After a pause, Uncle Jiu continued: "The last time "Dao Zang" appeared in the Yuan Dynasty seems to be in the Yuan Dynasty. At that time, monks and monks destroyed Taoism. That time had a great impact on our Taoism. This Taoist classic should belong to the Tianshifu of Longhu Mountain. As for how it was lost, and what happened in the past, there are very few documents."

"Monk Meng destroys the Dao?"

"Yes, it was the monk and the Mongolian soldiers. At that time, the two families of monks and Taoists were at odds. Later, for some reason, the Mongolian soldiers united many monks to destroy the Taoism of our Middle Earth Taoism. ."

The first thousand and seventy-three chapters of the dumbfounded ninth uncle

I'm going, is it that serious?

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment. Although he knew that Daozang was related to the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism, he did not know the intensity of the dispute at that time.

It has actually reached the level of destroying the Taoism of Middle-earth Taoism.

"How about the history of the Yuan Dynasty, it has nothing to do with us. It's just that this classic and the research results of different techniques are not easy to handle. I have read it, and it is of no use to me. Master, do you have any suggestions? Originally I'm also going to go to Master Hong Jinbao and Uncle Master to discuss it together, after all, the research results of this classic and other arts have a considerable impact on the outside world."

"Since you took it back from Japan, hundreds of years have passed, you naturally have the right to dispose of them, and you can deal with them how you want. But if it's useless to you, you might as well spread it out, after all They are all treasures that belong to our Middle Earth, and they are also the wealth of wisdom left by our ancestors. I think Master Hong Jinbao’s attitude should be similar to mine.”

"Dao Zang" was retrieved by Jiang Lin from a foreign country at a price, and five or six hundred years had passed since the lost time. If it wasn't useless to Jiang Lin, Ninth Uncle naturally wouldn't suggest that he hand it over like this.

But since this thing has no value to Jiang Lin, it doesn't matter.

"Okay, take a moment, I'll go to Longhu Mountain."

Jiang Lin nodded slightly. For other Taoist priests, "Dao Zang" and different techniques may be very important, but for him, that's the same thing.If this classic really once belonged to Longhu Mountain, he would rather go to Longhu Mountain to exchange something useful for himself and his family instead of keeping it.

And if the different techniques spread, and wars break out in the future, this classic and manuscript can also play a lot of roles.

If the Taoist priests in Middle-earth learn from the above content, or if someone learns different techniques, they can kill more Oriental demons, destroy a group of Japanese ninjas, and kill many small Japanese.

Isn't this cool?

"I didn't expect that the dragon veins of our Huaxia turned out to be the backbone of Emperor Xuanyuan, and it is located in the land of Shu. Now that the Canglong Qisu has moved and the Qi of the dragon veins leaked, I am afraid that it will not be long before the emperor star will fall, and the army will be defeated and killed as a temple. already."

Uncle Jiu sighed, the phenomenon of heaven is a phenomenon of great chaos. Before the Sino-Japanese War, there was a similar phenomenon. Maybe there will be another battle in a few years.

"This is also something that can't be helped. If we fall behind, we will be beaten. We are only Taoist priests, and we can't change it."

After chatting with Uncle Jiu for a few more words, Jiang Lin asked Zhang Han about the current situation, and then asked him about Miaoshan.

It's a pity that although Ninth Uncle has heard of it, he doesn't know much about Miaoshan.

"By the way, what about Xiaoshuang, my father has been here for so long, why hasn't she come out yet? She doesn't need a father when she has a husband?"

"She didn't get up yet, let me call her."

Jiang Lin touched his nose. His wives hadn't gotten up yet.

"Are you sick?"

"Uh... no, that... she was tired last night."

Ninth Uncle: "..."

It's almost half past ten, and I haven't woken up yet, the young people are really energetic!


It didn't take long for Ning Cream to wash up, and after a little dressing, she went to the living room.

"You arrived today? I thought you would arrive tomorrow."

Ningshuang's pretty face was a little red, which was too embarrassing. Her father came from a long way, but she didn't get up even after the sun was shining.

"I haven't returned to my mother's house for such a long time. As an empty-nest old man, I missed my daughter and son-in-law, so I came early."

"It's brother, he's too busy."

Ningshuang stuck out her tongue and was embarrassed by Ninth Uncle.

"Uncle Master!"

"Uncle Shi! Happy New Years to you."

Chen Yu and the others also came out of the inner courtyard one after another to greet Jiu Shu.

"Hey, Chili, you are getting younger and younger. You have become an alchemist, and Tingting is getting more and more beautiful."

"Uncle Master!"

"Uncle Master!"

"Zhuzhu, Jingjing, and Nianying are really getting more and more popular."

As Jingjing Nianying and Caiyi came to the living room one by one, Ninth Uncle was unable to say hello.

Ning Shuang walked behind Ninth Uncle and tucked a stack of red packets into the belt on his back.

After a while, Ninth Uncle had to give out red envelopes. If he didn't prepare it before, it would be a little embarrassing.

