Captain Song looked at Ji Yu's high-spirited and refined temperament, so he asked one more question.

"Yes, I brought my family to join in the fun. This is my master, with a long eyebrow."

"Wow! Master Jiang's master? You are actually Master Jiang's master! Master Jiang is so powerful, isn't your old man an old fairy??"

Loud speaker Zhou Yuan heard Jiang Lin say that the ninth uncle is the master, and immediately shouted, and bowed to the ninth uncle repeatedly as a god.

When Zhou Yuan howled, all the townspeople who joined in the fun gathered around one after another.

"Master Jiang is already so powerful, his master should be a fairy!"

"Old god, I really want to thank you. Master Jiang has done a lot for our Gantian Town and saved us many times."

"The old gentleman is really immortal!"

The townspeople talked a lot, and they all regarded Ninth Uncle as a figure of the level of the patriarch.

Ninth Uncle was surrounded by a large group of people as if they were gods, and he was a little caught off guard.

The apprentice's arrogance really gave me a long face.

"Ahem, in fact, Jiang Lin is the worst apprentice I've ever taught. He's still shallow, and what he does is just trivial things."

Uncle Ninth straightened his waist and spoke nonsense to all the townspeople.

Uncle, you have changed.

It is definitely because I have been with Master for too long, and I have learned badly from him.

So, won't your conscience hurt?

Jiang Lin was speechless, if Ninth Uncle was a little modest, it would be fine, but he even said something like "the worst apprentice I have ever taught".

"By the way, Captain Song, it's only Lantern Festival today. Are you going to work so early?"

Jiang Lin didn't care that Uncle Jiu was arguing with the townspeople, and asked Captain Song next to him.

"Where can you go to work so early? Someone in Dujia Village and Fangjiadai around the town reported the case, saying that women and children in their village and several surrounding villages were missing. We suspected human traffickers and patrolled the town. Others My colleagues have all gone to the villages and towns below to investigate.”

Captain Song lit a cigarette, and when he mentioned the recent events, his lungs hurt. It was a good holiday. During the Lantern Festival, people could stroll around lanterns and guess lantern riddles, but they still had to work because of this.

"You're not angry, I didn't even eat the glutinous rice balls at night!"

On the side, Zhou Yuan was swearing, saying that if the traffickers were caught, they would have to be cramped and skinned before they would be shot.

"Captain, Captain!"

At this moment, A Zhong from the police station ran out of an alley, his face was like a blank piece of paper, and his uniform became a strip of cloth hanging on his body.

"Master Jiang, you're here, it's great! Come on, it's Wutongshen, a few colleagues can't hold it anymore, they're in Cuikui!"

When Ah Zhong ran to Captain Song's side, he was exhausted and fainted from exhaustion.


Captain Song hurried over to check Ah Zhong's breath, only to find that he just passed out, and he was relieved.

For a while, the happy atmosphere in this street suddenly quieted down.

"Sanyuan, send Azhong back, Master Jiang, what is Wutongshen? It seems that you need to take action."

After Captain Song ordered Zhou Yuan, he looked at Jiang Lin.

Although he didn't know what Wutongshen was, since he had the word "God", it was definitely not a kind of goodness.

"Wu Tongshen is also known as Wu Zhanshen. He was originally a demon who practiced sorcery. He liked prostitutes, wives and daughters. Later, he was executed, but not all of them were killed. Getting rich, so it spread among the people, and was worshipped as the god of wealth, and became an evil god. Those who worship the gods of five powers often sacrifice beautiful women and young children as sacrifices for them to vent. In all dynasties, sacrifices are strictly prohibited. Let's go and have a look."

Jiang Lin explained it to Captain Song and wanted to go with him.

"Jiang Lin, I went there too. I didn't expect that Wutongshen had disappeared for decades, and now it has appeared again."

At this time, Ninth Uncle also came over and wanted to go there together. His eyebrows were folded into a V shape, and there are still people offering sacrifices to the gods of Wutong, which is unforgivable!

Chapter [*] is outrageous!

Because Wutongshen has been enshrined by the world, he has the power of faith, and destroying it is harmful to himself, so Jiu Shu decided to go with him. If he wants to give Wutongshen the last blow, he will replace Jiang Lin. .

"With Master Jiang and the old immortal coming together, you don't have to be afraid of any monsters."

Captain Song was overjoyed, Jiang Lin was already so strong, if Ninth Uncle went together again, there would be nothing to fear.

"Husband, let's go too."

Chen Yu, Bai Min'er, and Caiyi will also go with them. They also know that Wutongshen is an abominable evil god. As women, they can't wait to put Wutongshen into the eighteenth hell.

"Go on, we'll be back in a short time."

Jiang Lin waved his hand. In the past, when the Wutongshen appeared, the place of sacrifice was full of blood. He didn't want his wives to go back and not be able to eat.

"Uncle, take us there, we also want to do our part."

Ah Hai and Ah Chu squeezed out of the crowd and asked Jiang Lin to take them.

They were wandering in the street before, and when they heard the townspeople's discussions, they knew there was a demon, so they rushed over all the way.

Since Mao Xiaofang left, they have been working hard to cultivate. Now that the master is away, and something happened to the town, they also came up with some strength.

