Now that the King of Blood Ghosts has made it clear that they are going to break the jar, they are probably delusional if they want to withdraw.

If he hadn't forced the Vampire King so ruthlessly at the beginning, and had just interrupted its breakthrough process and retreated immediately, it would still be possible, but now it's impossible.

"Cao Huoting, you take back Wen Yuan, strengthen your physical defense, and then cooperate with me to attack with the remaining guardian spirits, Niu Ben, you are harassing, Lu Renjia, Lu Renyi, Lu Renbing, the three of you and the rest Impermanence looks for an opportunity to activate the prison cell."

Jiang Lin quickly ordered the battle plan. Only by trapping the King of Blood Ghosts would they be able to win.

Although most of the spiritual energy in the body has been consumed, Jiang Lin still has his cards to use, and even if the breath of the King of Blood Ghosts has recovered a lot, after all, he was forcibly regained blood through special means. Now let's look at this extremely angry ghost. God will not be careless.

"These are some powerful magic talismans. As long as they are injected with spiritual power and projected, they can be used. The Blood Ghost King knows tricks, and only close-up attacks can suppress it."

Jiang Lin took a stack of thunder and lightning talismans, explosive flame talismans, and ice talismans from his arms. Although Cao Huoting had guardian spirits, their damage to ghosts was not as effective as these talismans. With the means of exorcising evil spirits, Cao Huoting can play a small role.

After handing the talisman to Cao Huoting, Jiang Lin rushed towards the King of the Blood Ghosts with a "whoosh".

"The stupid king of blood, your grandson hasn't answered the question your grandfather asked you. Is the thunderbolt that your grandfather gave you good or not?"


The Blood Ghost King was screaming wildly, and his voice was broken.

It reached into the body and took out a large ghost-headed sword, like an attacking ghost emperor, hedging with Jiang Lin.

It's not that it doesn't want to use other means, but it wants to use a knife to chop Jiang Lin into meat sauce, or the kind that doesn't have any bones when it bites down.

Now it has ended up in such a lonely, widowed, ghostly and broken end, all thanks to Jiang Lin!

And the most ridiculous thing is that it used to drive Jiang Lin to flee.

A celestial master, a ghost emperor, just used a sword to do it.

After Cao Huoting let Wen Yuan return to his body, he carried the Coiling Dragon Stick upside down, and joined the battle between Jiang Lin and the King of Blood Ghosts with three martial spirits.

Niu Ben also followed behind while holding the steel fork.

Swords, lights, swords, shadows and sticks collided constantly, and magic talismans exploded from time to time. The intensity of the battle made the brothers surnamed Lu feel frightened.

The battle lasted for more than half an hour, and the open space was full of cracks, huge potholes, soil pillars several meters long, and boulders weighing [*] catties everywhere.

One of Cao Huoting's arms was fractured, and the armors of his three martial spirits were shattered a lot, and all of them were injured.

Jiang Lin also had blood stains on the corners of his mouth. There were several stab wounds on the back of his hand, and blood stained the front of his clothes.

"I'm knocking mommy!"

Once again, he was stumbled by Niu Ben's steel fork, and he ate a few fried yangs. The King of the Blood Ghosts cursed, and then his feet suddenly turned into a pool of blood.

The bloody water erupted suddenly, sending Jiang Lin, Cao Huoting and several other martial spirits into the air.

When Niu Ben saw Jiang Lin, they were all pushed into the air by blood, and when he saw the King of Blood Ghosts rushing towards him, he stepped back again and again, and hurriedly said, "My ancestor was a handsome bull head!"

The King of Blood Ghosts is now in a fit of anger, who cares who Niuben's ancestor is, he scolded: "Say your ancestors, your ancestors can't save you even a dog's head!"

"Jiang Lin, are we going to keep stalemate like this? This is the inner circle of the forbidden area. If another ghost emperor comes at random, we will not be able to leave."

Cao Huoting was slammed by the high-pressure blood water, and there was a clicking sound on his waist. He wrapped his body in flames to avoid being touched by the blood column, and then he couldn't help but ask Jiang Lin what his plans were.

