Hei Wuchang frowned, he really didn't expect Jiang Lin to refuse so quickly.

"Four yin commanders, poor people are embarrassed to take responsibility, and they have no desires and no desires."

As he said that, Jiang Lin shook his head and recited a poem: "The heroes of the world come out of my generation, and as soon as they enter the arena, the years will remind them that they will be drunk in life. Not so much."

Black and white impermanence: "..."

Niu Tau Ma Mian: "..."

"Good poetry, good poetry!"

Just when the four Yin Shuai were speechless, Niu Ben clapped his hands and praised Jiang Lin for being extraordinary.

Chapter [*] Wash the neck and wait

It looks so similar, I almost laughed out loud.

Judge Lu held back his smile. He knew Jiang Lin's roots. He had no desires and no desires. He was just talking nonsense with his eyes open.

Moreover, Jiang Lin had to sleep with four wives before he came down to deal with the King of Blood Ghosts, and he had no desire to ask for a fart.

Although Judge Lu slandered, he also knew that this was Jiang Lin's excuse to reject Black and White Impermanence, and of course he wouldn't talk too much.

He wished Jiang Lin refused.

"It's a good emperor, who is intoxicated in his life when he is talking and laughing. Although he is young, he can't see that Jiang's ideological level is so high. But even if Jiang is not thinking about himself, he can also think about the people around him. If you agree to relocate, the happiness and longevity of your family, relatives and even friends will increase a lot."

Bai Wuchang continued to promise Jiang Lin that the four of them came together because they felt that the matter should be easy to finalize.

Wouldn't that make them run away in vain?

Sorry, I have thought about and solved these problems in advance.

Jiang Lin is still unmoved. His wife, master and wife's wealth and Yangshou no longer have to worry about him. As for other relatives, such as Ren Zhuzhu's father or Shu Ning's parents, he is not prepared to pay more.

Black and white impermanence, they never thought that Jiang Lin had already reached an agreement with Judge Lu and Judge Wang.

"Actually, I see it very openly. A person's life can be wonderful as long as it is wonderful. Disasters and fortunes are determined by heaven. Yang Shou, if I knew that the people around me had lived a long time, I might not cherish it."

Jiang Lin's face was calm, pretending to be a Buddhist youth.

Oh no, it's too sad to hold back laughter.

Judge Lu secretly pinched his hind legs, for fear that he would laugh.

What the heck, who was the one who entered the forbidden area of ​​Rahu alone for his wife and master, and gave Lao Wang a bottle of original zombie blood?

If Judge Lu hadn't known these things, he would have almost believed Jiang Lin's philosophical words.

"Since Director Jiang has few desires and can see clearly, it's not reluctant, but I still hope that Director Jiang will reconsider."

Although Bai came here, Black and White Impermanence did not show any official power. Their official power is good for ghosts, but it is useless to Yang people like Jiang Lin and Zhenhun Jiang.

It's a big deal for people to quit.

Now that things have come to an end, the four Yin marshals did not stay here with Judge Lu and left the Judge's Palace together.

Niu Ben deliberately paused for a while longer, and reminded Jiang Lin: "Jiang Lin, it's alright if you didn't agree. My ancestors knew that I regarded you as a friend, so they never said anything. The transition area was very chaotic and turbulent. , you better not get involved."

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Thank you for reminding me, we will have the opportunity to work together again."

"There is a chance, next time I will wrestle with you."

Niu Ben laughed, turned and walked away.

"Judge Lu, don't look for me for the next five years. I don't have time to take care of the underworld. If there is another ghost emperor, you don't need to contact me anymore, don't do it."

As soon as the four yin and handsome Judge Lu came back, Jiang Lin told them that he was going to hold back for a while.

In other words, don't bother him for fifty years in the underworld.


Judge Lu didn't even bargain with Jiang Lin. The political achievements he had accumulated from the successful completion of the mission this time were more than the sum of his years.

Moreover, Jiang Lin is now the lucky star of his official fortune, so he must get used to it.

Half an hour later, Jiang Lin walked out of the judge's hall amid the complaints and scolding of Judge Lu.

He wouldn't come down for several years, and before he left, he slaughtered Judge Lu's body bleeding profusely.

After Jiang Lin returned to the stone castle, he didn't spend much time in the underworld, and returned to the underworld with the four ghost wives.

He has to comfort a group of wives who are petty tempered.

"Master, you've finally come back. During the time you left, there were a few unsightly green shooters and ghosts who would commit crimes, but they were all taken down by me."

As soon as Jiang Lin opened the door of the training room, the Flying Rat King hurried over to report to Jiang Lin what happened at home.

"A ghost is coming?"

Jiang Lin couldn't help but be a little puzzled. His Li Yangju had a Heavenly Dragon Barrier, and just the fluctuations it radiated made ordinary ghosts dare not approach, but now there are actually green ghosts and ghost generals taking the initiative to come to the door.

