Jiang Lin waved his hand, and if he listened again, his ears would grow calluses.

"By the way, the last time I went back to accompany my wife, I forgot that I overfulfilled the task. Since I'm down this time, please prepare a hundred catties of Qingming Iron for me."

In the next few years, Jiang Lin is going to travel around, just to take advantage of this time to update his wife's equipment.

He doesn't have much material storage left, and there are a lot of wives at home, so if refining a spirit sword or armor is not enough, it would be great if he could draw a lot of cyan iron.

Since the previous mission was perfect, Judge Lu must have gained a lot of benefits, so he took this opportunity to kill again.

He forgot to kill him last time.

"One hundred pounds of green iron? I'll go to you!"

When Judge Lu heard Jianglin Whale's big mouth, his hair exploded with anger.

Qingming iron is the material for refining various instruments in the underworld. The yin commander, the judge and the general chain are all made of this kind of iron. The ability to exorcise evil spirits is extraordinary, and it is a rare material. , but now Jiang Lin actually asks for [*] pounds, is this a joke with a ghost? ? ?

"You don't even give me the Qingmingtie? You have no conscience, you red beard."

"Fuck me, do you want a little bit? Your family's little bit is a hundred pounds?"

Judge Lu uttered foul language directly. Nima, this pit god, is not killing people now, but killing pigs and then killing them.

"That's eighty pounds."

"Eight birds! I'll bring you more than twenty pounds at most!"

Judge Lu raised his middle finger. What he had in his hand was only [*] pounds. At most, he could exchange some more from his colleagues.

No more!

"That's fine, just round it up, [*] pounds."

Jiang Lin smiled, and seeing Judge Lu's reaction, one hundred pounds would really kill him.

"Let's go, you pit god, I don't want to see you again."

Judge Lu stretched out his arm and pointed at the door, telling the pit god to hurry where he should go, and then stay in his judge's hall, maybe he would be so angry that he vomited blood.

"When you come back, wait for your Qingmingtie."

Jiang Lin smiled and left the Hall of Judges, led by the impermanence of Judge Lu's subordinates, to the Eight Cold Hells.

"Director Jiang, it's actually Director Jiang!"

When Jiang Lin arrived at the Eight Great Hells, what surprised him was that after a few impermanence explained the situation to the ghost pawns, a group of ghost pawns screamed and screamed like fans had seen their idols.

It's okay to yell, these ghost soldiers also call out their colleagues who are working in hell to come out and look at him together.

What the hell is this? ?

Jiang Lin was stunned, this scene made him look like a big entertainment star.

Although he knew that he had made a lot of noise in Luohu Forbidden Land and Zhenshun Street, this was hell, there was still a long distance from Judge Lu's Judge Hall, and the ghost soldiers inside were basically all year round. , it should be impossible to know his name.

What Jiang Lin didn't know was that the ghosts of the eight hot hells and the eight cold hells had a better relationship with the green ghosts, and the two brothers went to the eight hot hells where they used to work during the New Year holidays to carry out his deeds. After the wanton Hu Chui Haichui, he is like a supernova rising in the world of Yin Si, and he is the kind who may be promoted to judge or even Yin Shuai in the future.

Therefore, the ghost pawns of the sixteen hells can be said to be thunderous to his name.

Moreover, when the sneaky brothers arrived here, they were very shy, saying that the two brothers of their own family would be able to follow the master in the future, and they would be able to make good officials.

"Director Jiang, are you going to the depths of the Eight Cold Hells? We will take you in together. Director Jiang, your visit here is the glory of our Eight Cold Hells."

"No need, I'll just go in by myself. You still have work to do here."

Jiang Lin didn't intend for anyone to follow him. He finally had a chance to enter the Eight Cold Hells justifiably to receive the Red Lotus Karmic Fire, so he wouldn't have any polite thoughts.

You can charge as much as you can, and let a lion open his mouth.

Anyway, this time he came here with the consent of the above, even if he draws a little more, there will be no problem.

After finally pushing the enthusiasm of these ghost soldiers, Jiang Lin entered the eight cold hells.

Because the environment here is different from other hells, only the entrance to hell is guarded by ghost soldiers, and hell is basically full of suffering ghosts.

Is this the Eight Cold Hell?

After Jiang Lin entered it, he felt that his whole body was cut like a knife, and the cold air here was really unusual.

Even the physical strength of his current zombie king was difficult to adapt for a while.

And this is only the first layer of the Eight Cold Hells.

Jiang Lin didn't plan to test his body's ability to resist the cold, so he directly released the Yang Yan in his body and went straight to the depths of the Eight Cold Hell.

An hour later, Jiang Lin was covered in Yang Yan, and now he has reached the last level of the Eight Cold Hells - the Great Red Lotus Hell.

Because there are no protective measures on his body, he can only release Yang Yan completely to resist the extreme cold here.

Each floor of the Eight Cold Hells is a vast space, and the last Great Red Lotus Hell is even more vast. At first glance, it is full of snow-white, only dotted with cyan and red dots.


Just as Jiang Lin was about to take a step, the blue heart flame in his body broke away from Yang Yan and flew into the distance.

When he met Jing Yuanying before, he once gave Lan Xinyan to her, leaving only a trace of his origin, which he kept in his body to nurture.

Even when dealing with evil spirits, he rarely used it.

But now, for some unknown reason, the source of this thread actually left his body voluntarily, intending to get out of his control.