The last time Mao Xiaofang was dealing with the Gorefiend, he died once, which was a big blow to A Hai and A Chu. They also changed their previous attitudes and hoped to be their master's help.

Especially Ah Chu, now he really wants to become a Taoist as soon as possible. He used to have a good impression of Shu Ning, but Shu Ning moved to Li Yangju. Later, Shu Ning's cousin Zhang Xiaochuan came to visit Gantian Town. He changed his target again, but he didn't. It didn't take long for Zhang Xiaochuan to become the mistress of Li Yangju.

It's so pitiful!

Now he just wants to leave the apprenticeship as soon as possible, leave Gantian Town as soon as possible, and stay far away from Jianglin.

"Okay, let's go together."

Jiang Lin nodded. He also knew that these two boys were working harder now than before, and if they just brought them over, they could also give him a shot.

As for whether they can eat or not, it is not something he considers.

Jiang Lin did not delay much, and let Captain Song lead the way.

Cuikuili is around Gantian Town, belonging to the jurisdiction of Gantian Town, eight or nine miles east of Gantian Town.

"Senior, it turns out that you are the master of the uncle, and it is only the luck of the younger generation to meet you for three lifetimes."

"Senior, you are really immortal, and the admiration of the younger generation for you is like a surging river."

On the way, Jiang Lin and Jiu Shu introduced two juniors, A Hai and A Chu were madly flattering Jiu Shu.

They, like Captain Song and the townspeople, thought that Jiang Lin was so powerful, and Uncle Jiu, as a master, should be even more unfathomable.

"You are not far from the Daoist level. If you spend more energy on your cultivation, you should be able to make a difference in the future."

Ninth Uncle looked at Ahai Achu and encouraged them with words.

"Don't flatter yourself, hurry up and hurry."

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, these two boys are very good at flattering. If they used these skills in cultivation, they wouldn't be in their twenties and have not yet graduated.

Ah Hai and Ah Chu sneered and stopped talking.

After half an hour, the group arrived at their destination.

"Captain, help!"

As soon as Jiang Lin and the others arrived, they heard the cry for help from the depths of the street.

Four policemen) (The policeman was surrounded by a group of goblins, they were back to each other, each holding a magic talisman purchased from Li Yangju to protect themselves from being harmed by the goblins.

Because they were engaged in high-risk occupations, they all bought some amulets, such as amulets and warding off evil spirits, in Li Yangju. These are the amulets that saved their lives.

"Master, leave it to us."

Ah Hai and Ah Chu rushed over first, these ghosts are evil ghosts and ferocious ghosts, for them now, it is not a problem at all.

The two took magic tools such as the Eight Trigrams Mirror and the Ghost Sealing Bag, and then divided the little ghosts by three and five.

"It seems that the master Mao Xiaofang Mao you mentioned is not bad. These two boys are much stronger than Qiusheng and Wencai before."

Ninth Uncle looked at A Hai and A Chu's performance, his eyes lit up, at least Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai at this age couldn't achieve this level at all.

"If they didn't experience setbacks, they wouldn't be like today. Mao Xiaofang died once, but it was confiscated from below and let him return to the sun again."

Jiang Lin is now more pleasing to the eyes of Mao Xiaofang's two apprentices than before. When Mao Xiaofang is away, as long as they come to ask for advice, he will also teach them.

Not long after, Captain Song asked several subordinates for the specific situation.

Several subordinates said that they discovered that the villagers of Dujia Village had been kidnapped and went up to intercept them. As a result, the kidnappers called Wutongshen, and they were trapped. If it wasn't for the amulets and warding off evil spirits on their bodies, they would have been giggling long ago.

"Master Jiang, look at you, the situation is urgent, saving people is the most important thing, we don't have time to look for them one by one."

Captain Song knew that Jiang Lin knew the art of inquiring about ghosts. Now that Ah Hai and Ah Chu had caught some little ghosts, they could directly ask for clues. Otherwise, it might be too late.

Jiang Lin nodded and asked Ah Hai to release the evil spirits he had collected. After a few tortures, he asked the location of Wutongshen.

Five minutes later, Jiang Lin and Captain Song arrived in front of a manor, and there was a strong fragrance of flowers wafting out, so strong that people sneezed.

"There is a bloody smell in this floral fragrance."

Ninth Uncle moved his nose and smelled the smell of blood from the fragrant floral fragrance.


Jiang Lin kicked open the door of the manor, and the people inside heard the movement, and immediately came out with tools such as sickles, hoes, and rakes, and gathered in the yard.

Captain Song took out his pistol, pointed at the people on the opposite side and said, "We are the police of Gantian Town) (Police, now I suspect that you kidnapped and killed the surrounding villagers, put down your weapons quickly!"

"What are you talking about, it is recommended to shoot directly!"

Jiang Lin snorted, then waved his arm, the doors of the surrounding rooms were instantly opened, and the scene inside made Captain Song and the others feel their scalps numb.

Simply outrageous!

In the side room hung children and fruit girls with strange postures. Some children even lacked arms and legs. There was a lot of blood flowing on the walls and the ground.

It's like a few slaughterhouses!

Jiang Lin's fingertips shot out again and again, and painful groans came from the side room.


The two policemen with relatively low tolerance directly vomited out.

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