Shu Ning felt a little regretful that the Frankenstein incident at Maria Hospital could not be shared, so both her and Zhang Xiaochuan's cameras were taken away, and they did not see the alien monsters that Jiang Lin dealt with in the end.

Jiang Lin pinched Shu Ning's nose and said, "It's nothing to see. If you read it, you'll be unable to eat for several days."

His two wives now have a lot of immunity to some terrifying things, but horror is not the same as nausea. The former makes the hair stand up at most, but the physiological reaction caused by the latter is even more uncomfortable.

"Come on, walk around the city center, I need to buy some fruit saplings."

Since he came out, Jiang Lin planned to deal with the Huixingshan matter.

After purchasing the fruit tree seedlings, Jiang Lin and Zhang Xiaochuan went to Zhang's house again. Now that Zhang Xiaochuan has lived with him, this matter always needs to be known to the elders.

It's just that Zhang Xiaochuan was embarrassed to speak because he was loved by his uncle and aunt since he was a child, so he could only tell her father about the matter and let her father discuss with Shu Ning's parents.

Zhang Dashao was quite surprised by this incident. His precious daughter actually had a relationship with Jiang Lin years ago.

But even though it was an accident, he didn't object. Zhang Xiaochuan followed Jiang Lin, at least he didn't have to worry about his personal safety in the future, and Jiang Lin had a lot of skills. He could have such a son-in-law and have fun.

As for Shu Ning's parents, they didn't say much after learning about the incident. Since their daughter doesn't mind and doesn't feel wronged, and Zhang Xiaochuan has been slept by Jiang Lin for more than two months, the meal is cooked. , it is pointless for them to object.

The next day, Jiang Lin arrived at Huixing Mountain, and some of the Shu family’s servants followed behind with wooden carts full of saplings.


The colorful giant tiger carrying the mandrill rushed out of the forest. Jiang Lin couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene, and said, "You two get along just fine. It seems that there are tigers in this mountain, but the monkeys are still the overlords."

"Didn't the master say that he can't have a conflict with this guy, Tom just needs to get angry."

The King Panlan grinned, and then reported the situation in the mountains to Jiang Lin.

After a year, some fruits in the Huixing Mountains have begun to ripen gradually. Because of the different climate, the fruits here are ripe early.

"In the future, you can eat as much of the fruit in the mountains as you want, but you can't keep it in the cave. The rest is mine. I will plant a lot of fruit trees in the mountains. When the harvest comes, you will pick out those different fruits. , to my people for storage."

Jiang Lin took a five-inch-long dried seahorse from his arms and threw it to the mandrill, saying, "These treasures you haven't eaten should be your reward."

Now he can't settle down in Huixing Mountain, and he can't really be a fruit farmer, picking the fruits when they are ripe, so some work can only be done by this mandrill.


Mandrill took the dried seahorse with one hand, nodded again and again, and screamed with excitement.

Patting his chest, the mandrill jumped off the tiger's back and ran back into the forest to pick the ripe fruit.

Jiang Lin arrived in front of the thatched hut not far away, where the lamp god stayed.

"Jiang Tianshi."

Deng Shen, who was reading, quickly got up and came out to say hello to Jiang Lin.

"You are a spirit body, and showing up for a long time will damage yourself. These treasures will be used for you to strengthen your spirit body."

Jiang Lin took some medicinal herbs from the forbidden area of ​​Rahu from his arms and threw them away. To make the horse run well, he had to feed some good grass.

"These... are all rare treasures in the world! Don't worry, Jiang Tianshi, I will definitely read it at night."

Having obtained the treasures of the forbidden area, Deng Shen was very excited, and repeatedly promised to master all the contents of the books in the hut as soon as possible.

"From today onwards, I will plant saplings such as peach and pear trees in the mountains. It is estimated that it will take two or three years for them to bear fruit. Then it will be time for you to apply what you have learned."

"Tianshi, don't worry, I've read a lot of books on planting, and it's still okay to take care of seedlings."

"That's good."

Jiang Lin nodded, then took out a blueprint, instructing the Pandan Tiger King to dig a hole at the location shown in the picture, and plant the fruit tree seedlings that were delivered.

He himself buried various spiritual stones and materials around the entire Huixing Mountain, and arranged magic circles and enchantments.

All Jiang Lin had to do was to plan ahead. He planned to arrange a super-large mountain closure formation around Huixing Mountain.

Because of the open air, the Xuanhuang Qi of Huixing Mountain would leak out continuously, causing waste, so Jiang Lin had to make use of this Xuanhuang Qi.

