Judge Lu had already obtained the assurance of his superior, so he naturally spoke a little harder.

"Bastard! What kind of identity are you, dare to talk to us like that?"

Among the imperial envoys, Nan Li looked at Judge Lu coldly, even if he didn't pay attention to the four major judges, let alone a small judge.

"This is my judge's temple, not your nameless palace! My subordinates are not up to you!"

Cui Fujun picked up the gavel on the judgment table and slapped it down fiercely.

Then he looked at the black-faced man and the short man who were kneeling in the hall, and said, "Tell me about the grievances between Shi Teng and Jiang Lin, but if there is any concealment or half-truth, I will take it seriously. You will enter the eighteen layers of hell, and you will never be born again!"

"Master Cui, we said, it's like this..."

The black-faced man shivered and told the grievances between Jiang Lin and Shi Teng one by one, and the short man and a few ghosts added on the side.

"Haha~ Oops, I think the imperial envoy is not staying in the Wuming Palace, what is the judge's temple doing? It's just a joke."

At this moment, Niu Tau Ma Mian and Black and White Impermanence also arrived at the Temple of Judges, and Niu Tou was full of taunt skills as soon as he arrived.

"That's not it, I heard from a few imperial envoys from a distance that our Lao Cui is not strict with his subordinates, but they are very strict. They are all doing things for the underworld, but their subordinates moved their colleagues for personal revenge. Family members, and they are also taking advantage of the fact that Chief Jiang is working hard for Luo Hu's forbidden land."

"Oh, the imperial envoy might have known about this long ago, and the selective blindness is to execute our great leader Jiang."

"Execution! It must be executed! In that case, no one will do business for us in the underworld again, that would be great."

Ma Mian and Black and White Impermanence also imitated the bull's head.

The four Yin marshals inquired from Judge Lu about the reason why Jiang Lin killed Shi Teng in anger, but they were overjoyed.

Hearing that the imperial envoy had left the Wuming Palace, they left immediately.

Before they came, they had asked Niu Ben to spread the cause and result of the incident in Zhenhun Street. Now, if these few imperial envoys returned without success, the fun would not be so great.

Five imperial envoys: "..."

Chapter [-]: The deflated imperial envoy (Part [-])

This idiot!

Not one of the royal envoys was not flushed, and they cursed Sten and the others in their hearts.

The black-faced man really said everything, even what Sten said, "Even if there is an incident, there will be an imperial envoy to protect it".


Can you say such a thing!

Lung pain, really lung pain.

The five imperial envoys were so angry that their noses were smoking. Although if things were really as Sten imagined, they would indeed protect their shortcomings, but this kind of thing must not be revealed to others.

"Nonsense, nonsense!"

Nan Li shouted angrily. At this moment, he would definitely deny the testimony of the black-faced big man.

"Sir, what we said is true!"

The funny thing is that the black-faced man was afraid that he would be thrown into hell, and he repeatedly defended himself.

Although their soul-suppressing generals have a cooperative relationship with the underworld, under normal circumstances, even if they make any mistakes, there will not be too much punishment, at least it should not cause death.

But the situation is different now. What Sten has done is extremely bad, it's just a split.

Nanli: "..."


"Humph! They have spells on them, they must be restrained, and they are not telling the truth."

Nan Li could naturally find that the black-faced man and the short man possessed a spell, and now he can only find such a reason.

"Then you explain, we are all watching here, is it possible that Old Cui will still falsely accuse you of the imperial envoy?"

Niu Tou hehe sneered, scolding Nanli for shameless in his heart.

Nan Li was said by Niu Tou, and he pointed his finger at the black-faced man and them.

At this time, Jiang Lin, who was accompanying his wife to visit the garden in Li Yang Curie, suddenly felt that the spell he had planted was passive, so he directly pinched a few seals.

Want to save people?

I see who can help?

As soon as the seal changed, the soul curse on the black-faced man and the short man in the Temple of Judges and the true sun fire in their bodies erupted instantly.

After screaming twice, the two of them were burnt cleanly in front of everyone's eyes, leaving no trace of their souls.

I rely on!

This kid is really hot!

Niu Tau and the others were surprised by the sudden appearance, but then they guessed that this was probably Jiang Lin's means.

Cui Fujun and the other imperial envoys were also stunned for a moment, but they had lived for thousands of years, and they immediately realized what happened.

"Haha, what a ruthless Chief Killing Division."

It wasn't Nan Li who spoke this time. At this time, Nan Li was still in a daze.

The sun...the sun is so hot! ! !

Nan Li seemed to be able to feel his heart beating wildly.

Now he doesn't care at all how the black-faced man and the short man died, all that flashes in his mind is the flame that just appeared.

