At Judge Lu's celebration banquet before, he also chatted with Cao Huoting a few times, knowing that the latter's home was in Chengdu, Shu, and the exit of Rakshasa Street was also there.

Early the next morning, Jiang Lin arrived at his destination.

"What's the matter? Did you arrive here overnight?"

Cao Huoting came out of the room and looked at Jiang Lin with some puzzlement. He and Jiang Lin only separated from Judge Lu last night. Why did Jiang Lin come to him this early in the morning, and he looked like he was busy.

"There is indeed something. I want to borrow you a way to kill people. In Zhenhun Street, how far is Bafan Street from your Rakshasa Street?"

Jiang Lin didn't say much nonsense, and directly explained his purpose.

"Borrowing the way to kill? Are you going to Baban Street? It seems that Sten is guarding there."

"Good, isn't it convenient?"

Jiang Lin smiled and looked at Cao Huoting.

"Since we worked together not long ago, you and I are considered to have some friendship, and it is all right to lend you light. But Sten is a registered soul general, if he is outside, it will be fine. In his Baban Street, you want to Killing him, the imperial envoy will probably not give up easily."

If it was someone else, Cao Huoting would definitely not agree, but he and Jiang Lin had only eliminated the Ghost King of Kan Xue together a few days ago, and later participated in the celebration banquet together.

While agreeing, he also reminded Jiang Lin that killing the Soul Soul General in Soul Town Street would not be easy to deal with.

"What if I don't give up? What else can they do with me?"

Jiang Lin chuckled lightly, this matter belongs to him, and he is not afraid of being held accountable by the imperial envoy.

Taking a step back, if the imperial envoy wants to settle accounts, he must be looking for him. This is a matter of business, and he will not be like Shi Teng, who will take revenge on his family because of personal hatred.

The wife at home is his anti-scale, so Shi Teng must die.

A person who is truly fearless.


Cao Huoting really doubted whether Jiang Lin's courage was a lump.

"Bafan Street is still a little far from my Rakshasa Street. Even if you borrow my way, it's not easy to get there. And generally speaking, the Soul Town Street guarded by the Soul Town will not allow other than ghosts. The soul will enter, you are not the soul of the soul, once you are discovered, you don’t need a reason to encircle and suppress you.”

Cao Huoting told Jiang Lin about the rules of Soul Town Street. It is easy to get in, but if you think about it, it is not easy.

As for the grievances between Jiang Lin and Sten, he didn't have the heart to gossip, so he didn't ask at all.

"Although I haven't entered Soul Town Street, Jiang believes that he still has some means. As long as I want to leave, no matter what Soul Soul General can stop me, let's make a way."

Jiang Lin was quite confident in his own strength, otherwise he would not have come to Cao Huoting to borrow his way.

Even if there is a soul-suppressing spirit with a ghost emperor-level guardian spirit, he is not afraid at all.

The guardian spirit of the spirit host can't leave the host too far, and with such restrictions, it is almost impossible for any spirit soul to want to keep him.

"Then come with me."

Since Jiang Lin said so, Cao Huoting didn't say any more, and walked directly to the courtyard wall and passed through it.

Jiang Lin asked the Flying Mouse King to wait here, and followed Cao Huoting into the entrance of Soul Town Street.

"Is this the Rakshasa Street? It's really not small. It looks very different from the underworld."

After passing through the courtyard wall, Jiang Lin entered another dimension and reached a high mountain. There was a huge locust tree on the mountain, and beside the locust tree, there was a house.

At the foot of the mountain, the houses look like villages.

On the surface, there is not much difference between this place and the world, but the sky is much darker and the repulsion to the human body is much smaller.

"There are thousands of soul-suppressing streets, and the exits are distributed all over the world. Because there are four divine trees, Diyu, Linghuai, Longtao, and Fusang, which form a barrier, there are some differences between this place and the underworld, and the flow of time is not so fast. Those ghosts and undead who are too late to reincarnate live and wait in the Town Soul Street, which will be managed by our Soul Town, and those who are uneasy will be suppressed by us."

