Since Jiang Lin dared to do such a thing, he was definitely the ruthless among the ruthless, and now he is saving their lives because they are still useful.

The black-faced man and the short man wanted to ask for mercy, but now they were dying, and they didn't even have the strength to speak.

"Cao Huoting, trouble you again, open a ghost door for me and go directly to Judge Di."

When Jiang Lin reached the top of the mountain, he raised his face at Cao Huoting. He could sway the market here in Zhenhun Street, but not in the world.

It can scare people a lot.

And he didn't bother to bring the black-faced man and the short man back to Li Yangju, so he borrowed a way from Judge Di and sent the two witnesses to Judge Lu to save trouble.

" didn't come all the way here, did you?"

Cao Huoting looked at the black-faced big men who were scorched by the flames in midair, and felt that Jiang Lin's courage was no longer a lump of iron, but a titanium alloy steel.

All under the skin is a titanium alloy steel gallbladder.

"Is there anything wrong?"

Jiang Lin smiled, but he thought he didn't go around too much.

Is there something wrong...

Cao Huoting felt that he was completely messed up, and Jiang Lin didn't know what he had done.

"That... I'll take you to Judge Di quickly. If there is any trouble in the future, I don't think I'll look for you. You can just borrow the aisle from me."

Cao Huoting really regretted it now, he still underestimated Jiang Lin.

Nima, this time it is impossible not to disturb several imperial envoys to come together.

"Okay. What a big deal, look at you, so excited."

"I don't want to talk to you, go away."

When Cao Huoting walked out of Rakshasa Street, he opened a ghost gate and told Jiang Lin to go where he should go.

Jiang Lin smiled and stepped inside.

As for whether the black-faced man and the short man can withstand the environment of the underworld, he doesn't care, as long as they keep their breath.

The gate of hell opened by Cao Huoting was a watchtower in the north of the forbidden area of ​​Rahu.

After Jiang Lin went down, he asked a few ghosts guarding the watchtower to inform Judge Di.

After all, this is Judge Di's jurisdiction. Since he is here, he still needs to let him know.

And he also needs to ask Judge Di to send him a ghost messenger.

Now Jiang Lin's reputation is too loud in the forbidden area of ​​Luohu, and he is worshipped as an idol by other ghosts. When he mentioned his name, several ghosts rushed to do it.

As for the "kite" flying behind Jiang Lin, although they didn't understand it, they didn't ask much.

After half a day, Judge Di arrived here.

"Fuck! What have you been doing?"

Judge Di knew that Jiang Lin had gone to Zhenshun Street, and all his fat was swaying.

The souls of the souls who killed the souls of souls were not counted, but two were captured alive and paraded to the public.

It’s okay to parade on the street and show the public, but it’s still a live barbecue, and a dead body is whipped.

It’s just that!

"Do you know how much impact this matter has?"

"I'm not afraid, it's a big deal to stab the King of Hell at ten o'clock."

Jiang Lin is now in charge of justice, but no matter how big the trouble is, he can go to King Yama and talk to the imperial envoy and let King Yama judge the rationale.

Although there is discord inside and outside the underworld now, he still doesn't believe that the Ten Kings of Hell really have no power at all.

Jiang Lin didn't plan to tell Judge Di about the whole story, it was pointless to say so, he said, "Judge Di, I came to you by taking the route of Cao Huoting, just to find Judge Lu, and I'll let you know. , you won't let me go if you don't come back?"

"Of course not."

If Jiang Lin hadn't killed the Blood Ghost King, Judge Di might not have given Jiang Lin face, but now, he himself has been in Jiang Lin's favor and received a lot of rewards. If he didn't give Jiang Lin face, That really doesn't make sense.

And in the future, he might have to make good friends with Jiang Lin, so Judge Di made a favor and asked four ghosts to send Jiang Lin to Judge Lu's judge's palace.

After half a day, Jiang Lin came to the judge's hall again.

After he entered, the entire judge's hall echoed with Judge Lu's surprised cry.

"That's what happened, Judge Lu, what are the consequences, I'll take care of it myself, Jiang Lin, you take these two goods away and record a confession as evidence."

Jiang Lin planted the Six-Yang Soul Curse on the black-faced man and the short man, and specially left the sun's true fire on them. As long as someone wanted to unlock the forbidden curse on them, he would be able to detect it and instantly put the curse on them. The forbidden spell is activated, directly killing them.

He doesn't want to show up for the second time about Sten, and the grass will be eradicated!

Killing them doesn't count, he wants to let them go to pieces, just like Sten, who burns all their souls clean.

"Although you have taken care of this matter, I have to say that what you did is really cruel."

Judge Lu felt that his understanding of Jiang Lin had been refreshed again.

"Anyone who touches my family, whether it's a person or a ghost, I will never let him go."

Jiang Lin sneered, Shi Teng and the others had such an end, it was their own fault.

"Okay, leave it to me, I will report the whole thing truthfully, and I will fight for you."

