
Ah Chu and Ah Hai were at a loss for words when asked by Jiang Lin. Ever since they learned Taoism from Mao Xiaofang, they never thought that the matter of transcendence could be viewed from this angle.

"Don't be stunned there, those resentments are not dissipated, it is up to you to recite the mantra to dispel their resentment."

Jiang Lin pointed to the part of the ghosts that he had isolated. Even if they learned that the enemy's family was burned and bitten on the ghost body of Wutongshen, they still couldn't get rid of their grievances, so Jiang Lin could only do it. Coercive measures are taken.

This is equivalent to the fact that the enemy is dead, and the body is whipped by himself, but even so, if they don't stop, they can only be forced to fall.

After Jiang Lin finished cooking hundreds of ghosts, Jiang Lin directly burned the two evil spirits into nothingness.

At this time, the matter with Captain Song and the others was coming to an end. Because the murderer had already been executed and the manpower was insufficient, Captain Song sent his subordinates to transfer other colleagues in Gantian Town.

As for the victims, those who can be saved will be bandaged and sent to the surrounding villages and Gantian Town for treatment. For those who have already suffered, there is nothing they can do.

While saving people, they also searched the entire manor and escorted the owner and accomplices who were hiding in the manor to the gate.

"It's true that people's hearts are more poisonous than ghosts!"

Jiu Shu returned to Jiang Lin's side with anger in his heart.

This time, he also lived for a long time. For the sake of money and fortune, the animals in the manor sent their wives and daughters, as well as their aunts and even their mothers.

This is true even for one's own female relatives, not to mention other people's wives, daughters and children.

Just for the money!

"The world is so big, and there are all kinds of people."

Jiang Lin spat, and didn't stay any longer, and returned to Gantian Town with Uncle Ninth.

As soon as the story in Cui Kui was spread through Zhou Yuan and the others, most of the people in Gantian Town were shocked by this absurd and cruel thing.

It wasn't until a few days later that the turmoil of this matter gradually subsided.

Ninth Uncle has been living in Liyang for more than half a month, and only set off for Renjia Town in early February.

"Husband, my parents asked us on the phone when we were going back, and they said that Xiaochuan didn't go back after the first month. Besides, they also asked me to tell you that yesterday, the director of the Hong Kong Maria Hospital personally When I went to them to inquire about you, it seemed that there was a supernatural incident in the hospital."

On this day, Shu Ning received a call from his parents and told Jiang Lin the content of the call.

"Then I'll prepare some materials for the formation. We'll go there tomorrow. You can call your father-in-law and mother-in-law back."

Jiang Lin had planned to go to Xugang again in the new year. In addition to Shu Ning returning home and sending Zhang Xiaochuan back, he also needed to live in Xugang for a month or two to give the Huixing Mountain he bought to him. A large array is arranged, and some fruit tree seedlings need to be planted.

It's just that because of the arrival of the ninth uncle, a group of wives are sticking together tightly. It's almost halfway through February, and he hasn't left yet.

Now that Shu Ning's parents have called and he still has business, he plans to leave tomorrow.

The next day, Jiang Lin took Shu Ning and Zhang Xiaochuan to Xugang. As soon as they arrived at the gate of Shu's house, Jiang Lin saw an Englishman pacing around the door.

When the British saw Jiang Lin and Shu Ning coming, they went up to them and asked, "May I ask if this is Chief Jiang?"

"It's me, who are you?"

"Oh, that's great! I'm Albert, the director of Maria Hospital. After receiving Mr. Shu's notice, I waited for Chief Jiang here early in the morning. There's a monster in our hospital, and there's already good news. It's been a few days, I hope the Taoist priest can help, otherwise our hospital will have to close."

The British guy waited for the person he was looking for with a look of joy on his face. After introducing himself to Jiang Lin, he wanted Jiang Lin to go with him immediately.

"Come in and talk."

Jiang Lin glanced at Albert and entered the door directly.

He came here from Gantian Town, and he didn't even drink his saliva. The hospital director just let him go, and wanted him to go to the hospital without even entering the door.

This made him feel a little uncomfortable.

After greeting several elders, Jiang Lin went to the living room to deal with Albert.

He took a sip of tea and said slowly: "I don't know where you got my contact address, but I'm here to make it clear to you that I'm doing business with people, and I'm not just going to help people casually. Taoist priest, secondly, every time I make a move, the cost is not low. Since you come to me, no matter the size of the matter, the guaranteed minimum payment will cost [*] Hong Kong dollars. Well, you can tell me what happened in the hospital. "

"The bottom line is [*] Hong Kong dollars??"

Albert was taken aback by Jiang Lin's asking price. He had only found out that the son-in-law of the Shu family was a capable Taoist priest, so he came to find him. Although he didn't expect to be invited for free, he was also Unexpectedly, Jiang Lin would "open the mouth of the lion", and the lowest asking price was [*].

"Do you think it's too expensive? If you think it's too expensive, you can find someone else. I did a business with the police station here a few years ago and asked for [*] Hong Kong dollars."

Jiang Lin smiled, since the dean came to look for him in such a hurry, the situation in the hospital should not be optimistic.

Ten thousand?Ten thousand Hong Kong dollars? ?

Albert's eyes widened, this Nima is like a whale with its mouth open!

After thinking about it for a while, Albert decided to tell Jiang Lin about the situation in the hospital first, and let's see how much Jiang Lin charges for the time being.

"Our Maria Hospital didn't know what was going on some time ago. Every night, several monsters appeared, scaring the doctors and nurses, and causing some casualties. Some witnesses said the monsters were humanoids. Some said it was a beast cub. We also called the police, but several times, people in the police station suffered casualties. They said that there was a monster, so they asked me to find a professional. I listened to the descriptions of several police officers. , speculated that a goblin may have appeared."