It was the kind of fire he had dreamed of getting.

Among the eight imperial envoys, he is free from fire, and he can practice with the help of all fires in the world. Nowadays, ordinary flames have no effect on him, but if it is the real fire of the sun, it will be different.

We must not let go of this slaughtering division with the true fire of the sun!

Recovering from his astonishment, Nan Li immediately said, "Even if he has taken care of this matter, he shouldn't have done so much. He simply doesn't take our Spirit Envoy seriously! We must give us an explanation, let us He will be locked in Qianji Heisha for a hundred years!"


Cui Fujun stood up directly from his seat and said loudly, "Director Jiang made great contributions to the underworld only a few days ago, but during the execution of the mission, he was disturbed by your subordinate's Soul General, which almost caused a catastrophe. This is dereliction of duty by the underworld! As your superiors, you don’t know how to introspect yourself, but instead you have to explain it. Today, I, Cui Jue, will take a look at the City God, then the Ten Halls of Hell, and even the Ksitigarbha, which one can give you an explanation!”

After saying that, Cui Fujun walked out, teleported to the side of the ya drum at the entrance of the temple, picked up the drumstick and hit it.

The function of this shocking drum is to notify the superiors or the King of Hell of the Ten Halls and invite them to come and judge when the four judges encounter something that cannot be handled.

At this moment, Niu Tau Ma and Black and White Impermanence looked at each other, is this Nanli's brain watt?

It's almost as if the words have not passed through the brain.

In this case, Cui Fujun still needs to explain, and Nima will put Jiang Lin in jail?

The brain circuit is really amazing.

"Nanli, what are you doing?"

Not to mention the bulls and the horses, the other four imperial envoys who came with Nanli also looked at Nanli with a bewildered expression. method to be prosecuted.

But even they didn't understand Nanli's divine operation.

What else can Nima want to explain?

And what's the point of imprisoning the Slaughtering Division in Qianji Heisha for a hundred years? ? ?

You don't have a fever, do you?

Several imperial envoys are panicking now, and Cui Fujun is really angry.

Nan Li is also regretting at the moment. Before, he really cared too much about the real fire of the sun, and what he said basically didn't go through his mind.

He just wanted to get Jiang Lin away and take the sun on his body.

Listening to the sound of drums coming out, the five imperial envoys became more and more empty in their hearts. Although they were self-respecting and disobeyed the orders of the underworld, the underworld had no reason to deal with them.

If the handle really fell this time, then the situation is not easy to say.

Three beeps!Five tones!Nine tones!

Depend on!

This is to invite the Ten Kings of Hell!

The Jingwen Drum of the Temple of Judges, three times to the City God, five times to the King of Hell, nine times to the Ten Halls, and ten times to the Ksitigarbha.

I say you hemp sell batch!

The four imperial envoys wanted to curse Nanli, the pig teammate, to death.

Just as they thought, it didn't take long before all the Ten Kings of Hell came to the Temple of Judges.

Cui Fujun told everything about Jiang Lin and Shi Teng, as well as the testimony of the black-faced man, as well as all the things Nan Li insisted on explaining.

Moreover, he also exaggerated some of Jiang Lin's meritorious deeds, and also talked about Jiang Lin's relief work for the earthquake in Shu in the sun.

The final result can be imagined, the Ten Kings of Hell are all furious.

Half a day later, the five imperial envoys looked as if they had eaten shit, and ran back to the Nameless Palace in a sullen mood.

Chapter [-] is still missed

"I really lost my wife and lost my army, I hate it!"

Nan Li let out a silent roar, he was so angry.

This time, the King of Hell in the Ten Halls not only gave them a serious warning to the imperial envoys, but also took the opportunity to cut their military power. In the transition area, a quarter of the areas originally under the jurisdiction of their imperial envoys were taken over by Niu Tau Ma Mian and Black and White Impermanence. .

For Nanli, these are not the most influential. The Ten Hall Kings of Hell used the reason that all of their subordinates dared to avenge their colleagues, and determined that they were also lawless, and strictly prohibited them from taking revenge against Jiang Lin. .

As long as something happened to Jianglin, the King of Hell in the Ten Halls would immediately find their imperial envoy.

In fact, the Ten Halls of Hell did this, on the one hand, to protect the Jianglin, and on the other hand, to ensure that the Rahu forbidden area could be handled by someone.

Since Jiang Lin became the keeper of the Rahu Forbidden Area, the situation there has improved a lot. Jiang Lin also plays a significant role in the underworld, and there is no room for failure.

It was hard to find someone who had the real fire of the sun, but Nanli couldn't touch it.

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