Moreover, these five gods can provide him with a lot of hostility, and the ninth uncle has already destroyed one, and there can be no more.

When Ninth Uncle heard Jiang Lin's words, he immediately became unhappy, and said, "What? Your kid is promising now, do you think Master Uncle is getting old?"

"Uncle Shi, I'm not worried that you have any accident, so I can't explain it to Ningshuang."

"What accident could there be? I still have the charm you left on me, don't worry about me."

Without waiting for Jiang Lin to respond, Ninth Uncle picked up his sword and rushed out, facing a Wutongshen.

Jiang Lin was quite speechless. His father-in-law wanted to rob him of his head, but he refused to listen.

Second uncle's!

Jiang Lin directly vented his depression on the remaining two evil spirits.

He slashed wildly with his sword, and several crescent-shaped sword qi flew away. The two evil gods still don't know why Jiang Lin and Ninth Uncle are immune to their willpower. They have learned from the past, and they naturally dare not dare to do it again. Letting the attack fall on him, he quickly avoided the sword energy.

While they were dodging, Jiang Lin took out a few wish-breaking talismans, projected them, and landed on the two evil gods with unparalleled accuracy.

"Big brother! This talisman breaks the power of wishes, no wonder they are not afraid of the power of faith in us!"

"So that's the case. I thought they practiced some kind of special magic. It turned out to be a magic talisman like this. Humph! Thinking that the power of will has no effect and can deal with us?"

The two evil gods Jie Jie sneered, and then let out a sharp ghost howl together.

The gloomy wind in the manor shook, and one after another, the female ghosts and young ghosts who were naked and covered in blood all flew here.

"Give it to me! Haha, don't you Taoist priests subdue demons and exorcise demons? These female ghosts and young ghosts all died of injustice, and now they are used by us. If you want to deal with us, you can beat them to pieces! Haha~ ~”

The two Heretic Gods were proud and laughed loudly. With these ghosts of unjust death, they would be able to make Jiang Lin and Ninth Uncle succumb.

These unjust ghosts suffered inhuman torture before they died. If Jiang Lin and Jiu Shu were righteous Taoists, they would definitely not have the heart to beat them to pieces.

And if the two of them can't bear to start, they will be consumed by these ghosts sooner or later.

"Give my life back, pay my life back!"

A group of unjust ghosts rushed towards Jiang Lin and Ninth Uncle. Because of the cruel torture they suffered before death, they were stunned by hatred and grievances after death. At this time, they had completely lost their rationality.

"Jiang Lin, what should we do now? It's just not natural for these five gods to be immortal!"

Ninth Uncle retreated to Jiang Lin's side, looking at the ghosts flying all over the sky, he was so angry that his chest couldn't help heaving.

These poor people suffer that kind of pain in life, and they will be used as tools by the murderer after they die. They cannot be forgiven!

"You want me to bet against the rat? It's a pity you made the wrong abacus! Today, I, Jiang Linfei, asked you to beg for death!"

The first thousand and seventy-eight chapters have revenge and revenge, this is the transcendence

"It's a joke, and we can't beg for death? If we didn't expect you to have the means to break our vows, how could we have lost two brothers!"

"Taste the pain of being eaten by ghosts!"

The three Wutongshen retreated behind the wronged ghost, preparing to appreciate the tragic images of Jiang Lin and Jiu Shu who were torn apart by the ghosts.

These ghosts are their collections for hundreds of years, some are beautiful female ghosts, and some are young ghosts who are full of grievances, and there are hundreds of them.

Even if there are a few more Celestial Masters, and being attacked by this group of wronged ghosts at the same time, it will be the same end.

"Uncle, you step back."

Jiang Lin asked Uncle Ninth to retreat behind him, and he took out Commander Yin and sacrificed himself.

The token in mid-air was injected by Jiang Lin's spiritual power, and suddenly burst into a strong light, forming a cone-shaped field of light.

The powerful suction force also erupted at the same time, and quickly took in a group of ghosts in front and in the air.

Some time ago, Jiang Lin led a team to kill the Blood Ghost King in the Rahu forbidden area of ​​the underworld, and made a great contribution. Not only Judge Lu, but also he himself was promoted to become the fifth-rank palm killing division.

Now his Yin Commander is used to collect these wronged ghosts, which is just right.Even if the number reaches hundreds, it has not yet reached the upper limit of the token.

A few Wutong gods thought of good things, thinking that using these wicked ghosts could make Jiang Lin tie his hands or even die here, and they wanted to eat ass!

What they rely on, for Jiang Lin, is not even a hair at all.

"Five-grade... five-grade Yin Division??"

When Ninth Uncle saw Jiang Lin's privacy token, he exclaimed in surprise.

He knew that Jiang Lin was a ghost in the world, but he never imagined that Jiang Lin had officially become a yin division, and he was still a fifth-grade yin division.

"Yin Si!"

"He...he's actually a Yin Si!"