Judge Lu nodded. Although Jiang Lin had done too much, he did not justify his loss. In this case, Judge Lu must do more work to minimize the impact on Jiang Lin.

It has been a long time since Jianglin made a scene on Zhenshun Street. This matter has been passed down by dozens of people, and soon, most of the transition areas will know about it.

A boiling, extremely sensational.

Even Niu Tau Ma Mian and the others heard about this.

Chapter [-]: The shriveled imperial envoy ([-])

"What kind of tricks does this slaughtering division make? The front foot said that he didn't want to come here, but the back foot went to Zhenshun Street to make such a big noise."

"To be honest, I didn't understand either."

On the border of the underworld, in Niutou's Yinshuai's mansion, Niutou Mamian and Black and White Impermanence got together. They didn't know what Jiang Lin was doing.

Whether it was Judge Lu or the Four Great Judges, they would definitely not give Jiang Lin such a task, so this matter most likely came from Jiang Lin's own wishes.

"Although I don't know what happened, he is really the best person in our plan because of his courage."

Hei Wuchang sighed, Jiang Lin needed ability, ability, brains, and most importantly, courage, but unfortunately, his personality was too "no desire and no desire" to be used by them.

"There must be a special reason, but even if there is a reason, the impact of what he did is too great. This time, the imperial envoy was slapped hard on the ear. I was thinking, why don't we go check it out? From the beginning and the end of the matter, protect him?"

Niu Tou looked at Black and White Impermanence and Ma Mian and asked for their opinions.

His grandson Niuben regards Jiang Lin as a friend. If he hears about this, he will definitely look for his ancestor. It is better to propose it to Black and White Impermanence now.

"I think it's ok. Let's understand the situation first. If the imperial envoy wants to be held accountable, we can deal with it and let Jiang Lin take care of it. Maybe he will agree in the future."

Hei Wuchang felt that Niu Tau's proposal was a good one. Although Jiang Lin didn't accept the olive branch they offered, it was temporary after all.

Moreover, Jiang Lin did such a thing, which severely damaged the prestige of the imperial envoy. It would be more interesting if he could not do anything to Jiang Lin afterward.

So, Hei Wuchang and the others sent their men to Bafan Street and Judge Lu to learn about the situation. After all, Jiang Lin was working under Judge Lu, so he knew some of the reasons.

At the same time, also at the border of the underworld, the Wuming Palace where the imperial envoy was located was also quite lively.

"How brave! How brave!"

"A mere slaughtering department actually dares to forcibly break into Soul Town Street and slaughter Soul Soul Generals!"

"Is this not taking our nameless palace in the eye!"

"If it weren't for our efforts to maintain the stability of the transition zone, would the underworld be so stable?"

The eight imperial envoys beat the hammer table of the table and patted the armrest.


An underworld chief killing officer in Jianglin actually went to the area under their jurisdiction, killed incumbents unscrupulously, and swaggered "kites" and left in a high-profile manner.

Although they killed the soul-suppressing general, as superiors, they all felt as if they had been slapped in the face.

"Never let it go!"

After the eight imperial envoys made a total of one call, three of them decided to go to Zhenhun Street to temporarily suppress the storm, and the rest went directly to the underworld to ask for an explanation.

Jiang Lin didn't know about these things. After he left the matter to Judge Lu, he went to the north of the forbidden land of Luohu, and returned to Shu through the ghost gate.

In the evening, he returned to Li Yangju.

After returning, Jiang Lin remembered that the ghosts in the corner hadn't been killed yet, so he opened the ghost gate and threw them in, and asked the sneaky brothers to escort them to Judge Lu's judge's hall.

As for what to do next, he doesn't need to worry, just wait for the news quietly.

"Cui Fujun, you are not strict, you must give us an explanation today!"

"Yes, it must be explained!"

"Remove the position of the Chief Slaughter Division and enter the eighteenth hell!"

The five imperial envoys went directly to the Wenwu Judge Temple and found Cui Fujun, one of the four judges, and asked him to give them an explanation on the matter and execute Jiang Lin.

"Hmph, explain? What is the explanation? It's ridiculous to say that I'm not strict with me!"

Cui Fujun sat behind the judgment table in the hall, staring at a few imperial envoys.

Judge Lu had already reported Jiang Lin's matter, and he also knew that there would be an imperial envoy, so he waited here early in the morning.

Knowing the beginning and the end of the matter, he certainly couldn't explain anything to the imperial envoy.

"Lu Yan, come out and bring the witnesses along with you."

The few imperial envoys came up to criticize randomly, and Cui Fujun made them face pain on the spot.

"Yes, Mr. Cui."

Judge Lu came out of the inner hall with a black-faced man who was half-dead and a short man, as well as a few ghosts who went to Li Yangju to seduce the soul.

"Several imperial envoys, did you come to the underworld to find an explanation without even knowing what Sten did? In fact, there is no need to give you any explanation at all."

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