It's not good to provoke anyone, but it's really strange to have to provoke this place.

"Yes, but their attire is very special, just like the armored soldiers in ancient times. Because the master has the habit of refining ghosts, I didn't kill them. I put them in the backyard and waited for the master to deal with them. Interestingly, they still have the habit of refining ghosts. He lied that he was sent by a ghost to scare me, and I was too tired to fix it. The master is an official below, how could there be a little scoundrel coming to us to do wild things. "

A ghost in armor?

Jiang Lin squinted his eyes. The common ghosts were either dressed in impermanent fashion or in jailer attire. Only the Yin soldiers wore armor, and the Yin soldiers were basically in the borders or transition areas of the underworld.

Could it be Stein?

Jiang Lin naturally thought of the soul-suppressing general who had a grudge against him.

However, this is only his tentative speculation. Whether it is true or not, it still needs to be confirmed in the past.

I hope it's not you, or you won't even survive tomorrow.

Jiang Lin said to the four ghost wives behind him, "Xiao Li Xiaoqian, you guys go to dinner first, I'll see what's going on."

After a while, Jiang Lin went to the backyard and saw a few ghosts and ghost generals in the corner who were bound by the black dog's blood net to the cat.

"Let us go, we are the ghosts of the underworld. Let us go and make amends. You still have a chance to live, or else the soul will be held for you."

The ghost general led by them saw Jiang Lin's arrival and clamored wildly. They were underworld soldiers, and they were used to being arrogant. Now even if they saw a Celestial Master, they were just as domineering.

"Who sent you here?"

"I warn you, hurry up..."


Jiang Lin stretched out a finger, and the Yang Finger Sword directly pierced the ghost general's head.


"I ask again, who sent you here?"

"You actually... ah!"

Before the other ghost general could finish his words, he screamed in agony, and his soul flew away.

"Shangxian spare your life! We were sent by Master Shi of Bafan Street."

When the remaining few ghosts saw such a scene, they dared to speak stubbornly, kneeling down to Jiang Lin and begging for mercy one by one.

"Is it Stan? What did he send you for?"

"Bin...Ben Shangxian, it's him, Master Shi asked us to come here to hook the souls of a few people, we are just doing things according to orders, Shangxian forgive me!"

The ghost messengers hid in the corner and shivered, and they cursed the eighteen generations of Shi's ancestors in their mouths.

This is where they are asked to perform the task, obviously to let them die!

Good you Sten, wash your neck and wait!

Jiang Lin's murderous aura was scattered everywhere, and the mouse boy standing on his shoulder was so excited that his whole body was blown up.

The first thousand and sixty-five chapters take the road to kill

If Jiang Lin's attitude towards Shi Teng in the past was to kill him as soon as possible, then at this moment, his attitude was to kill Shi Teng immediately without delay.

In order to protect his wives, Jiang Lin kept Charming Spirits on them, but Charming Spirits were Rakshasa ghosts after all, and they were fine in other situations. If they were faced with ghosts who restrained ghosts, they would not be of much use.

Fortunately, the Flying Rat King was taking care of him at home this time. If Ren Tingting and the others went out and didn't bring the rat cubs, they might be in danger.

Jiang Lin coldly swept the few ghosts in the corner, and directly threw a ball of Yang Yan over, so that they could taste the taste of the cannon.

"No wonder Niu Tau Ma Mian and Black and White Impermanence have to go to Judge Lu together to persuade me to agree to the transfer. It seems that there is no more discord between the inside and outside of the underworld."

Jiang Lin muttered to himself, he felt that this incident was too coincidental.

Others went to the underworld to work in the forbidden area of ​​Luohu, and there were ghosts in the world to steal his home.

Jiang Lin guessed that it was very likely that Shi Teng heard that he had arrived in the underworld, and the back was empty, so he acted.

And if this is the case, it will undoubtedly provoke conflicts between inside and outside the underworld.

But Sten did just that, with no regard for the consequences.

Since Sten dared to do this, Jiang Lin decided to be bolder than he did.

Anyway, Jiang Lin wasn't afraid to make things bigger.

"Husband, after dinner, I'll wait for you."

Chen Yu came to the backyard and called Jiang Lin to eat, and they were all waiting for him.

"Let's eat, I'm in a hurry, I'm going to Shudi, and I promise to come back tomorrow."

Jiang Lin told Chen Yu to tell Ren Tingting and the others not to go out, and then left Li Yangju with the Flying Mouse King.

"Master, where are you going?"

"Shu, find someone."

Jiang Lin sat on the back of the Flying Mouse King and pointed in the direction of Shu.

He wanted to find Cao Huoting, take the road from Raksha Street under Cao Huoting's jurisdiction, and go directly to Bafan Street in the transition area.

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