Fortunately, Wharton's behavior has been discovered now, otherwise I don't know how many people will be used by this lunatic as an experiment in the future.

"Wharton, your actions have seriously violated the law, I advise you to give up your resistance as soon as possible, or we will kill you directly! You are no longer a scientist or a doctor, but a Frankenstein who treats your kind as a test subject. !"

Because Jiang Lin was blocking the entrance, Bishop dared to speak to the laboratory.

"It's impossible for you to know how lofty my scientific dreams are. The first person to eat tomatoes is destined to be incomprehensible. Therefore, anyone who questions and blocks my dreams will become dead and shut up!"

Seeing the hordes of goblins approaching the entrance, Wharton showed a cruel smile. Even if these people had muskets in their hands, they would still be torn to pieces by the goblins and eaten up.

eat tomatoes?Oh, it's a pity, you are eating shit like tomatoes.

Jiang Lin sneered, once a lunatic finds a reason to hypnotize himself, he will think that others are either stupid or stupid.

It is not scary to be a lunatic, just afraid that a lunatic is literate. Being literate is nothing, but only afraid that the educational level is a scientist.

In the face of the swarming goblins, Jiang Lin stretched out his ten fingers, and his yang fingers were like machine gun bullets, shooting frantically.

One after another, Yang Zhiqi passed through the goblin's body and hit the incubator. The entire laboratory was filled with the screams of goblins and the sound of glass shattering and falling to the ground.

"My research results, my research results!"

Wharton did not expect that the goblin he domesticated by biochemical means was not even afraid of bullets, but he was easily obliterated by Jiang Lin.

The cylindrical incubator was destroyed, green culture fluid filled the entire laboratory, and various specimens that had been immersed in the culture fluid were also laid out on the ground, causing Wharton to go mad in an instant.

He took a few steps to the edge of the experimental bench and pulled the wire to the ground. The electric current was conducted through the liquid, causing the specimen on the ground to vibrate.

After a few blinks of an eye, the corpses on the ground gradually moved.

One by one, the "corpse transformation" began!

I'm so pissed!

Looking at the corpses rising from the ground, Jiang Lin had to admit that he really had the existence of black technology!

These corpses and specimens did not have any corpse energy at all before, and there was no sign of corpse transformation. Jiang Lin, as a Celestial Master, would never be wrong.

But now, Frankenstein Wharton hits it with an electric current, and they're all up.

Faster than he casts a corpse.

This is not to mention, after the corpse was transformed, the evil energy instantly exploded, and then the second mutation began.

Some of them began to stoop, their hair fell, their limbs and skin color changed, and they became monsters that looked like people and goblin; It's a Hulk; others turn blue all over and have elf-like ears, just like the Avatar in the movie.

These changes are not too big. The last few pregnant corpses are different. They have completely become the sticky alien mothers on the body surface, or the kind that give birth to small aliens immediately after the mutation.

"This Nima is the live version of "Hulk", "Avatar" and "Alien"???"

Jiang Lin felt that his horizons had really broadened this time. He had never seen such a scene before.


When Bishop and his team saw the mutation in the laboratory, they suddenly felt their stomachs tumbling and vomited.

As for Shu Ning and Zhang Xiaochuan, they were turned by Jiang Lin in the air, and they didn't see the disgusting scene inside.

However, when they saw the police officers vomit, they knew that the scene behind them could not be seen.

Wharton rushed to the experimental bench in two steps, turned on the speaker device on the platform, and the sharp and harsh noise suddenly echoed in the room. A large group of monsters heard the sound and screamed strangely, rushing towards Jiang Lin and others. come over.

"Hahaha, see, I am the second god, these are created by my great Wharton! They are artificial humans!"

Wharton grinned awkwardly, and his laughter was full of pride and complacency.

"Science can benefit the world, but it can also bring disaster to future generations!"

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Jiang Lin would have had a hard time believing that in addition to witchcraft and sorcery, he could also create evil things in a biochemical way.

Chapter [*]: The sins committed by the sky can be forgiven, but the sins committed by oneself cannot live!

These evil spirits formed by mutation may be living people injected with goblins or other enchanting blood essence or brain marrow and other substances alive during their lifetime.

It's like injecting a virus directly into a living person's body.

Because the dose is properly controlled, these substances have been in the host's body and absorbed the essence of life without any abnormality. After being nourished by the culture medium and stimulated by the current, the host will mutate.

This lunatic is a complete scourge.

Jiang Lin took a deep breath. Even the evil cultivators he encountered in the past were not as bad as this Frankenstein.

Even if the corpses of the dead are used to make trouble, after those corpses are transformed, they still have human shapes, but now, these corpses have become all kinds of indescribable monsters.

"Alert! Fire alert!"

When Bishop saw a large group of monsters running towards the entrance, he hurriedly lined up behind Jiang Lin.

He was really frightened. If it was just a simple monster, his reaction might not have been so great. After all, there was Jiang Lin in front of him.

But these things are mutated from corpses, and this visual impact is not ordinary.

"Bishop, the missing persons have been found for you. If you need to confirm the identities of the missing persons, these things will be handled by you. If you don't need confirmation, I will kill them directly. By then, the severed bodies will be everywhere. Yes, don't complain about the difficulty of confirming work."

Jiang Lin said hello to Bishop. Although these alien-shaped monsters have evil energy in their bodies, after all, they have biochemical medicines in their bodies, and it is very likely that ordinary Taoism techniques will not work, just like Ren Tiantang who was injected with injections.

