The four martial spirits shouted at the same time, and the other party actually underestimated them.

"Just as he wishes."

Cao Huoting waved his Coiling Dragon Stick, ready to go, planning to attack with his guardian spirit.

"Lu Hu, the Slaughtering Division under your command is arrogant enough to deal with four ghost king-level martial spirits at the same time. Could it be that arrogance and boundless arrogance are also your characteristics? Although he is a Celestial Master, he is too Confidence. Listen to my advice, don't compare, do you still need to compare?"

Judge Di, who was preparing to watch the battle, laughed until the fat was piled up on his face. Cao Huoting's guardian spirits were all battle-hardened generals before his death, and when an ordinary ghost king faced one of them, it was only for the sake of being beaten.

Even if Jiang Lin was a Celestial Master, it would be enough to deal with one, let alone four now.

And what's even more interesting is that Jiang Lin didn't choose a wheel battle, but a one-on-four, plus a Cao Huoting.

"Wait and see, do you think I'll give anyone the position of the Chief Slaughtering Division? I'm not arrogant or not, but it's not you who has the final say."

Judge Lu sneered and turned back.

A few years ago, Jiang Lin had already arrived in the eastern region of the Rahu forbidden area to destroy the old black mountain demon. The old black mountain demon knew how to die, and even had a thousand soul flags in his hand, so he was beheaded by Jiang Lin. .

Now Jiang Lin's strength has grown a lot compared to before, and four martial spirits are really not difficult for him.

However, Judge Lu was also quite surprised that the Cao Huoting under Judge Di actually had four guardian spirits.

"That's crazy, this guy."

Not far away, Niu Ben folded his arms and stared at Jiang Lin in the open space. Before Jiang Lin spoke in the lobby of the watchtower, he also felt that Jiang Lin was pretending to be strong, but now he is facing the four ghost kings. At the level of martial arts, Jiang Lin also let the other party go together, this is no longer a bluff.

"Da da da……"

Cao Huoting lifted the dragon stick and rushed towards Jiang Lin first. The four martial spirits behind him also rushed towards Jiang Lin at the same time.

"It's okay, I'll weigh the weight of you, the headmaster, first."

Jiang Lin threw out the bone sword and held it in his hand, and shot out, almost instantly in front of Cao Huoting.

So fast!

Cao Huoting's eyes widened suddenly, and he raised his stick to block Jiang Lin's sword, but the power from the sword was far beyond his imagination, and the weapon in his hand almost dropped.


Jiang Lin turned his body and kicked Cao Huoting's Coiling Dragon stick.


It was so fast that the four martial spirits didn't react at all, and Cao Huoting retreated from in front of them to more than ten meters behind them.

At this time, Jiang Lin tapped the ground, rushed out from between the four martial spirits in the blink of an eye, and chased after him. The sword shadows in his hand were chained together, and Cao Huoting, who had been suppressed for a while, had no power to fight back.

"Yewang Cannon!"

Cao Huoting was overwhelmed by Jiang Lin's temper, and he swung the Coiling Dragon Stick with all his strength, knocking Jiang Lin back, and then aimed the end of the Coiling Dragon Stick at Jiang Lin.

A pillar of fire suddenly spewed out.

"This power is enough to kill a ghost general, you are still a little bit."

Jiang Lin swung his sword and slashed, breaking the pillar of fire, then stopped attacking and quickly turned back.

The four martial spirits at the back have arrived.

The zhengbone sword was like an arrow from the string, swiftly shot away, directly catching the Wuling Pang De at the front.

The two halberds in Pang De's hands were in one place, blocking the flying sword, but before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a jet-black column of fire hit him behind him.

Jiang Lin kicked his feet, his body like a phantom, shooting again.

Spears, daggers, and halberds greeted him.

Leaning forward, Jiang Lin missed the attack range of the three weapons, and then slashed out Yang Yan whip from both hands and wrapped around the ankles of the two martial spirits.

As soon as they rushed, Zhang Liao and Cao Zhang were overturned to the ground.

Jiang Lin called back the bone sword, twisted his body, and slashed Pang De back again and again.

In the end, a pair of iron halberds flew into the air, and Jiang Lin punched Pang De on the waist, sending him flying.

"Turtle School Qigong!"

With his wrists together, Jiang Lin turned around and a super-qigong wave came.

The three martial spirits that caught up behind slammed into the pillar of fire, flying backwards one by one, rolling around on the ground several times.

"It's still rough-skinned and thick-skinned."

Jiang Lin nodded slightly and retracted the Zhengbone Sword into his body.

There is no point in fighting any more, even if the four martial spirits join forces, it is not enough for him to abuse.

"I'm mad at me too!"

"Fight with Lao Tzu for another [*] rounds!"

After Cao Zhang and Zhang Liao got up, they beat their chests one by two, and they didn't even touch Jiang Lin's body.

