"I let you die! I let you die!!!"

The blood ghost king suddenly rushed towards Jiang Lin. The original ghost blood in its body was all used to blast the prison cell, causing its ghost body to look like a scorched human stick.

Jiang Lin was rammed by the King of Vampires, and his body shot backward sharply.

"Director Jiang!"

Brother Lu, the others, and Cao Huoting all had expressions of shock on their faces. At this point, the King of Blood Ghosts was able to fight back before he died.

Although they had the heart to rescue them, at this time they were either injured or exhausted, and it was too late to help Jiang Lin.

"At the end of the crossbow, you can still wear my copper skin and iron bones?"

Jiang Lin looked at the Blood Ghost King who was pinching his shoulders, snorted coldly, and slammed a palm on the face of "Ren Stick".

"I made you doomed, haha..."

Even though his head was smashed by Jiang Lin's palm, the King of the Blood Ghosts still had a crazy look on his face, and firmly grabbed Jiang Lin's two arms.

At this moment, the clouds that were about to dissipate in the sky began to gather again, and there was even a sound of thunder.

No, this guy is going to hit the bottleneck again, and he needs to use the thunder tribulation to get revenge!

Jiang Lin looked up, his heart stunned, and the King of the Blood Ghost wanted to speed up the breakthrough process regardless of everything, causing the thunder to fall.

Supporting his forearm and slamming his knees, Jiang Lin intended to escape from the control of the King of Vampires, but at this moment the latter had turned his endless resentment into a force of death, and he couldn't break free for a while.

"Xiao Li, Xiao Qian, Xiao Hong, Yuan Ying, it's time for you to play, seal the four points of Yintang between the eyebrows, Tianding under the throat, Tanzhong between the chest and Dantian in the lower abdomen."

As soon as Jiang Lin finished speaking, four female ghosts flew out of his body, Jing Yuanying stretched out his hand, and the Yanlei Sword, Ice Soul Sword, Soul-suppressing Sword, and Demon-Bending Bow and Arrow in Jiang Lin's arms flew out.


Three of the four female ghosts held swords and one drew a bow. In an instant, three spirit swords and a talisman arrow appeared on the body of the King of the Blood Ghosts.

It was pierced everywhere, and the King of Vampires was like a deflated ball, and the clouds that were gathering in the sky stopped surging.


The dark red eyes of the Bloody Ghost King were full of unwillingness. He wanted to drag Jiang Lin to die together, but as a result, four more ghost king-level female ghosts appeared on Jiang Lin's body.

It just doesn't make sense!

"There is no reason, because you are going to die!"

Jiang Lin kicked the Blood Ghost King in the stomach and kicked him away, so fast that all the spirit swords and sharp arrows were detached.

With the seal in his hand, a [-]-meter-high three-legged Golden Crow reappeared, pounced on the King of the Blood Ghosts.

After a loud bang, the ghost king, the ghost king, turned into a fly ash.

Chapter [-]: Judge Lu's advice

"Pop! Kill the ghost emperor and get [-] anger points."

[-]?It's even more violent than when Zuo Ci was killed.

Hearing the prompt sound in his mind, Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment. Except for killing the Gorefiend in Gantian Town, this time the harvest was the highest.

"Hmph, trying to pull our husband's back when he was dying, but his source was exhausted. It's really too much."

"That's right, with us, it looks beautiful!"

Xiao Li and the others watched the dust blowing from the blast in the distance, their hands on their hips, and their pretty faces were sullen.

Fortunately, I came along, otherwise my man might really have three long and two short.

What's so special about this?

Cao Huoting, Niu Ben and brothers surnamed Lu, who came back, were all dumbfounded. Why did four ghost kings appear all of a sudden?

Or the four beauties.

And each of them seems to be called Jiang Lin's husband? !

Jiang Lin returned to the place and saw Cao Huoting and the rest of the impermanence looking at them with strange eyes, and said, "These are the four wives, don't be surprised."

Xiaoli and the others smiled and greeted, "How are you?"

"Sister-in-law... Hello, sisters-in-law."

After the three brothers surnamed Lu and the others responded, they all cast an incomparably envious look at Jiang Lin.

"Zhang Liao, Concubine Zhen and Diao Chan still have two big and small girls back then, is it just like that?"

"It is also."

Pang De and Zhang Liao, who were behind Cao Huoting, commented in a low voice, Jiang Lin laughed lightly when he heard it.

For a wife like this, there are two dozen in his family.

"The mission has been completed, you can take these treasures and leave quickly."

Jiang Lin took some medicinal herbs that were beneficial to the ghost body from his arms, and threw them to Cao Huoting and Niu Ben to share them.

Although he killed the King of the Blood Ghosts, except for Niuben, the rest of the battle strength was greatly reduced. If there were any obstacles on the way back, it would be more troublesome.

"Jiang Lin, you are so arrogant, I have made this friend!"

Niu Ben took a bite of a medicinal herb similar to kudzu and gave Jiang Lin a thumbs up. Originally, he didn't expend any effort, but Jiang Lin still had his share.

Jiang Lin asked the four ghost wives to return to his body, and took another magic weapon, saying, "It's not advisable to stay here for a long time, and evacuate quickly."

Cao Huoting and the others also knew that it was not appropriate to stay for a long time, so they cleaned up one by one and rushed back to the watchtower with Jiang Lin.

The movement of the King of Blood Ghosts here indeed alerted the wandering ghosts in other areas. Jiang Lin and the others encountered several waves of obstacles during their return, but they were all killed by them.