As the sound of "Uncle Master" came into his ears, the smile on Uncle Ninth's face gradually stiffened, and then his eyebrows completely turned into a straight line, and finally he was completely dumbfounded.

He still knew Bai Miner who was behind Xiaoru, but he didn't know any of the people who came after him.

One doesn't know, two don't know, three don't know...

Finally gone.

After Zhang Xiaochuan walked to the living room, Uncle Ninth couldn't help but glanced at the inner courtyard, and finally no one called him Uncle Shi anymore.

"Cough, uncle, let me introduce you, this is Min'er, your daughter-in-law, you met when you were in Renjia Town, this is Tian Yi, this is Yue Mei... Both are your daughter-in-law."

"Huh? Oh, um."

Ninth Uncle is now like a patient suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

"Father, so you prepared a red envelope."

Ningshuang took off the more than ten red packets tucked on Ninth Uncle's belt and shook his shoulders.

"Huh? Oh, yes yes yes."

Seeing that Ningshuang kept winking at herself, Ninth Uncle finally recovered from the daze, and took the red envelopes to distribute to Bai Miner and the others one by one.

"Thank you, uncle!"

After Bai Min'er and the other "new daughters-in-law" received the red envelopes, they bowed to Ninth Uncle together.

"Oh my god."

Uncle Jiu felt that all the hairs on his body stood on end.

"Okay, Chili Tingting Ningshuang, you all go to the kitchen, Shu Ning, Xiaochuan, you all go to help."

Jiang Lin knew that Jiu Shu was not used to such a scene, so he let his wives go.

"You are really capable!"

Ninth Uncle rolled his eyes. He hadn't seen Jiang Lin for more than a year, and he had more than ten daughters-in-law.

"Uh... so-so."

"I think Chili and Min'er have entered the level of alchemists, and you have been together for a long time. How is it, are you pregnant?"

Jiu Shu and Zhang Han used to do divination for Jiang Lin before, and knew that he was "old to have a son", but now that Jiang Lin has so many wives, no matter how special his physique is, he should have won the lottery.

"Uh...that...they didn't."

"Haha, with so many wives, you still don't lay any eggs. Shanshan, who was born in autumn, will be born next year!"

Ninth Uncle pouted. He had always felt that Qiu Sheng was incomparable to his youngest disciple, but now, Qiu Sheng finally overwhelmed Jiang Lin in some way.

There is only one wife, and now the baby is eight months old, but you, more than [*], do not lay a single egg!

The first thousand and seventy-four chapters of the five gods

"I don't have a special physique."

Jiang Lin laughed dryly. As for Xiaoru's pregnancy, he didn't tell his ninth uncle. If she was pregnant or not, it was empty joy.

I didn't expect Qiu Sheng to be a father soon.

Jiang Lin couldn't help sighing that time passed by so quickly, it had been almost ten years since he came to this world.

"How are the two senior brothers Qiusheng and Wencai now?"

"They are doing well. Wencai is in Jiuquan Town, and he is close to your uncle Simu. With his care, business is okay. As for Qiusheng, in Chaita Town in Fujian, it is not bad."

Jiu Shu talked about Qiusheng and Wencai, and also mentioned Jiale. This kid just left the school last year and went to Yungui.

The teacher and the apprentice continued to chat until noon, before they went to the second hospital for dinner.

In the evening, Ningshuang tidyed up a room and let Uncle Ninth stay there.

On the second day, Jianglin's family and Ninth Uncle went to the street after dinner. Today is the Lantern Festival, and the street is full of lanterns, which is quite lively.

Xiaoli and Xiaoqian were also with Ren Tingting and the others. The four of them didn't want to stay at home, so Jiang Lin brought them along.

When he was in Renjiazhen before, Uncle Ninth knew that Xiaohong, the ghost girl, was protecting Ren Tingting and them, so he didn't ask what Jiang Lin had to do with them.

"Ningshuang, what's Jiang Lin doing to you? Has he left you out? If you're wronged, tell your father and I'll beat him up."

Ninth Uncle asked Ning Shuang, who was beside him, how he had been here for more than a year. If Jiang Lin neglected his precious daughter, he would have to smoke someone.

Ningshuang responded: "Dad, don't worry, brother, he is very good to me, very precious."

"As long as you are doing well, Dad will be relieved. By the way, you call him over, and I have something to tell him."

Although Ninth Uncle didn't doubt that Jiang Lin had anything to do with the four female ghosts, but he saw Xiao Li and the others with bright eyes, and they were born into a beautiful country, and felt that it was necessary to remind Jiang Lin.

"Master, what's the matter?"

"Jiang Lin, although you have a celestial body, the combination of human and ghost is always harmful to you. You have to control it. I think Xiaoli and Xiaoqian are very beautiful."

"Don't worry about this uncle, I and them are very clear!"

Jiang Lin was talking nonsense in a serious manner, while Ningshuang on the side covered Sakura's mouth, for fear that he would laugh.

While the group was walking, Captain Song and Zhou Yuan, who were still wearing police uniforms, came up to say hello when they saw Jiang Lin.

"Master Jiang, are you also visiting the lamp market? Who is this?"

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