"It's you, ah~~~"

The Blood Ghost King Kan climbed up from the pit and saw Jiang Lin who was not far in front of him. His voice trembled with anger, and his face was completely distorted.

It finally understood why when it started to break through, before the thunder calamity really came, there was always thunder and lightning falling on it with incomparable precision.

It turned out to be caused by this living person who he had chased and killed! ! !

If it was just like this, it wouldn't be so angry that the face was deformed. What made it unacceptable was that Jiang Lin made small moves on it, and finally launched a sneak attack on it when it was exhausted.

Now that its origin has been damaged, and the breakthrough process has been interrupted, it has suffered a strong backlash.

After a lot of hard work, I have collected so many treasures, and now there is no use.

More importantly, in the future, its cultivation will no longer be possible to go further, let alone further, its cultivation will drop greatly in the future.

Its road was forcibly dug by Jiang Lin!

"I want... I want you to cramp and skin, and burn your soul for thousands of years~~"

The blood ghost king was so angry that he laughed. In order to ensure a smooth breakthrough, he used five ghost kings and a group of wandering ghost elites to guard him, but he did not expect Jiang Lin to fall from the sky.

"What the hell are you doing? Grandpa asked if you were happy with giving you Thunder? You were so happy with me last time. Are you satisfied with this great gift?"

Jiang Lin laughed, and then a dazzling light burst out from all over his body, profound light bloomed, the seal in Jiang Lin's hand changed continuously, and a [*]-meter-tall three-legged Golden Crow appeared behind him.

After finally getting the bloody ghost king half-crippled, of course he has to beat the underdog.


The Golden Crow made a clear sound and fluttered its wings, its three legs grabbed the blood sphere covering the Vampire King and flew into the distance.


This time, the watchtowers around the Rahu Forbidden Land once again saw a scene that had not been seen for a long time. A mushroom cloud rose from the view of the Blood Ghost King's territory, which was spectacular.

"My god, is this level of explosion caused by Jiang Lin?"

Niu Ben was affected by the strong wind generated by the huge explosion, and shivered involuntarily.

The three brothers surnamed Lu and the rest of the impermanence were so frightened that their hearts almost jumped. If they were at the center of the explosion, they would be dead and could no longer die. It is estimated that even the ashes would be gone.

Is this his true strength?

The corner of Cao Huoting's mouth twitched, this kind of power could almost blow up a hill.

The rumors of Nima are not so outrageous as they have seen with their own eyes!

"Cao Huoting, keep two martial spirits and four impermanence, stop these scoundrels at all costs, and follow me with the rest, and focus on the killing of the Blood Ghost King!"

Jiang Lin shouted at Cao Huoting and the others, and rushed into the smoke and dust formed by the explosion.

The thin and dead camel was bigger than a horse. Although he was very confident in his golden crow, it was unrealistic to completely kill a ghost emperor living in a forbidden area.

From the beginning to the present, the drowning dog, the King of Blood Ghosts, has been beaten all the time, and has never fought back.

If the ghost king was given the opportunity to relax his anger, it would be no trivial matter if this ghost emperor wanted to burn all the jade and stone, and the fish would die and the net would be broken.

The first thousand and fifty-eight chapters take a sharp turn

"It's all like this, is it possible that it hasn't died yet?"

"Impossible, such a big explosion..."

"What the hell! Listen to his instructions!"

When the brothers surnamed Lu were in a daze, Cao Huoting shouted at them, Jiang Lin had such strength, and he was still full of energy, but now they actually want to relax.

Is it time to relax?

"Pang De, Zhang Liao, you and the four impermanence stay, Wen Yuan, Cao Zhang, come with me."

After explaining, Cao Huoting also ran up and rushed towards the smoke.

Although there are still five ghost kings here, two of them have been severely injured. With the bravery of Pang De and Zhang Liao, it is not a problem to hold them back in a short time.

Some of the remaining miscellaneous soldiers, with the four impermanences that restrain ghosts, can block them a little even if they can't deal with them.

Cao Huoting couldn't help but admire Jiang Lin. Although it wasn't difficult for him to make this arrangement, Jiang Lin had been dealing with the King of Blood Ghosts, and he had never been distracted at all.

Under such circumstances, Cao Huoting was ashamed of being able to understand the surrounding battle situation and make a quick judgment.

Jiang Lin ran in the smoke and dust, following the breath of the ghost king, and as soon as he sensed the specific location of the ghost emperor, an extremely strong smell of blood penetrated into his nose.

not good!

Jiang Lin suddenly felt a warning sign in his heart, and Yang Yan rushed out of his body. At this moment, a loud noise came from the center of the smoke and dust, and the air wave surged, directly dispelling a lot of dust and smoke suspended in the air.

Bubbles of blood shot towards the surroundings, like a rain of blood-colored bullets.