A day later, the group returned to the watchtower.

"How did you come back so quickly? The mission failed?"

When Judge Lu and Judge Di saw that both Cao Huoting and Jiang Lin were injured, they thought there was an accident.

"You red-bearded chicken thief, you came up and asked for the task. I was seriously injured this time, and I almost gave up my life. You still have the task, and the task is a hairball! I need ambergris and congealing soul incense. , lilac fruit..."

Jiang Lin said a lot of rare treasures in one breath, as if talking about cross talk.

Cao Huoting and Lu brothers: "..."

The gods almost gave up their lives. Those who participated in the mission, except for Niu Ben, the Niu N generation, are the least injured!

"I didn't have doubts in my heart, I asked a question subconsciously."

Judge Lu smiled and waited for Jiang Lin to take the initiative to report the situation.

"The King of Blood Ghosts has been destroyed. I said Redbeard, next time you do this kind of errand, don't look for me again, don't do it."


Judge Lu and Judge Di screamed at the same time, the news was too exciting.

The task given above was to interrupt the breakthrough process of the Blood Ghost King Kan, and it was best to take the opportunity to re-inflict it, but now Jiang Lin actually said that the Blood Ghost King Kan had already been wiped out.

"It was indeed wiped out, and all the cadres of the King of Blood Ghosts died cleanly. If you don't believe me, ask Lu Renjia and the others. Let me tell you, I need Ninghunxiang and Ambergris..."

"Okay, I'll give it to me!"

Judge Lu's face was ecstatic, this happiness really came too suddenly.

Not only was the King of Vampires wiped out, but his subordinate wandering ghosts were also wiped out.

"Cao Huoting, the King of the Blood Ghost was really beheaded?"

Judge Di did not believe his ears, so he confirmed to Cao Huoting.

Cao Huoting nodded and said: "It was indeed beheaded, and it was blasted into ashes by Jiang Zhang, and there are not a single wandering ghost in the blood ghost king's territory left."

"Cough, that... Lu Hu, you see that we are all managing the Rahu forbidden area right now. We are both prosperous and we are all lost. I feel that Director Jiang is very compatible with me. Let him sit with me more in the future."

Judge Di had a fat face and said shameless words.

"You take a break! Where's your face?"

Judge Lu looked at Fatty Di with contempt on his face. He used to speak coldly to Jiang Lin, but now he has a fat face to stick to other people's butts. Isn't it shameful?

"Brother Jiang, I will prepare everything you want. Now I will report the results of the task. You and I will go all the way, and you, these few days, take a good rest, and come to my judge's hall in three days. I will arrange it. A celebratory feast!"

Must celebrate, must celebrate!

Judge Lu is overjoyed now, and if this happens a few more times, he may become the most powerful judge besides the four major judges.

But this premise is that Jiang Lin cannot be transferred.

With a loud laugh, Judge Lu left the tower. Jiang Lin frowned and followed him. He didn't know what Judge Lu asked him to go with.

Just now, Judge Lu gave him a special wink.

Sitting on the bamboo sedan, Jiang Lin was carried by two ghosts and flew to the judge's hall. He looked at Judge Lu on the bamboo sedan next to him, and asked, "Judge Lu, you can go by yourself, report the result, and return it. Do you need my client to testify?"

Judge Lu took a jade Ruyi from the medicine gourd, waved it twice, and hung a light curtain around him and Jiang Lin, then he replied, "Brother Jiang, I actually have something to tell you. To be honest. Yes, this time, although I imagined that you would be able to solve the ghost king, but after all, that's just thinking, I didn't expect you to be able to do this. Lead the team to sneak into the forbidden area of ​​Rahu, kill the ghost emperor and wipe out his subordinates. , do you know how much shock this matter would cause if it were reported?"

"Then it has nothing to do with me? Is it possible that you can't kill it?"

"If I report your matter, you won't believe it for a long time. The four judges and even higher-level people will come to me to ask about you? There is a high possibility that you will be transferred. Brother Jiang, I have known you for a few years, this time you listen to my advice, if a superior wants to transfer you away and ask your wishes, you better not agree."

The first thousand and sixty-two chapters are bull-headed and horse-faced, black and white impermanence

"Judge Lu, not to mention whether I will agree or not, what you said is a bit unkind. People go to high places and water to low places. If there are better resources, do you think I will listen to your persuasion or not? Wouldn't it be better not to listen?"

Jiang Lin thought it was really interesting, and Judge Lu wanted to keep him bound.

In fact, even if Judge Lu doesn't say this, he doesn't plan to go to other places. There may be more resources there, but for now, he knows Judge Lu and Judge Wang, and his family and master's problems are no longer needed by him. I was worried, and even if I wanted to gain experience, the ghosts in the forbidden land of Luohu were enough.

So even if the above wants to transfer him, he is too lazy to go.

"It's impossible to say that I, Lu Hu, say this without any selfishness, but you and I have never been in a relationship between superiors and subordinates, but cooperate with each other, and because of you, I was promoted, so I also put you Be a friend. The underworld is not monolithic. It won't take long for the abilities you show to be noticed by above. Officials can play chess, you know what I mean? I've said it all, I just hope you can take the initiative to avoid Jiang. It's just being involved in the whirlpool, if you think it's easier to walk in the high places of the underworld, I, Lu Beard, won't force you to drag you."

Judge Lu's tone was not very good. He kindly reminded Jiang Lin, but Jiang Lin thought he was forcibly keeping people for promotion.

Will it be used as a pawn?

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