Albert took out a piece of paper from his arms and handed it to Jiang Lin on the opposite side.


Jiang Lin put down the teacup, opened the paper, and painted a short monster with a bald head and pointed ears.

He frowned slightly. Goblins were western goblins similar to dwarves, and he had seen them in some books.But such Western goblins are all in the deep mountains and forests of the West. How could they appear in the hospital in Xugang?

Chapter [*] Frankenstein (Part [*])

If it appeared in some antique store or museum, Jiang Lin could still think of the reason, but it appeared in a hospital, which would be weird.

Spreading his five fingers, Jiang Lin said to Albert, "Five thousand Hong Kong dollars, I will handle this matter for you."

"Five thousand Hong Kong dollars..."

Albert's face twitched, this is simply asking for a price.

Seeing Albert's brooding look, Jiang Lin didn't rush it. Goblins generally live in groups. If there are a few, maybe there are some hiding in dark and dark places.

Moreover, such goblins reproduce very fast. In the deep mountains and old forests in the West, there are still natural enemies. When they arrive at the Xugang Hospital, there are no natural enemies. Maybe they will be delayed again, and the number will increase exponentially.

If you reject him and look for it again, the price will have to be doubled.

"Five thousand is five thousand! Chief Jiang Daoke must help our hospital deal with this problem. Let's go to the hospital now."

Albert finally gritted his teeth, nodded and agreed to the reward Jiang Lin asked for.Since Jiang Lin said that he charged [*] Hong Kong dollars to the police station a few years ago, Albert deduced that Jiang Lin should have a lot of skills.

The people in the police station are not stupid, and they still give money obediently after being yelled at by a lion, which can only show that what Jiang Lin has done is worth the price.

"Don't worry about this, since Pindao has negotiated the price, things will be done. I'll go talk to my wife."

Jiang Lin nodded, and went to tell Shu Ning about it. Shu Ning had also heard about the goblins, which were western goblins. He was curious and wanted to go with him. Zhang Xiaochuan happened to come to Shu Ning, and he also shouted go together.

Jiang Lin pinched the two sisters' faces and agreed to go with them.

The two sisters each held a camera and followed Jiang Lin with a strange look.

"Master Dao, are they journalists? The hospital's affairs should not be published in the newspapers, otherwise the reputation of our Maria Hospital will be damaged."

When Albert saw Shu Ning and Zhang Xiaochuan holding the camera, a look of embarrassment appeared on his face.

"Don't worry, they just took some pictures and won't spread it."

Jiang Lin waved his hand to let Albert not worry.

"Well, my car is outside."

Albert was anxious about the hospital, and Jiang Lin also said that he would not spread the matter, so he didn't say anything more.

The four of them drove to the Maria Hospital in the city center.

I go!These two beautiful women are actually the wives of this Taoist priest.

Albert was driving the car, listening to Shu Ning and Zhang Xiaochuan shouting from each other behind him, feeling envious in his heart.

Because of their beliefs, they have only one wife in the United Kingdom, and if they have more than one, it is a crime.

Half an hour later, the four arrived at the gate of the hospital.

Jiang Lin got out of the car and glanced over the hospital, the Yin Qi was not ordinary.

Since he came to this world, Jiang Lin has basically never been to the hospital. The only time he and Shu Ning went back to Gantian Town was when Shu Ning suffered from acute appendicitis after eating a bad stomach on the way. They took Qian Zhenzhen's carriage. went to the hospital.

It's just that the Yin Qi in that hospital is not as heavy as this Maria Hospital.

Because there were monsters in the hospital and casualties were also caused, there is basically no one in the Maria Hospital now.

Otherwise, Albert, the dean, would not be in such a hurry to find professionals.

"Daoist, I'll leave the hospital to you, and I'll prepare your remuneration."

Albert found a pretense and was unwilling to go to the hospital with Jiang Lin. Although he had never seen the monsters inside, he had also heard some information. Those monsters were so fast that the policemen with guns died several times. No, he didn't want to face those goblins-like things.

Jiang Lin smiled. As the director of the hospital, do I need to prepare specially for [*] Hong Kong dollars?

As the director of the hospital, now I'm so afraid that I don't even dare to enter the gate of the hospital. I'm really competent.

"Husband, there is a lot of yin here."

After entering the hospital, Shu Ning felt the coolness of the surroundings and buttoned up the button on his collar.

Li Yang, Curie, Xiao Li, and the others’ training room is the place where Yin gathers, so Shu Ning is no stranger to Yin Qi.

"In general hospitals, yin qi is relatively heavy, but it has not reached this level. There is indeed evil in this hospital."

Jiang Lin gave out his own spiritual sense after a little explanation.

Most of the monsters that appeared in this hospital were goblins, and it was difficult for ordinary instruments such as compass to find such western goblins. Jiang Lin directly used his spiritual sense and his sense of evil to search for them.

Before long, he sensed a movement not far away.

Turning a corner, Jiang Lin saw a dwarf monster with a naked body and dark green complexion on the corridor.

At this time, the monster was still holding a ribbon in its mouth, and its row of rake teeth were biting up and down, chewing with relish.

It's a goblin.

Jiang Lin looked at the English house number on the room on the side of the corridor, and then he knew what the goblin was eating.

The obstetrics and gynecology department, Nima, is actually swallowing the placenta.

A flame appeared in his hand, Jiang Lin threw it away, and burned the goblin and the placenta in his mouth.

It looks disgusting.


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