Jiang Lin nodded slightly, he had never thought of this.

"Thank you Judge Lu for reminding me. In fact, I have no plans to transfer. Besides, when I go to other places, I did not kill you as smoothly as I did."

"Fuck you, you finally admit that you like to kill people."

Judge Lu rolled his eyes, this time Jiang Lin completed the task, but he didn't know how much oil and water he had to scrape away from him.

"By the way, your current strength can deal with the ghost emperor?"

Judge Lu still didn't know how the ghost king in the forbidden area was planted. He was very curious. Even if Jiang Lin's body reached the level of Mao Zong, he would only have a lot of confidence to protect himself. To kill the ghost emperor, That's a bit unrealistic.

"I didn't say I could deal with the Ghost Emperor, but wouldn't it be okay to kill him while he was sick?"

Jiang Lin didn't go into detail about the process of killing the Blood Ghost King. If he really wanted to say something, he probably had to shake out the fact that he had an ancient mirror on his body.

Now Judge Lu doesn't know that he has an ancient mirror on his body. Maybe he can draw another magic weapon for storage and leave it to his wives.

Seeing that Jiang Lin was unwilling to say anything, Judge Lu curled his lips and stopped asking in detail. Anyway, the task was completed, and he really didn't care much about the process. He asked, but he was just curious.

"Okay, I'll have to go back by myself. I told you to come out just to tell you what I said before."

When he arrived at the gate of the stone castle where Jiang Lin lived, Judge Lu didn't ask Jiang Lin to go to the judge's hall with him, he just handled the report by himself.

Jiang Lin naturally agreed. After a lot of battle, he really needed to rest.

When Judge Lu returned to his judge's hall, he wrote an official document and asked his subordinates to submit it to his superiors.

The matter was exactly as he said, Jiang Lin and the others quickly spread the word that the entire army of the King of the Blood Ghosts was wiped out.

At the same time as this incident spread, the ghost emperor and ghost king in the forbidden area also learned that the ghost king of Kanxue was beheaded and his subordinates were not left behind.

The entire Rahu forbidden area exploded.

Although the character of the Blood Ghost King is not good, his strength is not weak at all in the same level, but even so, he ended up being wiped out.

Since then, in the forbidden area of ​​Luohu, the name of Jiang Linzhang's Slaughter Division has completely become synonymous with the god of killing.

In the next few days, Judge Lu laughed until his face cramped. His colleagues learned that his subordinate Zhangsheng Division had done another big thing, and everyone could envy him to death.

Nima, this beard Lu is about to be promoted again!

Many judges went to Judge Lu to congratulate him in advance, wishing him to rise step by step.

On this day, a celebration banquet was held in Judge Lu's judge's hall. Jiang Lin, Cao Huoting, and the three brothers surnamed Lu, who participated in the task of watching the Blood Ghost King, sat in the banquet.

Before the banquet started, four distinguished guests came to the Hall of Judges.

Niu Tau A Pang, Ma Mian Luo Sha, Hei Wuchang Fan Wujiu, Bai Wuchang Xie Bi'an, four of the top ten Yin Shuai came to Judge Lu.

[Note: The horse face is the horse face Rakshasa, because there is already a phantom Rakshasa in the book, and it is changed to "Luosha", and "horse face" will be used to refer to it later, so I will explain it here. 】

There are more than one judge and impermanence in the underworld. In addition to the four major judges, there are also judges Lu and Wang. As for impermanence, Shu Fan Wujiao and Xie Bian are the most famous black and white impermanence, and the rest are similar. Just an ordinary ghost.

"Aiya, the presence of the four Yin Shuai adults really makes Lu Man feel full of brilliance."

Seeing the arrival of Niu Tau Ma Mian and Black and White Impermanence, Judge Lu hurriedly stood up to greet him.

The top ten Yin Shuai is second only to the four judges in terms of official rank, and higher than Judge Lu. Although Judge Lu is the subordinate of the four judges, it can be seen that the Yin Shuai should be polite.

Judge Wang, Judge Di and the rest of the crowd all stood up, but Jiang Lin and Cao Huoting were not like them, they were still sitting on their seats.

