Judge Lu rolled his eyes at Jiang Lin and continued: "That's right, I was originally in charge of the Luohu forbidden area, but since the last time when the old demon of Montenegro appeared, an additional judge has been dispatched, and the forbidden area is bounded by east and west. The three regions in the west and the south are under my control, and the remaining four regions are under the control of the new Judge Di. This Judge Di has always been my opponent and will not deal with me. He was originally responsible for the forbidden land of King Shura, because Luo Hu and Shura Wang has some relationship, and the two forbidden areas are not far apart, so we used to compare each other secretly. Remember I told you before that a colleague of mine found a forbidden area for a capable person to deal with his jurisdiction. This capable person is still some kind of martial artist. , I was talking about this Fatty Di at the time. This time, in dealing with the Blood Ghost King, the above temporarily decided to let the two of us be responsible together, but I am the main thing to deploy."

It seems there is such a thing.

Jiang Lin recalled that Judge Lu seemed to have really mentioned this matter to him. At that time, Judge Lu used this as a reason to let him work quickly.

"Martial God body?"

"It is a kind of spirit-hosting person. It is an extremely rare alien physique among spirit-hosting people. The general spirit-hosting person has only one guardian spirit, and a spirit-hosting person with this physique has at least one guardian spirit. two."

It turned out to be the case.

Jiang Lin nodded, then asked, "Could it be that your adversary, Judge Di, wants to make me wear small shoes?"

Jiang Lin didn't care whether it was a martial god or an alien physique. He only cared that Judge Lu had come to wait for him to explain.

Could it be that if Judge Lu and Judge Di did not deal with him, he would be affected?

"With me here, can he put some shoes on for you? It's about this operation. Although I am the main one in terms of deployment, I have also listened to his opinions. The commander of the mission has not yet been decided, the two of us. It's controversial. After I go in for a while, don't give me an indifference, who will be the commander and whose person will be directly related to the final credit ratio, do you understand what I mean? Go in. "

After saying this, Judge Lu entered the tower first.

Jiang Lin also entered the tower with Judge Landing, and when he reached the central hall of the tower, he saw a fat judge dressed in red beard.

This should be Judge Lu's opponent, Judge Di.

Jiang Lin's eyes swept across Judge Di's body, and when his eyes moved slightly, he saw a burly young man and many ghosts in impermanence standing behind Judge Di.

There is also a monster with a tauren in the distance.

Wouldn't he be a handsome bullhead?

Jiang Lin took one more look at the Minotaur, thinking it was the bull's head among the two yin handsomes, but after a closer look, he denied his guess.

This Minotaur is not that strong, just an ordinary ghost king, weaker than Judge Lu, and definitely not a yin handsome.

When Judge Di saw Jiang Lin's arrival, he said to the red beard yin and yang angrily: "I said Lu Hu, your subordinates are not very big, you have to go out to meet them."

"Pang Di, I, the person in charge, don't have any opinion. How can you help so much nonsense? This is called Gao Leng, and it is a unique feature of our side."

Judge Lu didn't deal with the fat Judge Di, and went straight to it.

Judge Di curled his lips and snorted, and then he didn't continue on this topic: "Since everyone has arrived, let's decide on the candidate."

Facing the burly young man with a raised face, Judge Di said, "Cao Huoting, your ability is quite restraining to the King of the Goblin, so you are the leader of the team."

"Hey, Fatty Di, put me here, you have a long face. Who do you say is who? Jiang Lin, you once retreated from the underling of the King of Vampires, and you are in charge of this mission."

Judge Lu was so angry that his nose almost smoked. In the Southwest Territory under his jurisdiction, Judge Di was just like his own territory, taking him as air?

"Who do you say has a long face?"

"How about you?"

The two judges glared at each other, neither agreeing with the other, let alone giving in to each other.

"What are you doing? Choose what to choose, if you don't have a fight, it's all good. Whoever is arrogant listens to whoever."

The Minotaur snorted, looked at the burly young man, and then set his eyes on Jiang Lin again, as if it was a big deal to watch the fun.

The first thousand and fifty-two chapters are not convinced to fight!

This Minotaur doesn't seem to care about Judge Lu and the others at all.

Jiang Lin looked at the Minotaur, and couldn't help but become interested in the latter's identity. Although he himself often didn't take Judge Lu seriously, in front of outsiders, he wouldn't put on a show to embarrass Judge Lu.

But this Minotaur is different and has more personality than him.

Aware of Jiang Lin's gaze, the Minotaur grinned at Jiang Lin.

"The risk factor of this mission is not low. I will not leave my safety in the hands of others. I will take up the command position. If anyone refuses to accept it, just come up and make a gesture."

Before Judge Lu and the others could speak, Jiang Lin stepped forward to take the commanding position.

Do your part.

He doesn't have the habit of listening to other people's orders, and he must take the majority of the credit for this mission, otherwise he will come down during the Chinese New Year and go to see the blood ghost king, and the credit will be taken by others, what's the point of his busy work.

The most important thing is what Jiang Lin said, this mission carries a lot of risk. If someone else takes the command, and a general arrives and is incompetent and exhausts the three armies, isn't that just a joke.

In this kind of thing, he will definitely not give the initiative to others, and it is the kingly way to hold it tightly in his hand.

Which one is dissatisfied?Do not accept to fight!

"Have character!"

The Minotaur didn't expect Jiang Lin to be so courageous, and he would fight if he refused to accept it. He really admired this kind of character.