At this time, the three Wutongshen who were about to vent their anger by admiring the tragic situation of Jiang Lin and Ninth Uncle, the proud expressions on their faces instantly solidified, and then they screamed in unison.

Jiang Lin is not only a Celestial Master, but also a Yin Si!

"As I said earlier, it's an extravagant wish to make you want to die today!"

After hundreds of unjust ghosts were absorbed by Commander Yin, Jiang Lin called them back into his hands, and then stared coldly at the three Wutongshen.



"Flee separately!"

The three evil gods finally panicked now, turning into three streams of light and quickly fled in three directions.

Before that, Jiang Lin's identity as a celestial master and his ninth uncle, who was also a celestial master, did not make them have much fear, but now Jiang Lin has revealed his identity as a yin division, so that they will no longer dare to give birth to any confrontation mind.

As ghosts, they can still fight against the Celestial Master, but in the face of the Yin Si, they are properly restrained without any temper.

Escape is the most important thing!


Jiang Lin's body turned into an afterimage, and when the three evil gods were about to escape, he had already moved.

More than ten Dao Yang Fingers shot out, and the three streams of light burst out with shrill ghost screams, and the speed of Fei Dun suddenly dropped a lot.

"You two and I!"

Ninth Uncle's response was not slow, his body rose and fell like a rabbit, and he raised his sword and chased after one of the five gods.

Since Ninth Uncle insisted on dealing with one, Jiang Lin didn't say more.

If you are robbed, you will be robbed.

He also knew that Ninth Uncle was gnashing his teeth with hatred for these three Five Ability Gods.

"It's only now that I want to escape, don't you think it's too late!"

Jiang Lin shook his arms, and the Yang Yan whip that jumped out from between his palms shook out, entangling the two evil gods.

After the Yang Yan whip bound the Wutongshen, the raging flames in Jiang Lin's body rushed straight along the fire whip, and the two Wutongshens were wrapped in a huge fireball almost instantly.


"Master Yin Si, spare your life!"

"Shangxian, I beg Shangxian to spare us a dog's life!"

The two evil gods who were burned in the fireball screamed and begged Jiang Lin for mercy together.

Wutongshen, who was in high spirits a few minutes ago, is now like two dogs, whining non-stop.

At the same time, the evil god that the ninth uncle was chasing had been destroyed. He deliberately stared at the one that was pierced by several yang fingers. In addition, under his anger, he exerted twelve points of strength, and in just a short time The fight was resolved within two minutes.

"Xianchang, the little one knows the art of fortune, and can bring great wealth to the fairy!"

"Shangxian, as long as you leave me waiting for the dog's life, we will definitely help you carry the wealth of the world!"

In the end, the remaining two Wutong gods could only scream and scream, scrambling to explain the role and value they could play, begging Jiang Lin not to beat them to pieces.

"Don't be afraid, I won't kill you yet."

Jiang Lin laughed and added some Yang flames to the two balls of fire. If these two Five Ability Gods were easily burned to fly ashes, it would be really cheap for them.

As for the windfall wealth they were talking about, Jiang Lin didn't even hear it.

He really doesn't like it.

The two five gods were burned by Yang Yan, so that the whole manor was filled with shrill and miserable screams.

Ninth Uncle came to Jiang Lin, looked at the two fireballs in the air, gritted his teeth and said, "I really deserve this!"

Then he looked at Captain Song and the others who were treating women and children in the distance, and told Jiang Lin to help.

Ah Hai and Ah Chu heard the screams of ghosts, and they all came to Jianglin.

"Uncle Shi, we have basically taken all the grievances in the manor, and we can save them when we go back."

"Why go back?"

Jiang Lin laughed and asked A Hai and A Chu to release the captured ghosts. Then he took out Commander Yin and released the captured ghosts in batches, letting them listen to the two fives. The gods screamed and wailed.

Some ghosts with relatively light grievances heard the screams of Wutongshen, and it didn't take long for their grievances to gradually dissipate.

As for those resentful, Jiang Lin took the Yang Yan around Wutongshen and let them go up to bite.

After biting at the enemy, the resentment on them gradually began to fade.

Only a very small part of the grievances of the ghosts did not decrease, but Jiang Lin isolated them and put them aside.

Looking at the two juniors beside him, Jiang Lin said, "What spells and Sanskrit sounds are there to save trouble? Revenge for revenge and revenge for injustice, this is transcendence."

"But Uncle Shi, we have never heard Master say that there is such a way to save the souls of the dead."

Ah Hai and Ah Chu glanced at each other, expressing incomprehension.

"Then I'll ask the two of you. If you have a conflict with others, and outsiders don't know the reason for the conflict, I advise you to be generous. How do you feel?"

Ah Chu responded immediately: "Of course it was outrageous. Those who persuade without knowing the reason deserve to be struck by lightning!"

Jiang Lin looked at Ah Chu and said with a smile, "Isn't it the same reason that Taoist monks treat resentful ghosts by forcibly chanting mantras or chanting Buddhas to save them?"

Chapter [*] Goblin?

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