Cao Huoting explained a little to Jiang Lin, then pointed in a direction and said: "Okay, I have lent you the road. If you want to go to Bafan Street, you can go all the way through eight blocks in that direction. If you take your wife Wearing it on the body can let them release their ghostly energy, because Yangren enters Zhenhun Street and is easy to be found."

Speaking of which, Cao Huoting couldn't help but glance at Jiang Lin. He had heard of Taoist priests who raised ghosts, but he had never heard of women who took female ghosts as wives and carried them with them.

"Okay, if anything happens in the future, go to Gantian Town on the Chaoshan border to find me."

Jiang Lin left this sentence and went down the mountain and walked away.

The first thousand and sixty-six chapters make me go back and forth?

For the sake of unnecessary trouble, Jiang Lin let the ghostly spirit in the shadow release its ghostly energy and cover his body.

After three blocks in a row, he didn't encounter any obstacles, but when he reached the fourth block, he was still discovered by the spirit general there.

"The guardian of the forbidden area of ​​Luohu, who killed Si Jianglin, came here just to borrow a way. I don't know what your name is?"

Jiang Lin looked at the surrounding Yin soldiers and a burly man opposite, and reported his identity. His target was Shi Teng, and he didn't want to cause more trouble.

If you show your identity, if the other party sells face, you will be fine with me, if not, then use your fist.

"Hey, it turned out to be the Chief Slaughtering Division. Yang Zhong, the soul-suppressing general in Xiaxuanyuan Street, is there any official instructions for you to come to Soul-suppressing Street, Mr. Jiang?"


"No? Humph, Mr. Jiang, you dare to enter Zhenhun Street privately, not because of official business, you are really bold!"

As soon as Yang Zhong heard Jiang Lin said there was no official document, he immediately changed his face.

Gotta use fists.

Jiang Lin shook his head, it seems that although some people in Zhenhun Street have heard of his name, they are not willing to sell face.

"This way, you have to borrow it, and you have to borrow it if you don't."

Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes and looked at Yang Zhong, who had summoned a warrior guardian spirit.

"I heard that Director Jiang, you made a big move in the forbidden area of ​​Luohu. In my opinion, it was just taking advantage of the emptiness behind the wandering ghost to launch a surprise attack. Today, I, Yang Zhong, will see if you are really capable."

Yang Zhong laughed and said to the guardian spirit behind him, who was wearing a bright red chainmail: "Yang Fan, take it for me!"

"The rumors you've heard are from many years ago."

Seeing Yang Zhong's high fighting spirit, Jiang Lin thought it was quite funny. If this guy knew that a ghost emperor had already been planted in his hands, he probably wouldn't want to try his strength so much.

A minute later, Yang Zhong buried his head in the ground, kicking his legs around, turning into a headless onion.

There are also swarms of Yin soldiers around.

Jiang Lin brushed off his clothes and continued on his way.

There are a total of eight blocks between Bafan Street and Rakshasa Street. After Yang Zhong, Jiang Lin encountered two soul-suppressing generals who blocked the road. As a result, they were repaired just like Yang Zhong.

"Babanjie, I don't know if you are ready to die, Shi Teng."

Jiang Lin looked at a stone tablet in front of him and sneered.

At this time, in the General Hall on Hachiban Street, Sten was drinking with two friends at a banquet.

"Brother Shi, why haven't the subordinates you sent have come back yet? Shouldn't there be any accident?"

"Brother Shi, I still think it's risky for you to do this. We are soul-suppressing generals, but we are not responsible for seducing souls. This is overstepping our powers. And that director Jiang is now a celebrity in the underworld. Good job."

Sitting beside Sten was a black-faced man and a short man, and the two spoke while drinking.

The two of them have a good relationship with Shi Teng, and they once accepted a lot of favors from Shi Teng. This time, they were invited by Shi Teng to deal with Jiang Lin.