Although this ghost emperor has an extremely solid ghost body, once an ordinary attack falls on it, the affected area will automatically liquefy, so his martial spirit has hardly played any role in the battle so far, and Jiang Lin seems to have There is no effective means, plus the King of Blood Ghosts has been guarding against the brothers surnamed Lu and the others. If this continues, the situation will become more and more unfavorable.

"it's time."

Jiang Lin nodded, then stretched out his arm, and his five fingers fired a series of Yang Zhi Qi, punching holes one after another in the King of the Blood Ghost King.

Then he threw out the yin fire whip and wrapped it around the body of the King of Vampires, and with a violent tug, he rushed over from mid-air.


Jiang Lin slashed with a sword on the neck of the King of the Blood Ghosts, but after the blade was embedded in it, it was difficult to advance an inch.

"I've finally caught you! You've finally been fooled!"

The back of the King of the Blood Ghosts suddenly turned into a front body, and the back of his head also turned into a grimace. It clamped Jiang Lin's shoulders with its arms and laughed hysterically.

When it used trickery before, it was approached by Jiang Lin teleportation many times, breaking its magic, and Jiang Lin was as slippery as a loach, making it feel like it could not be used powerfully.

Now that Jiang Lin was finally caught, how could he not laugh.

"I'm going to take your heart out and taste the crunch."

The Blood Ghost King grinned, and then his long tongue suddenly stuck out, stabbing at Jiang Lin's heart like lightning.

However, there was only a sound of gold and iron clashing.

Under Jiang Lin's clothes is a Flood Dragon Battle Armor. Even if the long tongue of the Blood Ghost King can pierce through gold and jade, it will not be able to penetrate his battle armor.

"I was fooled? Do you think I have nothing to do with you?"

Jiang Lin sneered, he put his hand in his arms a little, and then shouted to his brother Lu, "Lu Renjia, activate the prison of souls!"

As soon as the voice fell, a shadow jumped out of his arms.

The unicorn corpse rolled in the air, and the Heavenly Killing Swords in his hand directly pierced the eyes of the Vampire King.

After stabbing the eyes of the Vampire King, the unicorn corpse stepped on the former's shoulders with its feet. It held two swords upside down, and one squatted down and inserted the two spirit swords into the Heavenly Spirit of the Vampire King.

After that, the unicorn corpse jumped off and locked the King of the Blood Ghosts firmly.

Chapter [*]: The Demon Emperor!

Taking advantage of the unicorn corpse, Jiang Lin bit his finger and quickly drew two talismans on the spirit sword with blood.

One of the two talismans is a ghost-suppressing spell, and the other is a forbidden spell. Although it can't cause too much damage to the Vampire King, it's still okay to let it be honest for a few blinks of an eye.


The bitter goblin king screamed again, and its head seemed to explode.

Jiang Lin is a peak celestial master, and he is also a yang body. The magic talisman he drew with blood essence has an extraordinary power to suppress evil.

Almost at the same time, the three brothers surnamed Lu and a group of impermanence used ghosts such as soul-locking chains and mourning sticks to perform the secret technique of imprisoning ghosts.

The unicorn corpse fell to the ground holding the wailing bloody ghost king, Jiang Lin jumped up, holding the bone sword upside down in both hands and stabbed it into the heart of the bloody ghost king.

At this moment, the three brothers surnamed Lu had also completed the prison of souls, and Jiang Lin and Qilin corpse retreated at the same time.

A golden triangular prism prison will trap the King of the Blood Ghosts in it.

After Jiang Lin tapped the ground, he rushed forward again, pressing his palm on the light curtain of the prison of souls, and a massive amount of poisonous evil was sprayed into the light prison from his palm.

The blood ghost king had consumed a lot of strength in the previous fierce battle, and now he is injured again and again, and with these thick poisonous evils, no matter how strong his vitality is, he has to wither.

However, Jiang Lin was still worried, and took out the Emei Three Treasures from the ancient mirror and threw it into the sky above the prison of prisoners, in order to speed up the demise of the Blood Ghost King.

When the ghost emperor withered to the killing line, Jiang Lin would send it the last ride.

"Okay, don't yell, come and answer me, who was fooled?"