Chapter [*]: Ten Thousand Years of Cold Essence

Could it be because of the Red Lotus Karmic Fire?

Jiang Lin quickly forcibly recalled Lan Xinyan into his body. His brows were furrowed, and he couldn't figure out why Lan Xinyan was stimulated.

It is not realistic to say that he was attracted by the red lotus karmic fire. There are more than one kind of strange fire in his body, and now only Lan Xinyan has reacted.

Moreover, he is still on the edge of the Great Red Lotus Hell at the moment, and there is still a long distance from the center of hell. Even if the Red Lotus Karmic Fire has the ability to summon Blue Heart Flame, it will not affect it here.

"Hmph, with a real sun fire in my hand, I don't believe that a strange fire in hell can turn out any waves."

Jiang Lin walked forward to the depths of this hell.

Since the sixth floor, the screams of ghosts have disappeared in the Eight Cold Hells. They are all frozen and unable to make a sound. Therefore, Jiang Lin can only hear the whistling of the cold wind along the way.

The ghosts that suffer here are frozen and connected to the ground and the mountains and rivers. Because the ghosts are cracked, the hellfire and hellfire in their bodies are revealed, showing blood red and orange-red colors. From a distance, The mountains and the ground are like cracks on the surface of a volcano.

Under normal circumstances, the ghosts who suffer here are unable to withstand the damage caused by this extreme cold, and will be blown away by the frozen soul, but there are also corresponding measures in hell to use the karma on these ghosts to save their ghosts. Let them suffer for thousands of years in hell.

About ten minutes later, Jiang Lin saw the red dots in the distance gradually getting bigger, and a blossoming red lotus of karma came into his eyes.


At this moment, the blue heart flame in his body jumped out again.

The icy blue flames circled around Jiang Lin for a few times, then landed on his face and rubbed a few times, and finally flew towards a glacier.

Isn't it because of the red lotus karma?

Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling that he might have guessed wrong earlier.

On the way before, Lan Xinyan had been restless, but he was pressed down by him. Now that this strange fire escaped again, there must be something wrong.

Jiang Lin did not use coercion this time, but followed behind Lan Xinyan to see what was stimulating it.

After a while, he saw Lan Xinyan stopped flying and kept hitting the huge ice surface on the ground, seemingly intending to drill down into the ground.

However, the ice cubes in this big red lotus hell are all ten thousand years of ice. Even if Lan Xinyan has a certain ability to penetrate water and ice, it cannot go deep. After several attempts, it flew back to Jianglin's side. Circling around.

Could it be that there are some treasures under the ice?

Jiang Lin's eyes lit up, Lan Xinyan was uncharacteristically and eager to break the ice. If he couldn't guess the reason, his reaction would be too slow.

With this guess, Jiang Lin immediately walked over, squatted down and looked inside Jian Bing.

However, the ice beneath his feet was unknown, and even if Jiang Lin's eyesight was extraordinary, he couldn't see anything.


Jiang Lin squeezed the corpse poison into his eyes, and his pupils turned into a shrunken version of a blood-colored spider web. After enhancing his eyesight, he seemed to see a fluid-like liquid under the ice.

His eyes were wide open again, and the bloodshot in Jiang Lin's eyes became thicker. This time, he finally saw the true face of Mount Lu under the thick layer of ice.

"Wojiao! It's actually cold marrow!"

Jiang Lin cried out excitedly, under this hundred-zhang thick ice, there was actually a cold essence.

In the age of monks, I don't know how many people wanted to get this baby, it's not an exaggeration to say that it was a dream.

The spiritual energy in the world rises when heated and condenses when it is cold. If it is in an extremely cold place, the spiritual energy has a very small possibility to form condensate. If these condensates seep into the ice, they gradually filter the precipitation, and then combine with the ground. When the spiritual mother qi condenses, it is possible to form a cold marrow.

In addition to being an extremely pure aura condensate, cold marrow has many unexpected effects, which can act as a dead body and white bones. In addition, it also helps practitioners to avoid and resist the catastrophe.

Whether it is a monk or an evil spirit, they all hope to get this kind of treasure.

No wonder Lan Xinyan has an abnormality. It turned out that he sensed the existence of cold marrow in this hell.

Jiang Lin only now understands the key point. Although Lan Xinyan is a strange fire, it was born in an extremely cold place.

The cold marrow also has a strong effect on it, so it makes it desperate to chase.

Look at how many!

Regardless of the load on his eyes, Jiang Lin forcibly raised the limit of his eyesight, so that blood oozes from the corners of his eyes.

"Oh, I'm going! Hahaha..."

Two minutes later, Jiang Lin looked up to the sky and laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth.

He actually found a cold marrow vein deep in the underground of this Great Red Lotus Hell!

A mass of cold marrow the size of a pigeon egg is already a priceless treasure, but under the ice of this Great Red Lotus Hell, there are actually so many!

"Come on! Fill all Yuan Ying's ancient mirrors!"

Jiang Lin felt that his happiness was a little unreal. Fortunately, he had to vacate all the sundries and treasures in the ancient mirror because he had to set up a formation and a barrier on Huixing Mountain.

After returning to Li Yangju, there were also a few blood orchids in the ancient mirror, which did not take up any space at all.

As soon as he said it, Jiang Lin took out the bone sword and began to chop the ice under his feet.

Second uncle's!What a perpetual ice!

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