Judge Di looked at Jiang Lin and said, "What a big tone!"

Jiang Lin smiled and responded, "It's always been like this."

"Lu Hu, you subordinate, not only has a big frame, but also has big eyes. You can't see anyone inside."

"Why, can't you? That's the style of our side. Since we can't negotiate a candidate, let's let our subordinates go outside to see Zhenzhang."

Judge Lu was not going to argue with his opponent any more. There was no result in the arguing, so he asked Jiang Lin to go out and fight.

"Then it's settled, Cao Huoting, you will be the Chief Slaughter Division."

Judge Di was very confident in his subordinates, and he did not think Jiang Lin was as divine as the legends said.

Although Jiang Lin once made a big noise in the forbidden area of ​​Luohu, in the opinion of Judge Di, the ghost emperors and ghost kings in the inner circle of the forbidden area gathered in other areas, resulting in the emptiness in the rear, and Jiang Lin was drilled by him. hole.

As for retreating under the hands of the King of Vampires, it is not worth mentioning. Anyone can run fast.

After the two judges reached an agreement, they went out of the watchtower one after another. Jiang Lin was beside Judge Lu and asked about the identity of the Minotaur.

Judge Lu explained to Jiang Lin in a low voice, "He is Niuben, the [*]th-generation grandson of Niutou Yinshuai, who practiced psychics with the body of an ox. After he died, he went downstairs and was taken care of by Lord Niutou. He was also a member of the mission this time. , it is to gain some experience, in fact, it is to go to the inner circle of the forbidden area to walk through the scene, for the convenience of future promotion."

It turned out to be a descendant of a handsome official, who came here to be gilded, so that it is convenient for the future.

After listening to Judge Lu's explanation, Jiang Lin understood why this Minotaur had such a personality and had a tough backstage.

"Judge Lu, I'm only responsible for doing things, not being a nanny. Don't give me a whole escort task."

"Don't worry, you don't have to worry about me at all. Since Lord Taurus let him come over, he must have given him something to protect himself."

Hearing Judge Lu's words, Jiang Lin nodded. When he was outside the tower, he was standing upright in an open space with his hands behind his back.

Opposite him is Cao Huoting, who is burly and wearing armor.

Huh?It turned out to be covering the whole body with a spiritual body, in order to resist the special environment of the underworld.

Only at this time did Jiang Lin carefully look at Cao Huoting, and found that the latter's armor was painted with black flame patterns.

Unless the physique is special, or extraordinary means are used, it is basically impossible for living creatures in the world to survive in the underworld.

Even the transition zone that Judge Lu mentioned is because of the special enchantment, so the people who send spirits can survive there.

"It's time to stop, it's enough to decide the winner."

Judge Lu specially reminded Jiang Lin, but he knew that Jiang Lin's body had reached the level of Mao Zong.

However, Judge Lu thought too much. Jiang Lin usually wouldn't reveal his body in front of outsiders.

And facing Cao Huoting, he also felt that there was no need to use the body at all.

Cao Huoting took out a stick-shaped weapon covered with rune bandages from his back, pointed at Jiang Lin, and said, "Cao Huoting, the commander of Raksha Street's soul-suppressing general and commander-in-chief, please advise."

"Palm and kill Si Jianglin."

Jiang Lin smiled and quietly looked at Cao Huoting across from him.

"You are not a spiritual person, but I can feel that you are very strong."

Cao Huoting took a deep breath. Although Jiang Lin looked ordinary, as long as his eyes fell on Jiang Lin, his body would involuntarily tighten.

Moreover, the guardian spirit in his body told him more than once that he felt a very dangerous aura in Jiang Lin's body.

Cao Huoting pulled the rune bandage on the stick weapon, and a coiled dragon stick with the thickness of an arm and a length of more than one meter was thrown into the air.

He grabbed it in his hand, and red flames burst out from his body.

Since Jiang Lin gave him a very strong feeling, he had to exert all his strength. With this kind of flame protection, he could endure the environment of the underworld in a short period of time.

"Wen Yuan!"

As soon as Cao Huoting finished shouting, the flame patterns on his armor fluttered, and finally they converged into a four-meter-tall martial spirit standing in front of him, wearing a battle helmet, armor and a long spear.

"Cao Zhang!"

"Zhang Liao!"


Afterwards, three more martial spirits appeared in front of Cao Huoting. Each of them was unusually tall, wearing armor and helmets, with extraordinary aura.

"All of them are warriors from the Three Kingdoms? And all of them are warriors."

Jiang Lin's eyes lit up. The guardian spirits owned by Cao Huoting were all ghost kings, and there was even a peak ghost king.

Each of them is stronger than the Ksitigarbha Ghost King he once killed.

Chapter [*] I haven't tried my best, you guys will fall

Yes, with the addition of these martial arts, the success rate of the action is not low.

What Jiang Lin is thinking about now is not how to deal with the four martial spirits in front of him, but how to kill the Vampire King.

To be honest, even though Cao Huoting's martial arts strength was extraordinary, Jiang Lin didn't take it to heart at all.

If he really wanted to end the battle as soon as possible, even if he couldn't kill the four martial spirits in seconds, it wouldn't take long.

However, he did not intend to win with a crushing attitude.

Jiang Lin wanted to measure the specific strength of Cao Huoting's Martial Spirit, so that he could formulate the specific details of his actions by knowing exactly his own strength.

Jiang Lin hooked his fingers at Pang De and Zhang Liao and said, "Let's go together."

"So arrogant!"

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