The goblins let out a strange cry, which alarmed the others in the delivery room.

One after another the same monsters jumped out from the inside and looked at Jiang Lin and Shu Ning and Zhang Xiaochuan behind him on the corridor.


A slightly larger indigo goblin pointed at the three of Jiang Lin, and the rest of the same kind screamed at Jiang Lin and the others, rushing over at a speed comparable to a cheetah.

Jiang Lin stretched his fingers, and the goblins who were running and climbing on the corridor and the walls let out a scream and collapsed on the corridor, black-green pus and blood still flowing on the ground.


An anthropomorphic surprised expression appeared on the indigo goblin's face, then turned and ran away.

Jiang Lin stretched out his fingers again, and a yang finger pierced the goblin's arm.

He didn't kill it, and if he kept it, he might find the lair where these goblins lived.

"Go and follow it."

Jiang Lin looked at the blood on the ground and stepped up to follow.

The three followed the blood on the ground to the basement floor of the hospital.

Jiang Lin stopped in front of a wall, and there was no trace of the blood there.

With a pair of eyes, Jiang Lin's line of sight passed through the wall and saw the scene inside.

" this an underground laboratory?"

Seeing everything behind the wall, Jiang Lin was also stunned that someone was using goblins to conduct biological experiments!

Chapter [*] Frankenstein (Part [*])

Jiang Lin flicked his fingers and shot out a few rays of yang flame, igniting some messy combustibles around him, making the originally dark and damp negative layer a little brighter.

Shu Ning saw the blood dripping on the ground spreading all the way to the wall, and asked, "Husband, did that goblin escape through the wall?"

Jiang Lin responded, "It's not that it's going through the wall, it's that there's a hole behind the wall."

After that, his eyes swept over the wall and its surroundings, and said to Shu Ning and Zhang Xiaochuan, "This time the incident at Maria Hospital is a man-made disaster. Find Bishop. You ask him if he has a large number of missing cases recently, and if so, come here if you want to solve it."

"Human disaster?"

"Yes, behind this wall is a large laboratory, where people are used for biological experiments. When the police arrive, I will open it again."

In the laboratory behind the wall, there are many cylindrical incubators filled with culture medium, and there are many people without clothes inside, so Jiang Lin deduces that these people should be missing persons, and there must be family members to report to the police station.

Since he wants to enter the laboratory to deal with the goblins, he can call Bishop by the way and make a fortune from this ghost.

And if something like this happens, it will definitely alert the police station. He just called someone earlier.

Shu Ning and Zhang Xiaochuan were shocked when they heard what Jiang Lin said. Someone actually used a living person to conduct biological experiments.

The two sisters froze, and then went out of the dark and dirty place together to call the police outside.

Half an hour later, many police officers came to the door of Maria Hospital, including Bishop and Inspector Fatty.

"Miss Shu, where is Chief Jiang? How did he know that there were a lot of missing persons recently?"

When Bishop saw Shu Ning, he immediately stepped forward to inquire. He had suffered from a headache for a while. Many people from the police station came to report missing persons cases. Among them, Maria Hospital accounted for a large proportion. Many patients are lost for no reason.

It's not a matter of missing people. The key point is that among these missing people, a considerable number of people have extraordinary social status.

Now Bishop is under a lot of pressure, otherwise he would not have come to the hospital in person because of the issue of missing persons.

Shu Ning replied, "My husband is on the first floor of the hospital. Just ask him when you get there."

"Act now!"

Bishop immediately directed his men to enter the hospital and went straight to the basement floor.

"Yo, Sheriff Bishop, it's coming very fast."

Jiang Lin heard the movement behind him, turned around and greeted Bishop.

"Director Jiang, let's meet again. It seems that the director of Maria Hospital asked you to deal with the monsters that appeared in the hospital. Miss Shu said on the phone that you know that there has been a case of missing persons recently. Does Director Jiang have these people? whereabouts?"

Bishop said hello to Jiang Lin, and then couldn't wait to ask about the missing persons.

As for what Jiang Lin was doing on the ground floor of this hospital, although he was puzzled, he didn't ask.

"Tell me the number."

"Forty people."

"Three thousand Hong Kong dollars, I will tell you the whereabouts of these people, but I can't guarantee whether they are dead or alive. It is a case for you to solve."

Jiang Lin stretched out three fingers and looked at Bishop.The number of living organisms in the laboratory behind the wall was only about forty, which was similar to what Bishop said, except that all the experimental subjects in it should have died, and Jiang Lin didn't have a lion to open his mouth.

"make a deal!"