However, the two were always a little uneasy in their hearts. In case of accountability, they could not justify it.

Shi Teng picked up the wine cup and said lightly: "Don't worry, it's not that I don't know about this."

For the question raised by the two, Sten didn't take it to heart at all.

When he was in Japan, he made a big somersault in Jiang Lin's hands and almost lost his life. After coming back, he always wanted to take revenge.

But he also knew that with his own strength alone, he couldn't help Jiang Lin, so he spent all day thinking about how to take revenge.

It happened that one of his Japanese friends, Matsushima, came to him not long ago. Matsushima is also a soul-saver, but the area in charge is not Middle Earth but Japan.

When Sten was able to open a ghost gate in Japan and enter Zhensoul Street, there was a reason for Matsushima.

While the two were chatting, Shi Teng learned from Matsushima that a group of Japanese army souls who were supposed to enter Zhenhun Street for some unknown reason, collectively lost their souls.

At that time, he inadvertently asked the time when the army spirits disappeared, but he unexpectedly discovered that the time coincided with Jiang Lin's rioting in Tokyo.

This is indeed the case. When Jiang Lin went to Tokyo for a banquet at Hongmen, he killed a group of magicians and then slaughtered a street. I don't know how many Japanese officers and soldiers were killed.

The souls of those officers and soldiers were taken away by Jin Tianyi and Bai Rourou in order to seal the ghost altar. After Jiang Lin asked some questions, they burned their souls to pieces.

Afterwards, Sten went to Japan to investigate and determined that those souls were wiped out by Jiang Lin.So he asked Matsushima to write a commission application and submit it, asking him to investigate the matter.

With this reason, after S Teng knew that Jiang Lin had gone to the underworld to perform his mission, he immediately sent his men to Jiang Lin's house to seduce his soul.

Even if things got bigger, he could find an excuse, saying that he was entrusted by his colleagues and suspected that Jiang Lin had hidden a large number of military souls.

This is on official business.

Of course, before the incident became serious, Jiang Lin knew that his family's soul had been hooked, and he would definitely pursue it. If Jiang Lin forced his way into Zhenhun Street, he would have given him a reason to kill first and then file.

At that time, if he invites you to enter the urn, he will be able to avenge the revenge of being chased and killed by Jiang Lin all the way that day.

Now he is ready to wait for Jiang Lin to break in.

The more Shi Teng thought about it, the more Shu Tai felt, so he told the black-faced man and the short man the whole story.


"Conspiracy, Yangmou! But Brother Shi, can you deal with that Chief Jiang?"

"Although he can lead a team to destroy the Ghost Emperor, but the Ghost Emperor is going through a calamity, I don't believe that he came to my Bafan Street, and I can't cure him?"

Shi Teng let out a gloomy smile. He had a grudge against Jiang Lin, and he must be very concerned about Jiang Lin's news.Even if Jiang Lin's strength is not bad, can a hero stand up to a group of Yin soldiers?

What's more, there are now two helpers.

"And you don't have to worry. It's not that you don't know the situation here. He has caused so many storms in the forbidden area of ​​​​the underworld. Maybe the problem of the forbidden area will not be a problem in the future. Said, we didn't keep him, something happened, and the above knew that we were dealing with him, and they would protect us."

Shi Teng raised the wine cup and continued: "So, let go of the work, there is no need to worry about it. He has done a good job in the underworld, and he should be socializing now. My subordinates will not miss it, wait for him to come. , let him come and go. Cheers!"

Shi Teng thought that Jiang Lin didn't return to the world in the underworld, but he didn't think that Jiang Lin would go home directly after the celebration banquet in order not to keep his wives waiting for a long time.

"Let me go back and forth? I'm looking forward to how I can't go back."

At this moment, Jiang Lin's figure suddenly appeared in the hall, and his voice was filled with icy coldness.

Chapter [*] Kite flying

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