Once completed, this Dragon Huilong Xizhao Bureau will not only be filled with mysterious yellow energy before and after the year, but will be enveloped by mysterious yellow energy throughout the year.

In this case, this Feng Shui pattern is equivalent to being completely exposed, so he must isolate and hide the entire mountain.

In addition, his transformation of Huixing Mountain is still in the conception state, and it will not be completed in a few years. In the next few years, he will go out and cannot sit here. During this period of time, he will not be there to guard , Huixing Mountain is not necessarily safe.

If nothing else, at least the evil spirits of the demon emperor and Mao Zongfeizong level may be attracted by the mysterious yellow energy here.

What's more, this feng shui pattern may even attract the attention of the level of officials.

In the depths of the Lingyun Grottoes in Shu, where the Chinese dragon veins are located, there is this kind of mysterious yellow energy in the coffin of the dry scorpion, which is used for healing.

This kind of mysterious yellow energy is useful to drought, and it is also useful to generals and officials.

Jiang Lin didn't want to spend money and energy to win Huixing Mountain, but he still had trouble.

Chapter [*] Red Lotus Karmic Fire

To expand the formation and enchantment to cover the entire Huixing Mountain, including a range of fifteen miles in diameter, it takes a lot of effort, and the formation materials must be buried in a specific place precisely.

Jiang Lin was busy all day, and only completed about one percent of his workload.

Since then, he has been busy at Huixing Mountain every day, and it was not until two months later that he completely completed the enchantment of the magic circle.

"It's finally done, you can go home and have a good rest."

After the magic circle was activated, the entire Huixing Mountain became illusory, and finally completely disappeared from sight.

Jiang Lin smiled and was quite satisfied with the effect of the formation he arranged. During this period of time, he hardly had a day of idleness, and it was only with great difficulty that he arranged a large-scale sealing formation.

When he returned to Shu's house, Jiang Lin discussed the wedding with Zhang Xiaochuan. He didn't need to worry about Huixingshan's affairs. In a short period of time, he probably wouldn't come to Xugang again.

However, Zhang Xiaochuan did not agree, she wanted to hold the wedding again next year.Since clearing up the misunderstanding with her father, she hasn't spent much time with the elderly at home, and her father spent the New Year alone.

So Zhang Xiaochuan wanted to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Reunion Year with his father.

Anyway, Jiang Lin definitely won't want her, marriage is just a formality, and he is not in a hurry.

Jiang Lin had no objection to this either, so he let the Panlan Tiger King stay in the port of Xu to protect Zhang Xiaochuan, and he and Shu Ning returned to Gantian Town first.

After returning home, Jiang Lin rested for a few days and was ready to go to the underworld again. When the grand formation of closing the mountain was arranged in Xugang, Judge Lu had already notified him that the application for collecting the Red Lotus Karmic Fire had been approved, but he was at that time. I was busy setting up the formation, so I didn't go down immediately.

"Red Lotus Karmic Fire, this kind of fire in the underworld, finally has a chance to catch it."

Jiang Lin was looking forward to the Red Lotus Karmic Fire in his heart. Whether it was a masculine person, a yin soul, or even a zombie, as long as it was a living body, if it touched this kind of flame, the soul would be burned directly.

The damage of the Red Lotus Karmic Fire is almost ignoring the physical defense.

If the red lotus karma is taken away, it is a very effective means to deal with zombies with strong vitality, some sea monsters in the sea, and huge evil spirits.

However, the Red Lotus Karmic Fire is not something that ordinary people can get, and it is not easy to just confirm the location of this strange fire.

Historically, there have been various views on the location of the red lotus karmic fire. In Buddhist books, it is recorded that this strange fire exists in the eight hot hells or the eighteen layers of hells, while Taoist books say that it is in the blood lake hell or twenty hells. Among the four hells, there are no eighteen levels of hell at all.

Because of different religions, these views disagree with each other and refute each other.

There are even those in their respective camps who are not convinced. For example, in a small number of Buddhist scriptures, it is said that the Red Lotus Karmic Fire is in the Hell of Eight Colds.

In the end, the Taoist and Buddhist families also started a big debate because of the introduction of this guideline, arguing whether the surname of hell is Tao or Buddha.

In fact, during the Northern and Southern Dynasties, when Tao Hongjing, the patriarch of Maoshan of the Northern School, commented on the classics of the Shangqing School "True Gao", he had clearly mentioned that there were more than one hell in the underworld.

The actual situation is also the same. In the underworld, in addition to the eighteen levels of hell, there are also the fundamental hell, the near hell, and the lonely hell. The eight hot hells and the eight cold hells together are the fundamental hell.