Hearing the neighing of the Bloody Ghost King in the light prison, Jiang Lin dug his ears, and he couldn't help hissing when he moved his neck. Before, he was accidentally hit by the Bloody Ghost King in the carotid artery. His voice had to be broken.

Fortunately, the strength of the Blood Ghost King was not at the peak, and some tricks were greatly reduced. Otherwise, he would have to win a lot of money. Cao Huoting and several martial arts are expected to be seriously injured or even killed.

"I hate it...cough cough!"

The Blood Ghost King roared in the prison cell and slammed hard, but the prison cell composed of seven or eight impermanence, if it was still at its peak, it might be able to break through, but now, it can only obediently be attacked by poison inside, gradually Weak down.

Looking at the blood ghost king, a ghost emperor, was completely planted today.

"Jiang Lin, it really belongs to you. I didn't expect you to let a ghost emperor fall into a big trouble."

Niu Ben breathed a sigh of relief, because he had always played the role of harassment, and he had not been attacked much. He was only hit by the [*]-pound boulder raised by the King of Blood Ghosts. The protective gear blocked.

Compared to Cao Zhang Pang De's blood and blood on his guardian spirits, he was already safe and sound.

The three brothers surnamed Lu who were maintaining the prison cell also looked at Jiang Lin. Since the King of Blood Ghosts had absorbed a lot of ghost blood, they really didn't expect to be able to restrain him.

If they hadn't mainly relied on Jiang Lin's Taoism, maybe one or two of them could be kicked out like a mourning dog.

"It's all about cooperating with each other. Without your help, I wouldn't be able to watch it alone."

Jiang Lin did not take credit. In fact, whether it was Niu Ben or Cao Huoting and his guardian spirit, they all played a big role.

Hearing Jiang Lin's words, Cao Huoting couldn't help but look at Jiang Lin a lot.He sat on the ground, while taking off his belt and wrapping his broken left hand, he asked Jiang Lin what he planned to do next: "Do you have any other means? I can't fight anymore, Pang De and the others are almost exhausted. Ren Jia and the others will consume a lot of energy to maintain the prison prison, and it is estimated that they cannot be counted on."

"Take it another half an hour, then I can kill it."

Jiang Lin took out the pocket watch in his pocket and checked the time. It has been a long time since there has been a big disturbance here, and they shouldn't stay here longer.

"Niuben, you go around to inspect, if there is any change, immediately notify here."

After explaining to Niu Ben, Jiang Lin went to the Shifu of the King of Blood Ghosts. This was the ghost emperor's lair, and there must be a lot of treasures.

He didn't receive the anger and had to make up for it from elsewhere.

"Xiao Li, you can sense where there is a baby."

"Hmph, ignore you, husband's mouth, coaxing ghost."

Xiao Li's voice came from Jiang Lin's heart, but even though she said so, she still informed Jiang Lin of the location she sensed.

After strolling around Shifuzhong, Jiang Lin really found quite a few treasures.

Although some of the material treasures were used by Xiao Li and the others, and if they were taken again, the effect would be greatly reduced, but their own value was still very high.

If you don't take it, it's a waste.

After leaving the Shifu, Jiang Lin set up a trap around the prison of souls, and when the time came, he harvested the life of the King of Blood Ghosts.

Although Cao Huoting and the others knew that Jiang Lin must have gone in to search for the spoils, they didn't have any objections. Eighty percent of the cases were caused by Jiang Lin, and they basically didn't do much.

"Director Jiang, is it almost there?"

Lu Renjia saw that the Goblin King was dying in the light prison, so he wanted Jiang Lin to solve it as soon as possible and leave as soon as possible.

"Wait a while, who knows if this product is loaded."

Jiang Lin waved his hand, and managed to trap the Vampire King. If there was an accident and let him escape, all his efforts would be in vain.

After another ten minutes, Jiang Lin felt that the time was almost up, so he approached the prison of souls, ready to start the trapping formation.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

The Bloody Ghost King in the light prison burst into red blood, and with a bang, there was a strong explosion, and the prison cell was instantly blown up.

Because the brothers surnamed Lu and the others were a little relieved, and the mutation appeared too abruptly, they all suffered backlash.

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