If he obtains the true fire of the sun, he will have the background of breaking the realm, and his cultivation will be able to go up a big step. At that time, with his own power and strength, he will not even pay attention to the king of the Ten Temples.

But now, he was rejoicing for nothing.

Even if he didn't want to give up, for a long time, he couldn't do anything to Jiang Lin.

It is conceivable that Nan Li's heart is so tired and crooked.

Rolling his eyes, Nan Li said, "Everyone, we can't do this any longer. The Ten Kings of Hell may have long ago wanted to divide and disintegrate us, but this time we just grabbed the handle. If this continues, our thousands of years of accumulation will be lost. gradually eroded.”

"Then what do you say? It's not because of you this time?"

"Cui Fujun is a rude and unreasonable person. You still touch his bad head in that situation, you are confused!"


The rest of the imperial envoys were quite critical of Nanli, if it wasn't for him, they wouldn't have lost a quarter of their jurisdiction.

"Now that things have happened, is there any point in accusing them? Didn't I want to maintain the prestige of our imperial envoys? Now many of the spirits in the transition area know that we are going to speak up, so I just said a few words. , who would have known that this fellow directly informed the Tenth Hall of Hell."

Nan Li found a reason for himself, he would never tell the second person that he was coveting the real fire of the sun.

"Then how do you say it should be dealt with?"

The other imperial envoys thought about it and felt that what Nan Li said was reasonable. Now that the matter has come to an end, there is no point in arguing about right or wrong.

"Before they start taking action, we must grasp the information of the top-ranking spirit generals in Zhensoul Street, and then draw them in to form an organization to firmly hold the control of the transition area in our hands. In the future, even if there is another action in the underworld, it will be difficult to really control Soul Street."

Nan Li also knew that his anger was useless now, so he could only deploy it as soon as possible. When he really had the capital to fight against the underworld, he could rest assured to get the real fire of the sun without worrying about the Ten Palace Hell King's accountability.

"This proposal is not bad. Although the Soul Requiemer is nominally our subordinate, our control over them has always been too weak."


After listening to Nanli's suggestion, the rest of the imperial envoys nodded in agreement.

The sun is so hot, I must get it!

His proposal was supported by everyone. Nan Li squinted his eyes. Although the King of Hell from the Tenth Palace gave a warning, it was absolutely impossible for him to give up on Jiang Lin.

For the real fire of the sun, he can also wait.

He didn't believe that fifty years later, or even a hundred years later, if Jiang Lin had another accident at that time, the Hell King of the Ten Halls would still be able to count the matter on his head.

Jiang Lin could never have imagined that after listening to Judge Lu's advice, he did not participate in the open and secret struggles of the underworld to avoid being involved in the vortex of struggle, but even so, he was still missed.

Although he caused such a result, he forced his way into Zhenshun Street to kill Shi Teng, but it was also because of this that it gave him a long period of stability.

Otherwise, once Nan Li learns that he has the true fire of the sun on his body, if he is unscrupulous, it will definitely bring him huge trouble and crisis.

"The bull's head and the horse's face, black and white are impermanent, pay close attention to the movements of the imperial envoy. At this time, the underworld must not be troubled at home and abroad."

In the Temple of Judges, after King Qin Guang explained some things about Cui Fujun and the four Yin Shuai, he left with the rest of the Nine Halls of Hell and returned to their respective Halls of Hell.

"I didn't expect this Chief Slaughtering Division to be really an auspicious character. Whoever touches him will have good luck."

After the Tenth Hall Hades left, Cui Fujun nodded slightly with a satisfied smile on his face.

This time, taking advantage of Jiang Lin's disturbance on Zhenshun Street, he invited the Tenth Hall King Yama, and let Yuling make them suffer a big loss, weakening their power a lot.

If it weren't for the special situation now, it would be inconvenient to liquidate, maybe it could be cut more ruthlessly.

"That's not it. We only met him two days ago, and something good happened today."

Niu Tau Ma Mian and Black and White Impermanence are also quite happy. If there is no such thing as Jiang Lin, they will not be able to take a quarter of the area from the hands of the imperial envoy.

"Master Cui, if there is no other order, the lower official will retire first."


Cui Fujun waved his hand, he still needs to discuss some things with the four Yin Shuai, and Judge Lu is not convenient to be present.

I didn't expect it to be so big this time.

On the way back to the palace, Judge Lu felt that his head was still dazed.

He really did not expect that Cui Fujun would call all the Kings of Hell in the Ten Halls.

However, he also knew that the purpose of Cui Fujun's move was not to support Jiang Lin and decide, but for ulterior motives.

But at least on the surface, King Yama of the Ten Halls only came to the Judge's Temple for Jiang Lin's affairs. If this was spread out, it would be incredible.

Judge Lu could imagine that Jiang Lin would come down in the future. If other judges met him, they would greet him with great enthusiasm.

Not to mention Yin Si, even if something happened to their judge, it is impossible to alert the Ten Kings of Hell.

And Jiang Lin, as the Chief Slaughtering Division, can be treated like this, whoever does not flatter is stupid.

The one thousand and seventy-two chapters of the monk Meng destroy the Tao?

Jiang Lin didn't know that what he did in Zhenshun Street would stir such a big storm.

He is still waiting for the following news notification in Li Yangju, but two days have passed, and there is no movement at all.

"It seems that I have nothing to do with it."

Now that almost half a month has passed in the underworld, if there is to be held accountable, it should be notified early in the morning. Since there has been no movement yet, Jiang Lin no longer cares about the outcome of this matter.

On this day, Jiang Lin refined all the three guardian spirits he received into a mixture of spiritual energy and ghost energy, stored two of them, and distributed the last one to Chen Yu and the other charm spirits. Li Yingqi and Axiu also share the charm.