Whether it is Cao Huoting or Jiang Lin, they have a cooperative relationship with the underworld, and they are both male and not bound by the etiquette of the underworld.

"Sit all sit down."

Niu Tou laughed, and spoke in a loud voice, so that Judge Lu did not need to be cautious.

"Is it the peak of the ghosts? It really deserves to be the top ten sinisters of the underworld."

Jiang Lin's eyes swept across Niu Tau Ma Mian and Black and White Impermanence, and whispered to himself.

Compared with these four, the Blood Ghost King he killed a few days ago is probably the little brother.

In fact, as long as ghosts reach the level of ghost kings, if they advance again, they will regenerate the innate essence - Yuanjing, innate energy - vitality and innate spirit - Yuanshen. It's a process of bringing yourself back to life.

Therefore, when the ghost king breaks through to become a ghost or a ghost emperor, he has already broken away from the ghost body and has become an alternative creature.

This is an act against the sky, so it will definitely bring down the catastrophe.

Before the divine transformation, the combination of ghosts and people will not have good results, but as long as you become a ghost or a ghost emperor, the situation is completely different.

For example, Xiaoli Xiaoqian and the others, if they became ghosts, and Jiang Lin was a normal Taoist priest, after they were combined, it was estimated that they could have four big fat boys a year.

This is because after their spiritual transformation, Yuan Jing appeared in their bodies.

After becoming a ghost emperor or a ghost, if you continue to practice, you will also unify your Yuan Jing, Yuan Qi and Yuan Shen with the acquired Jing Qi and Shen.

Because the whole process is the formation and perfection of divine transformation, some people also refer to the ghost emperor/heaven ghost, ghost venerable and ghost fairy collectively as the ghost fairy level.

Jiang Lin has now seen the Yin Shuai at the peak of the Ghost Emperor. According to the information he has obtained, the four judges may be the ghosts. Above the four judges, it is estimated that they are the peaks of the ghosts, and the Tenth Palace Yama may be the real one. Ghosts.

Chapter [*]: Pindao just wants to be proud of the world

The three judges gave up their seats, and after readjusting their ranks, they sat on Jiang Lin's left.

"Niu Ben, is he the friend you mentioned?"

After sitting down, Niu Tou looked at Jiang Lin and looked at it.

A few days ago, because Niu Ben successfully completed the task, he returned to the border of the underworld and informed Niu Tou of the matter, so Niu Tou learned about Jiang Lin's deeds.

"Old Ancestor, that's him, a fierce one, and he even played the King of Blood Ghosts as a monkey..."

Niu Ben once again told Jiang Lin about the blood ghost king's big pit with the power of thunder.

Jiang Lin was a little speechless. This Minotaur is no longer as simple as being familiar with it. To brag about him is the same as brag. It is very exciting.

"I really can't see that Director Jiang has such a means."

Black and white impermanence looked at each other and nodded to Jiang Lin. They only heard that Jiang Lin led the team to destroy the King of the Blood Ghosts, and some of the specific circumstances were unclear.

Now that Niu Ben said some details, their understanding of Jiang Lin has gone a step further.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "It's average, it's all about teammates."

Cao Huoting: "..."

Niuben: "..."

Hei Wuchang smiled and said, "Haha, Lu Man, this Chief Jiang under your command is really funny."

"Young people are like this. By the way, I don't know if the four Yin Shuai adults are here in Xiaguan, but what instructions do you have?"

"It's nothing. I heard that Lu Man, you have received your merit, and you are hosting a celebration banquet. Come by and ask for a drink."

Hearing what Hei Wuchang said, Judge Lu didn't ask any more questions, and moved his chopsticks to greet him.

He didn't believe that these four came to him just to drink, mostly because it was not suitable to talk about the number of people.

After pushing the glass for a while, after three rounds of wine, and five flavors of food, Judge Wang and Judge Di made excuses and left first.

They are also characters who have been in the officialdom of the underworld for a long time, and naturally they can see that they have something to do.

A crowd of impermanence then left the table.

Hei Wuchang had already left the idlers, so he said to Judge Lu, "Lu Man, in fact, we are here this time to discuss some matters with the Slaughtering Division under your command, and Lao Cui also knows about us. mean."

