Jiang Lin then inquired about Master Hong Jinbao's specific situation, including Fei Zong's whereabouts and the whereabouts of Daoist Chunhua and the others.

Although it has been more than three months, it is better to have a direction than a mess.

Master Sammo Hung informed Jiang Lin of the detailed information. After listening to his remarks, Jiang Lin said, "Master, the situation is serious now.

"It's all up to you!"

Master Sammo Hung nodded. Jiang Lin's cultivation level was already outstanding, and he had also seen his commanding ability. Now that Jiang Lin was going to be the commander, he naturally had no objection.

"Everything is based on the head of Daoist Li Yang!"

The other Taoists also responded in unison, expressing their willingness to wait for Jianglin's dispatch.

"it is good."

Jiang Lin nodded and continued: "Master Hong Jinbao, the ascended Daoist has gone to inform the fellows from all over the world. When they arrive, you are responsible for choosing some of them to stay here. I don't know the news of Fei Zong yet, so I will take the lead to track them down. , try to intercept the source of the disaster. If you find it, someone will notify you and make a mark along the way. As for the villages and towns that have suffered from the corpse disaster, the work of saving people and destroying the corpse will also be handed over to the master to deploy."

Whether it's for yourself or to solve this corpse problem, directly pinching the source is the most effective way. Otherwise, there may not be as many places for the aftermath as there are places for the scourge of the dead.

And if Fei Zong is allowed to go on like this, its power will only get stronger and more difficult to deal with.

After Jiang Lin explained his plan, he jumped on the tiger's back and headed north.

Unfortunately, he searched in the direction that Master Hong Jinbao said for a while, but did not find any trace of Master Chunhua and his four disciples.

Three months later, Jiang Lin found the trace of Fei Zong in Shanxi, and since then, his long-lasting battle with Fei Zong has really started.



On the fifteenth day of the seventh month, the bright moon was in the sky, and two roars of zombies could be heard from a mountain forest, scaring the birds living in the forest to flutter their wings.

Jiang Lin was wearing a Flood Dragon armor, his hair was hanging down to his waist, his fangs were buckling out, and there were evil war marks on his face, and the opposite of him was the Fei Zong who once made him a sword hanging over his head.

At this moment, Fei Zong wanted to scold his mother in his heart.

When it was in the underground palace of Yaochi Immortal Castle, when it met the Taoist priest on the opposite side, the latter was just an ordinary Celestial Master, but after nearly ten years have passed, the cultivation level of this little Taoist priest has actually reached the peak of the Celestial Master, which is better than that of the Taoist priest. His old friend, Daoist Master Chunhua, is even stronger, enough to threaten its life!

What kind of fertilizer did Nima eat?

Is it really a matter of climbing stairs? ? ?

What's more outrageous is that this Taoist priest can actually turn into a zombie, and the corpse has reached the level of hairy.

Blood mother outrageous!

In addition, this little Taoist did not know where to receive two younger brothers, one is the demon king and the other is the zombie king.

Before today, Fei Zong really didn't pay much attention to Jiang Lin, but now, it has to take this little Taoist seriously.

Fly stiff, but still strong.

Jiang Lin stared at Fei Zong, now this guy is much stronger than when he broke out of the ice.

Even if he is at his peak now, he still doesn't have much confidence in his heart.

In fact, when Jiang Lin encountered Fei Zong in Yaochi Immortal Treasure's underground palace, although there was a battle with him, Fei Zong did not fully show his power at that time.

Even if it belongs to a weaker level in the flying stiffness level, it is still a real flying stiffness.

And the Zuo Ci he dealt with a few years ago, in terms of corpses, has not yet reached the level of flying stiffness.

And this time it was Jiang Lin who found and caught up with Fei Zong. The magic circle, enchantment, and explosives were too late to set up. In this case, it was indeed extremely dangerous for him to fight Fei Zong.

Fortunately, the colorful tiger king and the corpse of the unicorn are on both sides, forming a three-talented attack, which can share a lot of pressure for him.

"For so many years, you have been a sword hanging over my head. Fortunately, I have had nearly ten years to grow up. You will die!"

Jiang Lin roared wildly, and then charged towards Fei Zong again with the bone sword upside down.

That night, all kinds of deafening sounds broke out in the whole mountain forest. The rocks collapsed, the trees were broken, and the ground was a mess.

After this battle, Jiang Lin's palms were pierced through by Fei Zong's nails. If he hadn't reacted quickly, his eyes might have been shot blind.

Jiang Lin's corpse had enhanced defenses, but even so, he was almost stunned.

In addition to being shot through with his palms, Jiang Lin's neck also became bloody. He was sprayed with a large mouthful of "thick phlegm" from Feijian. The venom was like strong acid, corroding his skin.

If it weren't for the Flood Dragon Battle Armor on his body, I'm afraid his entire chest and abdomen would be eroded.

As for the colorful tiger king and the unicorn corpse, they also suffered a lot of damage. One lay on the ground and growled low, while the other leaned against the tree and hissed softly.

"Don't go, let's fight until dawn!"

Jiang Lin threw the two vials containing the cold essence to the colorful tiger king, disregarding his own injury, and chased after him.

This flying stiff was very slick. Seeing that he had suffered a lot, he no longer entangled with him and flew away.

It took him so long to find the trace of this flying zombie, and he certainly couldn't just let it escape.

Chapter [*]: Thousand Miles Chasing the Corpse (Part [*])

Three days later, Jiang Lin asked Panlan Tiger King to continue tracking Fei Zong, and he went to the local Chunyang Palace to spread the news of Fei Zong, and let the Xuanshui Taoist Master of Chunyang Palace try to notify Master Hong Jinbao.