In addition to these, the nine-layer Nine Serenity Hell and the fourth-layer Blood Lake Hell also exist in the underworld.

It's just that there are not many people who know this information in the yang world. Even Taoist monks don't know much about it.

The real location of the Red Lotus Karmic Fire is the seventh layer of the Eight Cold Hells - Red Lotus Hell, but in fact, there were no flames in the Eight Cold Hells, only endless cold, glaciers and snow everywhere. Cold wind, almost no heat.

The reason why this kind of strange fire appeared is because the ghosts were first exiled to the eight-hot hell, tortured by the hellfire of the hellfire, and finally they were thrown into the endless hell that is completely a sea of ​​fire, that is, the eight-hot hell. Last layer.

Thousands of years later, the flames of hell and hellfire will take root in the bodies of these ghosts. When they go to the Eight Cold Hells to suffer, the flames of hell and hellfire in the body will gradually change under the impact of extreme cold. The last two layers of the Eight Cold Hells, the dark flames and the hell fires have become red lotus karmic fires with the accumulation of time.

This is why there is such a strange fire as the Red Lotus Karmic Fire in the Eight Cold Hells.

Interestingly, in some of the books Jiang Lin had read, including his enlightenment textbook Yanzhi Secret Records, they all mistakenly described the Red Lotus Karmic Fire as being in the Eight-Hot Hell.

Especially in some Buddhist classics, in order to prove his point of view that "red lotus karmic fire is not in the eight cold hells", the red lotus hell is said to be because the ghosts were frozen by extreme cold, and frostbite appeared on the body, and finally the ghost body was frozen. It has to crack and bleed, and it looks like a red lotus. Going further, the ghost body is frozen red and even splits into several petals, just like a big red lotus, so the last two layers of the Eight Cold Hells are the red lotus hell and the big red lotus hell. , has nothing to do with the Red Lotus Karmic Fire.

Thinking of such a statement, Jiang Lin couldn't help but want to laugh.

I don’t know if it’s because people who cultivate Buddha rarely kill living beings and haven’t killed ghosts very often, so they don’t know that ghosts’ blood is usually green or polygonum blue.

When his ghost wives Xiaoli and Xiaoqian were broken, the "fallen red" left on the sheets was green.

If he hadn't known this kind of cold knowledge, he would have believed those claims.

Pushing open the door of the training room, Jiang Lin put a few blood orchids into the ancient mirror. This time, he could not be careless when he went down to get the Red Lotus Karmic Fire.

As long as the red lotus karmic fire is attached to his body, his divine soul may be damaged, so even if his body has reached the level of stiff hair now, and there is true sun fire in his body, when he devours and fuses this strange fire, Not so smooth.

Then Jiang Lin opened the ghost gate with Commander Yin and went directly to the underworld.

"Brother Jiang, hehe, we meet again."

After Jiang Lin arrived at Judge Lu's judge's palace, the red-bearded man greeted him with a thief look on his face.

"Don't laugh so happily, I'm here to go to the Eight Cold Hells this time. It's better to accept your crooked ideas."

Jiang Lin gave Judge Lu a look and let this guy experience it for himself.

The last time this red beard laughed so much, he didn't hold back any good farts, and asked him to go to the ghost emperor. Now I don't know, and it seems like I want to pout) (share.

"I said, Brother Jiang, what you said is too hurtful. Why do I accept crooked ideas? Is my red beard the kind of person who always has crooked minds?"

Judge Lu blew his beard, Nima was too hurt.

Chapter [*]: Blue Heart Flame's Abnormality

"Do you know how much effort I put in to give you the chance to receive the Red Lotus Karmic Fire? The Red Lotus Karmic Fire is not an ordinary treasure..."

Judge Lu was like an automatic loudspeaker. He was babbling all the time. He really felt aggrieved. Although Jiang Lin had good things every time he came down before, he also liked this lucky star very much, but this time he really had no other ideas.

The last time Jianglin's Town Soul Street incident has reduced the power of Yuling Envoy a lot, and the above has given a reward for this matter. Now that he has been promoted, it is boring, and today I want to greet Jiang warmly. Lin was regarded as a donkey's liver and lungs.

Listening to Judge Lu for a while, Jiang Lin stretched out his fingers and poked his ears, this guy was just saying, "Many places in the underworld, such as Jiuquan and Styx, need the red lotus karma to build and stabilize the barrier every year. "Something like that, the last time he mentioned the red lotus karma to this red beard, this guy was like that.

"Okay, okay, don't spray anymore, I'll kill the Blood Ghost King for you, go and apply for a chance, isn't that what you should do?"

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