Li Yingqi couldn't protect himself because he was asleep, and Axiu often went out with Mao Xiaofang, so Jiang Lin gave them the strongest charms.

It seems to be approaching the critical limit.

Jiang Lin felt the strength of a group of charming spirits, and knew that he could no longer supplement them.

Unless he breaks through again and his strength rises to a higher level, otherwise, if the Charm Spirit reaches the level of a ghost king, it may devour the master.

After Jiang Lin returned to his room, he just placed the Emei Three Treasures on the Immortal Burial Coffin when Ningshuang walked in from outside and looked at him with coquettish eyes.

"Ningshuang, what's the matter? Do you still want it?"

The corners of Jiang Lin's mouth were full of bad intentions. Last night, Ningshuang was fed by him. Could it be that he was already full?


Ningshuang groaned, and then said: "Husband, I miss my father and want to go back to my mother's house with you, but I also know that my sisters and sisters are reluctant to leave you, so let's write a letter to my father and ask him to come to our place. Is it okay for a while?"

"When you said that, I remembered that since I moved, my uncle hasn't come to see him yet. I'll write a letter to him and ask him to come over as soon as possible. Maybe we can spend the Lantern Festival together."

Jiang Lin originally planned to contact Master Hong Jinbao after the new year to go to Jiu Shu together with him to discuss what happened in Japan. Since Ningshuang missed Jiu Shu, he could let Jiu Shu come here.

"Great, I'll go buy some cloth and make two new clothes for Dad."

"Go ahead, by the way, tell Tian Yiyuemei Qingfengyuechi and the others, the ugly daughter-in-law wants to see the father-in-law."

"Okay, I'm going to tell the sisters that you think they are ugly."

Ningshuang kissed Jiang Lin's face and ran out with a smile.

I hope that Uncle Shi will bring more entanglements when he comes. There are nearly [*] disciples-in-law who have never met before.

Jiang Lin imagined the scene after Ninth Uncle arrived, and found it very interesting.

"This place is nice."

Five days later, seven miles away from Gantian Town, Uncle Ninth looked into the distance from a high place, and the direction he was looking at was Gantian Town.

"Hello, how do I get to Li Yangju?"

After entering Gantian Town, because Jiang Lin did not mention the exact location of Li Yangju in the letter, Uncle Niu just happened to lead the cattle out of the town, so Uncle Ninth asked him for directions.

Uncle Niu responded: "Li Yangju, are you looking for Master Jiang? At the end of the town in the last row."

After Jiu Shu thanked Uncle Niu, he went straight to the end of the town.

"Jiang Lin, such a large Taoist temple, has also set up a barrier."

When he arrived at the door of Li Yangju, Ninth Uncle was stunned for a moment. With his eyesight, he could naturally see the powerful barrier arranged around Liyangju.

Although Jiang Lin's Taoist temple in Gantian Town used to be protected by an enchantment, the area of ​​that Taoist temple was incomparable to that of Li Yang's residence. It was ten times more difficult to set up an enchantment.

"Ninth Uncle! Are you here today?"

Uncle Ping, the housekeeper, just came out of the gate. After seeing Uncle Ninth, he quickly invited him in.

"Master, are you here today?"

Jiang Lin came to the living room from the second hospital. He hadn't seen his ninth uncle for more than a year, and he was also very happy.

"I miss my daughter, so I rushed over as soon as possible. I haven't seen you for more than a year, and it seems that you have done a lot of great things again. Come and talk to your uncle. When I went out with senior brother Hangu last year to hunt down a demon king , when you saw the Canglong Qisu transfer over the south, did you use the flying dragon and the seven star formation? Did the flying zombie show up? Also, I heard that there was a corpse disaster in the vicinity, and you also issued a summoning order. At that time, I Brother Hangu and Brother Hangu chased out of the Great Wall because of the demon king, and I only found out not long ago, so tell me."

Ninth Uncle took a sip of tea and asked Jiang Lin to talk about what happened in the past two years.

Jiang Lin told Uncle Jiu about the zombies in Chunlai Town, dealing with Zuo Ci, and the appearance of the Gorefiend in Gantian Town.

Jiang Lin also told Jiu Shu what happened in Shu and the crossing of the East Ocean.

"Golden Armored Zombie? Mao Zong? Gorefiend?"

The more Ninth Uncle listened, the more unbelievable it became, until he heard about Jiang Lin's single-handed pressure on the Japanese cultivator world, his face became ugly.

"Stinky boy, you are so daring!"

"If something goes wrong with you, what should my daughter Xiaoshuang do?"

"Can the two daughters of Senior Brother Hangu still live?"

Ninth Uncle suddenly gave Jiang Lin a reprimand against Sanlian.

Even if Jiang Lin is only a disciple, Ninth Uncle is very worried about his safety, not to mention that Jiang Lin is still his son-in-law.

Jiang Lin touched his nose. He was already mentally prepared. After all, none of these things could be done by ordinary people, and even a Taoist priest could not handle it.

The risk factor is ridiculously high.

"Cough cough... Uncle Master, I'm fine, I'm drinking tea, I'm going to retire early in the future, and I won't take the initiative to take risks."

Jiang Lin can only say this to let Jiu Shu feel relieved.

After the conversation changed, Jiang Lin asked, "Uncle Shi, have you heard of that "Dao Zang"? When I was in Japan, I met a few ninjas who knew strange techniques. Instead of using the spiritual energy in the room and the spiritual power in the body, we use our own energy.”

Ninth Uncle has a not-so-good problem, that is, once someone asks a question, he subconsciously wants to answer it. Jiang Lin really changed the subject by asking such a question.

Frowning his brows, Ninth Uncle fell into memory. After a while, he arrived: "I seem to have heard Master, your Master, say some information about this classic, but not much."

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