he has a broad vision, but since he cultivated Taoism, apart from accidentally meeting a Shi Teng, he has never seen any other spiritual person.

But he thought about it a little and understood.

The fact that a soldier could not be reincarnated immediately or even could not be reincarnated in battle cannot be announced to the public, and the person who sent the spirit is related to this secret, and it is best not to expose it to the public eye.

Later, Judge Lu also mentioned this point. In order not to make the spirits look different, the underworld and the underworld have also responded. He doesn't know the specific measures, but he knows the results.

For example, the shamans of the Northeast Middle-earth and the shikigami of the Oriental warlocks are very similar to the guardian spirits of the spirits.

Therefore, even cultivators seldom know about the existence of spiritual people, and even if they encounter them occasionally, they will not be particularly surprised.

Just like Jiang Lin, when he met Shi Teng and Shi Wengong, the guardian spirit of Shi Teng, he also thought it was a spiritual body like Shikigami.

"Judge Lu, you can organize a copy of the detailed information on Soul Town Street. In addition, I want you to help check the information on the Soul Town General, Shi Teng."

Although Jiang Lin now has a general concept of the transition area, he is not clear about the specifics. According to Judge Lu, the transition area should be very large, and there is more than one street in the town. He wants to investigate the details of Shi Teng. There, we also have to rely on Judge Lu.

He doesn't care who Sten is the Soul Requiring General or the Soul Requiring Handsome, his character is that if he kills a snake, he has to kill it.

In the past, when his strength was not outstanding, he had encountered a masked ghost and witch, but he didn't kill him at once, but later he caused him a lot of trouble more than once.

Besides, since Sten is a soul-suppressing general, if he wants to avenge his personal revenge, it is too simple.

Jiang Lin didn't even think about the possibility of this, and what the hell would the soul-suppressing general do to harm him for no reason, then he would have to die.

"Brother Jiang, we are in charge of the internal affairs of the underworld, and Zhenhun will be in charge of foreign affairs. You'd better not make trouble, otherwise it may be difficult to handle."

Judge Lu frowned. He knew Jiang Lin's temper. He was not a master who was willing to suffer. This time, he and Shi Teng forged a son, and he would not give up easily.

But Sten is the soul-suppressing general of Soul-suppressing Street, and he belongs to the imperial envoy. If Jiang Lin really does something out of the ordinary, then his boss will have to wipe his ass.

Jiang Lin looked at the red beard and said lightly: "Judge Lu, I have a principle, that is, people don't offend me, and I don't offend others. I will kill."


Judge Lu couldn't help but re-examined Jiang Lin, and found that his knowledge of Jiang Lin was still lacking.

He knew that Jiang Lin would not give up easily, and he would definitely settle accounts with Shi Teng, but he did not expect that Jiang Lin would actually want to kill Shi Teng directly.

"Just check it out. I'll take care of it myself. By the way, the manpower to perform this mission doesn't seem to be complete yet. I'll go back to the watchtower in the Southwest Region first, and then find me when it's complete."

Jiang Lin wanted to go to the watchtower to see how the dragon armor he had built by the sneaky brothers was progressing last time. This time, he was going to deal with the ghost emperor, the King of Blood Ghosts.

It just so happened that he obtained the Jiaodi scale skin and scales from Lan Dali and the three idiots last time, which could be embedded in the dragon armor to enhance its defense.

I'm so...

When Judge Lu heard Jiang Lin's words, he felt a little crooked in his heart.

I TNND don't show face!

This time, Judge Lu imitated Jiang Lin and raised his middle finger.

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