Hei Wuchang and the others came this time for Jiang Lin's sake.

Because Jiang Lin is still a male, although he can serve in the underworld, the transfer must be approved by himself.

That's why Hei Wuchang said to discuss things with Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin said in his heart. Sure enough, since the arrival of Niu Tau Ma Mian and the impermanence of black and white, he has been scrutinizing him intentionally or unintentionally, and he also nodded from time to time, making him feel like four judges.

So Jiang Lin was puzzled, guessing that it might be exactly what Judge Lu said, but he didn't make any extra guesses because he didn't think he was so good enough to let the four Yin Shuai come together because of him.

Now it seems that his previous guess was really right.

"Since Mr. Cui has agreed, there is naturally no problem with the lower official. It's just a matter of the forbidden land of Luohu. I don't know what Mr. Cui's plan is."

Judge Lu naturally knew who Hei Wuchang was referring to as Lao Cui, who was his immediate superior, Cui Fujun, one of the four civil and military judges.

Since Hei Wuchang and the others have greeted his boss, Judge Lu has nothing to say, but he also mentioned the forbidden land of Luohu, and the forbidden land must be handled by someone.

Hei Wuchang nodded and said, "We have our own plans. Since you have no objection, then it depends on Director Jiang's wishes."

Ma Mian raised his face at Jiang Lin and asked Jiang Lin, "Director Jiang, do you have any idea of ​​going to the border of the underworld?"

"Not yet."

After hearing Judgment Lu's persuasion and the arrival of the four Yin Shuai together, the matter involved must be no small matter, so Jiang Lin refused directly.

"Hey, Director Jiang has such an ability. How good is it to go to the border of the underworld to develop? Even if there is something wrong here in the forbidden area of ​​Luohu, you can rush back. In fact, at the border, accumulating military merit is the fastest. If you come down in the future, We will have the opportunity to hold real power just like us.”

Ma Mian continued to throw olive branches to Jiang Lin, and the words were beautiful.

"Ma Mian, we are here to discuss, not to fool, we need to explain things clearly."

Black Impermanence stopped Ma Mian from continuing to fool around, and said to Jiang Lin, "Director Jiang, you know that the underworld and the underworld are only the center of the underworld, right? A large part of the rest belongs to the transitional area."

Jiang Lin nodded and replied: "I heard Judge Lu said that the underworld and the underworld are responsible for internal affairs, the border and the Soul Town Street outside, and manage a large number of dead souls such as army souls that cannot be reincarnated in time."

"It's good that you know this, I'll tell you the specific situation..."

Hei Wuchang said a lot of information that Jiang Lin didn't know. The most important point was that the underworld and the underworld were not stable right now.

The imperial envoy in charge of the outside world has a large number of Yin soldiers in his hands, and there is a situation where the soldiers are self-respecting.

The Ten Commanders of the Underworld and Anubis and Thanatos of the Underworld were not originally at the border, but were transferred to divide the power of the border.

"That's the way it is, we need people to go to the border, unite with many soul-suppressing generals, form a force, fight against the power of the Royal Spirit Envoy, and finally completely disintegrate them and regain their power in the hands of the underworld and the underworld. "

After Hei Wuchang said this, Bai Wuchang, who had never spoken, added: "Of course, this kind of thing will not let you contribute in vain. Once it is successful, the underworld will draw down a part of the transition area and let you manage it. From a certain point of view, you can be the overlord of the underworld, enjoy the treatment of an emperor, and control the resources, power, women, no, it should be a female ghost."

Damn, I'm so tempted to say it, but I don't lack resources, and I'm not interested in power, so I just want to be a salted fish. As for women or ghosts, my big bed is almost full.

Jiang Lin's heart was not disturbed, and he even wanted to laugh a little.

If someone is really attracted by these conditions, it is definitely Wangchuan's dead horse.

"Actually, Pindao has no ability and no desire. I think it's not bad here in the forbidden land of Luohu."

"Director Jiang, you can kill the ghost emperor. Don't you think that the ghost emperor is also walking around in the underworld? When you reach the border, with your ability, you will definitely do something."

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