No matter what, he was Jiang Lin's boss in name, and Jiang Lin's attitude now seems to have exchanged their positions.

"I said you can just wait here with me. What are you doing back to the watchtower? It will only take two or three days to act."

"Waiting here with you? Am I free? I'll go back to the watchtower to sleep with my wife, and sleep with you?"

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes at Judge Lu, and then took Xiaoli and the others out of the Judge's Hall in a big stride.

"I @#¥%&!"

Judge Lu was so angry that he blew his beard. This is nothing, and he went to sleep with his wife. Jiang Lin, you are a bastard!

Chapter [*]: Tenghai Jiaolong Battle Armor

After leaving the Hall of Judges, Jiang Lin and Xiao Li entered a sedan chair outside the hall.

Jiang Lin summoned the spirits from the four ghost wives and let them carry the sedan chairs and fly to the Southwest Territory.

The four ghost general-level charismatic spirits can travel much faster than the sneaky brothers. After a long time, Jiang Lin and the others arrived at the watchtower.

When the sneaky brothers on the tower saw Jiang Lin coming out of the sedan chair, they came down to greet him.

"You two, how is the progress of the battle armor I asked you to build before?"

"The matter explained by the adults, our brothers, of course, worked day and night, and just finished it two days ago."

Qing Gui winked at Lan Xun, who immediately went to the tower and took out a set of cold and shining battle armor.

Jiang Lin grabbed the dragon armor and shook it. The armor unfolded. Pieces of black dragon scales were closely lined up, and there was a vague aura of viciousness emanating from it.

However, although the overall collusion of the battle armor has been completed, the details are still a lot worse, and the current defense is far from qualified.

Looking at the dragon armor in his hand, Jiang Lin nodded slightly. With the ability of the sneaky brothers, it is already very good to be able to do this.

The rest of the work has to be left to him.

"It's a very good job, this is a reward for you."

Jiang Lin took a small piece of unburned ambergris from the ancient mirror and played it on the sneaky brothers.

The two brothers were full of joy, and then resigned to Jiang Lin, and hurriedly went to find a place to burn incense.

"Husband, this dragon scale armor feels like that."

Jing Yuanying stroked the armor, but didn't think it was amazing.

After breaking through to the level of the ghost king, Jing Yuanying's eyesight is also good, and she is very familiar with the poisonous dragon. At the beginning, Jiang Lin could break the poisonous dragon's defense.

"You won't say that for a while, go up and let you guys see what this armor looks like when it's completely completed."

Jiang Lin smiled and stepped into the tower first.

Not long after, in a quiet room in the tower, Jiang Lin sat cross-legged in the center, with a piece of Poisonous Dragon tendon, a piece of Jiaodi tendon and two Jiaodi scales placed in front of him.

Jiang Lin Tan pointed at a dragon scale on the chest of the armor, and the true sun fire appeared from his fingertips.

Two minutes later, the dragon scales began to soften and showed signs of melting. Jiang Lin immediately embedded the Jiao scales.

The rear center of the armor was also fitted with a flood dragon scale.

Then Jiang Lin twisted the tendons of the poisonous dragon and Jiaodi together and held them in his hands.

Melted by the real fire of the sun, the tendons turned into juice, which was dripped by Jiang Lin on the junction of the scales of the battle armor.

After doing this, Jiang Lin took a small ball of dragon essence and a few drops of Jiaolong blood. After mixing the two, he evenly smeared it on the inner and outer surfaces of the armor.

With a thought, Jiang Lin controlled the battle armor on the ground into the air, and then the raging Yang Yan jumped out of his body, wrapping the entire armor.


An hour later, a loud dragon roar came from the quiet room, echoing throughout the watchtower.


The sneaky brothers, who were sniffing cigarettes at the bottom of the tower, were taken aback by the sound of the dragon.

Not only them, but the four female ghosts in the quiet room were also dazed by this dragon yin.

At this time, above the dragon armor hovering in the quiet room, there are two phantoms, a dragon and a dragon, chasing each other, and then the two phantoms drill down at the same time and attach to the dragon armor.

After the flames receded, the originally jet-black dragon armor had turned silver-gray, and it was also engraved with two lines of a white dragon and a black dragon.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin laughed and took the battle armor in his hand, saying, "Let's call it the 'Tenghai Flood Dragon Battle Armor' in the future!"

"Jiang Lang, what level of defense can your Flood Dragon Armor achieve?"

Xiaoqian snuggled up and wanted to reach out and touch it, but before she could touch it, several arcs of lightning broke out from the armor and hit her palm.

"Are you okay?"

Jiang Lin quickly took a talisman and put it on the armor, and then took Xiaoqian's hand, very distressed.

He also did not expect that the armor in his hand actually has the ability to exorcise evil spirits. The materials used for this armor are mainly the scales and skins of the poisonous dragon, as well as the blood essence and tendons of the Emperor Jiao.

He has personally dealt with the poison dragon, and he does not have the ability to control thunder and lightning, so the thunder arc on this armor is estimated to be from the ability of Emperor Jiao.

"Look, you're nervous, but it's just a small electric shock, but it's okay."

Xiao Qian smiled slightly and kissed Jiang Lin.

"It's fine. The defensive power of this Flood Dragon Battle Armor is estimated to be able to withstand the full blow of Mao Zong's peak. This time, even if I can't kill him, I can guarantee that I will be safe."

