But now, it's time to come!

Chapter [*]: Thousand Miles Chasing the Corpse (Part [*])

  "I see."

  Jiang Lin nodded. He didn't leave the leader of the ascendant to rest here. The latter's body was stained with mud, maybe he fell from a horse, and he didn't even have time to change his clothes, which showed his eagerness.

  "It seems that Judge Wang's reminder should be on Fei Zong's body."

  Jiang Lin's face sank. During this time, he carefully inspected Chen Yu and the others' bodies, and there was no abnormality at all. In order to avoid anything ominous, he increased the amount of medicinal materials in the forbidden area, even the youngest Zhang Zhang. Xiaochuan, he also supplemented a lot of material treasures for him.

  If there was anything else that would threaten them, it might be the Flying Freeze.

  Zombies are very vengeful, especially after the intelligence is widened, it is really "this vengeance is not a zombie".

  Jiang Lin was once in the Yaochi Immortal Castle in Shu, and screamed that flying zombie, and when he joined hands with Daoist Chunhua, he took all the hatred on himself.

  Not to mention flying dead, that is, if Jiang Lin himself was caught in this way by others, he would definitely not be able to let it go, and he had to make the other party pay a blood-like price.

  So he has no doubt that after Fei Zong comes out, he will find him for revenge.

  After thinking for a while, Jiang Lin made up his mind and was ready to take the initiative.

  Now that he has the capital to fight Fei Zong for life and death, instead of waiting for Fei Zong to find him and always on guard, he might as well take the initiative to break the sharp sword hanging from his head.

  Moreover, the Yang Jade that Daoist Chunhua once gave him has not faded or broken, which shows that Daoist Chunhua has not been planted in Fei Zong's hands. With his current cultivation base, corpse level and various abilities , plus the Japanese Golden Wheel, the Three Treasures of Emei, and the Yanlei Sword and other magical instruments in his hand, if it is supplemented by the formation method, and another peak Tianshi joins hands, killing a weak Fei Zong is not a problem. impossible.

  After making up his mind, Jiang Lin went to the garden and told his wives about Fei Zong's reappearance in the world. He couldn't hide this kind of thing from them.

  The last time he went to Zuo Ci's tomb, he didn't say anything. As a result, Chen Yu and the others were all angry, so he coaxed him for a long time.

  "Husband, take us with you."

  Xiaoli and Xiaoqian asked Jiang Lin to take them over to deal with Feizong.

  "Not this time, absolutely not. The last time I dealt with the Vampire King and let you go down together, because there was no worries. This time you all have to stay. What if it finds here when I go out to find Fei Zong?"


  "Okay, I'll have the final say this time, or patpat will swell you up."

  Jiang Lin's attitude is very firm. He is worried about the safety of his wives, so he will take the initiative to eliminate the threat. If Xiao Li and the others face Fei Zong, there will definitely be a situation, and as he said, in case he Staggering with Fei Zong, if the home is empty, then there will be a big problem.

  The four ghost wives all pouted, but what Jiang Lin said was not without reason, they couldn't insist like last time.

  Bai Miner and Caiyi were also blocked by Jiang Lin for this reason.

  In order to solve his worries, Jiang Lin took a part of the cold marrow in the storage room and poured it into the ingredients of the Tianlong barrier. At the same time, he also explained to Chen Yu and the others that if they came over, he would use the cold marrow as the material. Provides the power of the Dragon Barrier.

  After that, Jiang Lin made another trip to the underworld, and took back all the magic tools in the treasure pool in the stone castle.

  "House cat, this time I'll take you and the unicorn corpse out. Mouse and Xiaobai stay at home. You go and bring all the remaining explosives in the house."

  Jiang Lin looked at the two demon kings and a big demon on the opposite side, and then ordered Panlan Tiger King to carry the explosives.

  He only used part of the explosives left over from the army's bombing of his Li Yang residence when he dealt with Zuo Ci, and there was a lot of the rest.

  Back then, he used his own king to fry Jinwu Suyangdu in Yaochi Immortal Treasure, only to fry Fei Zong with a layer of skin, this time he got four big kings.

  And bring four more Ace (A)!

  Add dynamite to Jinwu yangyang, and then the explosion is done.

  "You two, here is the ten thousand years of cold essence. If Fei Zong comes and breaks the Tianlong barrier, you will rely on it to support me until I come back. During this period, you need to buy time.”

  Jiang Lin handed the two bottles of cold marrow to the Flying Rat King. Although Fei Zong should not have taken advantage of his absence by coincidence, he must take all possibilities into consideration to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

  He saw a yin and yang talisman for communication in an ancient book. As long as one party shreds it, the person holding the other half will feel it. He has used the system to upgrade it to the full level, so that it will not be at home. He didn't know what had happened.

  As for these cold marrow, although it is extremely precious, Jiang Lin still doesn't care about the safety of his home. As long as his wives are safe, even if all the ten thousand years of cold marrow he received are used up, he doesn't care.

  After explaining everything that could be explained, and leaving behind the Ice Soul Sword, Soul Suppressing Sword, and Demon Demon Bow and Arrow, Jiang Lin and Panlan Tiger King left Liyang Residence and headed west all the way.

  Now he didn't know where Fei Zong was. Since there had been heavy snow in Shu before, Daoist Chunhua and his four apprentices should not have gone far around Shu.

  And he doesn't have any sign of flying stiff now, so he must ask Master Hong Jinbao.

  Even Jiang Lin himself did not expect that it would be two full years since he left.

  In the past two years, he has traveled almost all over Middle-earth, chasing and killing Fei Zong all the time, and almost fell into a big somersault several times.

  Two days later, Jiang Lin arrived in Shu and met Master Hong Jinbao.

  Because Master Hong Jinbao was alone and helpless, he seemed to be fighting for his life around Lingyun Grotto. He had to deal with the later Eastern Demon Dao and Yi Nin, and he had gone through many battles, big and small.

He used to be a big fat man, but now, almost all the fat on his body is gone, and there are new injuries and old injuries all over his body.

Chapter [*]: Thousand Miles Chasing the Corpse (Part [*])

"Jiang Lin, you are finally here."

Master Hong Jinbao breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Jiang Lin's arrival. This time he was really exhausted.

Now that the position of the dragon veins has been leaked out, there will inevitably be a large number of magicians and ninjas swarming, but at this time, there is another flying zombie that is almost impossible to deal with.

Really frustrating.

But now that Jiang Lin is here, he finally has a reassurance.

Jiang Lin had already killed the golden-armored zombie comparable to Mao Zong a few years ago. If he gathered the power of all the Taoist priests in the world, he should be able to deal with that Fei Zong.

Although the situation is very dire, it is fortunate that it is not only despair.

"Master, these are some medicinal herbs for strengthening the body and cultivating vitality. You can fry it, and it will be beneficial to the body's injuries."

Jiang Lin took a medicine bag from his arms and handed it to Master Hong Jinbao.

Now that Fei Zong is out, Jiang Lin is not stingy with the treasures in his hands. If he deals with Fei Zong, it may be a battle of life and death.

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