This auspicious deity must be given a good life.

"Wait for your good news."

Jiang Lin smiled, then left the Hall of Judges and went to the stone castle where he lived in the Southwest Region.

A day later, the Eight Cold Hells came to a lot of big people, and even the Ten Kings of Hell came to several. The Wannian Cold Essence in the Great Red Lotus Hell is also a very precious treasure to them.

It's just that they didn't expect that cold marrow would actually form in the Eight Cold Hells, and it was discovered by a small yin division.

On the same day, Judge Lu brought the Qingming Iron, Cold Marrow and other treasures that Jiang Lin needed to the stone castle where Jiang Lin temporarily lived.

What left Jiang Lin speechless was that Judge Lu actually said that Judge Cui asked him if he wanted to go to other hells, whether it was the Eight-Hot Hell, the Blood Lake Hell, or even the Eighteenth Hell.

No time!

Jiang Lin refused directly, co-authoring this as a treasure hunt radar?

In fact, he guessed right. This time, Judge Cui really had the idea of ​​using him as a treasure hunter to see if he could find similar treasures in other hells.

Last time, Jiang Lin didn't know what luck he had, and encountered Luo Hu's wreckage. This time, he found Wannian Cold Essence. Even Judge Cui thought it was a good thing and would take the initiative to find Jiang Lin.

After the Judge Lu was blasted away, Jiang Lin opened a square pond under the stone fort, and arranged a magic circle for raising utensils.

He intends to use the cold marrow to cultivate the hundred catties of Qingming Iron in his hand. In addition to the Qingming Iron, the Japanese Gold Wheel and Zheng Bone Sword in his body can also be put into it.

The time in the underworld is almost ten times as long as in the yangjian. Using such a time difference, coupled with the material treasures such as cold marrow, can improve the quality of these instruments and materials a lot.

Taking advantage of the time to set up the magic circle, Jiang Lin let the charm in the shadow run out, and ordered it to go to the realm to bring down the magic weapons such as the Ice Soul Sword and the Yanlei Sword.

The sneaky brother knew that he had a charm on him, so he just opened a ghost door and let the charm in and out.

After arranging the magic circle, Jiang Lin poured the cold marrow that Judge Lu sent and the cold essence he had collected into it.

He didn't even know how rich he was by using Wannian Cold Essence to cultivate gold, iron and magic weapons. If he was so embarrassed that he was known, he wouldn't want to be friends with him.

After returning to the realm, Jiang Lin emptied all the cold marrow from the ancient mirror, and almost all the jade containers in his house were used up.

The space in the ancient mirror is not small at all.

"I can finally rest well, salted fish, I want to be a salted fish!"

After sending all the cold marrow into the storage room, Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief, and now he doesn't want to leave the house at all.

Since then, Jiang Lin has lived a life like a salted fish.

Just when Jiang Lin was living a normal life, all kinds of dark tides began to surge in Middle Earth.

The research results of the Japanese ninja group on the different techniques were brought back to the Middle Earth, and gradually spread in the dark, causing a lot of competition among the evil cultivators.

At the same time, the Japanese monastic community did not know where to get the news. They found out that the Chinese dragon vein was located in the central and southern parts of Shu, and a large number of magicians and ninjas disguised as businessmen mixed into the Middle Earth and gathered in Shu. .

At the end of the year, because the news of Jiang Lin sweeping the Japanese monastic world had already spread, the generals who accompanied Master Sammo Hung to ascend to Tao basically returned to their Taoist temples, preparing for a good New Year and taking a good rest. .

After all, when Jiang Lin arrived in Japan alone, the entire monastic world in Japan was greatly damaged. Logically speaking, they should be honest for a while.

Even Master Hong Jinbao didn't expect that those ninjas would attack them when they were short of manpower.

Although Jiang Lin wrote to Master Hong Jinbao to introduce the different techniques studied by the Japanese yin-nin, they also took precautions, but they were still defeated because they were outnumbered and suffered heavy casualties.

According to the leaked dragon energy, the oriental art master found Lingyun Cave, the entrance to the underground world, and entered it in a big way.

It's too hard to hunt down Fei Zong Daoist Chunhua and his four apprentices in the underground world.

Originally, Fei Zong had not sucked blood in the underground world for nearly ten years. After a few years of grinding, he might be wiped out, but at this moment, someone came to give blood.

The magicians and ninjas who entered Lingyun Grotto were all bitten by Fei Zong and died in the cave, and Fei Zong also escaped from Lingyun Grotto with the smell of those unlucky ones because of the supplement of blood.


Fei Zong escaped and screamed in the sky, and the river under the Leshan Giant Buddha set off a huge wave of ten meters high.

Chapter [*]: Natural disasters and corpse disasters

The news that the Dragon Vessels in Shu Di was discovered by Dongyang Yaodao and that Fei Zong appeared in the world did not come out in time.

One reason is that Master Hong Jinbao and others were seriously injured and separated from each other. They were either in a coma or recovering from their injuries.

Another reason is that after the appearance of the Flying Freeze, a rare snow disaster swept across the Middle Earth, especially in Hunan and Shu. There is no way to deliver the message at all.

Even in Guangdong, where Jianglin is located, a heavy snowfall, which has not been seen in a century, was covered with white snow, three or four inches thick.

"It seems that Huo Qilin is right, all kinds of catastrophe will happen one after another."

Li Yang curie, Jiang Lin stood in the yard, looking at the thick clouds in the sky and muttering to himself.

When the great earthquake in Shu land caused the turmoil of the dragon veins, it foreshadowed that there would be various natural disasters visiting the Middle Earth, but Jiang Lin did not expect that the snow disaster would be so severe this time.