"Still fighting? I haven't tried my best, and you all fell down. Do you still need to continue?"

Jiang Lin looked at the four martial spirits who were so angry that they were smoking. If he didn't want to know the strength and defense of these martial spirits, he directly used Yang Zhiqi and Yang Zhijian, they would fall faster.

"Let's fight another [*] rounds!"

"Scholars can be killed, but not humiliated!"

The four Martial Spirits were so angry that it was okay to be knocked down by Jiang Lin, and Jiang Lin also said that he did not contribute.

Jiang Lin pouted, feeling that he was really wronged, he was telling the truth.

Can't tell the truth?

"Okay, we lost!"

Cao Huoting roared and stopped his guardian spirit from continuing to fight.

He could feel that Jiang Lin's strength might not be half, and he still kept his hands. If they continued to fight, then they would not just roll over to the ground.

Jiang Lin is a Taoist priest, and generally speaking, his physique is relatively weak, but now Jiang Lin has achieved this level with one sword and one sword without relying on any Taoist techniques.

Sure enough, he is a ruthless man who makes a lot of trouble.

Cao Huoting let the four martial spirits return, and wrapped the Coiling Dragon Stick in his hand again with rune bandages.

Chapter [*]: Jiang Hei's Hand (Part [*])

"Pang Di, do you think people are arrogant? It's too arrogant."

Looking at the fat face with black hair, Judge Lu felt relieved.

"Hmph, if the battle continues, a situation of encirclement is formed, and the result is still unknown."

Judge Di had an angry look on his face, but since the result was decided, he would not deny the account, but he still had to be tough.

"Go in, there are some special places that you must know."

Judge Lu beckoned to Jiang Lin and Cao Huoting. This action is no trivial matter and must be closely deployed.

"Jiang Lin, I think you seem to be quite powerful, can you give me a hand?"

Niu Ben walked to Jiang Lin's side, and chatted with Jiang Lin very familiarly.

Jiang Lin glanced at the Minotaur and asked, "You also want to be a conductor?"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not interested in that, just seeing the strength of that punch when you bombarded the martial arts, at least a few thousand pounds, I just want to test your strength."

"You're quite interesting, so you're not afraid of making a fool of yourself?"

Jiang Lin smiled. Although this Niu N generation looked like a fool, his eyesight was not bad. He could actually see from the short battle just now that he had extraordinary power.

"If you can make me embarrassed, I'll make you a friend. Your character suits me quite a bit."

"That's fine."

Jiang Lin stretched out his hand, and Niu Ben held a big hand with Jiang Lin's.

At first, there was still a smile on Niuben's face, but gradually his smile gradually disappeared, and finally his expression became unnatural.

"It hurts~ Let go, let go!"

Niu Ben felt like his palm was being clamped by iron tongs, and the force on it made him feel like his hand bones were about to be crushed. .

At this time, the corpse poison in Jiang Lin's body was flowing, and he didn't know how strong his palm was.

However, he screamed when he saw Niu Ben, and estimated that his grip strength should be able to crush human bones.

Judge Lu and the others looked over when they heard Niuben's cry.

Jiang Lin didn't let Niu Ben scream anymore, and let go of his hand.

"You guy, was born by the dragon elephant, so powerful!"

Niu Ben held his numb right hand and stared at Jiang Lin with a pair of bull eyes.

He is conceited that he is extremely powerful, and likes to shake hands with people everywhere. He has never lost, but he did not expect to meet Jiang Lin today.

Jiang Lin shrugged and said, "It's just normal."

"How can he have so much strength by himself that Niuben is not as good as him?"

Judge Di's small, round eyes looked rather comical.

Judge Lu knew Jiang Lin's roots, so he wasn't surprised. Looking at Di Fatty's funny face, he smiled and said, "How about it, Di Fatty, do you still think your subordinates are at a loss? He is here for this mission. , [*]% will be completed successfully.”

"Let's talk about these words when the mission is over, it's still early."

With a snort, Judge Di walked into the watchtower and sat down on a Taishi chair in the hall.

Judge Lu laughed and sat next to Judge Di.

The two judges let Jiang Lin and Cao Huoting and the other Yin Divisions on the mission get to know each other, and then explained to Jiang Lin and the others the specific situation of the ghost king's territory, including the number of Yin soldiers in the ghost emperor's lair. There is a distribution.

Jiang Lin listened very carefully. As for how Judge Lu found out about these situations, he didn't need to ask. With Judge Lu's ability, it was not too simple to send a few undercover agents into the forbidden area.

Two hours later, Judge Lu explained all the issues that needed attention, and asked Jiang Lin and the others to leave tomorrow.

"Master Chief, we have entered the sphere of influence of the King of Blood Ghosts, what should we do?"

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