Almost at the same time, in the battle circle not far away, groups of wandering ghosts let out a scream.

"It hurts, it hurts!!!"

The Vampire King, who lacked arms and legs, hovered in the air, and now its ghost body was extremely shriveled, like a mummified corpse.

After roaring up to the sky, its scarlet eyes stared at Jiang Lin.

"The blood group just now... This is a method similar to the blood demon!"

Jiang Lin didn't have time to think about it, his body teleported one after another, and when he arrived in front of the Blood Ghost King, he stabbed the bone sword towards its heart.

"Break a corpse into a thousand pieces, a thousand pieces of a corpse!"

The King of Blood Ghosts screamed, and it suddenly opened its mouth and instantly turned into a blood basin.


The big mouth of the blood basin was like an oil well, spewing out a large amount of black and red blood, blasting Jiang Lin more than ten meters away.

The black and red blood quickly wrapped Jiang Lin in like a slime.

"It is now using recovery methods, and now is the weakest time, kill it quickly!"

Jiang Lin was imprisoned by the blood cell and could not go out for a while, so he could only let Cao Huoting and the brothers surnamed Lu, who had already arrived, start quickly.


Cao Huoting responded, his spiritual power surged, and he aimed the Coiling Dragon Stick in his hand at the King of the Blood Ghosts. Wen Yuan and Cao Zhang beside him also acted at the same time, leaping into the air, raising their weapons, and preparing to launch the strongest blow.

The three brothers surnamed Lu, Niu Ben and a few impermanence didn't delay, and the phantom beams and the physical chains greeted the King of the Blood Ghosts one after another.

But it is a pity that the only arm left by the Blood Ghost King made a move, and one after another, the soil pillars with the thickness of the water tank rose abruptly from under Cao Huoting and the others, knocking them all into the air. Twenty or thirty meters high.

The body was suddenly hit, causing their attacks to basically fall into the air.

"I don't die so easily!"

The Blood Ghost King looked at Jiang Lin who was trapped by the blood cells with a bitter look on his face, and then he withdrew his gaze.

Although he hated Jiang Lin, he didn't even have half his life left, so he could only solve his own problems first.

With a big mouth, a strong suction force erupted from the body of the Blood Ghost King Kan. The many wandering ghosts who had been hit by the blood before shriveled down at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into green blood, which was inhaled by the Blood Ghost King Kan. in vivo.

"Your Majesty, spare your life!"

"Your Majesty, we are all loyal to you!"

A large number of wandering ghosts were lying on the ground, using both hands and feet, crawling towards the distance, and at the same time begging for mercy, but this still did not change their fate.

In the blink of an eye, all the hundreds of wandering ghosts disappeared, leaving only dander on the ground.

Then the red eyes looking at the blood ghost king looked at the five ghost kings again. Pang De and Zhang Liao, who were not far from them, saw the situation was not good, and immediately retreated.

Good guy, it's so fucking ruthless, in order to recover from the injury, even his own subordinates will not let go.

"Your Majesty, we have always been loyal!"

"Run, run!"

Locked by the gaze of the blood ghost king, the five ghost kings immediately realized that their situation was not good, and some begged for mercy and some turned around and ran away.

"Jie Jie..."

After a gloomy laugh, the body of the Blood Ghost King changed abruptly, turning into a huge blood dog.

As soon as the blood dog pounced, the five ghost kings didn't make much sound, and they were completely transformed by the blood ghost king.

I am!

When Jiang Lin saw this scene in the blood cell, his lungs would explode with anger.

The five ghost kings added together, almost [*] to [*] points of hostility, and the result was gone.

And there are a lot of wandering ghosts, adding them together is also a big gain.

All gone!

From the disappearance of the wandering ghost to the transformation of the five ghost kings, in fact, it only took three or four blinks of an eye. Even if Jiang Lin broke the blood cell, it was too late.


Jiang Lin condensed the real fire of the sun in the Yang Yan, specializing in one area of ​​the blood cell, and finally broke the blood cell. At this time, Cao Huoting who flew to the sky and the others also fell back to the ground.

"Second uncle, if the strength is not to the next level next time, this kind of work will not be accepted by the master!"

Jiang Lin's face became solemn. This Nima has worked hard for decades and has returned to before liberation.

Now things have taken a turn for the worse, and a tough battle will follow.

The Blood Ghost King Kan has absorbed the blood energy of the five ghost kings and many wandering ghosts. The incomplete parts of his body are replenished little by little with green blood, and the whole body is colorful.

Although it wasn't a real repair, the Blood Ghost King's injuries couldn't be recovered so quickly, but it wasn't easy to deal with.

Chapter [*] Am I fooled?

Cao Huoting and the three brothers surnamed Lu saw that the bloody ghost king's sluggish aura had picked up little by little, and involuntarily moved closer to Jiang Lin's side.

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