Jiang Lin squeezed the armor in his hand with all his strength. He felt that even if he faced Zuo Ci again, if he had this armor, he should have the ability to fight head-on.

It's a pity that his Netherworld chessboard was scrapped in the battle with Zuo Ci. Otherwise, with the help of many magical tools and the cooperation of the unicorn corpse, he would burst out with all his strength, and it was really possible that the Blood Ghost King would die or be disabled.

"Husband, even if you have the Flood Dragon armor, you can't be careless. After all, you are dealing with the ghost emperor. I think it's better to verify the defense of this armor."

"Yes, Judge Lu specially prepared a pocket watch for this operation. I also think it is best to confirm the degree of defense."

Xiaoli and Xiaohong insisted that Jiang Lin find out the defensive power of the armor, lest in the following battles, the estimation is wrong, and the result may be unbearable for them.

"Okay, go down together, I will put it on, and you will attack me with all your strength."

Jiang Lin knew that the four wives were very nervous about his safety, so he took them down the watchtower. When he arrived at the open space in front of the tower, he put on the dragon armor and asked Xiaoli and the four ghost kings to attack him together.

"Sister Li, do you really want to attack with all your strength? What should I do if I hurt my husband?"

"Of course I have to attack with all my strength. I also feel sorry for him, but it's not to avoid it."


Four scoldings sounded in unison, and then four palms like white jade were printed on Jiang Lin's chest.

Now that Xiao Li and the others have entered the level of ghost kings, even if they have only just broken through, they can attack together with all their strength, and their power should not be underestimated.

You must know that Xiao Li and the others have consumed a lot of materials unique to the forbidden area, and the ghost body is much more tyrannical than the average ghost king.

Four strong ghost qi exploded in front of Jiang Lin's chest, his body was under force, and he flew backwards, until it stopped after retreating for about ten meters.

Jiang Lin snorted, took a deep breath, and said, "Can you rest assured now?"

Xiao Li and the others attacked together, but it only made him feel as if his chest had been smashed by a sledgehammer, and he recovered after a while, without causing any substantial damage at all.

Chapter [*]: Martial God Body

In order to reassure Xiaoli and the four of them, Jiang Lin's fingernails suddenly stretched out, and with a bang, his corpse claws swiped on the Jiaolong armor, bursting out with sparks.

However, Rao Shijiang Lin's hairy zombie claws were extremely sharp, and only a few white marks were drawn on the armor.

"not worried!"

The four female ghosts were relieved when they saw that Jiang Lin's hairy claws had failed to break through the defense of the Jiaolong armor. Then they trotted around Jiang Lin and asked him if he was hurt.

Jiang Lin said that his voice was not disturbed, and then advised Xiaoli and the others not to follow him. With the Jiaolong armor, he would not be in any danger.

As a result, before the words were finished, his four ghost wives pouted and pouted.

"Well, let's go to the stone castle. I need to draw some defensive circles on you."

Jiang Lin couldn't beat a few wives, so he was ready to take all-encompassing defensive measures for them.

Two days later, Jiang Lin painted Jing Yuanying's body with runes, picked up the clothes on the side and put them on her.

Then he took a jade bottle from the ancient mirror and said to Jing Yuanying and the others: "This is the mixture of ghost energy and spiritual energy that I have cut off Shi Teng's guardian spirit, which can be preserved for a long time. I'll use it for you next time you break through, this time because you have to face the Ghost Emperor, you will first keep it in your body, and once you're hurt, you'll melt it away."

After the bottle cap was opened, a mass of air floated out. Jiang Lin released corpse gas from his palm, divided the gas into four parts, wrapped it up, and delivered it to Xiao Li and the others.

When Xiao Li and the others swallowed the air mass, Jiang Lin said, "You guys should get used to the environment first. When dealing with the King of Vampires, you will use it as a trump card to make a surprise."

With that said, Jiang Lin kissed Jing Yuanying in his arms and inhaled her into his body at once.

"Husband, you are coaxing us, you are cheating, we don't want it!"

"No, no, no."

Jiang Lin smiled, grabbed the remaining three ghost wives one by one, and sucked them all into his body.

He was reluctant to let his wife face an unknown accident. If it was smoother to deal with the Bloody Ghost King, he could let Xiaoli and the others do their best, which is why he painted the defensive circle on them.

But if it doesn't go well, he will simply not let the four ghost wives show up.

"Don't make a fuss, if you need to take action, I will definitely let you out."

Feeling that Xiao Li and the others were uneasy in his body, Jiang Lin had to coax them and say that when he needed to take action, he would definitely let them out.

Xiao Li and the others had no choice but to stay in Jiang Lin's body.

"Oh yo!"

Jiang Lin frowned suddenly. It turned out that Xiao Li and the others couldn't get out, so they were looking for a place in his body, and then his left and right atria and ventricles were not empty.

One by one drilled into his heart.

At this moment, the green ghost came to the door and informed him that Judge Lu had arrived at the watchtower.

When Jiang Lin arrived at the watchtower, Judge Lu was pacing back and forth outside the tower.

"Judge Lu, why didn't you go in? Are you coming out to meet me?"

"Fuck you! I'm waiting for you here to explain a few words to you."

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