After cutting for a while, Jiang Lin found that he couldn't cut at all. These thick ices had existed in hell for tens of thousands of years, and were harder than steel.

If you let him go all the way, the distance of [*] meters will probably make him tired enough.

"You don't care what ten thousand years of ice, I have the sun and the real fire!"

Jiang Lin attached the Sun True Fire and Samadhi True Fire in his body to the bone sword, and once again became a mining miner.

Six hours later, Jiang Lin descended directly below a hundred zhang, and in front of him was Lan Yingying's liquid cold marrow.

And it’s still a thousand years of cold marrow!

Lan Xinyan floated out of his body again and went straight into the cold marrow.

Jiang Lin took out the ancient mirror from his arms, kissed it, and said, "My little baby, give it to me as much as you like!"

Then he squatted down, and when his mind moved, the blue liquid began to flow into the ancient mirror.

It was not until an hour later that the Mirror Void Realm space in the ancient mirror was completely filled with ten thousand years of cold essence, and Jiang Lin took it back into his arms.

"I'm going! I only got half of it!"

Looking at the remaining cold marrow, Jiang Lin suddenly felt that he had lost a lot, and he had no other storage tools.

He couldn't take away the remaining cold marrow.

Chapter [*] Auspicious God!

Jiang Lin pinched his chin and rolled his eyes a few times, but he really couldn't think of a way to do it. If he went back first, after the cold marrow stored in the ancient mirror was processed, it would be a long time since the underworld was here.

Neither Judge Lu nor himself is in charge of hell, and it will not be easy to enter hell again at that time.

Forget it, bring the news of the cold marrow vein to Judge Lu, and slaughter more useful things from him, and if the above knows that I have found a cold marrow vein, maybe it will reward a lot of treasures.

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Lin chose to settle for the next best thing. No matter what, the cold marrow here is the product of hell, even if he finds a chance to come in next time and collect all the cold marrow, this is in case. It was found that it was also a problem.

No, I still feel at a loss!

Jiang Lin opened his mouth to inhale, and the cold marrow was sucked into his abdomen like a stream of water.

If someone knew that this Lan Yingying liquid was Wannian Cold Marrow, it was estimated that they would be able to scold, since ancient times, no one may drink Wannian Cold Marrow like water!

Jiang Lin was not sick, hurt or hurt, and he didn't make a breakthrough, just like this, the cow was drinking the cold marrow of ten thousand years.

It's just a waste of money! ! !


After burping, Jiang Lin shook his stomach, recalled Lan Xinyan into his body, and started digging the tunnel again.

Because the Great Red Lotus Hell is full of extreme cold, the previously excavated passageway has been frozen and now needs to be re-excavated.

When Jiang Lin returned to the ground again, he was already sweating all over, not because he was tired, but because he made up for it all at once.

After resting for a while, Jiang Lin continued to head towards the central area.

"The state is not bad, and the Yang Yan in the body has absorbed the medicinal effect of the cold marrow, and it is in an active state. It depends on how many red lotuses can be collected."

Jiang Lin looked at the coquettish red lotus in front of him, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly. If he didn't have the cold marrow before, he conservatively estimated that he should be able to swallow three red lotus karma, but now, it is very likely to double.

And if he can collect such a large amount of red lotus karmic fire, the probability that the source of hellfire and hellfire will be born in his body will be greatly increased.

In the past, Jiang Lin also had the idea of ​​collecting Netherflame and Hellfire from the Eight Hot Hells in the past, but those two flames did not improve him much compared to the Red Lotus Karmic Fire, so he did not mention it to Judge Lu. , but first plan to collect the red lotus karmic fire.

After all, this kind of strange fire is evolved from the flames of the underworld and the fire of the hell. If you get three for one, you don't need to spend extra effort.

After calming himself down, Jiang Lin sat cross-legged. He threw out the Yang Yan Whip, dragged a Karmic Fire Red Lotus, and then put it into his mouth.

As soon as the red lotus entered the body, Jiang Lin let out a groan. He felt that his three souls and seven souls were like being scorched by a red-hot iron cannon.

"Second uncle, am I a celestial master, or Mao Zong..."

Jiang Lin held his head, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. In the past, when he collected other strange fires, he was not as tormented as this time.

If he hadn't experienced it himself, Jiang Lin would not have believed that his Heavenly Master-level strength and Mao Zong-level corpse would have no effect in the face of Red Lotus Karma.

The damage of this kind of flame to the soul really ignores the defense!

After this matter, I must go to Judge Lu to slaughter some treasures that enhance the soul!

Jiang Lin made up his mind to strengthen his spirit and soul. Compared with his Taoism and his physical body, these two were indeed his shortcomings.

Over the years, he has taken a lot of forbidden medicinal materials and blood orchid, but even so, now he is still tortured by the red lotus fire.

In fact, Jiang Lin's own shortcomings are already very strong compared to others.

It's just that the spirit and soul themselves are extremely fragile, and no matter how they are strengthened, it is difficult to make a qualitative change.

For comparison, other people's spirits and souls are like a mass of cotton wool, while Jiang Lin's is like cotton petals in cotton bolls.

Jiang Lin endured the severe pain from his soul, mobilized the Yang Yan in his body, and surrounded the red lotus karmic fire scattered all over his body.

Then the blue heart flame nourished by the cold marrow rushed into the red lotus and froze it.