If you want to kill it, it is estimated that it may be dismembered or burned to pieces.

"You don't need to confirm, just confirm something. Daoist Jiang, you can just do it. But that fellow Wharton also asked Daoist to give us the judicial process, so that I can explain it to the superior."

Bishop shook his head again and again, joking that the bodies of the missing persons had become bizarre, and it was impossible to confirm their identities one by one.

Moreover, even if he could confirm it, he didn't want it, and he didn't think he had a long life.

"Miss Shu, lend me your camera."

Bishop turned his head and saw the camera in Shu Ning's hand, so he borrowed it and planned to take a few pictures, lest his superiors ask him to explain it.

If so, then it's easy to do.

Jiang Lin smiled, tapped the ground, rushed into the entrance, and met a group of monsters.

As he expected, these biochemical evils were immune to Taoism to a certain extent. Even if they were pierced by his Yang Finger Sword, they were not eroded by Yang Qi like ordinary monsters and zombies.

He clenched the bone sword tightly in one hand, and slashed forward continuously, one after another of sword energy, slicing these strangely-shaped monsters into sections.

For a time, green, blue and black blood and pus splattered everywhere, and the disgusting and pungent smell filled the entire laboratory.

Even if these alien-shaped monsters were chopped into several pieces, their broken limbs could still move.

Jiang Lin threw out a stack of fire talismans and set the stumps on fire.

It didn't take long for these monsters to be cleaned up by Jiang Lin.

"Impossible, my research results!"

Wharton's eyes widened, unable to accept such a result.

These alien monsters he created have theoretically infinite lives and extremely powerful self-healing abilities, just like earthworms, but even so, they were completely wiped out.

"You'd better study, how to eat guns."

Jiang Lin dodged a few steps in front of the Frankenstein, and stabbed him to the ground, hugging his stomach with a punch.

Since Bishop said that Wharton was going to go to justice, he also left the lunatic.

"Quick, put out the fire!"

Seeing that a large group of monsters had been eliminated by Jiang Lin, Bishop hurriedly asked his men to rush into the laboratory and let them put out all the burning flames around them.

As for himself, he hurried to Wharton's experimental bench and put away all the manuscripts such as the experimental records on the bench and the surrounding cabinets.

Although Wharton is a Frankenstein, his experiments and corresponding records are not without merit.

If nothing else, the experimental record of domesticating goblins alone is of great value.

These goblins move very fast, and even if they are hit by a bullet from a pistol, they will not die immediately. They still have the ability to move. If the goblins are domesticated in the way of Walton, if a war breaks out, put them into In the battlefield, it is stronger than any death squad.

"Listen to me. Today's events here are not allowed to be rumored. I will report it to my superiors and classify this incident as a secret."

After finishing the experimental records and other documents, Bishop strictly ordered his subordinates not to mention what happened today to the outside world.

If these experimental materials are reported to the superiors, they will definitely be classified as confidential documents, and he can also be promoted based on these materials.

"Cough cough, that... Daoist Jiang, I hope the Daoist will not mention what happened in Maria Hospital this time. Miss Shu, I will trouble Daoist Jiang to remind you that the negatives taken by the camera earlier, We will also pay for it. As for the remuneration, we will double it, Jiang Daochang, you can just pretend that this has never happened.”

After explaining to his subordinates, Bishop went to Jiang Lin's side again, discussed with him, and was willing to give double the money as a hush money.

Jiang Lin sneered, he didn't know what Bishop was thinking.

Ordinary scientists will definitely not conduct such experiments, and there must be international conventions, but now that Frankenstein has carried out counter-) (human experiments, the experimental results and records are of great value.

"Bishop, I hope you will remember the words that we often say in the Middle Earth, the sins of God are forgivable, and the sins of your own cannot live! Some things and some taboos cannot be touched. I advise you to burn all these things, otherwise If they stay, in ten years or a hundred years, mankind may be pushed to the point of extinction because of these things.”

Jiang Lin is not alarmist. Don't look at the fact that this alien monster was handled very simply by him. If a Taoist priest comes here, even if he is also a celestial master, he may be martyred here.

And if these alien monsters run out, if they can reproduce, one becomes two, two becomes four, and a biochemical crisis is not a joke.

Chapter [*]: Plan ahead

Now that human civilization has developed to an unprecedented height, it will rise to a higher level in the future. Even if there is a natural disaster like a comet hitting the earth, there is not necessarily a problem.

But man-made disasters are different. If you don't do it, you won't die. If you want to do it in death, the consequences may be more serious than natural disasters.

It's just a matter of a Frankenstein working hard in the field of science, and there are people who want to continue to develop on this crooked road, which is completely dead.


Bishop laughed dryly, and finally decided to burn the experimental data in his hand.

Although these materials could help him get promoted, after getting to know Jiang Lin, his subconscious reaction to what Jiang Lin said was to believe it.

If it really is like what Jiang Lin said, the experimental records and other documents in his hand will bring disaster to the entire human race, then he is a sinner of all ages.

So after a little weighing, Bishop lit the fire.

"After everything is done, I won't stay. Bishop, please contact Albert, the director of this hospital. He also has my due reward there. Just send it to Shu's house with me."

Jiang Lin explained to Bishop and left Maria Hospital with Shu Ning and Zhang Xiaochuan.

"I was thinking about waiting for the negatives to come out and seeing what happened in the lab at the end."

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