After leaving Chunyang Palace, Jiang Lin continued to chase after the sign made by the colorful tiger king on the road.

However, since Fei Zong was trapped in the underground world of Shudi by Daoist Chunhua and the others, he has been wise enough to eat and grow. It runs away when it sees signs of something wrong, especially the kind of running that doesn't touch the ground.

It can fly to the sky and the ground, fly in the sky at night, and escape into the ground during the day. Even if Jiang Lin has the ability, he can't do anything about it.

This situation is similar to Jiang Lin facing Lan Dali and Xu Fu. Although he cannot face the demon emperor and the two green-eyed zombies head-on, unless he is blocked, if he wants to run away, Lan Dali and the others will still Really can't get him.

"Second uncle, will this guy keep running like this until it recovers to its peak?"

Three months later, Jiang Lin roasted game at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains and rested temporarily.

He was really depressed. Since the last battle with Fei Zong, he has been chasing behind Fei Zong for three months, chasing from Shanxi to Tianshan, and the distance in a straight line is a full [*] miles!

Damn, it's so damn hard to kill only Feizhuo!

Jiang Lin took a bite of the barbecue, thinking about how to deal with Fei Zong. Now this guy has made up his mind not to entangle with him. His formation and explosives are useless. If this goes on, when Fei Zong recovers completely, That would be much harder to deal with.

What's more embarrassing is that now he is alone with a demon king and a zombie king.

Although Jiang Lin left a mark on the road, he and Fei Zong were both too fast for Master Hong Jinbao and the others to chase them away.

Is it really necessary to use the Japanese gold wheel?

Jiang Lin frowned. His golden wheel had been soaked in cold marrow for almost ten years in the holding tank of the underworld stone fort. He had replenished a lot of spirituality and was able to carry him to fly in the sky, but the time would not be too long. long.

However, if the spiritual power is consumed for flying, even if it catches up with Fei Zong, the Japanese Golden Wheel may not be able to exert much attack power.

Without the means of freeing the sky, it is really too difficult to deal with a flying zombie.

In the age of monks, flying stiffness could be dealt with at least by monks at the level of Pill Peak. Besides their cultivation, flying in the sky was also a very important factor.

Otherwise, it is not difficult to catch Fei Zong.

Just as Jiang Lin was thinking about how to deal with it, his heart skipped a beat.


Before Rong Jianglin could react, an arm suddenly drilled out next to where he was sitting and grabbed his ankle.

Fei Zong didn't know when, he killed a carbine and came back!

Although Jiang Lin responded immediately and turned into a stiff hair, it was still too late and was dragged into the ground.


Panlan Tiger King immediately jumped up and slammed into the cave on the ground, but there was no trace of Jiang Lin anywhere.

"I'm knocking mommy!"

At this time, Jiang Lin was already ten meters deep underground, and Fei Zong clamped his shoulders, and the corpse poison comparable to sulfuric acid hydrochloric aqua regia was sprayed out of Fei Zong's mouth and rushed towards his face.

Jiang Lin now experienced the feeling of being sprayed on his face with a mouthful of salt soda.

Being hit directly by such a strong acid corpse poison, even a cultivator who had formed an elixir would not be able to escape this death catastrophe.

Fei Zong planned a surprise attack, and then launched a full blow, this is no joke.

"You goddamn bad breath!"

Jiang Lin let out a roar of extreme anger. His eyes were corroded by the deadly corpse poison and the pain was extremely severe. It was a hundred times more painful than the chili oil poured into his eyes, and he couldn't open them at all.

Resisting the severe pain in his eyes and face, Jiang Lin wrapped his arms around his neck. Under this ground, he couldn't move, and it was almost impossible to get rid of the entanglement of the flying stiffness. In this case, he could only Protect yourself first.

Jiang Lin really didn't expect that he would make a big somersault this time. For the past few months, he has been playing the role of a hunter, and subconsciously thought that Fei Zong would not confront him until he fully recovered.

This kind of thinking also directly led to his current predicament.

"Ho ho ho..."

There was a strange laugh in Fei Zong's throat. One of its sharp claws directly digged into the flesh and blood of Jiang Lin's shoulder, and it freed up an arm to frantically grab on Jiang Lin's arm protecting his neck.

Every time he grabbed it, a few strips of meat were taken off Jiang Lin's arm.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Jiang Lin's right fist, like pounding, kept bombarding Fei's stiff chest, but it didn't have much effect.

He was surrounded by corpse poison, and the gas and venom flowed, seeping in from the gap between the armor and the skin, and soon, his entire body was smeared with corroded flesh.

"I'm more ruthless than you!"

The severe pain in his entire body made Jiang Lin furious and burst into flames. He no longer punched, but used his right arm to tighten his stiff neck.

Come on, hurt each other! ! !

The Yang flame in Jiang Lin's body was released, and all kinds of flames, such as the sun's true fire, the unicorn flame, and the red lotus karmic fire, poured out together, and rushed towards Fei Zong.


After Fei Zong was covered by Yang Yan, he suddenly let out a shrill cry.

Among the various strange fires that Jianglin possesses, the True Sun Fire and the Red Lotus Karmic Fire can cause serious damage to Fei Zong.

Especially the Red Lotus Karmic Fire, which can ignore the corpse of Fei Zong and directly burn its soul.

"Shout, I'm a mud horse! Hurt each other!"

Jiang Lin became completely ruthless, and the Ryuyang spiritual energy in his body surged wildly, increasing the fire.

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