Even the Guangdong and Guangxi areas have fallen so heavy that the power lines have been crushed, not to mention the northern areas.

"Even if there is some catastrophe, will it have a direct impact on me?"

Jiang Lin pressed his eyebrows, he occasionally felt uneasy these days, and he didn't know what was going on.

"Husband, what are you thinking? You just became the groom's officer yesterday and brought sister Xiaochuan home, so why are you frowning today. The sisters are all playing snowball fights in the back garden. Why don't you go and play together."

Wearing a golden fox fur coat, Ren Tingting came to the courtyard, snuggled into Jiang Lin's arms, and reached out to stroke his eyebrows.

Jiang Lin wrapped his arms around Ren Tingting and said, "I won't go. Your sisters have such a good relationship, and then they will all beat me up."

Ren Tingting laughed and said, "Husband, today is the eighth day of the first day, we have been married for ten years."

She has been married to Jiang Lin for ten years, and now Jiang Lin's love for her and Ren Zhuzhu is still the same as before, and after such a long time, there is no trace of time on their faces. Here, she has a happy smile on her face.

"It's been ten years, no wonder my Tingting, you are farting now) (His thighs are wider than shoulders."

"No way!"

Ren Tingting broke away from Jiang Lin's arm and looked at her figure.

It really is!

"It seems that I have to eat less in the future, I have gained so much weight."

"You should eat and drink, and don't have the idea of ​​losing weight."

Jiang Lin pinched Ren Tingting's pretty face, his lovely wife thought she was getting fat, but it was actually caused by his husband's constant work at night.

While teasing Ren Tingting, Jiang Lin suddenly frowned, and then said, "Go and continue playing with Chili and the others."

Just now, the commander Yin on him suddenly shook, and he didn't know what message the hell sent him again.


Ren Tingting took a sip on Jiang Lin's lips and went to the back garden.

Jiang Lin put Commander Yin in the palm of his hand and checked the information above.

In an instant, the aura on his body exploded completely, shaking the white snow on the ground to disperse and rushing all around.

"Brother Jiang, it is recorded in the life and death book that there will be disasters for the younger brothers and sisters. The specific reason is unknown."

The information on Commander Yin is these words, sent by Judge Wang in the underworld.

No wonder I always feel uneasy during this time.

Is it a disease?It's impossible, Chili Tingting and the others have eaten so many treasures, and they are almost immune to all diseases.

And if it is a disease, it cannot be recorded in the life and death book, and it will not be "the cause is unknown".

What is not recorded in the book of life and death, could it be evil?Zombies?Or is something ominous coming?

Jiang Lin frowned, unable to guess the reason for a while.

He wanted to go down to the underworld to ask Judge Wang for the specific reason, so that he could take precautions, but after thinking about it, Judge Wang had already received so many benefits from him. If he knew the reason, he would definitely explain in detail. For no reason.

Since then, Jiang Lin has stayed at home to protect his wife from accidents.

It happens that there will be snow every three or five, and he doesn't need to go out.

It was not until late March that the rain and snow had completely passed, and after another half a month, someone in Shu brought news.

"Daoist Li Yang, Fei Zong! Fei Zong is here!"

The dirty general Shengdao Zhang shouted as soon as he saw Jiang Lin.

"Flying stiff!"

Jiang Lin was stunned when he heard the words. Although he always knew that Fei Zong was in the underground world of Shu Di and could not be trapped in it forever, he couldn't help but be shocked when he heard the news that it had come out of the hole.

It has been nearly ten years since this flying zombie entered the underground world, and now it has finally appeared again.

"Now that the situation has grown out of control..."

Jiang Shengdao didn't even bother to drink a sip of tea, and quickly told Jiang Lin what happened during this time.

Since Fei Zong left Lingyun Cave a year ago, there has been heavy snow in various places. Daoist Chunhua, who has been chasing Fei Zong, has also lost the trace of Fei Zong. Due to the snow disaster, they can no longer track them. .

And Fei Zong took advantage of this rare opportunity to cause trouble everywhere.

But these things could not be spread at all. The corpses and living people that were attacked by the corpse poison of Flying Zombies had already turned into corpses. More than three months later, those zombies did not know how far they had run.

I don't know how many people were harmed by these zombies and assimilated into zombies.

This time, the flying stiffness is a disaster. With the cooperation of natural disasters, the consequences are more serious than any time.

Even if the infectivity of the zombies bitten by it is not as good as that of the zombies in Chunlai Town, these zombies have not decreased but increased in more than three months, and because of the heavy snow, people are spending the New Year at home. It's the end of the group.

Therefore, the corpse disaster this time is even worse than the zombie disaster in Chunlai Town!

In addition to the zombies that turned into corpses, there is also a source of chaos, Fei Zong, which can fly to the ground, and in one day, I don't know how far it can run.

Luckily, in some areas, there may be zombies everywhere.

When they arrived in Shu, they all felt their scalps go numb when they heard the news.

After Master Hong Jinbao and the others recovered from their injuries, they also sent people to spread the news, but because of the heavy snowfall, all those who sent the letter had an accident.

And the Lingyun Grotto in Shu couldn't be left unguarded, so they could only be anxious.

In addition to the matter of Fei Zong, Chief Dao Sheng also talked about the Toyo Yodo and the ninja.

"Daoist Li Yang, the matter is urgent, and the poor Daoist has no time to stay here, so he must inform other colleagues of these matters. Now that you are dead, it may be only you, Daoist Li Yang, who can stamina to turn the tide."

Zhang Shengdao's heart is very heavy. Many years ago, after he knew that Fei Zong appeared in the world, he was not too frightened, but since then, Fei Zong disappeared strangely, and did not cause any calamity. Gradually, he became fast. Forgot about Fei Zong.

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