After a little breath, Jiang Lin took out a blood orchid from the ancient mirror and swallowed it. After that, he let the Sun Fire and Samadhi fire and other strange fires in his body rush towards the Red Lotus Karmic Fire together.

"Fortunately, I found the cold marrow earlier, which made Lan Xinyan grow a lot, otherwise it would be a serious crime."

Half an hour later, Jiang Lin was panting heavily, this time his Lan Xinyan could be considered a great achievement.

Otherwise, even if the other strange fires eat away at the red lotus karmic fire, it will be difficult to stop it from burning the soul.

Jiang Lin took a short rest before continuing again. Having learned from the previous experience, he followed the same method. When the red lotus karmic fire entered his body, he used the blue heart flame as the striker, and then drove the rest of the strange fire to devour it quickly.

"Today is a good day!"

After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Lin stood up with a satisfied expression on his face.

Although all the blood orchids he brought were used up, he also swallowed the seven red lotus karmic fires, and in his body, the origins of the flames and hellfire were also born.

After receiving three kinds of strange fires at once, and also harvesting a huge amount of ten thousand years of cold essence, Jiang Lin is really in a good mood and wants to hum a song.

Even if you suffer some sins in the process, it's worth it!

"Ahem, Judge Lu, I don't think [*] pounds of Qingming Iron is enough. Eighty pounds. Besides, you can prepare me some medicinal materials that can strengthen the soul and spirit..."

When Jiang Lin returned to Judge Lu's judge's hall, he spoke to Red Beard with a cross talk.

"Stop, stop, let me stay where it's cool!"

Judge Lu listened to Jiang Lin's stand-up cross talk to himself, and he was not angry.

Still slaughtered, just slaughtered, this has not returned blood yet, and then slaughtered.

What a slaughtering pig! ! !

"That's alright, it just so happened that I found a ten thousand year cold marrow vein in the Eight Cold Hells, and I went to Judge Di to chat."

After Jiang Lin finished speaking, he was ready to swagger out of the judge's hall.



Ten thousand years of cold marrow?Ten thousand years of cold marrow veins!

Judge Lu was stunned for a moment, then rushed over like a scud, grabbed Jiang Lin, and asked, "Brother Jiang, what did you just say? Wannian Cold Marrow Vein?"

"Yes, I happened to find it in the Eight Cold Hells. The specific location, since you have this attitude, I will find someone else."

"Don't tell me, Brother Jiang, don't tell me! It's easy to say anything, [*] jin is [*] jin, no, [*] jin! As long as what you say is true!"

Judge Lu stretched out his arms and hugged Jiang Lin fiercely. Now he felt that auspicious stars were no longer enough to describe Jiang Lin.

Simply auspicious gods!

Auspicious God - Jiang Lin!

As long as it comes, there must be something good!

The first thousand and eighty-ninth chapters fly back and forth

"roll roll roll."

Jiang Lin pushed Judge Lu far away and was hugged by an old alcoholic, which almost made him feel sick to his stomach.

"Hey, that... Brother Jiang, it's not that I don't believe you, Lu Hu, it's just that the information you said is unbelievable. Can you tell me in detail what's going on?"

Judge Lu laughed dryly, rubbed his palms, and looked at Jiang Lin with a wide mouth.

Although he knew that Jiang Lin was not a nonsense person, what the latter said was too terrifying, and he had to confirm it.

"Well, such a thing is indeed a fantasy, so I'll let Judge Lu see the real thing."

Jiang Lin opened his palm, and the pores in his palm gradually seeped droplets, and finally gathered into a ball of blue liquid. This is the ten thousand-year cold marrow that has not been digested in his body, and he was carried out of the body with spiritual power.

"Cold marrow, really cold marrow!"

Judge Lu gave a strange cry, and then quickly asked where Jiang Lin's cold marrow veins were located.

Now he was so excited that he was the bridegroom officer. Since Jiang Lin showed the cold marrow to others, the matter of the cold marrow can't be faked.

But what he couldn't figure out was that in the eight cold hells, the treasure of cold marrow would actually be born.

"It's in the Great Red Lotus Hell, about fifty miles underground from the center of hell, and about a hundred meters away from the ice surface. The strange fire in my body sensed the treasure, which prompted me to check it out, otherwise I wouldn't be able to find it. Sigh! It's a pity, so many thousand years of cold marrow, I don't have a container, I can only drink it in my stomach, hiccup~"

Jiang Lin deliberately pretended that there were not too many treasures like Hansui anyway.

"Cold marrow, you actually drink it directly? You are a huge waste!"

Judge Lu rolled his eyes, and Jiang Lin gulped down something as good as Wannian Hansui.

Jiang Lin said without blushing and heartbeat: "Then what can I do, I don't have anything to put on, I said Judge Lu, I found the cold marrow vein, you have to get me some anyway, I'll keep it. Feed Qingmingtie and your own magic weapon."

"I'll try my best to give you the whole thing, let's not talk about it, I have to go to the Temple of Civil and Military Judges."

Judge Lu didn't have the heart to hear what Jiang Lin wanted the cold marrow to use, so he went out after tidying up.

As for Jiang Lin's request for Hansui, he would naturally take it to heart.

For him now, Jiang Lin is more auspicious than auspicious stars. Even if he wears his tongue, he has to meet Jiang Lin's needs.

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