Bishop agreed at once, and the pressure from the above was very high. If he did not solve the case, he would have to be punished.As long as he can find those missing persons, he can make a business trip, so at this moment, he doesn't ask Jiang Lin any price, and he can find the more than [*] people.

Then he asked, "Mr. Jiang, where are they?"

Jiang Lin pointed to the wall in front of him and said, "It's just behind this wall."

Bishop: ? ? ?

Jiang Lin ignored Bishop, who had a big question mark, and kicked his foot on the wall. A square hole suddenly appeared in the wall that didn't seem to be strange.

With a wave of his arm, the burning debris not far away was sent into the laboratory by Jiang Lin, and the scene inside immediately caught everyone's eyes.


"How is this going!"

"Oh my God!"

When Bishop, Inspector Fatty and a group of police officers saw the scene in the laboratory, they were all speechless.

Shu Ning and Zhang Xiaochuan also looked at each other. Although they had heard Jiang Lin say that someone behind the wall was doing experiments with human beings, they also felt chills when they saw the situation in the laboratory.

Thirty or forty cylindrical incubators filled with green liquid, and inside there are people who look like human specimens.

At first glance, it makes your scalp feel numb!

Then the two sisters quickly picked up the camera and took pictures of the various equipment in the laboratory and the living body in the cylindrical incubator.


Suddenly there was a big movement in the laboratory, and there was a flash of light, and an Englishman in a white coat who was doing research in the laboratory suddenly screamed.


A group of goblins not far from the British were also frightened, and all looked towards the door.

"Wharton! It's actually Wharton!"

When Bishop saw the young man in the laboratory holding the experimental equipment, he recognized his identity.

"Do you know?"

"He is a scientist in our British Empire and a very famous doctor. He is the attending physician at Mary's Hospital. He is recognized as the most promising newcomer in the scientific field to win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry and Medicine. He... People conduct experiments!"

Bishop was still shocked, and he could hardly believe what he saw.

A very famous scientist actually used living people to conduct chemical and biological experiments in the basement of the hospital!

I go!Is this guy so big?

Jiang Lin didn't expect that the doctor in this laboratory was actually a mad scientist, or the kind who had the hope of winning the Nobel Prize.

However, such people actually disregard any morality and ethics, and use living people as experimental subjects to complete their own scientific exploration.

But whether it's a scientist or a doctor, it doesn't matter to Jiang Lin, he is only responsible for his own business and destroys all the goblins in the laboratory.

"Kill them!"


When a group of goblins heard Walton's order, they screamed strangely and rushed towards the door of the cave where Jiang Lin was.

Chapter [*] Frankenstein (Part [*])

Now that his secret laboratory has been discovered, in order to continue his research, Wharton, the Frankenstein, can only choose to kill people.

As long as all the people who discovered the laboratory are dead, it is almost impossible for other people to find this secret site.

When Bishop and the others saw a group of goblins rushing towards the entrance, they all retreated in fright.

Many of them have seen this kind of monster before, and this thing is much more terrifying than the jackal, tiger and leopard.

It's so weird.

Jiang Lin was quite surprised that a group of goblins obeyed Walton's orders.

If you ignore Wharton's identity as a mad scientist, then he is completely an ordinary person, not a Western wizard or wizard at all, and goblins belong to the type of goblins, and they will obey the orders of an ordinary person.

Jiang Lin had never seen such a strange phenomenon before.

In his cognition, although goblins have a certain amount of wisdom, they have not yet reached the level of being able to understand human language, and this kind of goblin has a lot of malice towards humans, so it is not easy for them to not hurt people, and even more so. Don't say follow people's orders.

Is it true that there is a so-called black technology?Can you control demons and spirits?

"Haha~ Take a look before you die, this is the result of my research, look at how obedient they are! This is the power of science! Industrial revolution) (Life liberates the hands of human beings, now I am the greatest scientist in history. Wharton, will bring a biochemical revolution to all human beings) (Life, the labor force will be liberated in the future, and the object of labor will no longer be human! These goblins do not suffer from diseases and have a long life span, and these advantages on them will also be in the future. When grafted onto human beings, the Black Death and cancer are no longer a problem, I am the greatest person ever!"

Wharton looked at a group of goblins, laughed hysterically, and preached his great ideals like he was talking to himself.

"He's crazy!"

"What a lunatic!"

Shu Ning and Zhang Xiaochuan glanced at each other and felt that the Wharton inside was simply whimsical, and his brain was burned out.

How could these ugly and ferocious goblin goblins become laborers who obey people, and they want to transfer the characteristics of the goblins to the human body, is that person still human?

That's a shemale!

When Bishop and the others heard Wharton's remarks, and then looked at the human bodies in those incubators, they felt goosebumps all over their bodies.

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